Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 32: The desire for power infects people, and the military operation against Bai Xing

inside the car.

Nagai sat in the back seat, curling up and blending into the darkness.

I need an explanation.

Tozaki Yu felt relieved.

What he feared most was that Nagai wouldn't even give him a chance to explain.

But now it seems that Nagai is still relatively rational.

It's an order issued by the cabinet. Those stupid and arrogant people always think that their troops can fight against everything.

Yu Tosaki originally looked down on demi-humans, but as the head of the Demi-human Research and Management Association, he fully understood the dangers of demi-humans.

Especially the second-stage demihumans!

Well, he didn't know about Shirahoshi's existence and thought that Nagai and Sato's changes were the start of the second stage of demi-humans.

Just like some demi-humans can summon Xiao Hei, some demi-humans cannot.

After Nagai was silent for a moment, he said, How do you plan to deal with Sato?

What Sato did today, although it did not hurt Eriko, had completely angered him.

This made him more determined to eradicate it, which is why Nagai took the risk to come back to find Yu Tozaki.

I've seen your fight with Sato. Do you think you can beat him in your current state?

Nagai fell silent again.

Obviously, although today's battle was short in duration, he was crushed throughout.

If Xiao Hei hadn't been there to help him, he would have been even worse!

Then, Tozaki Yu took out a tablet and played the video to Nagai.

Inside is the scene where Sato triggered the 'flood phenomenon' after Nagai was paralyzed by nerve gas.

This is called the 'flood phenomenon'.

After briefly explaining this, Tosaki continued: Although I don't know how likely it is, if Sato really masters this phenomenon and actively triggers it, the gap between you will become wider and wider. big!

What exactly are you going to do? Stop showing off.

Yu Tozaki's voice was deep and he said in a serious tone: Special training! You need to receive formal, comprehensive and high-intensity special training! Only in this way can you quickly improve your combat effectiveness!

Why do you have to find me?

At least so far, you are the only hope to defeat Sato!

One month later.

The raging demi-human turmoil has been temporarily alleviated.

In this month, there have been attacks by Asians, but the sensational impact caused by them is not worth mentioning compared to the 'Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Passenger Plane Attack' and the 'Enoki General Hospital Flood Outbreak Incident'.

The main reason is that among the people who continued to carry out the assassination operation, a key figure was missing.

That's Sato!

No one knows where Sato went.

The person leading the team became Koji Tanaka.

As well as his three team members, Masumi Okuyama, Ryota Takahashi, and Haruhiko Gen.

Although the four of them are not as powerful as Sato, they should not be underestimated.

Tanaka has followed Sato for many years and has rich combat experience.

Masumi Okuyama is a computer genius who also learned to summon Black.

Ryota Takahashi and Higashihiko Dare to fight, and Takahashi even learned to summon Kuro.

Xiao Hei, a high-end skill that only a few demi-humans can master, among their four-person team, only one person, Higashihiko, couldn't master it.

This shows their fighting ability.

In the past month, they have carried out many operations, and the number of people on the assassination list has gradually decreased.

Some high-level officials in the business and political circles are in danger, and many have even secretly fled abroad.

But there are still some iron-headed people who do not believe in evil, such as the current Prime Minister of the island nation Tetsuya Abe.

Today, Tanaka and others' assassination target is him.

They...even the Prime Minister

After hearing the news, Nagai Kei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

I was surprised by the boldness of Tanaka and the others.

They are just a group of anti-human and anti-social lunatics. There is no doubt about this. It is possible for lunatics to do anything.

Nagai was silent for two seconds, then asked: Will Sato show up?

Yu Tozaki shook his head: I don't know. He didn't follow the previous actions. He just let Tanaka lead the team.

After saying that, he looked at Nagai and said: This time is of great importance. You have also undergone high-intensity training for a month. It's time to show off your skills.

After Nagai thought for a moment, he nodded in agreement: Yes, okay!

Although Sato didn't show up the previous few times, the one he wanted to assassinate this time was the Prime Minister!

Sato will most likely take action himself, otherwise the possibility of completing the mission with just Tanaka and others is very small!

That evening.

Led by Yu Tozaki, Nagai went to the Prime Minister's residence.

at the same time.

Inside the Takahashi Group headquarters building.

Shirahoshi is lying in the huge bathtub, wrapped tightly by the warm and soft water, enjoying the service of Hitomi Takahashi.

Aren't you worried about your brother?

Of course he knew what was going to happen tonight.

Among the people who want to assassinate the Prime Minister is Hitomi's brother, Ryota Takahashi!

Hitomi was stunned, straightened up and said, I respect his choice.

Bai Xing smiled and said, Really?

Then he stood up, put on his bathrobe, and lit a cigar.

Said: I heard that you have managed the Takahashi Group well recently. The overall turnover has increased by at least three times, and the scope of influence has more than doubled.

Hitomi didn't know why he mentioned this, but she still said: Thanks to the Yamaguchi-gumi's strong support.

Shirahoshi looked at her and said, Oh, by the way, I haven't seen Ikeda for a while. Last time I went to see him, I saw Zentaro Kawamoto who was lame in one leg and was preparing to go home to retire. What's going on?

Hitomi's face turned pale instantly: Please listen to my explanation.

Bai Xing sighed and put his index finger in front of her lips to stop her from speaking.

He stroked Hitomi's fair and smooth face.

She lamented: People change very quickly sometimes, right?

Please. I can dedicate everything to you. Please don't doubt my love and loyalty to you. I can even use my life to prove it!

Stop Hitomi's extreme approach.

Bai Xing said: Actually, I don't care about the little actions behind your back to satisfy your selfish desires. I just want to remind you to pay attention to your propriety. Chi Gu is really a good subordinate.

In less than two months, Hitomi, who had tasted the taste of power, was no longer the timid girl with a love brain.

Not only did he privately cut off all the channels for Ikegaya to see Shirahoshi in order to occupy Shirahoshi alone, he also purged the entire Takahashi group. All the powerful cadres headed by Kawamoto Zentaro were eliminated, and the power was naturally returned to Takahashi Hitomi. own hands.

Of course she couldn't do this on her own in such a short time, but with Shirahoshi's reputation and the help of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

It is not an impossible thing.

And the real reason she didn't want her brother to come back was because she didn't want the power she had finally won to be handed over to the so-called 'legitimate successor'.

After beating Hitomi Takahashi, Shirahoshi planned to go to the practice room.

But suddenly stopped.

He raised his eyebrows lightly.

Oh? It's interesting. I just don't know who is so brave.

At the same time, a large number of soldiers in combat uniforms had quietly sneaked into the building and took control of the entire first floor.

Then continue to move upstairs.

At the same time, several helicopters were hovering in the sky.

One by one, heavily armed soldiers descended from the rappelling rope and landed on the rooftop of the building.

This is obviously a premeditated and prepared military operation!

And their target was changing clothes at this time.

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