The ruthless uncle sweated coldly, and his steps were a little unsteady. I had to stop temporarily, and the young man in the black sweatshirt in front of him was a little unable to see through.

"Did you start babbling in fright?" the cruel uncle still forcibly held back his unease. He spoke.

"Euler's fist style just now, I clearly saw that when you block my fist, your arm has a compression and rebound process. Your ability should be similar to the power of a spring, which can rebound damage. Qiao Qiao ignored Uncle Yin's opening. Instead, he explained slowly.

"You... You" The cruel uncle spoke, and the cold sweat could no longer be stopped. The secret of the blue tiger was finally discovered.

"Your stand-in shouldn't have such strong elasticity as an arm everywhere. Jojo stretched out his hands and used the thumb and forefinger of his left and right hands to form a square and aim at the head of the blue tiger.

"Your speed and strength are all below me, just now I was too hopeful of strength, I wanted to defeat you with strength, but I was able to be bounced back by you. The speed is not used to the extreme, if I reduce the strength, but a faster speed, you must, can't block it all, right?" Qiao Qiao spoke loudly, and in the next step, the stand-in ability was displayed, and the ultimate fist speed was displayed.

This is the speed of the Platinum Star, the top of the stand-in. It's the pinnacle that Speed B can't understand!"

I can resist it!!" Uncle Yin turned fierce, forced to resist the fear of being seen through, and then swung his fists out.

Bounce off once, bounce off twice... , but with the rapid fall of the fist wind, there were finally one punch and two punches, crossed the defense, and smashed the uncle's face.

"Euler Euler Euler Euler ... Euler!!!" Finally. The uncle's face swelled into a pig's head and fainted on the ground.

"Whew... Call...... ,", Qiao Qiao gasped, sure enough, every stand-in ability is difficult to deal with.

"Defeat strong enemies, reward injury recovery, and increase physique. The sound of the system sounded again, and then, a warm current flowed out of the body and flowed to the limbs, Qiao Qiao only felt that the body was refreshed, and the consumption of the battle just now was all restored, and even the strength was even greater.

"Thank you System Dad," Jojo sneered. Hurry up and slap the horse.

I somehow crossed here, fortunately with this golden finger. Otherwise, it will be difficult to move an inch.

"The newbie mission, defeating the five avatar abilities, has been completed. Series of missions, open. Whether to view or not. "

Has the series of missions finally begun?" Qiao Qiao's eyes were hot.

After he crossed here, he got this tsundere system, saying that as long as he completed ten series of missions, he could go home. And, it was with the power of this stand-in to go home.

Wouldn't that be a direct journey to the pinnacle of life?

If nothing else, if you go to move bricks, you can move tens of thousands of pieces a day.

Thinking of this, Qiao Qiao couldn't help but be happy.

Go back and check it out, now there's something else. Qiao Qiao shook his head and looked at the blue tiger first.

"This uncle is a scourge to keep, a perverted murderer, hoping for the local police, and it's not very reliable, so let's scrap him," Qiao Qiao thought so, about to cast the platinum star, ready to completely smash this uncle

, "Sick..."

"Bang!" Suddenly a black streamer flashed, and a figure swept at an extremely fast speed.

Qiao Qiao only had time to throw a punch and shook it with the incoming person.

"What a strong force," the figure was repelled by a punch, showing the prototype, a pale-faced man, in his twenties. Dressed in a suit, he looked sick.

But the speed just now, and that power, are not something that a sick person can unleash.

This person is impressive, and he is also a stand-in ability.

"Name, unknown, strength b, speed a, persistence a, range c, precision a, growth c

" "this speed," Jojo shook his head helplessly.

Just defeated one, and here comes another stronger one.

"I can't kill you," the man in the suit cut off decisively.

"However, someone will come and kill you. The man in the suit fell, and his figure turned into a black streamer, shooting towards Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao hurriedly reached out to block, but the streamer turned back and rushed straight

to the blue tiger, "It's not good, his target, it's

the blue tiger" Qiao Qiao hurriedly rushed to stop it, but it was too late, the black streamer swept through, and in the next moment, he took the blue tiger away.

"Offended us [love], only waiting for endless chasing, this fate. The man in the suit left this sentence. The figure quickly swept into the darkness.

"If you chase hard, you can really catch up. But I don't know what this [love] he said, whether someone will set up an ambush"

Qiao Qiao thought to himself, this is probably an organization of stand-in abilities.

That's a good explanation, in a small town, within three months, he has met five perverted abilities.

Nine times out of ten, they are all from this organization called "Love".

Let's go back first. Thinking slowly,

Qiao Qiao shook his head and planned to go home.

"Brother..." the child rushed out, hugging Jojo's leg and crying bitterly.

"Hey, I almost forgot about him... "

Jojo comforted the child for a long time. The little boy stopped crying.

"My name is Jojo, how about you?" said Jojo, touching the little boy's head.

"Qingyan," the little boy said.

"You don't have a place to go, brother take you, go to a place where there are many children like you."

Qing Yan quickly nodded.

Jojo nodded, picked up the little boy, and carried it on his back.

After a series of fights, it was late at night and

there were no more pedestrians on the road.

The town is not large, there is a main road, the town government, police station, hospital and other major buildings, are around both sides of the main road, and the residential area, is mainly divided into two places

, most of the Yin Shi families with better economic conditions live in the west, and the families who are more difficult are mostly gathered in the east.

Qiao Qiao crossed over, and the body he replaced did not have much bird money, and naturally lived in the east.

However, the original owner of this body is more righteous and bold, and has some fame in the slums in the east.

After passing through the narrow alleys, Qiao Qiao carried Qingyan on his back and stopped in front of a private house.

It was Jojo's home.

"You just call it your home, whatever you want. Don't be inhibited. Tomorrow, I'll take you to find other children and live with them.

Qiao Qiao put down Qingyan and greeted.

Qing Yan nodded.

Timidly followed Jojo into the house.

The house is not large, the appearance of two rooms, but very warm, Qiao Qiao likes to clean on weekdays, and the home is also well maintained.

"You can stay here, if you drink water, there is a kettle in the room." Qiao Qiao patted Qingyan's head. said gently.

At such a young age, something like this happens. All he can do is try his best to comfort Qingyan.

Qing Yan nodded and suddenly hugged Qiao Qiao's leg.

"Brother, I'm afraid, that strange uncle just now, his blue weirdo, is so scary." Hearing

this, Qiao Qiao couldn't help but be shocked.

"What, you can actually see the stand-in?,"

you know, only the avatar messenger can see the double.

Could it be that Qingyan is also a stand-in messenger?#替身名

: Blue Tiger

Power B Speed B Growth A Range C Precision Action E Sustainability C

Special Ability: Can transform the body into a spring to bounce off enemy attacks. [It seems that there are more ways to use it to grow].

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