Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 78 When war marks appear on the surface

The air waves visible to the naked eye are rushing towards you like a terrifying tsunami.

Shimomura Izumi stood in front of the broken floor-to-ceiling window, in a daze, unable to react at all.

Immediately afterwards, the infinite storm enveloped her.

It was only now that the deafening blast officially reached his ears.

Countless reinforced concrete fragments and car wrecks became extremely powerful under the impact of this air wave.

A small stone is no less powerful than an armor-piercing bullet fired from a sniper rifle.

A larger piece of gravel is as powerful as a cannonball!

Shimomura Izumi couldn't imagine why they became so powerful.

He has obviously become a 'second-stage demi-human', and he has been working hard to train his abilities during this period of time.

I thought the harvest was already considerable, reaching 280,000 volts.

But I didn’t expect that compared to them, they pale into insignificance!

The city of Zaya is not big, and it has already been devastated by Nagai. At this moment, it has become a battlefield between two strong men. It is like a pure and lovely beauty being dragged into a dark alley by two big men, recklessly and wantonly. insult.

Vent everything about yourself without any scruples!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Sato and Nagai were engaged in the most primitive battle between men, fist to fist!

No dodging, no words, no complicated moves and routines.

Just constant confrontation!

Damn it! Nagai, your growth really surprises me!

The last fight between the two was when Nagai tried to prevent Sato from releasing poisonous gas.

But until that time, Nagai could only describe it as the mud could not hold up the wall.

Unexpectedly, in less than a month and a half, Nagai would undergo a completely different transformation.

While speaking, the two punched each other almost simultaneously, hitting each other in the chest.

Bang! Bang!

The huge force caused both sides to fly backwards.

Sato rolled around in the air, and after landing, his feet dug into the ground, cutting a gully dozens of meters long before he stopped.

The battle is over, Nagai, maybe you should consider the cooperation I just mentioned.

Kei Nagai regained Sato's attention, and the transaction turned into cooperation.

Unfortunately, he didn't care. At this moment, Nagai had only one thought in his heart.

Completely blow away this damn guy in front of you! !

However, at this moment, Sato opened his arms.

“Heaven and earth are united!”

The next moment, his biomagnetic field is compatible with the planet's magnetic field.

Compared to the first time he used this move against Bai Xing, the power of this move truly became apparent after he officially entered [Magnetic Field Rotation].

With the help of the planet's magnetic field, Sato felt that his power began to surge!

In just a few breaths, his strength increased several times.

The number of horses has also increased from the original 50,000 to 60,000.

Although the force unit of magnetic field rotation is 'horse', it is actually not a simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Every time it increases to 10,000 horses, the actual power increases exponentially.

This is especially obvious after 750,000 horses.

A group of strong men with 970,000 horses, or even a drop of blood, can create a group of strong men with the strength of 800,000 horses.

Feeling his strength getting stronger, a smile appeared on Sato's face.

I will win in the end!

boom! boom! boom!

Each punch carried violent and unparalleled power, and Nagai was instantly suppressed.

With his crazy willpower, Nagai was not defeated even when faced with Sato, whose power surged.

Countless steel bars and metal products were separated from the ruins, twisted and intertwined, and merged with each other, eventually forming a huge blade.

It was wrapped with blazing electric current, and the high temperature burned the entire giant blade to become extremely red.

The power of fifty thousand horses! Hell's funeral knife!!

Sato faced Nagai's knife again, but this time he did not dodge.

Crossing his arms forward, layers of electromagnetic force fields invisible to the naked eye intertwined in front of him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As the electromagnetic force field continued to collapse, dazzling fireworks exploded in mid-air.

Countless sparks splash outward, but there is a strange sense of beauty on this apocalyptic ruins.


Sato turned his defense into an attack and suddenly punched out.

Death-Sacrifice Fist·Strong Attack Outstanding!!

A punch containing a violent impact collided with the red giant blade that sparkled with lightning.

In an instant, harsh shouts of contention echoed throughout the city of Zayi.

A trace of surprise flashed in Nagai's eyes. He didn't expect that his all-out attack didn't hurt Sato at all!

The most important thing is that before the knife collided with Sato's fist, the power was inexplicably dispersed too much.

It felt as if the world around Sato was helping him share the pain!

Sato smiled proudly. Although he could not completely mobilize the magnetic field of the entire planet, it was already very powerful.

If one day he can control the global magnetic field with a single thought, then who else on this planet can defeat him?

Not to mention, if we can break through the planet's blockade and call upon the magnetic field of the universe.

Simply invincible!

Sato couldn't wait any longer. It was really easy for him to conquer humans with his current strength.

There is only one thing, and it is also the final difficulty of this game, White Star!

Sato designated Shirahoshi as the big boss at the end of the level!

If you want to pass the level of Earth Online, you can only defeat Shirahoshi, the big boss at the end of the level!

Almost at the same time.

Sato and Nagai's faces changed.

It's a war pattern!

War marks appeared on their faces.

Two bright red sharp blades extend from Nagai's forehead, and there are curved blades on both cheeks.

The blade of the blade is facing inward, which represents his past character. He was not afraid even if he was hit by a knife to protect innocent people.

The bright red blade piercing his eyes, with the tip at the eyelid, represents that he will eventually be tired of this and transform into another extreme.

His face was marked with killing and war marks.

Become an unparalleled demon who kills the whole world!

A complex symbol appeared on Sato's forehead.

This symbol comes from ancient yoga and is called ‘OM’.

In the yoga world, there is such a saying about the beginning of the universe:

That was before eternity ago, there were some faint, humming sounds in the universe. These sounds came from the sound waves emitted by the frequency of the energy of objects. Later, these rhythms were like snowballs, accumulating larger and stronger, and the energy became stronger, including Many things, including living things, were born.

And this sound is ‘OM’!

Sato's Wishful Four-legged Divine Technique is derived from ancient yoga, and its practice can eliminate internal and external demons.

This is not only reflected in the powerful moves brought by the Divine Art, but also makes up for Sato's chaotic and divided state of mind.

At the same time, high in the sky.

A figure was overlooking the battle between the two.

When he saw the war marks on their faces, Bai Xing couldn't help but said, It's getting more and more interesting.

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