After the woman yelled hysterically, she stared viciously at Axai.

"Why? Obviously already let you go? Do you want to go back to the road of death?. "

Sorry, five-star mission, I have a little idea too," Axe said.

"So that's it? That's to be the enemy of our Y City Law Enforcement Team, you all stay. The

woman's voice fell, actually, disappeared.

Qiao Qiao looked carefully, definitely not as small as the gray rat, but, completely disappeared.

"Be careful," Jojo quickly reminded.

Everyone also turned solemn.

"What exactly is her stand-in ability?" Kevin looked nervous, and said,

"Poof," Kevin's voice had not completely fallen.

A transparent stand-in big hand slammed his cheek.

Suddenly, Kevin's mouth spewed out a mouthful of blood mixed with fallen teeth.

"She's still here!" Jojo exclaimed.

"Is it stealth?" Axe also frowned.

Kevin was hit hard and his expression became even more nervous.

Back to back with Munch, close together.

"If it's just simple stealth, there should be footsteps, everyone calm down and listen carefully,"

Qiao Qiao quickly judged.

The group did not dare to breathe.

Suddenly, the entire 26th floor was dead silent.

"Poof," another transparent big hand waved out, this time it was Qiao Qiao who was hit hard, and

the corner of his eyebrows that was hit hard suddenly dripped blood.

"Euler, Euler, Euler!" Qiao Qiao instantly shot back at the air in front of him, but the touch that did not hit the human body came.

"Is it so fast?" Jojo grinned.

The moment you attack, can you avoid his return fire?

Jojo clings to the wall.

Be ready for the next attack.

"Stand-in name: unknown

force B speed, C sustained force

, B

range, C, precision action

, C, growth C,"

the voice of the system sounded in time


"Is the speed only C?" So how did she avoid the return fire of the Platinum Star at the moment of attack?

Jojo couldn't figure it out. With his back against the wall, when attacked, his fist covered almost all the area in front of him.

"Now, you can only judge her direction by listening carefully to her footsteps." Jojo said.

The crowd listened attentively again.

However, the entire 26th floor, there is a dead silence, where is the slightest sound of footsteps?

"Poof!" Just as everyone listened, the enemy struck again, targeting Munch, but fortunately the latter twisted slightly under the life and death crisis and avoided the point, but the shoulder was still pierced with a blood hole.

"No footsteps!! And how did she move.! Her range is only C! Me and Munch are so far away that she can't hit both of us at the same time without moving!! Qiao

Qiao's eyes were blood-red, and he thought hard.

However, when they could not hear the footsteps at all, the enemy changed his position again and again, and shot again and again.

It didn't take long for everyone to be injured.

"She must have been moving position! But how did she do it, move the position, not even the slightest sound! With our concentration, even if she has the slightest footsteps, we will definitely be able to hear it.

Jojo clenched his fists fiercely. The nails are embedded in the flesh.

"It's really unforgivable for us to play like this."

However, the female receptionist under the stealth is still changing her position all the time.

There were shots from time to time, and because everyone couldn't determine her position at all, they could only be unilaterally beaten.

There are more and more injuries.

"Could it be that in addition to stealth, she also has the ability to teleport like Fanger?"

As soon as this idea emerged, it was vetoed by Jojo.


His black restraint is only a seed, and it can only be given by the system that has a bug against the sky.

There are also numerous usage restrictions.

This female receptionist, it is impossible to have a system, right?

So, how did she move her position without the slightest movement under stealth?

With the precise five senses of the platinum star, even if she makes the slightest movement, she can capture it.

This proves that she really barely makes the slightest sound.

The enemy's offensive continues.

In corners where they could not observe, female receptionists "walked" incognito.

Jojo could almost imagine how proud her smile was.

They're like toys.

No matter how strong the power is. It is also useless, and can only be arbitrarily manipulated.

"Ugh!" Axe couldn't hold back any longer, and the black glow burst out into the air, however, it didn't hit the target. Under the indiscriminate shooting, the wall was damaged by many cracks.

"Unfortunately, my tracer is so imprecise that he can only detect within fifty meters," Kevin sighed.

"I can only know that she is still around here, but the specific location, there is no way to know."

"How did she do it, can she grow wings and fly" Munch also jumped to his feet urgently

, "Wait," Jojo heard Munch's complaint

, and suddenly a new idea came to

mind, "It's unlikely that she will grow wings, but her stand-in, could it really be some kind of insect from nature?"

"It can be equivalent to stealth, and the footsteps are still terrible insects."

"Could it be, chameleon!!"

It's crazy, but it's the only way it makes sense.

Jojo raised his head and looked at the ceiling.

The place where he punched out of the big hole was not far above his head

, probably breaking some water cooling system, leaking water droplets out, and

wetting the nearby ceiling.

That with water vapor on the ceiling.

There are a few fresh footprints.

"I see," Jojo laughed.

"The enemy's stand-in is similar to a chameleon!"

"I couldn't hear her footsteps all the time because she kept walking on the wall with the suction cups on her stand-in!!!! foot."

"Chameleons are originally a lurking species, approaching their prey with subtle and imperceptible steps, which is simply the nature of this species!"

The problem was solved almost immediately.

That because of the footprints left by stepping on the water vapor, it confirmed Qiao Qiao's thoughts.

Everyone realized it instantly.

"It turned out to be a chameleon walking on the ceiling, then her attack is most likely not a fist, but a huge tongue!"

Munch also suddenly realized.

Looking at Qiao Qiao's gaze was even more admiring.

"What a thoughtful man, maybe with an ally like you, our operation can really succeed."

Munch muttered inwardly.

Jojo stared at the ceiling.

The voice was gloomy, "That's enough."

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