No one knows when the first demi-human appeared in the world.

But twenty-six years ago, people first discovered new human creatures called ‘immortal soldiers’ in Africa and named them demi-humans.

The word subhuman has entered the field of vision of people all over the world.

Until now, which demi-human is the most well-known in the world?

He was undoubtedly responsible for many disasters, and was the mastermind behind the Tokyo Extinction Incident that shocked the world - Sato!

Regarding the 'Tokyo Nuclear Explosion Incident', although there is no direct evidence, many people still believe that it was also written by him!

After all, in the ruins of Tokyo at that time, there was nothing else except the American army headed by five-star General MacArthur.

It really makes no sense for the United States to launch nuclear bombs to bomb its own generals and soldiers.

Because of this incident, President Donald Golden was impeached and removed from office.

Vice President Matt Castro temporarily takes over as acting president.

In addition to Sato, another demi-human who played an important role in the series of events in Tokyo has naturally attracted the attention of the world.

He is Nagai!

So when Nagai landed on Santa Monica Beach, he immediately attracted the attention of the White House and the Pentagon.

In response to Nagai's appearance, acting President Matt Castro immediately convened an emergency meeting.

On the other side, after the unscrupulous Nagai appeared in the city, he was quickly pursued by the authorities because of the damage he caused and the death of people.

It's just that it's simply difficult for ordinary police officers to catch up with him.

But that doesn't mean that there is no way to intercept him.

The armed helicopter hovered over the pre-judged forward route, and police cars with red and blue lights flashing below were parked on the roadside. A large number of police officers were already fully armed.

Although I have seen the fighting prowess of these demi-humans from videos, I have no idea if I have not faced them in person.

Besides, it is their duty to protect the city. Even if they are facing non-human beings, they must step forward.

Kei Nagai! You have been surrounded. Please stop immediately and raise your hands to surrender! Nagai Kei! You have been surrounded. Please stop immediately and raise your hands to surrender!

From the loudspeaker, people kept shouting, trying to dissuade Nagai.

Unfortunately, Nagai couldn't listen to any words at this moment.

Damn it, don't stop me!

As he waved his hand, a wave blade formed by the force of the magnetic field was shot out, with flashing current at the edge.


It directly chopped up a helicopter hovering in the sky.


Cause a violent explosion.

Debris and burning remains fell, creating another disaster.

Seeing that Nagai had no intention of talking, the police chief took action directly.

I immediately understood that there was no way to resolve the matter peacefully.


The bullets formed a storm and enveloped Nagai.

The arc flashed, and the force of the magnetic field directly pulled the bullets. The arc dispersed in every inch of space, and the high temperature melted them all into molten iron.

Why are you forcing me!!

The molten iron turned into countless silver round flakes, spinning rapidly and cutting towards everyone present.

You damn Americans! You kidnapped Eriko and threatened me. Damn it! Damn it! Die!

When the arc dissipated, the crackling sound disappeared, when the screams and gunshots stopped, and the streets fell into silence.

After a while, people in the tall buildings nearby dared to raise their heads and reveal their eyes to see what was happening outside.

With just one glance, this scene was deeply imprinted in their minds and became their deepest and lingering nightmare every sleepless night in their lives!

The police car rolled over, and the exploded parts of the armed helicopter were scattered all over the ground. The broken body was still emitting thick smoke, mixed with jumping fire.

The surrounding fragments were mixed with various stumps and severed limbs, and the flesh and blood became blackened by the flames. A disgusting smell of burnt barbecue mixed with gunpowder smoke spread around.

Blood flowed from the piles of corpses scattered on the ground, converging at a lower place to form a winding dark red stream.

Having lost MacArthur, the only connection with Eriko, Nagai is now very uneasy!

At the same time, he also had a strange feeling, which was an unknown pain!

He was sure that Eriko must be suffering from pain at this moment.

It was precisely because of the brother-sister connection that blood was thicker than water that he felt similar pain.

This pain made every minute and every second feel like he was in hell.

Constantly forcing him, making him feel confused!

But at this moment, after the killing spree, Nagai found that the pain in his heart had actually eased a little.

So those silver disks were suspended around him, flying with the electric light all the way, and the disks kept shuttling back and forth around him.

No matter who you meet along the way, you can't escape his cutting!

All that's left is a scarlet road paved with broken limbs!

South of Los Angeles, the military base located not far from Highway 5 received the order immediately.

A large number of troops were dispatched, and the sonic boom of fighter planes piercing the sky was deafening.

Although there is only one enemy, the seriousness is no less than fighting a real national enemy!

Nagai's location and route can be easily determined through satellites.

His speed is too fast, and he is fighting in the city, which will not give full play to the advantages of the army, and will cause too many casualties of life and property.

As a result, all these American troops were deployed in the deserted desert areas outside Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is located in a basin in Southern California, bordering the Pacific Ocean and nestled between the Santa Monica Mountains and the San Fernando Valley.

There are three large deserts surrounding Los Angeles.

The climate here is arid, the sky is full of dust, and it looks extremely desolate.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning flashed past!

That was Kei Nagai who had already killed the entire city of Los Angeles!

Fighting all the way out, Nagai felt that some kind of restraint in his heart was gradually being opened, and a refreshing feeling filled his chest!

At this moment, a black dot flew from the sky.

That's a missile!

This is a surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missile produced by the American Raytheon Company, named 'Deep Strike'!

As a short-range missile, its effective range is 60 kilometers to 499 kilometers.

It is widely used in the US Army and Marine Corps.

The speed was so fast that even Nagai had no time to react.

He just instinctively reached out and placed several layers of electromagnetic force field protective shields in front of himself.

——Boom! !

Under precise guidance, even Nagai, who was moving at high speed, was hit instantly.

The violent explosion instantly enveloped him, with flames soaring into the sky. The terrifying shock wave shook up the surrounding gravel and sand, then crushed them all into powder, and was blown away by the hurricane, forming a cloud of smoke and dust that filled the sky.

The strength in Nagai's body was not at its peak, and he was caught off guard. Facing this crystallization of the wisdom of modern human technology, he was instantly blown away.

It flew thousands of meters away before landing with a loud 'bang' sound, and then it was as if it was floating in water. Every time it rose and fell, it left an obvious pit on the ground.

It wasn't until he finally glided hundreds of meters that he finally stopped.

But then, with a roar, Nagai's body exploded with lightning and he stood up again!


But his roar did not last long, because two more black spots appeared in the sky.

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