Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 55: Use the blasting punch on Sato!

at the same time.

Midas Park.

At this moment, there is no trace of its original appearance at all.

Only the endless storm swept across, and the muffled thunder and explosions continued.

The electric current flickered, like a thunderstorm cloud full of destruction falling from the sky to the ground.

The battle between Shirahoshi and Sato has entered a fierce stage.

Show your true ability, Bai Xing. Otherwise, you will be the one who loses today!

Having boosted his power to 300,000 volts, Sato transformed his 'Death-Sacrificing Fist' to a more powerful level.

Unlike Shirahoshi's ever-changing moves, Sato continues to make various improvements to the moves he originally created during battle.

The power of the Death-Sacrificing Fist at this time is undoubtedly stronger, more powerful, and more domineering than at the beginning!

But at the same time, the damage caused to one's own body is also stronger.

But when Sato used this move, the magnetic field force combined with the black particles could greatly accelerate the rebirth process.

While pushing the punch with all your strength, no matter whether the enemy dies or not, I will die first to show you!

But after his death, he was able to complete his rebirth in less than a second.

Then keep punching!

Hehe! I said I would use the power of one hundred thousand volts, and I will never break my promise. If you want to accept my full strength, you should try my improved sacrifice technique first!

One hundred thousand volts of power! White Star Explosive Fist x Double Increase·Sacrifice Technique!

While running the Sacrifice Art, Bai Xing's strength was doubled.

At the same time, he used a move he had just realized during the battle.

White Star Exploding Punch!

While bombarding the enemy, it conducts magnetic field power into the opponent's body, forming explosive power like explosives.

Destroy the enemy from the relatively more vulnerable interior!

--boom! !

Although after the increase, the total power is still less than Sato, the damage caused cannot be underestimated.

Facing Sato who was completely defenseless, the power of the magnetic field was smoothly transmitted into his arms.

Then explode!

Countless flesh and blood mixed with broken bones exploded.

However, the power of the Suicide Sacrifice Fist improved by Sato is also quite powerful.

Bai Xing couldn't help but retreat.

His right arm exploded, but Sato still had an extremely excited expression on his face, as if he couldn't feel any pain at all.

Wow! Completely change the characteristics of the Sacrifice Fist, and change the instantaneous burst into a long-lasting increase. You are indeed a genius!

So now take a look at my-Death-Sacrificing Fist·Bullet Speed!

With his right arm disabled, Sato simply used his left fist to kill him.

With this punch, Bai Xing immediately felt something different.

The speed is faster than before!

Although the name is called bullet speed, the real speed is faster than a bullet!

The speed of ordinary bullets is only twice the speed of sound, but his punch can reach nearly five times the speed of sound!

Is this imitating his own 'rapid bullet punch' and integrating it into his own sacrificial fist? !

But as a price, at the moment of punching, the flesh and blood began to peel off from the arm, turning into fine dust and constantly flying away.

But that's nothing.

For demi-humans who can be infinitely reborn, it doesn't matter how severe the physical injuries are. All negative states can be refreshed with just one rebirth.

In pursuit of ultimate destructive power, Sato abandoned all defense.

In the process of suppressing his own strength and fighting him, Bai Xing was not completely at the upper hand. He also suffered some injuries!

But this made him even more excited!

Isn't this the effect he is pursuing when he comes to fight Sato and actively suppresses his strength? !

What kind of battle is a battle without getting hurt?

How can a crushing game make people feel excited and ridiculous? !

Such a fast and super punch, even Shirahoshi couldn't dodge it.


He was hit instantly, and bruises appeared on his hard flesh.

Fine blood beads oozed from the surface.

The black windbreaker on his body had already been broken in the battle.

All that was left was the brown T-shirt held up by his muscles.

But at this moment, even this T-shirt has been broken into several holes.

A burst of blood flowed out of Bai Xing's mouth. Instead of being angry, he laughed heartily.

Very good! Fighting is indeed the most important way for people to grow, and you, Sato, did not disappoint me!

Then come and try my punch! One hundred thousand volts of power! White Star Explosive Fist x Quadruple Increase·Sacrifice Technique! !

The fourfold increase is already the highest increase that the Sacrifice Technique can achieve today!

Sato's punch just now successfully injured Shirahoshi, but he himself also died.

In less than a second, he was successfully reborn.

Immediately afterwards, he faced Bai Xing's extremely violent punch!

Break it for me!!

Sato roared angrily, summoned all his strength, and went forward without dodging or dodging.

His growth is visible to the naked eye.

When White Star appeared just now, it was just an ordinary punch with the power of 400,000 volts.

It's enough to kill him instantly.

But now that the White Star Explosive Punch was used after being quadrupled, it was actually blocked by him for a moment.

Although he still couldn't escape the fate of being killed in the end, his growth rate could be considered a genius!

In the blink of an eye, Sato was reborn again.

But he had absolutely no power to fight back in front of Bai Xing who was using the Quadruple Amplification Sacrifice Technique.

In particular, Sato felt that his magnetic field power was about to be exhausted.

From the peak of 300,000 volts, it gradually dropped to 250,000 volts, 200,000 volts, and 100,000 volts.

Death can refresh the negative state of the body and regenerate broken limbs, but it cannot make up for the consumed magnetic field power.

Fighting with you will give me a lot of gains. To show my respect for you, Sato, I will use my true strength to kill you again like last time!

Sato is not afraid of impending death at all.

Laughing wildly: Bai Xing, didn't you say that the subhuman physique is by no means omnipotent? Why do you want to use such useless efforts again?

You can never kill me, just like I can't kill you.

Don't waste your efforts, demi-humans are immortal beings! !

Bai Xing ignored it.

Of course he knew that demi-humans could be reborn even if they were blown to pieces.

But it's not difficult to restrain yourself.

Even if the opponent is a demi-human with magnetic field power!

However, with the current strength of Shirahoshi, he still does not have that ability.

If you want to do it, you must first reach the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation]!

Not many words.

White Star mobilizes the strongest power in the body.

He fought with Sato for a long time, and Sato's magnetic field power was almost exhausted.

But he still didn't feel like he was consuming too much.

The reason for this is not only that Shirahoshi is stronger than Sato, but also because of the few electromagnetic fruits he swallowed and the nutrients he often received from the people who planted the fruit cores.

It seems that his flow rate is greater than that of ordinary strong men of the same level!

Every muscle fiber in the body is trembling. With the fourfold increase in intensity, Shirahoshi's body is also suffering huge side effects.

Four hundred thousand volts of power! White Star Explosive Fist x Quadruple Increase·Sacrifice Technique! !

——Boom, boom, boom! !

With Sato as the center, a violent explosion occurred within a radius of one thousand square meters.

The terrifying power of up to 1.6 million volts exploded the entire air into a white cloud like a sonic boom cloud, forming a huge sphere that expanded outward.

Inside, the ground completely disappeared, replaced by a giant pit with a depth of more than ten meters!

As for Sato, he was once again blasted to the point of vaporization.

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