
At this time, Yukio had found Wolverine and Mariko according to Shirahoshi's guidance.

At the same time, news of Mori Noburo's collusion with the gang was brought.

Those gangsters at the funeral must be these people, but why did Noburo Mori do this?

Logan lit a cigar, leaned back in his chair and said, I've said before that that guy named Lang doesn't look like a good person.

Yukio ignored him and said: I think this matter is not that simple. Mori Noburo is probably not the real instigator.

Mariko seemed to have thought of something, bit her lip lightly, and wanted to speak but finally lowered her head.

Logan took a puff of his cigar, looked at Yukio and said: You said Mori Noburo is dead, and he is not the one who really wants to capture Mariko. At the same time, the current Inagawa Society has been captured by a very powerful mutant. controlled.

So will the person behind the scenes have contact with that guy?

As a qualified warrior, Logan instantly realized the danger contained in this!

According to Yukio's description, that mysterious and powerful mutant just snapped his fingers and caused Noburo Mori to disintegrate, as if he was wiped out from the world!

Although he didn't understand what his ability was, his instinct as a beast told him that this would definitely be an extremely dangerous person!

Yukio heard Logan's speculation, but shook his head and offered a different opinion.

No, I can feel that he seems to have some goodwill towards us.

And since he clearly knew your position, he still rejected Noburo Mori and even killed him.

Then he told me the news easily, and it can be seen that he must have no ill intentions towards us!

But Logan still did not take it lightly: That's because you have met too few people. Believe me, the real danger often does not show hostility directly, but is hidden in goodwill, especially inexplicable goodwill.

Yukio rolled her eyes slightly. She almost forgot that although Logan looked about thirty or forty years old, he had actually lived for more than one hundred and eighty years.

It is a veritable antique.

And old antiques all have one characteristic, that is stubbornness.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Mariko quickly prepared to smooth things over.

But at this moment, Logan suddenly jumped up and threw Mariko down.

next moment.

--Da da da! !

--Da da da! !

Gunshots rang out!

The windows of the wooden house were instantly smashed into sieves.

The sharp Adamantium alloy claws shot out from the back of Logan's hand.

His eyes began to become fierce and determined.

The scent of the beast rose over him.

But the next moment, he pulled Mariko directly and ran towards the back door.

Just from the gunshots just now, he deduced that there were many people and they were equipped with sufficient thermal weapons.

If there were no obstacles around him, it wouldn't be that difficult for the battle-experienced Wolverine to kill them all.

However, at this moment, he not only had to protect Mariko, but he also had problems with himself.

Ever since he personally killed the blackened Jean Gray during the Battle of Alcatraz, Logan has had nightmares every night.

Sometimes you will be in a dazed and confused state.

And this gives the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

On the night I arrived in Tokyo and checked into the Yashida mansion.

Logan saw the phantom of Jean Gray again, but when he regained consciousness, he found that he had been plotted against.

A woman quietly climbed into his bed and kissed him.

Immediately afterwards, Logan felt as if there was something in his body.

As a result, the ability to mutate is suppressed, and the body's powerful recovery ability is suppressed to its lowest point.

After being shot, it is difficult to quickly regain combat effectiveness.

Facing an enemy with powerful firepower, you can only choose to escape first!

As for Yukio, because she has received strict training since childhood, her fighting ability is definitely not weak.

Even without the protection of Logan, he found a bunker as quickly as possible to avoid the sudden hail of bullets!

But when Logan had just rushed to the back door to protect Mariko, he heard footsteps coming from outside in advance.

Obviously, the other party came prepared!

Know how to outflank front and rear!

Luo Gen looked ferocious, looking for the sound to identify his position, and thrust out both claws at the same time.

The hard wooden door formed no obstruction at all, and was as smooth as a hot knife inserted into butter.

puff! puff!

The two Yakuza members outside who were about to break in were immediately pierced through their bodies.

As Logan pulled out the steel claw, there were traces of crystal blood.

Fire! Fire!

The Yakuza members outside the door were frightened and angry, and immediately pulled the trigger on the door.

But Logan had already pulled Mariko in advance and hid behind the bunker.

After the round of concentrated fire was over, Logan turned around and said to Mariko in a firm tone: Seize the opportunity later, and then run away!

Before Mariko could say anything, Logan had already taken advantage of the opportunity for the opponent to change the magazine and suddenly jumped forward.


Kicking the door directly to pieces, using the cover of the wood fragments, Logan jumped into the sheep like a ferocious beast.

The claws kept piercing and waving, causing bursts of scarlet, accompanied by the miserable screams of the Yakuza members.

It's now!

Mariko gritted her teeth and quickly escaped from the side under the escort of Yukio.

Fortunately, Mariko was familiar with the surrounding environment. After Luo Gen broke it off, the two sides chased each other and temporarily escaped the pursuit of the Yakuza members.

In a remote forest, Logan sat under a tree, breathing heavily.

Yukio nervously inspected his injuries: You must treat the wounds immediately!

I've almost forgotten what to do with them.

As a veteran who has been on the battlefield, Logan is comfortable dealing with gunshot wounds.

But he was already unfamiliar.

In addition to showing the power of his self-healing ability, it also proves his over-reliance on self-healing ability in battle.

let me help you!

Yukio's methods were very professional, and it was obvious that she should be injured frequently.

But he was directly rejected by Logan: We can't delay it any longer. We must leave here immediately! Those damn gangsters will definitely come after us.

Yukio frowned, not only because she was worried about Logan, but also because she had said before that Shirahoshi had good intentions towards them, but only two days later they were attacked by Yakuza members.

Without giving her more time to think, the three of them had just walked not far when noisy footsteps came from behind again.

Damn it! Let's go!

boom! boom! boom!

Gunfire rang out.

A new round of fighting begins in the woods.

Logan ignored Mariko's obstruction and handed her over to Yukio.

Take care of her!

Knowing that if this continues, no one will be able to escape, Logan plans to sacrifice himself to hold off the enemy.

As a guy with immortality, he is used to sacrificing himself in battle to create opportunities for his teammates.


Ignoring Yukio's shouts, Logan roared angrily and charged towards the pursuing Yakuza members with his steel claws.

Da da da!

boom! boom!


Baga! Kill the chicken and give it to me!

You can't run away!

Gunshots, roars, screams.

It kept coming from behind.

Yukio could only grit his teeth and take Mariko to escape from here first.

Otherwise, Logan's sacrifice would have been in vain!

And she also believed that as an old antique who had lived for more than 180 years, it was absolutely impossible for Logan to capsize in such a gutter!

However, what was despairing was that just after passing through the woods, he saw Yakuza members also surrounding him on the left and right sides.

Yukio's expression changed and he could only launch a counterattack immediately.

Unfortunately, it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. In the end, she was knocked unconscious on the ground. The last thing she saw was Mariko being pulled away by several strong men.

I don't know how much time had passed, but a smell of disinfectant mixed with blood poured into Yukio's nose.

Opening his eyes, he found himself lying on a hospital bed. From the dim lights around him, the simple facilities and environment, and the stained white sheets under him.

Yukio simply judged that she should be in a black clinic at the moment.

Logan! Mariko!

you're awake.

A young doctor came over.

Yukio stepped forward instantly and subdued the doctor before he could react.

Who are you! Why am I here!

Stop! Stop! Stop! My arm is going to be broken!

Cut the nonsense! Answer my question!

If the man who brought you here is named Logan, then he is probably the person you are looking for.

After releasing the doctor, Yukio found Logan sitting on the bedside smoking a cigar in another ward.

There was a bandage on his body. It was obvious that he had been seriously injured before, but the overall appearance was not serious.

Hey, no one told you, you can't smoke in the hospital.

The doctor came here soon after.

But Logan ignored him at all.

Only Yukio turned to look at the doctor.

The doctor felt the threatening look in his eyes and remembered how tough this girl was just now. He quickly raised his hand and said: Oh, relax, miss, you guys just rest and I'll be out right now.

When leaving, I didn't forget to close the door.

After the doctor left, Yukio came to Logan's side.

Are you OK?

Logan shook his head slightly: It's okay. I have encountered countless more serious dangers than this, but Mariko was captured by them.

Feel sorry.

No, it's not your fault. Their firepower is fierce and they are well prepared.

Yukio's eyes flashed with determination and he said: I will take you to the Inagawa Meeting now!

Although he knew how terrifying Shirahoshi was, Yukio still decided to fight for Mariko!

But at this moment, Logan stopped her.

No need, I caught a man alive. Those gangsters are not from the Inagawa Society, but from the Sumiyoshi Society.

Of course, this is no longer important. The truth is that they were ordered by Yashida Shingen to capture Mariko!

Yukio understood everything instantly.

She knew very well that Yashida Shingen was obsessed with the inheritance of the Yashida family.

But when Yashida Ichiro was dying, he actually made a will and handed all the inheritance to his granddaughter.

That is Mariko Yashida.

This makes Yashida Shingen almost crazy!

Although it is said that tigers cannot eat their own children, when a person is crazy, even his own daughter may not be spared!

Mariko is in danger!

The two of them left the black clinic immediately, regardless of the fact that their injuries were not yet healed.

Head to the Yashida mansion at full speed!

Daochuanhui Headquarters.

Bai Xing stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Looking down at the streets still bustling with people even at night.

Tokyo at night is full of neon lights, and the bustling scene is in stark contrast to the ruins in Shirahoshi's memory.

Over the past month or so, Bai Xing has made some progress in his research on martial arts.

Combining the martial arts of Nagai and Sato, I came up with the idea of ​​taking the moves even further.

First of all, Shirahoshi planned to try the 'Armored Indestructible Body'.

This is an upgraded version of electromagnetic force field protection. If the theory of Ruyi Four-Legged Divine Art is introduced, it may be able to become stronger!

Just to achieve Shirahoshi's vision, some things are needed.

Something hard.

Such as Adamant alloy!

When Shirahoshi mentioned Adamantium, he immediately thought of Wolverine.

However, he did not intend to obtain the Adamantium alloy from Wolverine, because it was not particularly rare in the world of mutants.

In addition to Wolverine, it can be found elsewhere.

For example, Yashida Ichiro!

If Shirahoshi remembers correctly, this guy first deliberately handed over the inheritance rights to his granddaughter Mariko, hoping to attract the hatred of Yashida Shingen.

Then use Logan's sense of responsibility and kindness as a member of the X-Men to turn them against each other.

In the end, he reaped the benefits, captured Logan, and extracted the mutant genes from his body.

So he didn't die at all, he just faked his death.

He even built a Silver Samurai mecha specially for himself.

And the materials used in that mecha are all Adamantium alloy, which can be said to be very wealthy!

“I just don’t know if Adamantium alloy can withstand the decomposition effect of the subhuman body.

If you can withstand it, things will be much simpler.

If it will still be decomposed by the subhuman body, I am afraid it will waste more time.

But as long as the idea can be realized, it should be worth it.

After making the decision, Shirahoshi decided to take action for the first time more than a month after coming to this world.

The first step is to go to Yashida Shingen and ask where Yashida Ichiro is hiding.

Then grab the Silver Samurai mecha.

The moon is bright and there are few stars in the night sky.

This is when the nightlife begins.

But no one could have imagined that there was a person flying through the sky high in the night sky.

Like God, flying through the night.

Not long after, Shirahoshi arrived at the Yashida mansion.

As the largest technology company in the island country, the Yashida Group's mansion occupies a large area.

The interior decoration is also very low-key and luxurious. The building uses a large amount of wood, bamboo, ceramics and other materials, and many Japanese retro elements are added on the basis of modernity.

Suspended in mid-air, Shirahoshi quickly locked onto Yashida Shingen's position.

Just when he was about to take action, he suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly.

Is it such a coincidence?

I saw a group of ninjas in black sneaking into the mansion below.

Get rid of the bodyguards armed with guns one by one.

Gradually approaching the room where Yashida Shingen is located.

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