Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 288 The Four-Eyed Stars invade and fight against the entire mothership with one person!

After obtaining the Secret Book of Five Thunder Tenshin, Fuudazaemon returned to his own world without hesitation.

The first thing he did was look at the time.

Sure enough, it was pretty much what he thought, even though he spent a full seven years traveling through various parallel worlds.

But in the world he lives in, only more than half a month has passed.

This also made him feel a little lucky.

Because the flow rate of time is beyond his control, what if he goes to a world where the flow rate is slower than here.

If you stay there for a few years and come back, ten or even twenty years will have passed.

By then, Jianzhi will have grown up.

This is not the scariest thing.

If time flows very fast, maybe when he comes back again, the whole world will be changed.

Jianzhi has also become a handful of loess!

Then he will never be able to do what he promised his little apprentice!

After returning, Fuudazaemon found Kenshi immediately.

For Takeshi, it was just over half a month since he saw his master, but for Fuudazaemon, the two were separated for a full seven years.

In this world, because his parents have passed away and he has no other relatives, the little boy Jianzhi, who is homeless like him, has become his only concern.

It was precisely because of his life experience and similar situation that Fuudazaemon decided to accept him as his disciple.

Of course, in addition, Takeshi's martial arts qualifications and tough character are also what impressed Fuudazaemon.

Last time, he only briefly taught him for a period of time. When he went to Osaka to hunt the demon stars, Kenshi was able to kill a large number of demon stars by himself!

Although those are basically the lowest level of ordinary demon stars.

But for a child who is less than ten years old, it is quite commendable!

It took one night, under the guidance of Fuudazaemon, for Takeshi to get started with the Five Thunder Tenshin Secret Manual.

This method takes the route of refining essence and transforming Qi into spirit.

Tempering one's own energy and spirit, giving birth to the inner energy of thunder and lightning, and then strengthening it.

Use the inner energy of electricity to replace [current push], and finally realize the use of electricity to generate magnetism, entering the realm of [magnetic field rotation].

Fuudazaemon used himself to collect some good things to strengthen Kenshi's basic physical fitness.

In addition, he already has good potential and talent, and it only took one night to create inner energy.

But this is just the beginning. There is still a long, long way to go before we can continue to fill our inner Qi, and even reach the point of generating magnetism through electricity and entering the realm of [magnetic field rotation].

But that's enough.

The next day, Fuudazaemon planned to set off with Kenshi to continue his adventures in endless parallel worlds.

While closing the world line, kill all the peers.

While witnessing more scenery, upgrade and perfect your martial arts, and step onto the true peak of martial arts!

However, just before Fuudazaemon left, the sky suddenly turned blood red.

Immediately after a large number of war robots arrived, the alien invasion began!

Fuudazaemon was not surprised by this, because he had heard about related things in other parallel worlds.

He even entered a parallel world that had been completely occupied by this group of aliens!

In that world, Fuudazaemon fought and communicated with them.

I know them fairly well.

He knows how advanced the technology of this group of four-eyed stars is, and they are simply crushing the earth!

If they didn't want to occupy the earth and keep humans in captivity like pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep.

But if you come with an attitude of destruction, then you only need one Star Destroyer Cannon to destroy the entire planet in an instant!

Thinking of this, Fuudazaemon remembered that there were still a few dangerous guys on the earth.

Especially Shirahoshi!

I couldn't help but worry. If Bai Xing had a conflict with these Four-Eyed Star people, I was really not sure who would take advantage.

Because Fuudazaemon didn't know what Shirahoshi's true strength was as the source of the magnetic field.

It would be best if you could crush the Four-Eyed Stars, but if they were evenly matched or unable to fight, it would be bad.

Once the Four-Eyed Stars are angered, the entire earth will face catastrophe!

Forget it! Before leaving, do one last thing for the world I live in!

Fuudazaemon sighed and reached out to touch Kenshi's head.

Said: Jianzhi, please wait here for a moment, I will be back soon!

After many years, he has grown to 450,000 horses, and he is absolutely confident that he can kill the fleet of the Four-Eyed Stars!

He planned to resolve this crisis before the other party actually came into contact with Bai Xing and other magnetic field maniacs, and nip it in the cradle.

After explaining to Kenshi, Fuudazaemon immediately set off, soared into the sky and turned into a bolt of lightning.

The speed was extremely fast, and it disappeared into the blood-red sky in the blink of an eye.

Huh?! At this moment, Bai Xing had already felt the magnetic field fluctuations rising into the sky.

This fluctuation is at least more than 300,000 horses!

It's interesting!

After coming to this world, Bai Xing did not sow many magnetic field seeds.

No matter how talented he is, logically speaking, it is impossible to reach a strength of more than 300,000 horses in such a short period of time!

Unless the talent is extremely strong, to the extent that it is difficult to predict.

The magnetic field may be a kind of spiritual super power, but it also needs to pay attention to the basic method.

If a random person comes and practices for a few days, and then encounters a little setback and pain, he can go from zero to four or five million horses.

Then the world would have been in complete chaos!

Even in the Sea Tiger World, the birthplace of magnetic field power, those strong people still need to practice hard if they want to become stronger.

The ultimate insult from Shiroji was powerful enough, but he didn't unleash his unreasonable power immediately after the encounter.

It was through precipitation and seclusion that I regained control of my power and became stronger!

That's why Bai Xing was very surprised after feeling this power.

All in all, Bai Xing has only been in this world for just over five months.

In the first three months, I was still on vacation.

It wasn't until two months ago that I noticed the existence of Inuyashiki and Shishigami.

So magnetic field seeds were planted on the two of them.

After that, they successively planted it on Fuudazaemon, Izumi Shion, Shin Seok-heon and others.

Rubbing his chin, Bai Xing secretly thought: Which one of them could it be? Or is something unexpected happening?

Based on previous experiences, it is normal for any incredible things to happen in this world.

Because it has been invaded like a sieve for a long time.

Could it be another reincarnation in some space? Or maybe it's the system host or something?

At this moment, the mark on Bai Xing's body gave a warning.

This mark was given to Bai Xing by the huge human body of the super-dimensional civilization as a supplement.

Able to recognize the breath that belongs to the outside world.

When Bai Xing saw the telepathy crystal for the first time in Seattle, the United States, he was not sure of its origin.

It was this mark that reminded Bai Xing, letting him understand that this thing came from outside the world just like those reincarnators or the system host.

This time, the mark gave the same warning.

Bai Xing raised his eyes to look at the bloody sky, his eyes narrowed slightly: Ah, I suddenly regret it, it really doesn't make people calm down.

He made a deal with a giant human body to help him deal with the 'tentacles' that high-dimensional beings from other worlds had extended in.

In exchange, it can provide White Star with a huge technology library.

Bai Xing realized the benefits brought by the technology library, letting his Kovu furnace burn brightly and obtain sufficient energy.

At the same time, I also realized the troubles of this transaction.

These invaders come one after another, seemingly endless!

But since you have promised others, forget it if you don't know. Since you know everything, of course you still have to take care of it.

His body instantly took off and followed the undulating trajectory in pursuit.

At this time, in outer space.

Outside the orbit of the earth, hovering is a huge mothership!

From time to time, spacecraft come and go from the docking ports on both sides.

Earth's technology is so backward that others have already arrived at our doorstep, and not even a single country on Earth has discovered it.

The front end of the mothership emits light, using unknown technology, covering the entire earth.

This eliminates the possibility of anyone escaping, which is the real reason why the entire earth's sky turns blood red.

In fact, the Four-Eyed Stars still overestimate the Earthlings.

In such a hasty situation, even if they did not impose a blockade on the earth, no one would have time to escape.

As for the spacecraft that come in and out, they are all humans captured by the Four-Eyed Stars in major cities around the world.

After they are transported to the mothership, they will go through a series of disinfection and sterilization procedures, and then enter the assembly line.

After being slaughtered, they are made into various delicacies.

That's right, humans are just a rare delicacy to the Four-Eyed Star people.

This is one of the reasons why Fuudazaemon is determined to completely destroy the Four-Eyed Star before leaving.


While breaking through the blockade, Fuudazaemon was also noticed by the Four-Eyed Stars, and his traces were quickly captured.

In the mothership control room.

A four-eyed star with a cold expression, ice-like eyes, and long hair saw this scene.

He is the leader of the Four-Eyed Stars and the supreme commander of the army.

The name is Ivan Gudao!

However, compared to this name, all the Four-Eyed Star people from top to bottom still prefer to call him by his honorific title.

——Military God!

Lord Military God! An extremely high energy reaction was detected in him! The surrounding magnetic field seems to be greatly affected!

The operator in the control room shouted with a look of surprise on his face.

The military god's expression remained calm, and he just looked at the figure detected on the screen.

Master God of War! What should we do now? With the opponent's speed, it is predicted that we will approach the mothership in three minutes!

As the invasion of the earth deepens, although there is not much time, the Four-Eyed Stars have learned a lot about earth's technology.

Knowing that with the level of technological civilization on this planet, it is impossible for them to be their opponents.

Originally, victory was considered a certainty, but I didn't expect that there would be surprises!

The God of War did not expect that there would be such an extraordinary existence on this planet.

The flight speed is so fast that it can even survive directly in space.

You must know that even he, the most powerful military god among the four-eyed stars, cannot survive in space!

Who are you?

The God of War stared at Fuudazaemon, who was approaching quickly.

His intuition told him that although this was just a single individual, they had countless manpower and a huge mothership.

But as long as you are approached by the other party, bad things are likely to happen!

Start the energy particle cannon immediately!

The military god gave the order decisively.

When the subordinates heard this, they immediately showed expressions of disbelief.

Lord Military God! The source energy particle cannon consumes too much energy. Besides, if it accidentally damages the earth,

They are not here to cause destruction, but to occupy a habitable planet.

If it hurts the earth and causes serious damage to the ecological environment, they will have to spend a lot of effort to deal with it afterwards!

The God of War waved his hand and interrupted him.

She looked at him and said decisively: Now, immediately, do as I say!

Yes! The subordinates were stunned and did not dare to have the slightest objection.

As orders were issued one after another, changes began to occur on the mothership.

The machine rotated, the mothership adjusted its direction slightly, and a huge cannon appeared, aiming at the rapidly approaching Fuudazaemon!

At this moment, there was a corner that neither Fuudazaemon nor the four-eyed star noticed.

The white star is floating quietly in the universe.

Looking at all this with raised eyebrows.

He doesn't care about the Four-Eyed Stars, although the technology of these aliens is pretty good and they also have the military technology to destroy stars.

But after White Star traded with the giant human body, similar technology already existed.

Naturally, they don't have much regard for the technology of the Four-Eyed Stars.

On the contrary, he was very curious about Fuudazaemon.

After the Shinjuku Massacre, Shirahoshi entered the Black Ball room for the first time.

While plundering the black ball technology, he planted a magnetic field seed for Fuudazaemon.

This guy's martial arts talent is indeed the strongest among all those invested by Bai Xing in this world.

But it has only been just over a month since the investment. How could he have the power of at least 300,000 horses?

This is simply unreasonable!

Did I make a mistake in judging his talent? Is he a peerless magnetic field genius like Mingyue Holy King or Guanyuetong?!

Bai Xing rubbed his chin and thought of a possibility.

No! But he immediately gave up the idea.

Because if Fuudazaemon was such a genius, he wouldn't have attracted Shirahoshi's attention in the early stage.

Besides, he had something else to back it up.

That’s the marking reaction!

The mark given to him by the giant human body is unmistakable.

From this point of view, the reason why Fuudazaemon was able to become stronger quickly was probably because he came into contact with the favor of beings outside the world!

While Bai Xing was observing, the mothership of the Four-Eyed Stars had already fired a source energy particle cannon!

The terrifying white light beam instantly pierced the dark sky and headed straight towards Fuudaizaemon who was flying rapidly.

Its power is enough to destroy the moon in an instant!

Using it to deal with Fuudazaemon looks as ridiculous as using a cannon to kill mosquitoes!

But Shirahoshi knows that this is not a fatal threat to Fuudazaemon, who is a strong magnetic field.

He did not take action, preparing to use the Four-Eyed Star's attack to observe Fuudazaemon.

Look at how strong he is now! (End of chapter)

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