
The things recorded in the notes were too terrifying.

Qiao Qiao also couldn't help but breathe,

are they manufacturing DIO in batches?

If you really give them such an experiment, you may not be able to create one or two powerful avatars like [World].

In that case, their combat power will be unimaginable. 6

It is necessary to act as soon as possible to eliminate the so-called Night Walker.

But that's not easy, and the Y City Law Enforcement Team is already working with the Night Stalker.

Dressed in the garb of KING Academy.

For a while, it was almost impossible to start.

The strength of the enemy is far from what they can compare.

They don't know how many substitute messengers they have.

There is also the terrifying [Night Stalker], all of which are vampire substitute messengers with stronger vitality.

The combat effectiveness will only get stronger.

"This, how to recycle the stone ghost face and dagger?"

Jojo shook his head and let out a long sigh.

The balance of forces between the enemy and ourselves is too great.

"Wait," Suddenly, Jojo really thought of a way.

An approach that should have been very easy to think of.


The king of this world's substitute messenger,

he must have the power to easily crush the Y City Law Enforcement Team and the Night Stalker.

All Jojo had to do was think about how to notify him.


At that moment, Qiao Qiao quickly called everyone up.

Told everyone about the Hand of Y City and the Nightwalker.


Axe nodded, "The cities near Y City are all the sphere of influence of KING Academy, although not all cities have law enforcement teams stationed, but in addition to Y City, the nearest S City also happens to have a law enforcement team branch, and there is also a special line to contact KING."

"The nearest is City S," Munch nodded as well.

Then his face was solemn

, "Although this S City is relatively close, the geographical location of S City is very special, surrounded by the ocean. The closest point between City Y and City S is also separated by 50 kilometers of sea, and only a bridge across the river can directly reach City S.

"Moreover, we also thought about escaping from Y City and going to S City, but it is still a problem that has been said many times, the hands of Y City can encroach on the government, they have long ordered a ban on the sea, not a single boat can be rented, and if they want to escape to S City, they can only take a road across the river bridge, however, that road is closed, saying that S City has a very rare plague, and secretly arranged a large number of substitute messengers, on that bridge that spans fifty kilometers, I don't know how many enemies are waiting for us."

The more Munch spoke, the heavier it became.

"Hey," Qiao Qiao also shook his head,

the enemy's power was too strong.

"Is there no way, can I go to S City?"

Qiao Qiao seemed to be able to accept this situation

, "Across the fifty-kilometer bridge, the density of the enemy's substitute messengers must not be too large, and we may not be able to kill it."

Axe gritted his teeth fiercely, his face resolute.

"Waiting here is to sit still, fight, and there is a glimmer of life."

"Good!" Qiao Qiao also nodded, and

there were no more choices.

"Let's kill from the bridge across the river,"


The next day

, several people got up early in the morning, and Munch also got a car and drove with a group of people towards the cross-river bridge.

Soon, there were signs in front of the road, as well as a large number of roadblocks

and many police officers standing in front of the street signs.

"Sir, the YS Bridge is temporarily inaccessible, please return

," "That's enough," Jojo opened the car door and rushed out at a speed that many police officers could not understand.

"What are you going to do? The

words stopped abruptly, and in an instant they were all empty of Euler, lying on the ground, unconscious.

Jojo used only a small amount of strength to make sure they didn't wake up for a while.

"Go," after solving these people, Jojo sat back in the car.

Munch nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and his speed skyrocketed, directly crashing into a large number of roadblocks.

The engine roared, and drove straight out.


"Hey, Barricade No. 3 reports that it is lost," after Qiao Qiao and his group left, a figure suddenly appeared in a corner, holding a walkie-talkie to report.


As far as the eye can see, the horizon is endless.

Even the calm sea is as if it contains great power, which is shocking.

Qiao Qiao was a mainland resident in his last life, he had only seen the sea a few times, and he was still in awe of the sea.

The bridge across the river lies like a giant beast on the sea.

Fifty kilometers is already considered a relatively large scale.

Qiao Qiao remembers deeply, the famous Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the previous life is also at this level.

A bridge of this level, even in the hands of Y City, is not qualified to be destroyed, but the road is full of various obstacles, and cars cannot pass.

The crowd had to cross on foot.

"Luckily, I brought a lot of supplies," Kevin pointed to the large backpack behind him.

Jojo nodded and gave encouragement

, "Kevin, you are such a reliable companion,"

and then walked out first, and Axe and Munch also hurried to follow.

"It's very heavy, hey, remember to change your back,"

only Kevin cried with a sad face.


When the group walks on the bridge, there are rough waves under their feet, and the sea breeze often blows on the bridge, bringing a burst of salty heat.

"Sort of, inexplicably smooth," Munch began.

Everyone walked all the way, and there was no trace of half of the substitute messenger.

"That's not to say, it's five kilometers out,"

Qiao Qiao shook his head, it was indeed smooth and terrifying, saying that the bridge was full of enemies.

"Could it be that your intelligence is wrong, the bridge is unfortified," Axe said.

Munch shook his head

, "That intelligence is still obtained at a great cost to us, it is impossible to lose accuracy, but so far, it has indeed gone smoothly and terrifyingly."

The nearby bridge deck, full of sandbags, and cars acting as barricades. Or some stones.

This Y City's hand is really a big deal, and it takes a lot of manpower just to arrange these roadblocks.

Jojo thought to himself.

The barricades everywhere, and the bridge that can stop operating on such a scale, the influence of the hand of Y City in Y City can be seen.

"I don't know what kind of strength that [Night Walker] has? , Portland recorded in the notebook, and the black-robed man, what is the relationship. Jojo was full of thoughts.

"Wait... Wait," suddenly Munch's terrified voice sounded.

Qiao Qiao quickly looked back, and then also found that something was wrong.

There were four of them in a group, and only three "

What about Kevin?" Munch shook his head, his face full of incredulity.

Qiao Qiao was also very surprised, he vaguely remembered that not long ago, he heard Kevin complain about only the big black pocket he carried.

In this short moment, the person disappeared?

A big living person, just disappeared out of thin air? ,

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