Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 84 You fell down before I even exerted any force.

The nuclear explosion power that had been suppressed in the body was released with Bai Xing's fists.

Then it burst out with great force!

The endless light and heat formed two broad light strips like a Milky Way waterfall.

Wash away everything along the way.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Sato dodged in time, but his 'Wind Fire Meteor' was wiped out in the highly concentrated nuclear explosion power.

Just like a pebble thrown into a river, it doesn't make much waves at all.

On the other side, Nagai was not so lucky and fell into it instantly.

A guy who is arrogant and kills thousands of people, like a world-destroying demon.

After actually fighting against Shirahoshi, he was instantly killed on the spot in just two moves!

In mid-air, Sato's half-lidded eyes widened, shining with an unbelievable luster.

He had sufficiently overestimated Bai Xing, so he made various countermeasures for this, and only decided to take action after being fully prepared.

But he didn't expect that he would be in such a disadvantageous situation just after the war started!

Bai Xing's strength was far beyond his imagination!

How. How could this happen?!

After this period of research, the Nuclear Explosion Fist has become more powerful than it was originally.

In addition to the output being able to become higher, it also has the functions of absorption and transformation.

It can be said that a nuclear explosion, which is equivalent to a catastrophe for ordinary people, is like a gift to White Star.

Sato only knows that in today's world, except for nuclear bombs, nothing can hurt Shirahoshi.

After many twists and turns, two nuclear bombs with a combined yield of 20 million tons were obtained.

Unexpectedly, this actually helped Bai Xing and made him stronger!

Of course, the absorbed nuclear explosion power can only be converted into attacks.

For the time being, it cannot remain in Bai Xing's body for too long.

Otherwise, Shirahoshi just needs to use his methods to let all the nuclear bombs in the world blow up him.

Then suck the music like crazy, and you can become invincible directly.

However, there is still room for improvement in the function of absorption and transformation.

If it doesn't work now, it may not work in the future.

And derived from this function is extremely powerful destructive power!

The original nuclear bomb explosion radiated outwards from a central point indiscriminately.

The attack range is full, but the power is also spread too far.

At this moment, the power of these nuclear explosions is absorbed by Bai Xing. When released, he can choose whether to attack the map or attack a single target.

Just like just now, the highly condensed nuclear explosion power was like a flowing Milky Way.

Under this intensity of erosion, even if Nagai tried his best, he would still be easily crushed like a mantis using his arms as a cart.

It's just that the demihuman physique is really unreasonable.

Even if Nagai is shattered into invisible particles, he can still be resurrected.

Black particles continued to emerge, and a human body appeared in front of Bai Xing at extremely fast speeds.

Before he was completely reborn, one of Nagai's arms couldn't bear it anymore and fiercely blasted towards Shirahoshi.

When he arrived in front of Bai Xing, his entire body was truly reborn.

Seeing the muscular naked man rushing toward him in anger, Bai Xing frowned slightly.

Nagai, let me see what kind of situation you can go to when you are catalyzed by extreme emotions.

I hope you won’t let me down again and again!

Seventy thousand horses of power! Powerful rapid fire punch!


Along with a roar, the two fists collided fiercely.

And this is just the beginning.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

In one second, the two fists collided more than a hundred times.


Finally, Nagai's hand bones were the first to crack.

The arm bone was broken, the flesh was pierced and protruded, and there were traces of blood hanging on the white bone stubble.

Just when Bai Xing was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory, a gust of evil wind blew up behind him.

The power of sixty thousand horses! The power of heaven and earth, the tornado of hell!

War marks appeared on Sato's forehead, and he suddenly waved his hand and released a hurricane.

After the last battle with Nagai, Sato deeply felt the power of his 'Hell Funeral Knife'.

Then he drew on its sharp murderous aura, combined it with his own 'power of heaven and earth', and integrated it into the 'wind' attribute.

This move formed, the extremely violent 'Hell Tornado'! !

——Hoo ho! !

The spinning tornado roared, rising from nothing to a height of hundreds of meters in an instant.

Every whirling wind force contains the ultimate killing intent and sharp aura.

Instantly enveloped the white star.

Armored Immortal Body!

Magnetic lines appeared on Bai Xing's body, outlining the appearance of a suit of armor.

At the same time, his figure was flying in the air, perfectly avoiding the wind and pull of the hurricane.

As long as it is not completely sucked into the center of the hurricane and cut by the wind on the periphery, it will be difficult to break through Shirahoshi's armored indestructible body.

Fighter planes soar!

With the bonus of movement skills, Shirahoshi, who is already stronger, has no fear at all even when faced with the siege of two people.

He easily cracked the moves of the two men, quickly found Nagai's flaw, and struck out with an 'anti-tank palm'.

The roaring palm waves enveloped Nagai's entire body.


The palm of his hand was raised up into a knife, and Nagai aroused the surging killing intent in his body.

Hell's funeral knife!


It was like the sound of cloth being torn.

With a bold stroke, he cut the entire palm wave from the middle.

But it also gave Bai Xing a chance to really attack him.

It's just that Sato won't watch this happen.

Kuanggu's own strength, under the huge pressure brought by the white star, the magnetic field force keeps turning.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Death-Sacrifice Fist·Strong Attack Outstanding!!

But Shirahoshi didn't take it seriously and continued to blast Nagai with his right fist.

70,000 horses of power, powerful cannon punch! !

--boom! !

Under this fierce punch, Nagai had no time to react.

He was instantly hit in the chest.

Because those with strong magnetic fields have the ability to 'reorganize cells', any injuries on their bodies don't matter.

There are only two places that are most important!

One is the brain representing will, and the other is the heart representing power.

Although the three people present are all demi-humans, even if their brains and hearts are broken, they can still be obtained through rebirth.

But the skull and sternum, which protect the brain and heart, are still the hardest and most defensive parts of the body!

But in the face of Shirahoshi's punch, Nagai's sternum cracked directly, and a clear sound of bone cracking could be heard.

If you could see through it, you could see that his sternum was instantly covered with large and small spiderweb-like cracks.

The whole person was like a cannonball, flying out instantly.

This time, because Bai Xing really used all his strength, he shot even farther away than the one he shot at the beginning!

The initial speed directly exceeded five times the speed of sound, and in just the blink of an eye, it flew several kilometers away.

At this time, Sato's fist was already close to behind Shirahoshi.

According to Sato's speed, even if Shirahoshi was extremely powerful, he would never be able to turn around and deal with it in this situation.

You must take his punch!

As demi-humans, the three of them knew that it would be useless to injure or kill each other.

The only way to defeat the opponent is to exhaust his magnetic field power!

Once injured, it is undoubtedly necessary to consume the power of the magnetic field to carry out 'cell reorganization'.

When their strength reaches their stage, they can no longer use rebirth to refresh just because of a minor injury.

Because no matter how fast the rebirth is, it still takes time, and this may only be 0.1 seconds, which is enough for the opponent to catch the flaw!

Therefore, general injuries still need to be repaired using ‘cell reorganization’.


Sato was about to succeed when suddenly a missile flew towards him.



That's not a missile, that's Shirahoshi's leg!

Seventy thousand horses of power! Rocket missile kick!

--boom! !

The bursting fireball rose upwards, and the shock wave swept everything.

Sato was also blown away, shooting all the way in the opposite direction of Nagai.

The air current stirred up around him caused all the ruins along the way to be crushed and separated before his body even came close.

It shot out several kilometers away and fell into a cargo ship docked in Yokohama Port.

There was a loud explosion, the hull of the ship was directly penetrated, and a large amount of cargo poured out, burying Sato inside.

On the other side, Nagai seemed to be floating on water. Every time he landed, he would leave a huge muffled sound and a pit with a diameter of nearly ten meters.

We fell all the way into the cherry blossom forest next to the Nishitani train station. It was supposed to be the time when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.

But all that's floating here is the gray dust kicked up by the shock wave.

Buried in it, the whole world is filled with sadness.


Atop the ruins of a nuclear explosion.

White stars stand in the sky.

Tsk, tsk said: Is there any mistake? You fell down before I even exerted any force.


The sound of explosions came from far away.

Sato and Nagai rushed out almost at the same time, their bodies wrapped in fine electric current.

He rushed towards Bai Xing again.

Immediately afterwards, a new round of fighting began.

While the three of them were fighting fiercely.

The explosion of two nuclear bombs with a total yield of 20 million tons in Yokohama has once again shocked the world!

Everyone started to panic.

In comparison, most people have never seen it and only heard about it in news reports.

The power of nuclear bombs has been ingrained in everyone's hearts for a long time.

Whether it's in textbooks or on TV, people are told that ordinary people have no hope of survival in the face of such a murderous weapon!

And now, just a few months.

First Tokyo was bombed, and then Washington was bombed.

Now, Yokohama has been bombed by two hydrogen bombs with a yield of tens of millions.

It seems that World War III will start at any time!

It seems that the next nuclear bomb may fall next to you!

Fear and panic spread in this world.

But what they don't know is that if the power of the magnetic field is allowed to continue to develop, the power of these nuclear bombs will probably be reduced to nothing more than a two-kicking thing.

Only those high-level human beings know this kind of thing.

Therefore, the Third World War that ordinary people think will not really happen.

Because everyone is facing a more serious problem at this moment.


There are demi-humans who are more powerful than nuclear bombs and are constantly growing!

And the most disappointing thing is that as of now, two of the three most powerful demi-humans are lunatics!

Sato himself is an anti-human and anti-social lunatic.

Nagai, a super lunatic who goes from one extreme to another, is even more crazy than Sato.

Nowadays, the most famous and feared person in the world is no longer Sato.

But Nagai!

Whether it was the 'Killing Through the United States Incident', the 'City Massacre Incident', or the 'Pentagon Incident', it was all caused by him.

It can be said that it has set off a storm all over the world!

As for the last and strongest Bai Xing, although he has never shown any noble qualities such as integrity and kindness, he has become the hope of mankind!

Became the only savior who could possibly stop Nagai and Sato!

Especially when news spread that Shirahoshi had killed Sato several times, and now that he was going to war with the two in Yokohama.

His fame has reached an unprecedented level.

If Bai Xing knew it, many people around the world would already worship him as their savior.

I wonder if I will laugh until my stomach hurts!

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