Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 284 Swallowed by magnetic field, perfect creature!

The more Shion Watanabe beats, the more frightened she becomes!

Brandon is only twelve years old, and he is still relatively thin among his peers.

He should obviously look harmless to humans and animals, but at this moment he looks like the devil from hell, exuding a terrifying and intimidating look!

At this moment, Watanabe Shion could only rely on the strong defense of her suit to resist all of Brandon's attacks.

As for counterattack, there is no hope at all!

The most important thing is that she can't run yet, she has to hold Brandon back!

Seemingly feeling that the spacecraft was in danger, Brandon finally came back from his anger.

Not wanting to tangle with Watanabe Shion anymore, he turned around and planned to fly to the barn.

But Watanabe Shion would never allow this to happen.

Seeing Brandon was about to leave, he immediately jumped up and hugged him directly!


Brandon punched her hard in the back.

Watanabe Shion fell to the ground like a cannonball, causing a loud noise.

Smoke and dust billowed, and a huge pit appeared on the spot.

But when Brandon wanted to continue flying away, Watanabe Shion appeared again!

This made Brandon feel extremely angry again!

What do you want to do!! I will kill you!!

I saw his eyes glowing red, and intense lasers burst out from his eyes!

Watanabe Shion had no time to dodge before he was hit.

The suit could not withstand the impact of such high temperatures and had begun to melt.

I believe it only takes three seconds to penetrate Shion Watanabe!

And at this time.

The Lion God, who was inside the barn and was competing with the spaceship, also sensed what was happening.

I also felt anxious in my heart.

The resistance of this spaceship was beyond his expectation.

At the same time, Brandon's strength also surprised him.

Fortunately, by combining alien technology and magnetic field power, he has great potential.

Or maybe this small spacecraft is just a spacecraft carrying babies and does not have a strong defense system.

In short, after this period of hard work, we will soon be conquered by the Lion God!

But at this critical moment, Watanabe Shion was in danger.

This gave the Lion God some hesitation.

This hesitation only lasted for a second before the Lion God made his decision!

——Buzz! !

In the battlefield outside, Watanabe Shion, who was suffering laser damage, felt a surge of power coming from the suit again.

It even formed a magnetic shield to resist Brandon's laser.

At the same time, this power was still healing her newly injured body.

It made her feel alive again and the pain went away.


Watanabe Shion immediately understood what happened.

At this critical moment, the Lion God actually chose to give her his strength.

Immediately, Shion Watanabe felt extremely excited, her eyes were moist, and love emerged in her heart, which even had a catalytic effect on the power of the magnetic field.

Make yourself stronger!

He held up the laser and punched Brandon away!

Inside the barn.

The Lion God finally chose Watanabe Shion.

If he doesn't spread his power, Watanabe Shion will definitely die!

At the same time, this also proved that Watanabe Shion was completely recognized by him and became his one of his.

The Lion God has an extremely awkward personality.

On the one hand, he treats life with extreme indifference.

The life of a stranger was as insignificant to him as trampling a little ant to death on the roadside.

On the other hand, he values ​​‘his own people’ very much!

The people he recognized, his mother Yuko, included his former best friend Naoyuki Antou.

He can give everything to them and devote himself to helping them.

It is hard to imagine that a person who is extremely indifferent to life can also have the characteristic of attaching great importance to love and justice.

But this is the quality that truly appears in the Lion God.

This was also the reason why he chose to allocate his strength to Watanabe Shion even though he was about to succeed.

After the force was divided, the erosion of the spacecraft stopped, and even suffered a counterattack, causing all the previous efforts to be in vain!

But he has no regrets. Even if it happens again, he will still choose to save Watanabe Shion first!

Watanabe Shion does not possess the power of magnetic field. All the power she possesses comes from the Lion God.

But strong emotions, firm beliefs, and even loyal love can have an impact on this force.

It was equivalent to adding a BUFF to the power given to her by the Lion God. After the power was strengthened, it actually had a suppressive effect on Brandon!

——Zizi! !

It can even release electricity!

A blazing electric current enveloped Brandon, crackling and exploding.


Even Brandon felt some pain, and his face became extremely ferocious!


In anger, his eyes fired red lasers crazily, chasing after Watanabe Shion!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

But after becoming stronger, Shion Watanabe was able to dodge most of the lasers.

He suddenly dodged and dodged a laser beam again. He was about to take the opportunity to step forward, but he heard Brandon suddenly scream: No!!

Watanabe Shion was shocked, and she understood the reason after sensing it.

It turned out that the laser she had just dodged had hit several people in the distance.

Brandon had noticed their presence earlier when he just came back.

These people were the town residents headed by Kyle and Tori, holding flashlights looking for Brandon who had run away from home.

But at the time, Brandon was focused on the spaceship and ignored them.

Immediately afterwards, he was blocked by Watanabe Shion, and the two fell into a battle.

The noise and destruction caused by the fighting frightened the residents of these small towns.

The shaking like an earthquake made them dare not act rashly.

Fortunately, they were far away and they all hid.

But just now, the laser happened to hit where they were hiding.

So several town residents, including Kyle and Tori, were directly cut off!

Brandon still has some feelings for his earthling parents.

When he saw them dead, he was immediately furious and his whole body glowed with red light.

The rumble broke through the air, and before Watanabe Shion could react, he punched her hard.

——Bang! !

A dull explosion sounded, and Watanabe Shion's whole body flew out instantly.

The huge force caused the metal armor on her body to show signs of shattering. She was still in the air, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spray out.

The planet where Brandon is located is called Nemesis.

Nemesis is a war race with very harsh living conditions in the universe!

The internal biotechnology is very advanced, and almost all residents were born in unified cultivation rooms made using biotechnology.

They will equip infant babies with a small spacecraft and launch them to the discovered planets with life.

This nemesis baby will grow up on this planet, and when the time is right, it will conquer the entire planet.

Destroy all those who disobey, thereby enslaving the entire civilization!

The reason why they did this, besides plundering resources, was to plunder genes!

Search for the genes of all intelligent creatures in the universe, take the essence and remove the dross, and then integrate it into your own gene pool.

This will make each generation of Nemesis stronger than ever!

Finally become the overlord of this universe!

As a product of the 32nd generation genetic engineering, Brandon itself has great potential.

It's just that he is still underage and cannot use his full power.

As time goes by and his age grows, his strength will continue to grow!

From the fact that he has never been injured since he was born, and that he is able to compete with 250,000 to 300,000 volt [current push] powerhouses just after awakening, we can see how much his strength will increase if he truly reaches adulthood. !

And just now, Brandon activated some potential due to the stimulation of killing his adoptive parents with his own hands, which directly caused his strength to grow rapidly.

Watanabe Shion, who had been able to compete with him and even occasionally suppress him, suddenly fell into a disadvantage again.

In just one round, he was seriously injured and vomited blood!

Brandon was furious and determined to completely kill this guy Watanabe Shion to vent his anger!

Without giving her any time to react, she immediately launched a violent attack!

——Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The metal suit was severely deformed by the blow, and Watanabe Shion, who now possesses the power of [current propulsion] comparable to half a million volts, was unable to resist at all in Brandon's hands!

Blood was spilled, and even with the protection of her battle suit, Watanabe Shion was beaten until she almost lost consciousness!

Her strong love for the Lion God kept her from dying easily.

The faith that held Brandon back for the Lion God made her get knocked down again and again and stand up again and again.

Even though her suit was damaged in many places, her original body was exposed.

Without the protection of the suit, his fragile body was easily broken into pieces. He was hit by the laser and his left arm was broken directly!

The severe pain made Watanabe Shion scream.

But she never really gave in!

Inside the barn, the Lion God also fell into a state of anxiety.

If this continues, Watanabe Shion may not be able to escape death!

He even had the idea of ​​giving up temporarily and taking Watanabe Shion to escape first before making other plans.

Even after this time, it will be very difficult to obtain this spaceship again.

He also did not allow Watanabe Shion to die here!

——Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The core is constantly rotating and accelerating, and a large number of arcs are surging in it, wrapping it.

Then it invaded the spacecraft below, suppressing the red light, and finally the arc connected into the spacecraft.

The love in his heart caused the Lion God's power to surge, and a lot of the lost power was restored.

The situation that had already been counter-attacked by the spaceship, resulting in a failure, was reversed in an instant.

After connecting to the interior of the spacecraft, a stream of information emerged in the Lion God's heart, making him understand everything immediately.

Followed by a look of surprise in his eyes!

The next moment, the spacecraft started to show signs of melting.

Constantly moving closer to the core, it seems to be integrating!

The red light gradually dimmed and turned into a blue light.

The core of the Lion God is officially integrated with the spaceship.

The liquid-like metal continued to squirm, eventually turning into a human form.

Suddenly rushed outside!

At this time, Brandon was venting his anger on Watanabe Shion.

He was about to kill it completely!

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air behind him.

The speed was so fast that Brandon found that even he couldn't dodge!

He was hit directly in the back of the heart, and his whole body flew out.

It went directly over thousands of meters and smashed a house in the distance into pieces.

Instead of chasing Brandon, the Lion God first activated the power of the magnetic field to envelope Shiyin Watanabe.

The metal battle suit on her body turned into liquid and slowly faded away, reintegrating with the Lion God.

The horrific injuries on Watanabe Shion's body were also visibly recovering under the influence of 'cell reorganization'.

There is only a broken left hand, and there is currently no way to regenerate it.


Watanabe Shion stood up and looked at the humanoid creature made entirely of liquid metal in front of her.

Stay away, I'll get rid of him first!

After saying that, the Lion God flew out instantly and rushed towards where Brandon was.

Brandon was extremely angry at this moment.


He rushed out from the ruins of the broken building and roared at the Lion God who was flying towards him: What did you do to my spaceship!!

The Lion God was not interested in answering his question at all.

Two sharp blades were extended from both hands, drawing streaks of light under the cold moonlight.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Brandon was horrified to discover that this blade could actually break through his defense!

Several streams of blood suddenly shot out from his body.

He was so frightened that he immediately wanted to run away.

How could the Lion God let him go and speed up to catch up behind him!

One of the two ran away and the other chased. During this period, they were accidentally caught up by the Lion God, and Brandon had to add some more wounds.

The Lion God deliberately avoided the vital parts in order to continuously hurt and weaken Brandon!

But this small town suffered.

Originally, the Breyer couple's farm was in a relatively remote location, with not many neighbors around.

But during the chase, the two moved to the center of the town, where there were many residential houses and shops.

With the constant fighting and collision, even if those buildings only withstand a little aftermath, it will be difficult to remain intact.

Wherever he passed, there were only pieces of chaos, broken ruins and streets.

The number of innocent townspeople who were affected and died is countless.

But they didn't care about this at all.

The current Lion God has only one purpose, and that is to devour Brandon!

After using the power of his own core and magnetic field to assimilate and fuse the spacecraft, the Lion God has learned information about the nemesis.

At the same time, he also mastered the ‘Secret Book of Life’ carried on the spacecraft!

This is a research and development result derived from Nemesis's highest genetic engineering, capable of incorporating a variety of different genes.

When the Lion God assimilated it, he made perfect use of this characteristic and even transformed it into his own moves.

Swallowed by the magnetic field!

Brandon is a product of Nemesis's 32nd generation genetic engineering, and the genes in his body are very powerful.

If the Lion God can swallow it, he will become a new type of life form that is half biological and half mechanical!

Not only can you use this powerful gene to stimulate the strength of the magnetic field, but you can also enhance your own potential and add more methods!

‘Magnetic Field Devouring’ also has the effect of ‘Secret Book of Life’, which can take the essence and discard the dross.

When encountering other creatures with excellent genes in the future, the Lion God can also continue to devour them.

One day, he will completely evolve into a truly perfect creature! ! (End of chapter)

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