Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 34 Come and eat my railgun! Fighters!

General, the UFO is approaching quickly! According to calculations, it is coming from the target location.

Sherman said with a serious face: Call the satellite and show me what's going on!

No, the magnetic field is inexplicably interfered with, but the target is very fast. It is estimated that it will reach the base in five minutes.

After Sherman thought for a moment, he directly issued the order: Send two F-16 fighters to intercept!

Two fighter planes took off from the airport, heading towards an unknown target with roaring sonic booms.

Soon, Sherman received the message from the fighter plane.

General, we have seen the target. He. He is sizzling.

The communicator carried murmurs and the faintly audible screams of air force pilots.

Sherman's heart thumped and he roared angrily: What is the goal! How are you doing!

At the end, mixed with the noise, the last words of the air force pilot finally came.

White Star, the target White Star!

At the same time, thousands of meters above the sky.

The two fighter planes hovered behind Bai Xing in a strange posture.

It looks like a kite flying in the air.

Using magnetism as a lead, under the control of Bai Xing, the two out-of-control fighter planes continued to the base with him.

In the past month, Shirahoshi has never relaxed his training, and with the nutrition he received from Nagai, Sato and even Masao Yajima, he is now twice as strong as he was a month ago!

No matter what Sato wants to do, since he plans to get him involved, let him do it.

Bai Xing knew that if the American army invaded this time, even if they were completely wiped out by him, there would be constant trouble in the future.

It's better to just suppress everyone at once.

Let them understand that Bai Xing is not an easy person to offend!

Before Sherman could react further, White Star had already arrived over the base.

And they also saw this man suspended in mid-air, with his windbreaker flying and surrounded by two out-of-control fighter jets.

The anti-aircraft guns were fired, and the armed helicopters also took off, followed by the roar of the cannons, and a large number of bullets covered the White Star like a waterfall.

But these pose no threat to Bai Xing.

After they all stopped around him, they were greeted by the shocked gazes of a large number of American troops in the base.

All the bullets, artillery shells, as well as the armed helicopters and the two fighter planes, all collided with each other.

It forms a dazzling firework and makes a deafening explosion.

Countless metals twisted and deformed, compressing each other.

A metal ball with a diameter of nearly eight meters is formed.

The dazzling electric arc spread out from Bai Xing's body, starting from him and surrounding the metal sphere.

The void carved a coil-shaped current path, causing most of the base to be enveloped by the violently changing electromagnetic force.

All electronic equipment failed, and even the power system exploded with sparks, extinguishing the lights and plunging the base into darkness.

Only the lightning flashes in the sky are left, bringing a bright light that makes people feel chilled from the bottom of their hearts.

The Ampere force in the electromagnetic field formed by the electric current begins to accelerate the metal ball, and the Loren magnet force is converted into power to give the metal ball energy.

All the electromagnetic energy carried by the electromagnetic force of up to two hundred thousand volts is transferred to the metal ball.

The entire metal ball instantly turned red with white under the influence of high temperature.

Come and eat my railgun! Fighters!

Shirahoshi once planted the fruit core to the scientist Masao Yajima, which is why he was able to use his hand to rub the electromagnetic gun.

--boom! !

The sonic boom cloud spread outward in a circular shape, and a dazzling orange-red light cut through the dark night sky.

At a speed of six times the speed of sound, it quickly landed above the headquarters.

Immediately afterwards there was a violent roar, fire shot into the sky, smoke and dust dispersed, the earth trembled, and violent shock waves swept outwards. Even people who were a little further away were directly lifted away, and their bodies were torn apart in the storm.

The power of the explosion is no less than that of a miniature nuclear bomb. The EMP shock wave replaces the nuclear radiation and paralyzes any electronic equipment within a few kilometers.

After the smoke dissipated, everything returned to calm, but the headquarters had long disappeared, leaving only a huge black pit.

Glass-like crystals were produced on the ground due to the high temperature, and there were also a series of explosions implicated in the surrounding areas, plunging the entire base into a doomsday-like scene.

There were stumps of limbs and arms everywhere, and heart-rending screams, but they were luckier than Major General Sherman and others at the center of the explosion, because these people couldn't even leave behind any scraps.

However, the base was very large, and Shirahoshi knew that even one of his railguns couldn't wipe out everyone.

But he didn't continue killing.

Because he came here not for pure killing.

A thunderous sound resounded in the sky.

This is just a small lesson. If you dare to mess with me next time, the White House will be bombarded!

After leaving a warning, Shirahoshi turned and flew away.

Crisis Management Center.

Nagai looked at Tanaka and others who were imprisoned in the holding room, and he didn't know whether he was happy or disappointed.

Fortunately, all these guys were finally caught and the Prime Minister's safety was protected.

What's disappointing is that I still haven't seen Sato tonight, and I don't know what he did.

But now that all of his helpers have been arrested and taken into custody, Sato, the only commander left, should not be able to survive for a few days.

Thank you for your help, otherwise it would not be easy to really catch a few of them.

Tozaki Yu said from the side.

Nagai chuckled lightly. He was a little nervous before the operation today, but he didn't expect that it went so smoothly after the operation started.

It was only now that he discovered that his strength far exceeded that of ordinary demi-humans.

Even a senior demi-human who can summon Xiao Hei has no ability to resist in front of him.

Just when Nagai was about to speak, Yu Tozaki's cell phone rang.

Feel sorry.

Yu Tozaki walked aside and answered the phone.

Nagai didn't deliberately eavesdrop on other people's calls, but he found that even if he wanted to listen, he couldn't.

It seems that Tozaki has taken some precautions since last time.

Nagai's originally slightly excited mood gradually faded away.

Not long after, Tozaki Yu came back with his face covered with frost and gloomy as if he was dripping water.

Nagai asked curiously: What's wrong?

Tozaki Yu took a deep breath and looked at him seriously.

Nagai, something big happened!

Nagai Kei was shocked.

Over there, Tosaki continued: Just now, someone attacked the Yokota military base! As many as thousands of American troops stationed on the island were killed or injured!

There is news that the other party has the same ability as you, the ability to control electromagnetic force at will!

Nagai Kei immediately thought of a person.

Sato! It must be him, right?

Yu Tozaki frowned, shook his head slightly and said: It's not certain yet. I'll go back and rest first. The impact of this incident is too great, especially related to demi-humans. I have many things to deal with.

Nagai was filled with doubts and uneasiness, but he also knew that now was not the time to ask questions.

He nodded and said: That's it, that's okay.

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