The morning was windy and sunny. Standing on the stage were all the high-level cadres currently in Nanhai, including Dr. Tsukimi, who had come down from Bika, saying they came to see the scene and see the excitement.

Standing underneath were elite soldiers from all over the world, the Grand Line, and Fish-Man Island, standing in a square formation according to their height. Von Clay and Bonnie were also standing inside. Xiao Feng's appearance today is the same as that of other recruits. It is quite simple, but her eye makeup and eyelashes are still maintained. It is said to be the last persistence of the way of being a shemale.

Bonnie didn't eat meat at this time, she always wanted to give Big Bear some face. I saw it written in the camp rules that board and lodging are all included, and you just need to make up for the meat at noon.

Standing behind the phalanx were the fishmen soldiers brought back by Tiger. They all have the ability to stand on their fists and run horses on their arms. They look like bodybuilders and have a strong gangster temperament. Maybe Tiger might have misunderstood something when he was recruiting soldiers.

The time has come, you want to say something? It's a bit strange to start class directly like this. So many people come and leave without doing anything?

What's more embarrassing now is that no one wants to go up and speak. Dragon is usually taciturn. The big bear talks even less than the dragon. Ivankov, too lively. One smile, one smile pretending not to see, well, he really can't see.

Others have either just joined or don’t have enough positions. Finally everyone looked at Noah.

Um? it's me again? Noah stood speechless.

Everyone thinks who else could it be if he wasn’t Noah, Revolutionary Light, those thick textbooks were all written by you, why don’t you say a few words?

It's not the same thing to drag it on like this. Noah had no choice but to walk to the front of the stage and thought for a while. Let's talk about something simple. There is no need to read a high-level speech with a cloud of fog. The simple and unpretentious one is best.

I am Noah, and the world government should have introduced me to the world. It is an honor to see you all here today. Just three points.

1. With a firm purpose, you need to understand why everyone is here. They are here to build a beautiful new world, or they are here for fairness and justice, or they want to better protect their families and hometown. In the end, we must not forget our original intentions.

Second, sharpen your moral character. We cultivate strong people here, not just in terms of force, but also in spirit. A strong person must have his own virtue and conduct. A brave man is angry and draws his sword against the stronger one; a timid man is angry and draws his sword against the weaker one. I hope you are all brave.

Third, respect your teachers and friends, respect your teachers, and unite your comrades. Everyone has gathered here with lofty ideals, and it can be said that we share weal and woe. Only when we respect and love each other can we trust them.

Finally, work hard for a better new world, gentlemen!

Give a simple speech and then leave the stage. Everyone in the audience was recalling this passage. Although it was short, it was reasonable and profound. Those who knew his Adam's waistcoat clearly understood. As a great writer, wouldn't this kind of speech be easy to grasp?

In fact, Noah's palms were sweaty. Fortunately, there were many literary seniors who could borrow some, otherwise he would be embarrassed. This group of unloyal guys, how come they didn't give advance notice for such a speech? It's so dangerous.

After the opening speech, Yixiao started working according to the classes assigned in advance. Noah and the others could leave at this time.

On the way, Noah and Tiger discussed the departure time and went back to pack their things. When he returned to his room, he found that Robin had already packed Noah's things, so he could just throw them into space.

Robin will not go to Beihai this time because there are no teachers for the cultural courses in the recruit training class, and Robin is currently in charge of substitute teaching. In terms of actual cultural level, Robin was above Noah, and his degree was several times higher than Noah's.

Robin is O'Hara's official doctorate, and Noah is O'Hara's librarian, and the gap is clear.

This batch of teaching materials was all compiled and edited by Robin, and she was the first person to understand the teaching materials. She has followed Noah for many years, and she has participated in everything from the humble action plan at the beginning, to the subsequent survey of the world, to the transformation of the Grand Line, and the slave liberation movement.

Robin was just obscured by Noah's sharp edge. After being separated from Noah, people discovered that the little girl who had been following Noah also had her own light.

After a while, Robin went to the classroom with the textbook in his arms. Watching Robin leave the house, Noah suddenly had a feeling that the child had grown up and felt as lost as an old father.

After thinking for a while, I got rid of all the distracting thoughts. Since I was all working hard for my career, I had to work harder.

When I arrived at the pier, I saw Tiger already waiting there. There is a reason why he took Tiger to the North Sea. When he first attacked Mariejoia to rescue the slaves, it was Tiger who took Jinbei to rescue the slaves inside Mariejoia.

Tezog was rescued at that time and followed the ship to the windless island. Then he returned to his hometown in Beihai through the channels of the revolutionary army. So Tiger and the revolutionary army were kind to him. Noah thought it would be easier to talk things over with Tiger.

As for Noah himself, he cut a CP0 on the outside at that time, was beaten by Akainu, and was carried back on a stretcher. There were no highlight moments to remember, which was very uncomfortable. He was the one who was beaten the worst in that battle.

The natural way to go to the North Sea is to sail on the Voyager. Tiger usually just stays in the cabin, or goes to the sea to relax. His size is so eye-catching that he is easily recognized on the sea.

After the ship entered the North Sea, it encountered several groups of pirates. The security in Beihai is really bad. Chaotic, very chaotic, and a different style from Nanhai.

There are no powerful pirates or evil forces in the South China Sea, so the ruling class headed by the state uses order to oppress the people. Beihai is complicated, with many powerful villains. For example, the Don Quixote family, the Vinsmoke family and other forces have their own rules and will not pay attention to the national forces in Beihai.

And both of them have certain backgrounds. The Vinsmoke family rules the Germa Kingdom, and Vinsmoke Gaji leads the Germa 66 to trigger the Killing of the Four North Sea Kingdoms incident, beheading the heads of the four North Sea Kingdoms. And its own country is also a country recognized by the world government. Technology is very advanced.

The particularity of the Don Quixote family mainly lies in the surname Don Quixote. The head of the family, Don Quixote Doflamingo, was originally a Celestial Dragon. Because his father gave up his identity and lived in the outside world, some things happened. After listing the things, there was no going back to Marigio.

These two special forces are entrenched in the North Sea, so the environment in the North Sea is very harsh. The natural law of survival of the fittest is extremely obvious, and the lives of ordinary people are even more difficult.

This is the current situation in the North Sea.

Today, three chapters will be released at once. Thank you for your support.

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