It's already night.

Jojo exhaled a long breath, after a series of fierce battles

, he didn't expect that so much time had passed

, and then from Kevin's big black pocket, he turned over some food and drinks, and threw some to Axe, only to replenish his physical strength in order to continue to face the next enemy.

Next, after resting for a while

, the two finally recovered their strength, and Qiao Qiao slowly stood up,

"Let's go?"

Axai nodded and also got up, although his injury was not serious, but there was no systematic recovery.

The natural state is worse.

Kevin and Monk also woke up while the two were resting, sitting in place, silent.

They are also embarrassed to continue punishing their teammates.

Qiao Qiao did not blame anything, instructed them to go back to do intelligence work

, the two nodded, their faces returned to a trace of blood, and

they were about to stand up, but Munch suddenly noticed something.

He said, "This moonlight is so beautiful," and

everyone was also curious and raised their heads one after another.

Yes, it is already night, and the sound of the sea can still be heard from time to time.

Qiao Qiao also sighed in admiration.

This moonlight is indeed very beautiful

, I see a bright moon in the deep blue night sky reflected by the sea

, brilliant and holy.

There are also stars in the sky next to it,

which is really a scene of stars holding the moon.

"It's so beautiful," Qiao Qiao couldn't help but speak.

"yes," Axe also marveled, how long had it been since he left KING Academy to enjoy the night.

This peaceful and peaceful view.

It's really intoxicating.

"Hmm," suddenly a vague voice sounded

, Jojo turned his head sharply, only to see Munch, actually changed his body and turned into a bat!!

Unable to speak, he fluttered his wings and hovered around everyone.

"This, this, this!"

Kevin was stunned, Munch and he have been together ah

, how did he suddenly become a bat

, this is not over

, a night cane, with a very fast degree, suddenly appeared, flew towards Munch, that speed, obviously to tear the latter to pieces!

"Star Platinum", Jojo shouted immediately, about to summon the Platinum Star to block it

, however, stretching out his right hand, he actually found that his right hand had also turned into bat-like wings, and he

was also bat-transforming!!

"We've been attacked by a stand-in!" Jojo yelled, the platinum star was still able to summon and appear, forcing back the night scoundrel.

In the next moment, Jojo was stunned

, because Kevin, he also turned into a bat!!

And Axai, who already has a hand, also turns into the wings of a bat

, that is, bats !!

And that night cane, falling on the bridge

, staring at everyone deadly, waiting for the moment when they all turned into bats,

flying over and devouring them!!

In terms of the combat effectiveness of nocturnal creatures

, bats are far from being comparable to night canees, after all, the latter is actually a kind of eagle!!

A solid bird of prey

, and a bat, at best, is just a small flying creature

, the night cane is far above it in terms of flight speed and strength, that night cane is

waiting, waiting for Jojo and Axe to be bat-transformed

, as long as they become bats, it will immediately fly down and tear them apart!!

Qiao Qiao's body is quietly changing!!

Soon, not only the right hand, but even the left hand gradually had a tendency to batize!!

"What the hell is this attack!!"

Qiao Qiao's face was crazy, carefully recalled each

type of stand-in he encountered, and wanted to find a common type of ability similar

to this stand-in, suddenly, he thought of a famous

stand-in, weather forecast, that stand-in can rain snails, so that all those who are hinted at in their hearts, firmly believe that they will become snails, look like snails, in fact, it is a psychological hint,

this time I met people into a stand-in for bats, There is definitely no escape from the cause of psychological cues.

But what kind of psychological hint did he have!!!

Qiao Qiao's face became more and more crazy, the

batization continued

, his left hand had completely turned into bat wings, and the remaining body began to gradually mutate!

"Why did Munch mutate first?"

"What did he see first?"

"Wait, he saw the moon first!!"

"Haoyue when empty? When the moon is empty!!!!

"I have learned Chinese in elementary school, how can the sky be full of stars when the moon is empty!!!!

"I see,"

Jojo's brain raced on the verge of being completely bat-turned

, and he finally discovered

the flaw in the enemy's stand-in attack.

"That's enough,"

then Qiao Qiao raised his head and looked deeply at the Haoyue

, "You don't exist at all, right!!!

"When the moon is in the sky, it is impossible to be full of stars, this is natural common sense,"

"All those who subconsciously believe that this round of Haoyue is real will turn into bats and be mercilessly strangled by that night scoundrel, but, in fact, that round of Haoyue does not exist at all!!"

Qiao Qiao roared madly, and sure enough, in his perspective, the moon gradually thinned and gradually turned into nothingness

, leaving only a sky full of stars,

which really saved Qiao Qiao!!

At the same time, the batization on Jojo's body gradually disappeared.

Slowly recovered and became normal

, "Since Haoyue does not exist, then you are not a night lord at all"

, Qiao Qiao pointed to the owl, and his voice was sharp.

Sure enough, the latter became an ordinary young man in his perspective,

and even the bridge was unstable and almost fell.

"Wonderful, wonderful, your combat judgment, really wonderful, if I can escape, I must do whatever it takes, report to the boss, must do my best to strangle you!"

The young man spoke.

I saw him frowning

and staring at Qiao Qiao, this battle judgment.

As well as the stand-in who showed it just now, you can see that it is extremely powerful,

and this person must be a strong enemy.



Hearing Jojo's reminder, Axai also knew that the Haoyue did not exist at all, and then he also stopped batizing.

The bridge did not exceed his range, as long as Qiao Qiao gave an order, he could easily shoot the young man into a sieve.

"Until then, it would be a blessing to have fought an enemy like you, if you could tell me your name,"

the young man began.

Qiao Qiao nodded

, "Not only that, I can feel that you are different from them,"

and then, stretching out his hand to the young man on the bridge

, "My name is Qiao Qiao, this is Axe, join us," "

What?" The young man's face was stunned, and his

voice was a little trembling, "You... You guys, you believe me?

"Yes, I don't see the slightest bit of fanatical awe when you mention the Hand of City Y, you should not be the same as them." Qiao Qiao said solemnly, "Moreover, you have been here a long time ago, when the night fell, but you never made a move, but waited for us to recover, you are a good person, you did not kill

the hand," the young man's face was completely stunned, nodded

, rolled over and jumped off the bridge, and shook Jo Qiao's hand,

"My name is Morton,"

Black Silent Moon:


B Speed B

Sustained Force A

." Range Stand-in Range C Ability Range

A Growth A

Precision Action C

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