Alba exhaled deeply. Calmly analyzing the current situation.

Fanger's ability is to travel short distances in space. The boy in black who defeated Arbayo with unimaginable speed

. There are two types of capabilities.

One is to blast black mangs from a distance, and the other is the absolute defense of black mangs possessed.

However, that absolute defense is particularly depleting.

It should not be maintained for a long time.

The trickiest thing was the man who defeated Tyan.

That defensive ability, and firm will.

And great speed, great power.

"The break should start with the Black Man," Alba locked the target.

"Oh, my dear Alba, don't worry too much at any time

" "Now, keep an eye on them and see what their weaknesses are."

Alba muttered.

Fanjie swam back and forth, suddenly appeared, and then dealt a heavy blow to the vine's defense.

"What a king," Vanderje spat lightly.

Under his all-out attack, the cracks produced by the vines were even negligible.

"Mr. Vanger," said Jojo.

"Your stand-in is known for its speed, strength, or I am stronger, let me try"

Then Jojo rushed into the battlefield

, swinging from side to side, dodging the attack of the vine.

It is about to rush to the thick layer of Alba wrapped in vines.

"Delusional," Alba's vines, as if with eyes, seemed to be able to sense Jojo's position.

A large wave of vines exploded away.

"Axai, help me!!" Jojo yelled.

Axe sighed.

Hurriedly cast a dark glow in the sky, slamming into many vine tentacles.

For a while, the attack of the vine was repelled. A path was opened up for

Qiao Qiao, "good opportunity," and Qiao Qiao naturally would not let go of such an opportunity.

One acceleration is a heavy bombardment on the vine defense.

"Euler!!" This heavy punch.

Carrying all the power of the platinum star

, all of a sudden, the seemingly indestructible vine was blasted through half.

"It worked!!" Vanger laughed.

This Qiao Qiao was indeed terrifying, and he bombarded the defenses that did not move for a long time.

People actually broke such a big hole with one punch.

Strength has to be obeyed in this regard.

"Something is wrong!" Qiao Qiao's eyes were cold.

This vine defense seems to be unimaginably weak.

Although the power of black flash is not as good as that of the platinum star, it will not be so far behind.

How did such a defense hold up to the attack of Black Flash for so long?

"Like, he deliberately reduced the vines of defense, and instead made something else with more vines"

Jojo was shocked, he understood.

"Run, Axe," he only had time to turn around and utter the words.

"Stop" Then, desperately rushing towards Alba in the vine wrapped in vines.

"It's late," Alba laughed maniacally.

On the other side, a thick vine slammed into Axai at an unimaginable speed.

Axe's pupils were all full.

He only looked at Jojo's side and didn't notice it at all.

The target is him.

In the next instant, the huge vine fiercely pierced Axai's body.

"Euler!! Euler Euler Ora," On the other side, Jojo's fist also carried monstrous fury to attack Alba again and again.

Both Aksai and Alba flew out heavily upside down and landed headlong on the ground.

Even the ground is cracked.

"Axai!!" Fan Erjie exclaimed, hurriedly cast his stand-in ability, and quickly swept towards Axe.

"It's not dead..." There was a faint breath between Aksai's nose.

Jojo was also relieved that this Alba was attacked despite himself.

He also wanted to attack Aksei, but fortunately Axai saved his life.

But the result was good, at least the group destroyed the other party, no one sacrificed

, but the next moment, his pupils shrank fiercely.

Because he saw that where Alba fell and lifted up a heavy dust, a figure actually stood up.

"How could it be !!?" , Strong to withstand a wave of punches from the platinum star!

Even the man who can't stand the power of the Platinum Star can't stand it!!

This person actually withstood the fist style of the platinum star, and he is not dead?

No, it was unharmed!!

The next moment, Alba slowly walked out of the dust.

Fit and powerful.

Where does it look like you've been hurt even a little?

"Fortunately, there is a life link given by the boss." Alba muttered. The destructive power of that wave of fist wind just now really shocked

him, this young man named Qiao Qiao actually has such a strong power, if it weren't for the leader giving him a life link, he would definitely die!!

No human being can withstand that kind of power.

"Unfortunately, the life link given to me is only once."

Alba shook his head and didn't think much about it.

Looking at Qiao Qiao's group, he said loudly.

"You are indeed very strong, but the power of our [love] is not what you can imagine, you can't imagine what kind of man our leader is."

"With this degree, you can't defeat him at all!!"

Fanger was short of breath, and he also saw Jojo hit Alba hard.

Even if it is such an attack, is it ineffective?

On the other side, Qiao Qiao also lowered his head.

He was not a reckless person, and he was sure that no one could take the Platinum Star's fist technique like this and be safe.

"It must have been some means."

Qiao Qiao raised his head

, "Although I don't know what means you used, you shouldn't have the power like this next time."

Alba was startled and nodded.

"I admit, I will definitely die under your hands, but your little strength really can't pass the boss."

Alba's eyes were almost all fearful, mixed with a hint of fanaticism.

"I just have to do my best to weaken you! I will leave you a place in hell.

Alba's eyes were cold, ready for a death battle.

"Together," Jojo shouted, rushing out first.

Fan Jie on the other side also nodded.

At this time, they will not care about the false name of going it alone.

As Alba said, he tried his best to weaken them, and their goal, naturally, was to resolve the battle as soon as possible and reduce the weakening.

The defense power of the green space is indeed amazing, but it is difficult to single Fanger, let alone add the platinum star.

Soon he was defeated.

Each heavy blow of the Platinum Star can leave a deep mark on his vine defenses.

"Boss. I tried my best," Alba roared, untying the vine defenses.

"Still want to use this trick? ,," Qiao Qiao's figure appeared, and he punched out heavily, directly shattering a huge vine.

The target of the vine is Axe again.

"The same trick, want to use it twice? Qiao Qiao shook his head.

"It's useless, it's useless,"

Vangele's figure flickered quickly, and with one move he solved the defenseless Orba.

Alba's face fell with resentment.

The second squad, the regiment is destroyed.

Jojo and Fanger were both panting, and this battle was indeed a great drain.

Even if the system can give him physical recovery, there is also a strong mental exhaustion.

There was one more thing, that thing could not be figured out, his psychology was like pressing a big stone.

What happened to that weird ability, that ability that saved Vangel from heavy damage? ,

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