Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 39 Military killing punch, rapid bullet punch!


Just when a large number of Xiaohei were preparing to go berserk.

A tall figure suddenly appeared behind Shimomura Izumi.

A palm strike struck her on the back of the neck.

Shimomura Izumi's eyes suddenly turned black and he fell to the ground unconscious.

And the 'flood phenomenon' caused by her also dissipated.

Sato looked at Shirahoshi who appeared next to Shimomura Izumi with interest.

It wasn't until a fruit core appeared in Bai Xing's palm that his expression changed.

Shirahoshi had already arrived nearby before Nagai and Sato fought.

I wanted to see how good the two of them were, so I never showed up.

Unfortunately, even though Nagai had gone through a month of intense special training, he was still no match for Sato, and even had his limbs shattered and turned into a human pig.

In the final analysis, Nagai's only advantage is the aura of the protagonist.

Compared to Sato, the purity of this ignorant guy is really too low!

Originally, Bai Xing had already planned to take action.

But I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain.

Shimomura Izumi's bone-crushing pain, like a cuckoo's cry of blood, made Shirahoshi see her investment potential.

Although Izumi Shimomura triggered the 'flood phenomenon' in an extremely emotional state, it still poses no threat to Sato now.

So Bai Xing interrupted her directly.

Under the gaze of Sato and Nagai, Shirahoshi placed the core above Shimomura Izumi's head.

I saw the core slowly sinking in, buried into her soul.

You want to attack me?

When Shirahoshi finished planting the fruit core and turned his attention to Sato, he felt the purpose of Shirahoshi's trip.

The cricket in the jar is disobedient and must be beaten.

Sato's slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened, and the corners of his mouth formed a wide arc.

He had never been so serious as at this moment.

I'm also very curious about your strength and whether you are qualified to be my owner!

An unprecedented momentum gathered in him.

Not far away, only the human body and head were left, Shi Nagai's eyes suddenly widened.

It turned out that when he was fighting against him just now, Sato never used his full strength!

Shirahoshi didn't seem to feel at all the violent momentum that Sato erupted after he got serious.

He said calmly: Okay, come on.

A violent electric current bloomed on Sato's body, and an electromagnetic field that was difficult to see with the naked eye was generated around him.

At this critical moment, the roar of propellers came from the sky.

A large number of armored vehicles and soldiers also appeared outside, surrounding the place.

Even tanks have entered the city.

Thousands of troops were dispatched, which can be described as a massive undertaking.

But these soldiers were not sent by the island government.

They all come from the American army stationed in the island country's base!

It is human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong, even the proud and arrogant Americans.

When Shirahoshi used the railgun to blow up the Yokota base without any scruples, even Major General Sherman died on the spot.

Although the Pentagon was furious, the generals in other island bases were afraid.

Anyway, Shirahoshi is not the only 'second-stage demi-human' who appears in the island country.

After the Yokota base was destroyed, the island government could no longer prevaricate the American army and had no choice but to disclose information about Nagai and Sato to them.

After studying it, these senior officials of the US military decided to pick the softer ones first.

Just take Sato and Nagai and wait until they find out the truth about this so-called 'second-stage demi-human'.

After being able to copy the terrifying method of manipulating electromagnetic force, go to Shirahoshi to avenge his shame and let him know the anger of the United States!

Therefore, after the crisis management center was attacked, the US army directly mobilized large forces and planned to come to suppress it.

Prepare to seize all Nagai and Sato before the island government does.

But what they don't know is that Bai Xing is also here, and this time they come, they are destined to be kicked on the iron plate.

--boom! !

Sato didn't seem to see the surrounding Japanese troops.

Explode with all your strength in an instant!

One hundred and seventy thousand volts of power!

It was clear that Bai Xing was just standing there, showing no momentum at all.

But Sato felt a lot of pressure, and this pressure formed the driving force of the grain-stimulating power.

At the moment of taking action, he broke through the limit of his original strength and reached a new height!

It's a pity that he will never know that no matter how strong he becomes, he will never be able to surpass Shirahoshi.

Because as he grew stronger, the fruit core he planted had already taken root and sprouted, absorbing his power.

It was fed back to Bai Xing and the Ancient Void Tree, and turned into nutrients.

Feeling the nutrients flowing into his body, Bai Xing's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Very good. To show respect, let me entertain you with all my strength!

——Two hundred and fifty thousand volts·rapid bullet punch! !

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The fist that pierced the air seemed to turn into bullets that shot out.

This martial arts move was created by Bai Xing based on the twelve-shaped boxing and using his amazing wisdom to observe the bullets coming out of the barrel.

It possesses extremely powerful power!

The first punch was accompanied by a 'click' sound.

Sato's fist collided with it, like tofu hitting a rock.

Sato's finger bones were instantly shattered, white bone stubble pierced out from the flesh and blood, and then turned into powder.

But the remaining force was not so easy to diminish, and soon all the flesh and blood in the palm melted away, and countless cracks spread upward along the bones of the hand.

In a hundredth of a second, fine cracks spread all over the arm, and then exploded.

Turned into countless debris flying everywhere.

But this is not the end.

The second punch!

A blow with huge penetrating power like a bullet easily penetrated the electromagnetic protection Sato had laid around him.

Then a transparent hole was left in the abdomen, and the blood did not even have time to seep out.

The third punch! The fourth punch! The fifth punch!

In less than a second, five punches that exceeded the speed of sound landed on Sato.

With the last punch, his head exploded.

Sato, who was riddled with wounds and looked like a pile of rotten flesh, fell to the ground.

At this time, the roar of machine guns rang out in the sky, and even air-to-ground missiles were launched.

The surrounding armored vehicles have also arrived.

Bai Xing frowned slightly: Annoying flies!

Magnetic field protection was casually deployed to isolate all bullets and missiles.

A loud bang exploded in my ears, and the flames covered the entire ruins.

But it doesn't threaten White Star under the protection of the magnetic field.

Even Nagai, who fell to the ground not far away because Xiao Hei dissipated, did not die as a result.

Of course, this is not a good thing for him.

Because death means rebirth.

Not dying means continuing to be a human pig.

Feeling the explosion at close range, Bai Xing, who was originally disturbed, suddenly remembered something.

If he continues to develop his own thermal weapon, Xingyi Quan, and replicates his experience of understanding the rapid bullet boxing, he must feel the power of more thermal weapons.

Before, I had thought that I could create the rumored nuclear blasting fist!

But before that, you can create martial arts such as machine gun boxing, high-speed gun boxing, white star blasting boxing, etc.

With these things, it is not easy for Takahashi to form a mafia organization to satisfy himself.

Instead, you can seize this opportunity and let these Americans provide free ammunition for your own enlightenment.


The name of the hot weapon Xingyiquan is too long and ugly.

What's a good name?

Guns and artillery are the way of military affairs, and fists are used to kill people.

So, the martial arts move derived from this is called - Military Killing Fist!

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