Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 30 SAT returns for a limited time, Xiao Hei’s evolution!

Nagai hurriedly tried to control the magnetic field to resist, but it was too late.


The steel bar penetrated directly into his flesh and blood, and Nagai groaned at the severe pain.

The gap between him and Sato is really huge!

But he has an advantage that even Sato cannot match.



Xiaohei appeared behind Sato, and without him noticing, he slapped him away.

Nagai also got a chance to breathe, rolled back to the roof, and controlled the steel bars to come out of his arms.

But instead of discarding it directly, it stabbed it into the brain!

In the confrontation with Sato himself, he was at a disadvantage. If even his arm was disabled, there would be no hope of a comeback.

So he quickly took advantage of this period of time to complete his rebirth and refresh his body's negative state.

Of course, Sato would not just wait for his rebirth to be completed, he would rush forward immediately.

But he didn't expect a black figure to block him.

Both sides traded punches.


There was a shaking sound.

Sato stopped where he was, while Xiao Hei was shaken and fell backwards.

It seemed that Sato had the upper hand, but his heart was filled with surprise!

Because he didn't expect that during the process of Nagai's rebirth, his little black could still move freely instead of disappearing.

What’s more, I didn’t expect that Nagai’s Blackie would be much stronger and faster than the last time we met. He is definitely the best among all Blackies!

On the other side, Nagai has completed his rebirth.

Together with Xiao Hei, they divided into two angles to outflank them.

Faced with a flanking attack from the two, Sato did not panic. Instead, he stood on the spot and continued to receive their attacks.

It seems that he is experiencing something.

At this moment, Nagai suddenly jumped up.

Crack! !

The five fingers spread wide, and a terrifying electric current bloomed from the fingertips, covering Sato from top to bottom.

Current push·50,000 volts!

Not bad power, but unfortunately, if you want to defeat me, it's far from enough! Electric current push·70,000 volts!


A fierce and violent punch was thrown out, breaking through the current network that shrouded it above.

Go straight to Nagai’s face!


Nagai clenched his teeth and held his arms in front of him, while Kuro attacked Sato from behind in an attempt to distract him.


However, Sato turned around suddenly, dodged Xiao Hei's attack, and at the same time turned his fist into a claw, pulling and pulling, controlling Nagai who was in the air and had no leverage.

He fell hard to the ground, followed by a violent kick on Nagai's chest!


The cement floor on the top floor finally couldn't withstand the force. Countless cracks spread rapidly, and the crackling sounds became increasingly dense.


Immediately afterwards, a big hole opened in the ground, and Sato and Nagai fell into the hospital building uncontrollably.

At this time, many people in the hospital building heard the explosion from above, but they had no idea what happened.

He raised his neck curiously and kept listening.

As a result, at this moment, the ceiling exploded, followed by two figures falling down.

During this process, the two sides continued to fight.

The wind and waves swept across, and the patient next to him was thrown away. He hit the wall and slid down. His mouth and nose were bleeding, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The arc flashed and hit the nurse not far away. Her whole body was instantly blackened and she fell to the ground with white smoke and even a smell of meat.

There was huge chaos on the entire floor in an instant. Patients, doctors, and nurses were all frightened and ran outside.

But people in the distance felt that there was excitement here, and they didn't know what was going on and wanted to join in.

Stampedes continued to occur, and soon the number of casualties exceeded the number of people affected by them.

Nagai knew that the battlefield could not be decided here, so he rushed straight into the next ward without any hesitation, then broke the glass and jumped out.

This place is about fifty meters above the ground, but to Nagai, it is nothing.

When his feet landed on the ground, there was a dull sound, and the ground beneath his feet was shaken into a pit that collapsed inward.

But at this moment, a 'clang' sound appeared beside him.

Nagai instinctively looked around and saw that it turned out to be a grenade!

Bang! !


But what appeared in front of Nagai was not shock waves, shrapnel and flames.

But endless bright light!

And a deafening loud noise!

This is a shock bomb.

At this moment, the crowd in the hospital had basically been evacuated. When Nagai and Sato were fighting, the place was surrounded by a large number of SAT members.

They learned the lessons from last time and responded accordingly.

While using the shock bomb to temporarily interfere with Nagai, he pulled the trigger in his hand.

Da da da!

Da da da!

The firepower covered it instantly.

But these are not metal bullets, but all use special reinforced glass bullets.

Even though Nagai couldn't break through his defense for a while, it still made him feel unbearable pain.

At this critical moment, a bolt of lightning descended from above.


Falling in the middle of the SAT team instantly, arcs of electricity crackled and exploded, centering on Sato and spreading to all directions.

Even though the SAT members were wearing upgraded insulating combat suits, they were still knocked upside down by the shock wave.

This is a battle between me and him. What are you messing with?

at the same time.

Through his own means, Yu Tozaki observed the battlefield closely. When he saw this scene, he smashed the table in anger.

What he was angry about was not Sato's arrogant attitude, but that the SAT members included Nagai in the attack range without distinction!

Obviously he had just reported that he had reached a cooperation with Nagai Kei!

You must know that he has just succeeded in wooing Nagai.

If Nagai is separated because of this incident, it will be even harder for them to deal with Sato!

He hurriedly dialed the minister's phone number.

I can't do anything about this matter. The order was issued directly from the cabinet. Sato finally showed up. They plan to finish the battle in one go!

However, I believe that a well-prepared SAT can avoid repeating the same mistakes and defeat the enemy!

Tozaki, you don’t need to worry. He still has a younger sister. Don’t worry, even if you fail the SAT, after this incident, if you explain it to him, he will understand.

After hanging up the call with the minister, Tozaki Yu's eyes flashed with anger.


Those old guys who have been in high positions for a long time are still too arrogant.

The minister's words also found a way out for Tozaki. The meaning was very clear. If Nagai had a grudge due to this matter, he would directly threaten him with Eriko.

But for some reason, Yu Tozaki, who has always been calm and rational, did not agree with this decision, and even felt very angry and resistant.


The sound of helicopter propellers.

In addition, the sound of engines roaring could be heard from both sides of the street.

More troops have been assembled.

Sato, who had just dealt with a group of SAT members, suddenly turned around and reached forward.

A special sniper warhead made of reinforced glass shattered in his palm.

It can't bring him any effect.

But the original purpose of SAT was not to kill him.

It's just for suppression.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a few more shock bombs, smoke bombs appeared.

A large number of SATs wearing gas masks surrounded the entire hospital.

Smoke bombs contain a large amount of nerve gas. Even an elephant will be anesthetized and fall to the ground instantly if it is contaminated with just a little bit.

A move that had never appeared before, Sato almost got hit by it accidentally.

Just as the SAT members were slowly advancing towards the hospital, they suddenly saw a slight movement in the smoke, as if something was running quickly.

boom! boom! boom!

He fired without hesitation, but didn't hit anything.


At this moment, several bloody holes appeared in the abdomen of the SAT member at the front, and the whole person was lifted into the air.

What followed was a massacre.

One of the SAT members was extremely excited when his companion was killed by an unknown monster. He vaguely saw the black monster!

A lot of black monsters!

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