Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1029 Illya wants to sweep the Holy Grail War


Your body is under me, my destiny is on your sword

Make your eyes blurry and your mind furious.

Prisoners on the threshold of madness. I am the operator of this chain

You are the seven heavens entwined with the three great speaking spirits, coming from the wheel of restraint and the guardian of the scales.

The ancient and dilapidated Einzbern Castle once again lit up with magical light during this night.

The moonlight fell into the hall along the holes in the wall. A dark giant stood up in the magic circle and let out a thunderous roar.

The two maids did not dare to move at all, they were so shocked by the appearance of the heroic spirit that they froze in place.

This can't be blamed on them. Who knew that the character summoned by Illya this time was so amazing.

He is over 2 meters tall, with shoulder-length black kelp-shaped hair, a red pupil in his right eye, black whites, and a golden left eye. His dark skinned body was bare-chested, his hands were tied with wrist guards, and his muscles were tightly knitted. The lower body is wearing a war skirt and the feet are bare. Holding an unmarked ax sword.

This is the heroic spirit that Illya summoned across time and space through the holy relic during the 5th Holy Grail War.

The real person is Heracles, the great hero son of Zeus in Greek mythology. Has the name of demigod.

Strength: A Durability: A Agility: A Magic: A Luck: B Noble Phantasm: A

With gorgeous statistics, it can be said that they are at the forefront of every Holy Grail War.

The Noble Phantasm 12 Trial is so exaggerated that most heroic spirits cannot solve it.

Although the level is only B, and it is an anti-person Noble Phantasm or a Noble Phantasm that only targets one person, its concept combined with the bravery of this heroic spirit has simply elevated it to an unimaginable level.

His own body becomes a tough armor, which neutralizes all attacks below level B (including level B), regardless of physical means or magic.

It has the effect of automatically reviving the body after death, and because this resurrection is stored for 11 times, Hercules will not be destroyed as long as he is not killed 12 times.

In addition, due to Illya's huge magic power, the reduced number of resuscitations can even be restored if there is time. But if he suffers huge damage, he can also take away several lives at once.

In addition to reviving and invalidating attacks, the Noble Phantasm Twelve Trials also has a third effect, which is to make an attack that has been received once have no effect the second time; for example, receiving fire damage and being healed Afterwards, the defense against fire will be +100. And you don't need to die once to gain resistance. No matter how powerful a Noble Phantasm was used to defeat Hercules, it would no longer be effective when he was resurrected.

In the 5th session, it can be called the strongest. However, due to his madness, he lost his rich sword skills, skills and some of his Noble Phantasms. Emotions are also sealed and unable to act on their own, but they have not lost the rationality that exists deep in their hearts.

The character of such a demigod who leads a heroic spirit to go berserk cannot be suppressed by ordinary people at all. I am afraid that everything will be destroyed the first time he appears. But Illya is different.

The girl, whose whole body is covered with magic circuits and has top-notch doll qualifications, is struggling to resist the opponent's pressure.

Einzbern's transformation was modeled after the Saint of Heaven, and it was a circuit that had been modified continuously over thousands of years. He actually managed to control the other party's violent emotions and restored his composure.

Ilia, who breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the big man standing in front of her with joy in his eyes. In order to obtain the holy relics of Hercules, it was possible to use the entire Einzbern network.

In this case, the Holy Grail must be in my possession. And with the protection of Hercules, the safety of the idiot brother in Fuyuki City is also guaranteed.

I, Illya von Einzbern, will step on that broken cup, hahahahaha.

Perhaps due to the influence of the madness, the little girl also began to laugh unladylikely.

Suddenly, a harsh alarm bell echoed in the empty castle, frightening the silver-haired girl who was getting carried away and almost jumped up.

The subdued servant also raised the pitch-black ax blade in front of the master, and emitted a stream of steam-like air from his mouth.

I'm sorry, Miss Illya, the alarm time I set previously has come.

The maid Sally stood up and said holding an alarm clock.

time? What time?

The girl was a little confused at first. What could be more important than this at such an important moment to summon heroic spirits?

Suddenly a light flashed through her mind, Oh my God! Is it time to go home?

Shirou, a guy the same age as her, always considered himself her older brother. Therefore, there are limits on her time to go out and play, including to do many things.

If they are disobedient, they will be lectured mercilessly like an old lady, which can last up to 1 to 2 hours.

So Illya looked at the alarm clock with a very frightened expression. It was too late. Even if she was racing, it was too late. What should I do?

Suddenly she looked at the tank-like Berserker beside her.

Although this may be very disrespectful to this demigod hero, there is no other way.

Berserker! Let's go.

The petite girl climbed onto the back of the heroic spirit and transformed into a rider. Then with a loud bang, they rushed into the air with the girl's exclamation, and laughed happily under the full moon.

That's the direction! Let's move forward, Berserker!

And this great hero seemed to still like the feeling of taking children out to play even if he went crazy. He drove straight towards Emiya's mansion at high speed, setting off a new round of urban legends.

And when Illya turned around a corner and turned Berserker into a spiritual body, she turned around and saw Shirou Emiya standing at the door with a weapon ready to go out.

It's over, my brother is going out to find him.

Seeing his sister back, Shirou breathed a sigh of relief and took Illya back to the room. After that, he rarely preached. It's the dull atmosphere that makes the girl very uneasy. This is the rhythm of something big happening.

Then Shirou stated his request, which was to let Illya return to Germany.

Although the teacher didn't say it, I can feel that the Holy Grail War is coming. It's not safe for you to stay here. It's better to go to Germany for a while first.

Illya thought that this was all a prepared response plan in advance, so she immediately began to act coquettishly and expressed that she wanted to stay with her brother for a while. She would just not go out during the Holy Grail War.

Unexpectedly, Shirou, who had always been very naive, actually said that he could take time off to accompany his sister to Germany for a while, which would be a good time to stagger the time.

This moment left Illya speechless. This stupid guy was getting smarter and smarter. This was draining the firepower.

In the original work, Shirou was worried that the Holy Grail War would affect ordinary people in Fuyuki City, so he resolutely joined it and tried his best to end this battle.

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