While Jojo was battered and on the verge of death.

On the other side, the battle situation in Axai is also extremely dangerous!

Gamma's strange water elementalization is really impossible to trace his tracks.

All attacks will be avoided by him without injury.

And his attacks can indeed always hit the target through defense!

The speed of the gamma stand-in is still very good, and

for a while, Axai was completely suppressed.

"Hahahaha, even if I don't use abilities, my strength and speed are still above you, Axe. Your stand-in is far inferior to my [Boundless Water],"

Gamma said playfully.

Since awakening [Boundless Water], every battle he has had has been so teasing his opponents,

without exception.

No matter how weird and powerful the enemy is, he can't capture his entity.

Even if you have a thousand strength, and you punch the cotton, you

will not be able to make it powerful!

Gamma has always been very proud.

His stand-in is [Boundless Water], which is the reason why he is above all the other stand-ins!

Even in the strong Y City Law Enforcement Team, his strength is also the top-notch.

Even the hand of Y City, whose stand-in ability is unimaginably strange, respects him very much.

Not a superior-subordinate relationship in the traditional sense.

More like, friends.

"Life is like this, some people just have talents that ordinary people can't reach, and my [Boundless Water] is to be above you!"

The smile on Gamma's face grew stronger.

That's the pride of genius.

"If you can die at the hands of the [Boundless Water], you can be considered to be worthy of this life,"

Gamma walked towards Aksai step by step.

"Next move, I won't keep my hand, goodbye."


Aksai suddenly laughed

, "Hahahahaha", the laughter became louder and louder, and it was impossible to stop it.

Gamma frowned, killing was a very elegant art in his opinion.

Gamma never kills with one hit, even if it is far inferior to his enemies.

He likes

cats, not cute and lazy house cats, but bobcats with ruthless means and like to play with their prey.

Gamma also enjoyed the pleasure of torture, and

his favorite thing was to see the despair of the enemy before death, but in Axe's face, he could not see the slightest despair.

"What are you laughing at? Having seen such a powerful stand-in as me, can I actually laugh, and I am frightened by insanity and complete dementia? Gamma frowned and pointed to Axe.


the latter's laughter was even louder, and

Morton on the side also broke out in a cold sweat, he was already ready, as long as Gamma came to kill Axe,

he would do everything to stop it.

However, he did not expect this scene either.

"I laugh that you are really a frog at the bottom of the well, Yelang is arrogant, you don't think that your stand-in ability is so outstanding, right?"

Axai's laughter slowly retracted, and his face was fierce.

"Your stand-in ability, neither shit. You don't know what weird stand-ins we've witnessed along the way!!

"Hmph, I don't know if I'm alive or dead!"

Gamma was furious, he was utterly furious.

Someone was actually able to show mockery in front of his [Boundless Water]?

That's his pride! His ability to see everything!

Subsequently, Gamma completely urged the water elementalization to the extreme

, and his entire body was water elementalization, rushing towards

Axe, he wanted to swing the strongest fist style, kill Axe, kill this coward who dared to mock him!

Just when he swept in front of Axai and was about to kill the killer, the

latter suddenly retreated!! Jumped to the rear.

"Is it a waste that can only escape? There are no advantages other than sharp teeth and mouths!!

Gamma smiled, he will soon be able to catch up with Axe again and

kill him completely!!

Axe shook his head, actually crouched down, and threw something towards Gamma.

Gamma frowned,

"This is?" Then he twisted

some, "Hahahaha, it turns out to be sand, just like a child, throw some soil, throw some sand?"

Gamma laughed, it turned out that Axe was so useless.

Such a person, dying at the hands of [Boundless Water],

is an insult to the Boundless Water!

"Forget it, after all, it was his order, let's kill those of you who are trying to cross this bridge,"

Gamma shook his head.

Axai raised the sandbag again, cut the latter, and directly raised it on Gamma's body.

Gamma frowned, these sands, which could not cause him any harm, would only contaminate his clothes.

"You this? Even if you throw all the sand barriers over this bridge, you can't help me."

Gamma laughed, this Axe, was carried away by fear.


Axe also smiled.

A black bondage avatar appeared behind him.

The sun shines down, shining brightly.

Like a black god!

The next moment, the black light burst out of the sky.

, a salvo to gamma.

"Hahahahaha, I really can't help but laugh again and again. Do you still want to try? This attack, my boundless water, will only pass through easily. "

Gamma looks relaxed, and he wants to elementalize the water.

However, it seems that something is wrong!

Those sand that did not fall, after encountering water, actually calmed down, and formed wet sand with his body of water elementalization

, actually, so that he was not completely water elementalized! ! !

Instead, it revealed a large area of flaws,

"No!!" Gamma's face was finally frightened

, "Don't,"

However, Axai's sky was full of black light, extremely fast, at first Gamma did not think of avoiding it, but wanted to avoid it with water elementalization, wasting time in vain,

so that the sky full of black mangs exploded head-on!!

In an instant, Gamma turned into a hedgehog,

"Cough cough..." Gamma who was directly overturned by the black light coughed


He was covered in bruises and bleeding everywhere.

Fortunately, the internal organs are still elementalized by water, avoiding the black mang, and it is not fatal.

However, he still hurt badly.

"Really, beast,"

Gamma coughed violently, his voice trembling, but he still had to struggle to get up.

Being able to offset part of his water elementalization with the help of sand turned out to be such a tricky enemy.

As long as he stood up, he would never let Axe's sand get close again.

As long as he could avoid the sand, Axe still couldn't hit him

, but the next moment, Axe rushed over, directly covered his hands with sand, and pinned Gamma to the ground.

"You..." gama was shocked and furious, but he couldn't break free

, "You don't think I can defeat you only with the help of sand, do you?"

Axai smiled

, "I said, your ability, shit is not" The

next moment, Gamma's vision was dim. It was like being locked up in a dark cell.

From the outside,

Axai impressively put the absolute defense that the sky was full of radiance into on


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