Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 64 The symbol of the strong, the battle pattern of destruction!

At the moment when the nuclear blast punch was fired.

Something appeared on Shirahoshi's forehead.

There is a small black circle in the middle and three radioactive black fan-shaped patterns around it.

This is the symbol of nuclear weapons, and it is also the symbol of White Star - the war pattern!

It is mentioned in the Bodhidharma Sutra that when war marks appear on a person's body, it is the time when a strong man becomes a god!

This is a sign that only the strong deserve to possess.

But in fact, war patterns are not static.

The war pattern symbolizes the martial arts practiced by those with strong magnetic fields, or their personality.

At this moment, Bai Xing perfected the Military Killing Fist in the midst of a nuclear explosion, creating the strongest Nuclear Explosion Fist so far!

This inspired the war pattern that was a symbol of nuclear weapons and represented destruction!

If someone who uses the power of magnetic field can learn Shirahoshi's Military Killing Fist, they will also have a chance of inheriting this destructive battle pattern.

In addition, the owners of war marks will also change their war marks as their martial arts improves or their personality and mood change.

It is even possible for multiple war patterns to overlap.

The destructive war mark appeared on Bai Xing's forehead for a short time before disappearing quickly.

Under normal conditions, the battle marks of those with strong magnetic fields are invisible.

And when the battle pattern of a strong magnetic field person appears, it means that his mood has fluctuated, which means that he is getting serious!

Thanks to the electromagnetic fruits that were previously swallowed, and the nutrients contributed by growers such as Sato and Nagai.

Bai Xing has a flow rate that exceeds that of a strong person in the same realm. Even in the face of a nuclear explosion, he still has residual power in his body.

It's just that the trauma suffered by the body is really serious.

After entering the realm of magnetic field rotation, Bai Xing has some means that he could not use before.

For example: ‘matter hardening’, ‘magnetic field detection’, ‘cell reorganization’!

The first two can use the power of magnetic fields to strengthen any substance, and can detect the environment according to their own will like radar.

The latter can stimulate the cells in the body to accelerate self-healing. When the number of horses is higher, there will be no problem even the regeneration of severed limbs!

As a person with a strong magnetic field, his only two weaknesses are his brain and heart!

But Bai Xing is not a pure magnetic field strongman.

He also has a sub-human physique!

Regarding the recovery ability of the physical body, the subhuman physique has a powerful effect that can be called a conceptual level!

Even if the whole body is shattered into atoms, it can still be restored to perfection.

Instead of wasting his energy on 'cell reorganization', Shirahoshi took advantage of his subhuman physique to refresh all negative states in his body with just one rebirth.

At this moment, although the nuclear explosion had ended, the radiation and high-temperature and high-pressure gas reaching several thousand degrees Celsius were eroding his body over and over again.

However, compared to the power of the nuclear bomb when it exploded, the remaining aftermath did not pose much of a threat to White Star.

Looking around, the whole world is filled with a dark color, which seems to wrap up the entire sky.

The white, broad clouds had disappeared, replaced only by ash falling like snow.

The collapsed building formed ruins, with fragments of reinforced concrete everywhere, mixed with ashes, turning into gray-black stains.

The color of the entire world seems to have turned into deathly silence, announcing all the time the terrifying power of the most powerful weapon in human civilization.

The ruins of Tokyo, which had been deserted before, were completely reduced to a living hell this time!

All the American troops stationed here have died long ago, but the things they imprisoned are still alive.

It's just that their lives are not very good.

In addition to Tanaka and the twenty demi-humans who defected to them, the American army also plundered thirty demi-humans from the ruins during this period.

All were detained in the base.

At this moment, with the nuclear explosion, the cage that imprisoned them no longer existed, but the aftermath of the explosion was not something they could bear.

In this extreme environment of high temperature and radiation, they continued to die and be reborn, experiencing torture that could be called capital punishment over and over again.

And among those who suffered these tortures, Kei Nagai was even included!

In the previous nuclear explosion, Kei Nagai subconsciously used the power of magnetic field for defense.

The results speak for themselves.

Even if the power is increased to 500,000 volts, it is still difficult to survive for one more second in the center of the nuclear explosion.

At the time of death, the power of the magnetic field is also exhausted.

The effect of the subhuman physique on the physical body is conceptual, but the effect on other things is not so obvious.

At least rebirth cannot restore the power of the magnetic field.

With physical strength alone, Nagai could only hold on for a little longer than ordinary demi-humans such as Tanaka.

He will eventually die.

And this little time can only allow him to recover a little bit, and then he has to face death again.

If you want to get out of here on your own, apart from waiting for the aftermath of the nuclear explosion to subside, you can only rely on accumulating magnetic field power bit by bit.

Then, when you have enough mobility, try to stay away from this place and try to regain your full strength.

Sudden nuclear strike.

The whole world was stunned!

Of course, the most confused person is the cabinet of the island country.

Although Tokyo has been turned into a deserted ruin due to the scourge of AJVX's special nerve gas and the severe chaos that broke out within itself.

But after all, it is also the capital of the island country!

It is a national symbol!

The remnants of the nerve gas had actually been cleaned up long ago, but MacArthur remained there and refused to leave.

Once the American troops leave, the island nation's cabinet can mobilize forces to repair the city. In less than two years, Tokyo will still regain its former prosperity.

But now, the impact of a nuclear bomb will be calculated for hundreds of years!

The dangers of nuclear radiation are well known, and radioactive elements will penetrate into every inch of this land.

No one would be willing to risk their own lives, or even the lives of future generations, to settle in that kind of place.

Post-disaster reconstruction will also be a big problem.

Of course, these are not the cabinet’s main concerns.

What’s really important to think about is.

Will World War III begin as a result?

Why would the United States launch nuclear weapons?

Especially when there is an entire American army stationed in the ruins of Tokyo.

This behavior is even more confusing.

Besides the island countries, the second most confused country is the United States itself.

After the incident quickly spread and spread around the world, people in all 104 states in the United States were boiling.

Some were excited, others shouted in protest.

Especially in Florida, which does not support idle people, many demonstrations broke out to protest against the government's first use of nuclear weapons!

And just as the earth fell into a commotion, a fighter jet passed quickly above the silent sky.

Sato, wearing a hat, showed excitement and personally controlled the fighter plane.

He wants to rush back to Tokyo as soon as possible to check and accept his results!

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