In the following days

, Qiao Qiao and his party lived in this small building,

waiting for things to progress.

However, the people of the S City Law Enforcement Team never came.

Living room,

the atmosphere is very dull.

Everyone was silent, and no one wanted to be the first to speak.

This silence lasted for a long time, and

Qiao Qiao finally couldn't bear it anymore and spoke.

"Going on like this, it's not a way, no one knows what the Y City Law Enforcement Team and the Night Walker are planning, one day later, call the special line, Y City will be more dangerous."

Axai let out a sigh

, "That being said, what can the S City Law Enforcement Team do if they don't see us?" I went there at least three times during your coma. Every time, it was turned away.

"What's their explanation?"

Morton also asked, he is a rebel general, and the situation is the most delicate.

It's okay to solve the problem of City Y early, drag it on, I'm afraid it's not pleasing to both ends.

"No explanation!" Axe also gritted his teeth and

looked unhappy.

Qiao Qiao suddenly stood up, and after a long time of fighting

again and again, the muscle lines became more and more obvious, and under the sunlight shining through the window, his temperament was tall and his air was strong.

"I have a hypothesis, how many people are in the City S Law Enforcement Team? I mean, can we beat them all again, as long as we finish beating them, no one can stop us from playing the line.

Axe's face also shone brightly.

"Also, hahahaha, the law enforcement team is not a combat unit in the first place, generally there are only six or seven people, and the Y City law enforcement team belongs to the kind that secretly expands and intends to defect, there will be so many people."

"This city law enforcement team can no more than seven people at most."

Aksay suddenly thought of something.

The voice is also muffled.

"What if... If they hadn't defected

," Morton shook his head

, "There should have been no rebellion, otherwise, the hands of Y City would not have had to go to great lengths to stop a bridge of that size, knowing that even if he invaded the government, a bridge of that size, the loss of a day could not be calculated," "

Action!" Jojo's voice is loud!


The headquarters of the S City Law Enforcement Corps, unlike City Y, is not in a downtown area, but in the countryside of the suburbs.

Crossing an asphalt road lined with greenery on both sides,

the taxi stops in front of a sign.


This is a small town, there is no name, on the name plate, there is only a big Xuanzi

, the pen is strong, and the dragon is panning!

"This momentum."

Qiao Qiao's group is a little sluggish

, looking at the huge name brand

, the green town, this town is quiet and terrifying, it seems to have the size of hundreds of people

, but there is no sound, there is

a dead silence.

"This, last time I was not like this,"

Axe's voice was also a little trembling.

"How did it change so quickly, the last time I came was still full of people, it was very lively

" "I smelled blood."

Qiao Qiao beckoned, signaled

, everyone nodded, and slowly sneaked into the town.

"The entire town's residents may have all been slaughtered!"

After pushing open a door and seeing that it might be the body of the owner, Qiao

Qiao sighed.

Soon, both Axe and Morton returned.

"All dead, the S City Law Enforcement Team, located in this town called Xuan, is already a dead place,"

Axai's voice was a little solemn.

"There may be a stand-in messenger who has attacked civilians, or such a number of civilians,"

Morton also turned rosy, which was a sign of bloodshot.

He's a little scared.

"Abominable," Qiao Qiao also gritted his teeth fiercely

, attacking civilians, or such a large-scale slaughter.

Who did it and what is their purpose.

"This matter has become more serious, the first iron rule of KING Academy, substitute messengers must not use their abilities to kill civilians indiscriminately, and now, it is not just a matter of betrayal by the Y City Law Enforcement Team,"

Axai said.

"Moreover, I carefully observed the corpses, the bodies of every resident, there were no scars, I checked them, and I could not find the cause of fatality at all, there were no signs of injury or poisoning."

"It's more like, asleep,"

"The enemy may be a person, a stand-in for some kind of large-scale indiscriminate attack, and besides, how he attacks, we don't know yet."

Qiao Qiao's mental operation did not know that the platinum star appeared behind him, which was the result of high mental tension.

"The point is that the enemy is in the dark, and we don't know if he is gone or not."

"Let's go to the S City Law Enforcement Team first," Morton said.

"Look at the members of the S City Law Enforcement Team, who are also stand-in messengers, whether they have been attacked, and whether anyone has survived,"

Qiao Qiao nodded, and this was the only way.


The headquarters of the law enforcement team of S City, the appearance is just an inconspicuous wooden building in the town, no

one knows that the organization at the peak position of the substitute messenger of S City is here.

Axe stepped forward, and with a gentle push of his hand, the door was easily pushed open.

"The door is open."

Qiao Qiao chuckled in his heart, probably already guessing the result.

Sure enough, after everyone entered to search, they found five corpses, both men and women,

"These people are the members of the S City Law Enforcement Team I have seen." Axe said.

"Not a single one survived, even the S City Law Enforcement Team was poisoned

," "The body still has no injuries and no signs of poisoning," Morton said loudly after examining it.

It seems that it is the same person.

"When was the last time you came,"

Jojo asked to Axe.

"About two days ago, shortly after you were in a coma, I asked Morton to take care of you and came here by myself."

Axe said.

Qiao Qiao continued to speak, "That is to say, it may be two days, or it may be a shorter time, the residents of the entire town, even with five substitute messengers, are inexplicable, the same way of death, may be killed by the same substitute messenger," the

three of them all have solemn expressions

, how strong a stand-in is it, to achieve this level

, Qiao Qiao's brain is even faster, just now they have also carefully searched in the base of the S City Law Enforcement Team, I didn't find any valuable information

, and I didn't see a single thing related to the special line, the clue was broken again

, and I worked hard to kill it, almost killing the enemy of my life, Blue Tiger, and

as a result, when I got here, I didn't gain the slightest.

Jojo hammered the floor hard,

"Damn it,"

"What next," Axe asked.

Jojo raised his head and looked at the sky.

He also lost any ideas.

Suddenly, Morton spoke.

"Instead of thinking about what to do next, let's think about how to go back alive,"

and then pointed out the door

, Jojo and Axe looked in the direction of Morton's finger

, only to see the originally sunny weather, suddenly, wrapped in

fog, the fog was very strange, the eyes could not penetrate the slightest, like the darkest substance, and the fog even showed signs of penetration, Encroaching on the area in the courtyard little by little,

Qiao Qiao said in a heavy voice and word by word.

"It's a stand-in attack,"

I've been too busy with work lately, just a little easier. I'm sorry

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