He connected to the video and checked Eriko's current condition.

Nagai left with satisfaction.

Bai Xing watched all this without saying anything.

If it were him, even if the American army had already taken targeted measures to enhance confidentiality.

He can still connect to the planet's magnetic field and use the machine's electromagnetic signal to trace Eriko's location.

It's a pity that Kei Nagai hasn't learned much since he obtained the power of magnetic field.

In the application of some scientific methods, even Sato is not as good as him.

As for the martial arts side that is more in line with the power of the magnetic field, it is also a mess!

Except for the 'Death-Sacrificing Fist' imitated from Sato, there is nothing else.

Originally, Bai Xing thought highly of him. After all, under the halo of the protagonist, his talent was pretty good.

Unfortunately, Nagai let him down.

This ignorant guy has wasted his talent after all.

If we talk about the only bright spot, it is that the strength of the magnetic field is increasing relatively quickly.

According to Shirahoshi's observation, this guy can exert at least 400,000 volts of power at this moment.

If Sato is not significantly enhanced when he returns, then Nagai will definitely be able to give him a big surprise!

After Nagai leaves.

Bai Xing looked at MacArthur with amusement and said: You are really bold.

MacArthur was stunned, not understanding what Bai Xing was talking about.

Just hide next to him, aren't you afraid of being discovered by him?

MacArthur's expression suddenly changed!

He didn't expect that in just a short period of time, Nagai couldn't find Eriko's location.

But Bai Xing was found next to him!

The evaluation of Bai Xing in his heart is even higher. The danger of this person lies not only in his terrifying and destructive power!

At the same time, I am even more fortunate that during this period, I have initially gained Bai Xing's friendship.

Otherwise, Shirahoshi would tell Nagai the news.

The consequences are absolutely disastrous!

At the same time, I feel even more urgent. If there is really no way to reproduce the power of the magnetic field, I must come up with a more complete plan to control Nagai as soon as possible!

Otherwise, it would be too dangerous to just rely on Eriko's weakness, and the car may overturn at any time!

Facing Bai Xing's question, MacArthur pondered for a moment and then said: The most dangerous place is the safest place.

Hearing this, Bai Xing curled his lips in disdain.

In his opinion, MacArthur left Eriko in Tokyo because he was worried that Nagai would notice something strange during transportation.

The biggest reason is to keep it for yourself as a life-saving talisman!

Once Nagai loses control, MacArthur can at least escape the danger of his life by directly holding Eriko hostage.

I advise you to be more careful and pray that nothing happens to Eriko, otherwise hehe

Bai Xing reminded MacArthur, but the expression on his face completely betrayed him.

He looked like he was not too worried about the excitement, and even hoped that this scene would happen!

From the beginning, he dreamed of living a peaceful and ordinary life. Even the researcher who performed the surgery on him could protect him with his life. He could even forgive Yu Tozaki who caught him and locked him in the laboratory. Until now, Nagai has experienced a lot. Big transformation.

And these transformations are all based on pain!

When Bai Xing later heard about what happened that day, he felt a little annoyed.

Of course, I am not upset that Nagai became like this due to the power of the magnetic field, but I am upset that Nagai did not know it when he experienced the pain!

Such great fun, I didn’t even see it with my own eyes!

What a waste!

Now, Nagai is almost completely insane.

The only concern that allowed him to maintain a normal mind was his sister who had become a living dead—Eriko Nagai!

Once something unexpected happens to Eriko

Shirahoshi couldn't wait to see what Nagai would be like after he went completely insane!

Can we directly break through the shackles and enter the realm of [magnetic field rotation] with such huge emotional fluctuations?

Speaking of this, in the past half month, Bai Xing has felt the shackles in the process of creating his own martial arts moves.

Although [Current Push] is the leading force of [Magnetic Field Rotation], the two are not superior or inferior.

It's completely different from cultivating immortals. After reaching the perfection of Qi refining stage, you can naturally break through the bottleneck and enter the foundation building stage!

If you want to go from [current push] to [magnetic field rotation], you either have to rely on violent mood swings, or extremely tenacious willpower, and a series of other idealistic things.

Or rely on something even more unreasonable - talent!

Those with high talent can even enter the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation] naturally and directly after entering [Current Push].

I can't feel any obstacles or difficulties at all, and the whole process is smoother than the long legs of a young model in a club.

It has been almost three months since Bai Xing swallowed the electromagnetic fruit and transitioned from [Bionic Superpower] to [Current Propulsion].

Only then can we reach the threshold.

All I can say is that he does have some talent, but not much.

With MacArthur's not very good expression on his face, Shirahoshi walked out of the room and left.

After telling no one to disturb him, he entered the practice room again.

The current practice room has been upgraded many times by Masao Yajima.

It can fully support Bai Xing, whose current strength is close to half a million volts, to practice in seclusion inside.

Regarding the series of moves of the military killing fist, Bai Xing has already developed almost all of them.

All that is needed next is to formally look for the feeling of [magnetic field rotation]!

During this retreat, Bai Xing set a goal for himself, which is to reach the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation] before leaving the retreat!

Half a month later.

In the practice room, Bai Xing sat cross-legged, but his whole body was suspended in mid-air.

The power of the magnetic field circulated rapidly in his body, generating a terrifying electromagnetic force field around him!

Countless electric currents started from him and burst out, filling every inch of the practice room.

The current was so dense that it formed a deep purple plasma, reaching a high voltage of half a million volts, and even traces of black liquid electric ions loomed.

It was like tiny black thunderbolts, shining with the aura of ultimate destruction.

The entire space was slightly curled up under the influence of the powerful magnetic field, and even the training room that had been upgraded many times by Yajima Masao was a little unable to bear it.

At this moment, Bai Xing has truly touched the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation]!

at the same time.

Washington, USA.

As the location of the president's office and official residence, it is also one of the symbols of American political culture, the White House.

Today we received an unusual and uninvited guest.

He has fair skin, wearing a white shirt, brown trousers, brown leather shoes, and a dark green peaked cap.

His eyes were slightly narrowed, and the corner of his mouth was curled into a smile.

Current President Donald Golden was startled when he showed up in the Oval Office.

Hey! How did you get in!

While looking at Sato warily, he quietly triggered the alarm.

But I was shocked to find that the alarm had completely lost its effect!

Sato sat on the sofa with a smile.

Said: Your Excellency, don't be nervous.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Sato.

And here today, I just want to ask you to do me a small favor and complete something.

For example, getting back what is rightfully mine.

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