Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1007 Heidi makes his debut

Precisely because he knows his own destructive power, he uses the code of knights to restrain the sources of violence.

But at this moment, the shackles of her strength are breaking through the layers of chains with the indulgence of her heart.

What people, what knights, what confusion.

As long as you can get the Holy Grail and realize your ideal, even tyranny is a feasible method!

boom! ! !

The king who let go of his last shackles was completely contaminated. The golden torrent of magic turned into black, while a bloody light flashed in the storm.

When the storm dissipated, the king who was there was no longer the King of Knights.

Pale skin, dark gold pupils, black skirt and armor exudes unknown magic power, and the black Aurora Sword, Excalibur Morgan, is brandished in her hand.

The pollution from the Master finally completely changed Saber, allowing her to reveal another self.

The other side of King Arthur's ruthlessness. Or maybe this is the posture that the ideal king King Arthur pursues should have, just like a black sun.

Noah, come and try to stop me.

Beneath the domineering words is a fearless fighting style.

Since she couldn't win in the way of swordsmanship, she had to find another way. Feeling the invisible ocean of magic coming from her master, Saber used her favorite move at the moment.

Swinging the sword, red and black colors gathered on the blade, and unknown magic power was flowing. No control required at all, this is the most primitive way of use.

The torrent of red and black magic power rushed towards Noah. The magic power produced by the holy sword, which did not restrain its own magic power at all and was swung at will, was not particles of light, but turned into darkness that could swallow even light. It was almost like the breath of the demon dragon Vortigern who appeared to protect Britain.

What a bad ending.

At this moment, Noah understood how much harm an uncontrolled and unchecked black creature could cause in the city.

Moreover, the current Heidi is still very smart only in battle. This kind of attack is the most difficult way for Noah to deal with at this stage.

You definitely can't win against Todoroki, so let's show you what the pinnacle of the great swordsman's skills is!

Ba Tang! Predict the future! Behead!

Cut down with a sword and face the torrent.

Although the power is exaggerated, although the power is a bit beyond the limit, it is not enough!


Noah used his supreme swordsmanship to forcefully deflect the black light cannon and fly straight into the sky from his side.

Haha, if an attack of this level is effective, it will really embarrass the great swordsman.

Even the clouds are opened, what the fuck is it that such dangerous abilities are deployed randomly in the city!

The Heidi on the opposite side did not see the results at all, and directly concentrated a luminous cannon.

You woman.

This is an unexpectedly hard battle.

In the mysterious world of mind.

The thousands of troops of the King's Army (Ionian Hetairoi) raised rolling yellow sand and shook the earth as they charged forward.

Even facing the thrilling sight before him, the King of Heroes remained unmoved.

Those bright red eyes stared at the majestic military situation, full of bloody joy. Only the king who has enjoyed all the pleasures in the world knows this abnormal feeling.

In fact, Gilgamesh was indeed pleased that the challenge from the Conqueror was worth fighting with all his might.

In this case, the Ancient King opened the treasure house in the void and only took out a sword.

This weapon looks very strange. It has a hilt and a hilt, and is about the same length as a long sword. But the part that corresponds to the blade is very different from the shape of the sword. It was a cylinder with three connected sections, and the tip of the sword was twisted into a spiral-shaped blunt blade. The three sections of the cylinder are like a rolling mortar, rotating slowly and alternately.

This is an object created by the gods before the emergence of human beings. It specifically reflects the miraculous craftsmanship of the gods at the time of creation.

The three sections of cylinders shaped like rolling mills cooperate with the movement of the celestial body, and each rotates with friction and weight equivalent to the movement of the earth's crust. The huge amount of magic power that surged out has already exceeded the calculable range.

In Archer's raised hand, the original sword slowly sped up. One turn is faster than the other, one turn is faster than the other...

The hurricane made a loud roar, and huge magic power burst out from Archer's sword hilt.

Awaken, 'Ea'. The stage suitable for your performance is ready!

Ea──In ancient Mesopotamian mythology, the god of earth and water is divided into heaven and middle.

This deviated sword called Ea is the original sword that witnessed the creation of heaven and earth in the mythical age. The mission of the Prime Blade is to separate the chaotic and unclear heaven and earth, so that each of the heaven and the earth has a definite shape.

The King of Heroes wearing golden armor loudly declared:

Look carefully at it - this is the Star of En?ma Eli?!

Suddenly the sky was shaking and the earth was shaking. A huge magic group was released, shaking the laws of the universe.

The tip of Archer's sword was not aimed at anyone. No need to target anyone at all. The blade of the Sword of Deviation cuts through more than just enemies.

The earth collapsed in front of the galloping Rider, opening a bottomless hole.

Boy, hurry up!

Rider shouted, hugging Webb and holding the horse's mane tightly.

Just as the horse realized the crisis and rushed back to a safe area, the fissures in the ground continued to expand, swallowing up the surrounding land and the cavalry one by one.

wrong! It’s not just the earth. The crack extended from the horizon to the empty mid-air, distorting the space and sucking in a lot of air. Everything around it was swept into the void with a whirlwind.

Even the extremely brave King of Conquerors was shocked and dumbfounded by the sight in front of him.

The deviant sword in the hand of the King of Heroes split the earth with more than one blow, and its power even spread to the sky and even the world itself. This kind of attack no longer cares about whether it hits or not, or how powerful it is.

While Bucephalas was trying his best to stand firm and resist the vacuum pressure, the hot sand earth transformed by the King's Army (Ionian Hetairoi) was also cracking and shattering, as if the sand clock was about to fall. Fall into the hollow abyss.

The shock unleashed by the creation of the world has already surpassed the power of the siege weapon. The super power that destroys not only physical objects, but also everything in the world. This is the true face of the Border-Breaking Noble Phantasm that turned the King of Heroes into a transcendent.

The sky collapsed and the earth shattered. In the darkness where everything gradually faded into nothingness, only Archer's deviant sword shone brightly. That ray of light seemed like the first star that illuminated the new world, drawing a shining end to the destruction.

The Busefallas they were riding in landed on the Fuyuki Ohashi Bridge at night, as if they were waking up from a big dream.

The golden heroic spirit stood proudly on the other side of the bridge with a proud smile. The positions of both sides have not changed, and this battle seems to have brought time back to the beginning.

The only change that could be seen with the eyes was the deviant sword in Archer's hand that still made a heavy spinning sound.

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