Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 80 Preparations before fighting the BOSS

Pacific Ocean.

On an unknown island.

The entire island stands on the blue sea, surrounded by lush green palms. In the distance, you can see the endless sea.

The sun falls on the sea, creating sparkling waves that extend into the distance.

When Nagai woke up, the first thing he felt was the fine sand, followed by the gentle sea breeze.

Opening my eyes, I saw the waves washing up on the beach not far away, and a few birds circling in the sky.

After waves of sea breeze, the fine sand on the beach was lifted up, like a thin golden river.

Nagai suddenly stood up and looked around. He saw a coconut forest not far away, surrounded by a primitive ecology. There seemed to be no sign of human existence.

Where am I?

Holding my forehead, my head seemed to be split, and there were bursts of pain.

Some bad memories appear in my mind.

Immediately afterwards, Nagai began to exude a terrifying aura.

The surrounding sand and dust seemed to be pulled, constantly trembling and rising into the air.

Veins appeared on Nagai's face, gradually becoming ferocious.

Why can't I activate my power?!

It's temporarily blocked by me.

Just then, a voice interrupted him.

Nagai suddenly looked back and saw Sato slowly walking out of the coconut grove.

He also held two coconuts as big as bowling balls in his hands.


Clenching his fists, Nagai wanted to continue the previous fight.

Don't waste your efforts. I said I will win in the end.

As he spoke, Sato came to him.

Passing the coconut to him: Want to eat it? It's pure natural and tastes good.

Nagai's power was blocked, but he could do nothing when facing the enemy right in front of him.

He felt extremely humiliated and his face was as gloomy as water.

What do you want to do? Are you going to humiliate me?

Sato waved his hand: No, of course not. Remember, I want to cooperate with you.

Nagai smiled coldly: Your hatred for me is irreconcilable! Are you kidding me about cooperating with you?

“Asian people are suffering extremely unfair treatment in island countries, and you and I are both victims.

And whether you agree with it or not, I have been working hard to fight for the subhuman right to exist.

But if you think about it carefully, when did this whole thing start to fall apart?

Although Nagai said that we are irreconcilable, now that he has regained some sense, it means that we can communicate.

And as long as he can communicate, Sato is confident that he can persuade him!

If Shirahoshi was standing here, he would definitely laugh at Sato's words.

Sato has never been a leader.

All his previous actions came from only two motivations.

First, take revenge on the humans who imprisoned and tortured him for twenty years!

Second, games!

That's right, when he discovered that he would never die no matter what, the world seemed like a game in Sato's eyes.

Just like the fourth natural disaster, since you won't die no matter what, then of course you can go do big things and have fun without any scruples!

As for talking about demi-humans, they are all just excuses to cover up his two purposes.

However, the person standing here is not Shirahoshi, but Nagai!

Therefore, Nagai did not refute Sato's words.

Instead, under Sato's guidance, he recalled what happened in the past.

Power, magnetic power!

Sato waved his hand with emotion, and all kinds of magnetic lines scattered on the surface of the planet that were invisible to the naked eye were revealed in front of him.

“It is undeniable that this is indeed a powerful enough force, but precisely because it is so powerful, it is also easy to lose control.

Think about what you did before, Nagai-kun, do you feel that every time your obsession deepens and your will goes crazy, your strength will rise involuntarily, and as your strength rises, your obsession and will will sink further, Finally helpless?

Nagai was silent.

Sato continued: Do you really think that magnetic field power is the second stage of demihuman expression?

But according to my observation, almost everyone who has mastered the power of the magnetic field has had contact with the White Star!

Shirahoshi! Nagai's eyes flashed, remembering that mysterious man!

Yes, it's Bai Xing. Why did he share such terrifying power?

And without this power, is it possible that things would not have become so bad?

Seeing Nagai's thoughtful look, Sato's lips curved into a smile.

Although he roughly guessed that magnetic field power probably had nothing to do with demihumans, he actually didn't care at all!

He didn't even care why Shirahoshi wanted to share the power.

There are only two things he cares about.

Revenge against humanity, and the game!

But now, with the terrifying power at this moment, it is not too difficult to take revenge on mankind, or even conquer mankind.

So Sato didn't take it to heart.

Then the only fun left is to clear the Earth online.

Just being defeated by Shirahoshi many times in a row made Sato very aware of how strong Shirahoshi is, the final boss!

Even now that he has entered the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation], he still has no confidence to win alone.

So he wants to find teammates to cooperate!

Sato has never been shy about finding teammates.

He had found Koji Tanaka as a teammate before, and later he recruited more Asians as teammates through the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Passenger Plane Attack Incident and the Tokyo Extinction Incident.

But those demi-humans can no longer keep up with the version.

If he wants to achieve his goal, there is only one person who is qualified to be his teammate.

That’s Kei Nagai!

After a verbal spat, Nagai's focus shifted slightly to Shirahoshi.

Immediately afterwards, it was time to put on the weights.

I can help you find your sister first, as long as you agree to deal with Bai Xing together with me.

What happens to the two of us from now on is another matter.

I think my credibility is still trustworthy.

In this situation, Nagai, who had already lost in the head-to-head confrontation, had no second option at all.

Since he could not fulfill his agreement with General Noor, he could only rely on Sato if he wanted to find Eriko.

Can you really help me find Eriko?

Sato smiled and said, I can confirm it for you.

After saying this, Sato suddenly slapped Nagai on the chest.

Just when Nagai thought he was going to kill him at this moment.

Suddenly I feel like my blockade has been released!

The power of the magnetic field quickly fills the body like spring water emerging from a spring.

Nagai instantly became murderous and wanted to have another showdown with Sato.

But when he saw Sato standing there with a slight smile and a leisurely look, he hesitated again.

It was at this moment that Sato didn't seem to notice, and he jumped into the air.

Let's go, time waits for no one.

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