Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1014 Family and Comrades from Memory

This student is the true successor to the lamp.

Teacher, you can't be alone at this time. That's not what you taught me!

A full moon rose to the top of the dark space, and then broke into countless fires to ignite the place. The blood moon swordsman Gu Yina stepped forward.

Noah, the successor of the lime sword master and the siege martial arts, entered the legend of the great swordsman as a woman.

Then one after another, family members, comrades-in-arms, and comrades with whom we were bound came out.

By the time Heini realized something was wrong, it was already too late, and countless strong men had already swarmed out. How could there be such terrifying creatures stationed in this man's heart?

And why can these characters gather together in their own home stadium?

Only Noah knew that these were his memories and domineering power, completely let go in this place without any burden.

And Noah raised the word 和道 under the crowd.

Although I know none of this is true, I'm still very happy, thank you.


In the red flames, these strong men took the initiative to kill into the darkness. The endless black mud was torn to pieces, or cut into countless pieces, and some were burned and let out painful wails.

In the black world, red fire is infecting everything, and Noah begins to evolve.

It was his initial plan to condense his body through the evil in this world, but since he could take this opportunity to improve his body or concepts, wouldn't it be more beautiful?

Everyone! Come on!!!

Belobetti held the big flag high and rushed towards the dark place. Followed by endless strong men, millions of New World Alliance troops roared into the distance.

The red torrent ran wildly in the darkness, constantly attacking the city.

Finally arriving at the space where Irisviel was, 'Emiya Kiritsugu' only had time to let out a roar before he was beaten to the ground.

The situation reflected in the outside world is that under the eyes of Saber and Jin Shining, the black mud vortex began to extract a large amount of power from the hole, but it seemed to have suffered some serious damage, and a trace of red light penetrated the vortex and shone in it.

The flow of black mud is getting faster and faster, and the invisible battle is getting more intense.

Finally, after letting out endless wails, he was sucked in by a more powerful devouring force.

The black evil thoughts are continuously consumed, accompanied by the rising red light under the black sea.


Is this the sound of the heart?

Saber was a little shocked. The heart of a red dragon at the end of the Age of Gods could not emit such a shocking sound. It was not a matter of the size of the magic power, but the sense of resonance.

The human symbol within yourself is resonating.

Hua la la la la~~~

The sound of rivers, lakes and seas is the sound of blood!

Jin Shining said categorically, because in the early days of the Age of Gods, he had heard the sound of the blood flowing from those giant gods, and the surge could be felt within miles.

The two of them sensed extreme danger under the darkness at the same time, as if an ancient beast was awakening.

Gilgamesh was a little unsure that this was not Noah's noise. Why was this guy making such an exaggerated noise when he was also reorganizing his body?

This sense of danger actually gave him a sense of death. You must know that even the most powerful body should not be able to do this.

Holding Ea in hand, I am already invincible in this world.

Gilgamesh's joy for the unknown is getting heavier and heavier, Noah, give me a surprise.

As the sense of danger gradually increased, Black Mud also continued to retreat. It no longer had the endless sense of depravity and domineering power that burned the world when it first appeared.

However, it did not admit defeat. Destruction was its instinct.

It just needs support from the hole. The evil in this world will never give up. The evil thoughts of billions of human beings would not be so weak, even though they were severely injured and partially devoured by this man named Noah.

But it doesn't matter. As long as Ellie can still express her wish, it will cover this world mercilessly. At least there is no problem in destroying this country.

But some people will not allow it to continue so unbridled.

I finally have a body. This feeling is really wonderful.

Noah's voice sounded, and he felt the strength in his arms and body, and the emotion of regaining it flashed through him.

Without a physical body, I always feel like I'm missing something. Of course, it's also important to take out clothes from the space and put them on, but you can't be as dishonest as Jin Shining.

After getting dressed, it's time to get down to business. Now is not the time to be complacent. The crisis of evil in this world has not yet passed.

With his eyes focused, the red domineering energy swept across the entire Fuyuki City in an instant, and at the same time, it dispersed the black mud entangled in Ellie's soul.

The overlord color of rootless water is no longer more powerful and agile, just a look is enough.

Raising his hand to pick up Avalon, Noah ducked in front of Ellie's soul body and inserted the scabbard into it.

Fantasy objects can switch between physical and phantom bodies, and the golden utopia can isolate any adverse factors.

This book was given to him by Ai Li, and now it can be regarded as returned to its original owner.

The golden light eliminated the connection with the black mud, and Ellie returned to the body of the one-armed doll.

After recovering, Ally did not look at Noah for the first time, but directly raised her only remaining hand.

In the name of Irisviel, I command Saber with a Command Seal

This whisper did not pass through Saber's ears, but had an effect on the very foundation of her soul. The unmistakable voice made a firm and clear statement.

I order you to destroy the Holy Grail with your Noble Phantasm

No matter how she explained it, Saber didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, and her thinking suddenly went blank.


The golden holy sword began to gather power, and even if Saber's thinking refused to understand, her servant's body would accept the function of the Command Seal without hesitation. The divine sword completely ignored the wishes of the person holding the sword and continued to gather the beam.

...That's not the case, Ellie!!

Saber shouted, screaming at the top of her lungs. The golden holy sword was raised high and stopped when it was raised to the highest point, as if frozen.

As the legendary King of Knights and a swordsman servant with the strongest profession, her special magic resistance can even block the restraints of the command spell at critical moments.

She blocked all the muscles in her body with all her strength, preventing her body from swinging the sword. The two forces of power and suppression collided with each other, raging wildly inside Saber's body, almost tearing her slender body apart.

While Saber desperately endured the powerful magic torturing her whole body, she stared at Ellie who had just been rescued.

Why is this!? Ellie!

Even though Noah had said that the black mud was the Holy Grail, the King of Knights who still refused to give up was unwilling to believe it. Her desire to save Britain was extremely strong.

But Irisviel has made up her mind after seeing the inside of the Holy Grail. This time, Noah can save her and save the world. What about next time?

Kiritsugu loves this world so much, how could she leave such a disaster behind.

Moreover, the true magnitude of the evil in this world is still brewing in the Great Holy Grail. This is a disaster for mankind.

Even if Saber resents herself, she must do all this.

Jin Shining discovered that Saber's strange behavior was due to the effect of the command spell, and then he saw what Ellie, a lowly doll, had done.

You damn bastard, how dare you come to interfere with my wedding!

But at this moment, Noah stood in front of Jin Shining and blocked it for a moment.

I command you again with the third command spell, Saber, to destroy the Holy Grail.


Seeing that her pride and hope were about to be shattered, Saber screamed loudly and shed tears on the spot.

No one can resist this violent power.

The double-amplified command spell ravaged and squeezed her body with force, drawing out all the remaining magic power from her body and gathering it into a light of destruction.

The beam of light was like a wild horse, hitting the Holy Grail floating on the stage.

Saber's eyes were closed tightly, unable to bear to watch the fate of the Holy Grail - her last hope was shattered at this moment, and her war was over.

How could she witness such a tragic ending?

In fact, she never opened her eyes again. Because Saber's Noble Phantasm was forced to activate against her will, the remaining magic power was completely used up, and even the remaining energy to maintain the Servant's body was used up.

The King of Knights no longer has the ability or will to stay in this world. Although Aili tried to retain her, the king, who had fallen into autistic heart, refused to respond.

Saber's body remained in the posture of wielding the sword, separated from the real world, and the entity quickly disappeared.

The loss of control of the container caused the black sun to begin to melt and become smaller and smaller. However, before the hole was completely closed, there was no way to stop the black mud from overflowing from the other end of the hole.

It's just that there is another Noah here, and all the evil in this world was burned by him, and none of it fell into the world.

At this point, the evil in this world has also withdrawn.

There are only two heroic spirits who have gained bodies, Noah and Jin Shining. As well as Irisviel, whose soul was severely damaged, and Kotomine Kirei, who hid aside and accepted the black mud.

The original two pairs of master and servant combinations have remained until now.

You know, you ruined my wedding.

I know.

Did you know? Next, I plan to rule this world.


So what are you going to do? Noah!

Kill you!

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