Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 66 The unity of heaven and earth, the power of heaven and earth

Eight hundred thousand volts of power! Death-sacrifice fist and bullet speed!!

Punch after punch that exceeded the speed of sound, the wind and waves set off formed hurricanes.

Rumbling sounds continued to be heard, and wherever the gray-white airflow caused by high-intensity compression passed, the reinforced concrete was like tofu.

Some residents who had no time to escape died tragically in an instant.

Unfortunately, neither Shirahoshi nor Sato is a being who cares about their life or death.

Bai Xing doesn't care about death or immortality in these little days. Even if the world is different, he still doesn't have much favorable impression of this country.

He did not take the initiative to destroy this country and kill all the people, which was a more rational expression on his part. After all, he was not a lunatic who liked to cause indiscriminate killing.

As for Sato, exclude the fact that he has already distinguished himself from humans.

Just talking about himself, in fact, it has nothing to do with the island country.

Although he was born in the island country since he was a child, he was captured and imprisoned in a laboratory for twenty years.

But in fact, Sato is not from the island country.

He is half Han Chinese and half from Great Britain.

Before he escaped from the institute, he had no name, only the code name - Experimental Subject No. 001!

The word 'Sato' is taken from the girl who saved him.

Her last name is Sato.

So from then on, ‘Sato’ became his name.

Fighting without scruples in the city will cause unimaginable disasters to the citizens!

Wherever the two passed, buildings collapsed and streets were shattered. The agitated air currents were like turbulent waves. The cars running through the streets trying to escape were like tiny leaves. With each wave, many were beaten. Shattered to pieces.

Sato, you have lost too much power.

The two were fighting, not destroying.

Therefore, the surrounding environment has been affected so severely. It seems to be very strong, but in fact it is not something to be happy about.


As he spoke, Bai Xing turned from defense to offense and took the initiative for the first time!

Forty thousand horses of power! Powerful rapid fire punch!

A punch was thrown out, and Sato couldn't dodge it at all.

But then, Shirahoshi discovered that when Sato faced this punch, the world around him seemed to form a big net.

Countless electromagnetic lines crisscross and connect with him.

Not to block this blow for him, but to share the power of this blow with him!

It's a pity that even if Bai Xing didn't use all his strength, there is an essential difference between the rotation of the magnetic field and the push of the current.

Even though Sato's Ruyi Four-Legged Divine Technique has many clever moves, it is still difficult to resist.

boom! !

Just one punch.

It penetrated all of Sato's defenses and even broke through the limit of his Unity of Heaven and Earth, leaving a bloody hole in his chest.

While waiting for Sato's rebirth, Shirahoshi also savored Sato's newly created moves.

Originally, Shirahoshi felt that Kei Nagai, who had the brilliance of the protagonist, surpassed everyone else in terms of talent.

But as these two guys continued to grow, Shirahoshi discovered that he was wrong.

Nagai is burdened by his own personality, he may have some talent, but he simply cannot use it.

On the other hand, Sato also has extremely high talents, but he just lacks a stage to display them.

Just in time, the power of the magnetic field fills this gap.

After possessing the power of the magnetic field, Bai Xing would be surprised almost every time he saw him. His growth rate was extraordinary!

The technique Sato used this time, Unity of Heaven and Earth, not only connected with the planet's magnetic field to amplify himself, but also had the effect of integrating his body into nature, connecting to the planet's magnetic field and allowing the electromagnetic field of the entire planet to share the damage for him.

Of course, Sato can't do that yet.

If he could really mobilize the electromagnetic field of the entire planet, then even White Star would be no match for him.

And he himself may have truly entered the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation] long ago.

What Sato can mobilize now is only the surroundings centered on himself.

In addition, this move can not only be used to 'block', but can also be used to 'attack'!

It turned out that when Sato used the Jueshuo Sheshen Fist, the backlash he caused to himself was very large.

He almost threw out a punch. He didn't know if the enemy was up to something, but half of his body had to be broken first.

But now, this backlash effect has also been distributed to the surrounding planet's magnetic field.

Not only can you exert punching power that breaks the original limit, but you don't have to bear such huge side effects.

Even Shirahoshi had to admire Sato's wisdom.

This guy between a lunatic and a genius should not be underestimated!

It's been so long, why haven't you really entered the realm of magnetic field rotation?

Sato, who had just completed his rebirth, suddenly seemed to understand something when he listened to Shirahoshi's words.

He said in a surprised tone: You mean you have already entered that realm?!

No need for Shirahoshi to answer, Sato figured everything out.

No wonder he felt such an unusual sense of fatal crisis when he saw Shirahoshi again this time.

Could it be that, entering the realm of magnetic field rotation, is there really a way to restrain the subhuman physique?

Sato couldn't help but think in his mind.

The sense of crisis in my heart also became more intense.

And Bai Xing seemed to see through what he was thinking.

He smiled and said, You are right, but I won't let you die.

Sato, your potential is what satisfies me. As you grow, my expectations for you are also increasing.

However, although you have been getting stronger, there is no sign of entering the realm of magnetic field rotation.

For this reason, I had to plan to intervene.

Sato's heart was ringing with alarm bells.

What are you going to do?!

Bai Xing showed a wicked smile: I plan to make you an ordinary person again, and then hand it over to the Demihuman Research Management Association. What do you think will happen to you?

Painful memories could not help but resurface in Sato's mind, and a burst of anger arose in his heart.

Impossible! I will never let you succeed!

The power of heaven and earth·water!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the surging water surrounding the white star.

It seems to be able to absorb power, making it impossible for those trapped in it to break free no matter what.

Of course, Bai Xing could not be trapped at this level, but Bai Xing did not break away.

He planned to see what other gains Sato had gained during this period of time.

The power of heaven and earth·ice!


The water flow that originally enveloped the white star all condensed into ice that was harder than high-strength alloy!

The power of heaven and earth!

sough! !

The surrounding buildings that were destroyed in the aftermath of their battle turned into sand and turned into endless quicksand.

From bottom to top, countless streams of quicksand gather together to form a river, followed by surrounding the white star.

The power of heaven and earth, fire!

——Boom, boom, boom! !

The orange-red flames turned the sky red, completely covering the white star that had turned into a gray-black stone ball.

It can reach high temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius and is continuously roasted, causing the stone balls to begin to crystallize.

But at this moment, cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the stone ball.

Shirahoshi - Explosive Punch!!

--boom! ! !

The stone ball was completely shattered into pieces, and every particle of dust shot out carried a huge amount of kinetic energy and was more lethal than an armor-piercing bullet.

The terrifying air waves spread outward, blowing out the raging flames.

After taking Sato's three moves, Shirahoshi still stood there intact.

There was a more appreciative look in his eyes.

While leveraging the planet's magnetic field, you can use your own magnetic field power to simulate natural phenomena. You really have it, Sato.

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