Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 28 Tozaki’s invitation to cooperate and Sato’s call

In the park where people come and go.

A black figure who seemed out of tune with the entire world was curled up and sitting alone on a bench.

He is Kei Nagai.

How could those Puyong villagers catch up with him? After successfully luring them away from his mother-in-law's hut in the mountains, he found an opportunity to get rid of them all.

At this moment, Nagai had mixed feelings in his heart. He hated this damn world and hated his own weakness.

Knowing that going to the mother-in-law in the mountains might bring her trouble, why do you do it again?

Why can't I help it?

I am a person who is rejected by the world.

Nagai smiled bitterly, but he couldn't even choose the last leeway given to him by the weak.

Because he can't die.

He is a demi-human who deserves to be damned, but he can't die no matter what!

Just when Nagai was confused, he suddenly felt a line of sight staring at him.

That was a very familiar sight.


Blackie appears.

Nagai's muscles tensed up and he shot up, ready for battle.

On the other side, Yu Tozaki, who was only twenty meters away from him, made no move.

But Shimomura Izumi, who had been following him, stood in front of him and also summoned a little black one.


Nagai Kei was stunned.

He really couldn't imagine that a demi-human could live openly in the sun, or follow Yu Tozaki, who was as terrifying as a demon to all demi-humans.

Calm down, Nagai. If I'm hostile to you, it won't be me who comes to you, but SAT.

At the moment when Nagai was surprised, Tozaki Yu accurately seized the opportunity.

Show your sincerity by speaking.

But Nagai still can't trust him.

He said coldly: What do you want to do?

Yu Tozaki chuckled: Compared to that guy Sato, your hiding of yourself is so crude that it's laughable.

If we weren't 100% sure, we would have arrested you long ago.

But now you can rest assured that this option has been abolished, and I am here to seek cooperation.

Cooperation? Nagai was also confused.

Yu Tozaki, the dignified head of the Association for Research and Management of Demi-humans and the mastermind behind the experiments on demi-humans, does not regard demi-humans as living beings that can communicate with each other on an equal footing.

At this moment, the word 'cooperation' was actually mentioned to him?

If Sato were here, he would probably be made to laugh, right?

But Nagai was not Sato, so he did not laugh, but asked curiously: How do you want to cooperate?

Seeing that there was some conversation, Yu Tozaki waved his hand gently, and saw Izumi Shimomura retracting his little black and standing behind him again.

Nagai glanced at her doubtfully. He knew that this woman was a confidant around Yu Tozaki.

But he didn't expect that she would be a demi-human hidden among humans!

I don't even understand why she would be willing to sacrifice her life for Yu Tozaki.

But now is not the time to explore these things.

His eyes shifted to Yu Tozaki who was walking over.

His move was considered a big risk.

Although according to the evaluation conducted by the psychologists in the association, the probability of Kei Nagai suddenly killing him is infinitely close to zero.

But it's not entirely impossible.

Once Kei Nagai chooses to take action, Izumi Shimomura alone will never be able to stop him!

But Yu Tozaki came anyway.

Not only because of the pressure from Sato, but also from other aspects.

Help us deal with Sato. After that is done, I guarantee that you will regain your freedom and give you a peaceful life. No one will bother you anymore because of your demi-human status.

If necessary, it is okay to create a new identity for you.

Yu Tozaki didn't sell it or beat around the bush.

State all the requirements and conditions straightforwardly.

After hearing this, Nagai Kei's heart skipped a beat!

Live a peaceful life, away from these disturbances of right and wrong.

Isn't this what he dreams of?

Yu Tozaki is very observant and can tell what he is thinking just by looking at his expression.

He quickly struck while the iron was hot: What Sato did was to completely push the demi-humans into the opposition of humans.

No matter what advantages demi-humans have over humans, this world is still controlled by humans.

Once the confrontation is complete, only destruction awaits the demi-humans.

Maybe demihumans are unkillable, but there are many ways to imprison them without killing them!

I believe you don’t want to see this happen either, right?

After Nagai pondered for a moment, a determined look flashed in his eyes.

He looked up at Yu Tozaki and said: I agree with your proposal, but you have to understand that this is not for you, let alone for the demi-humans, but to save the lives of innocent people who may die in Sato's hands!

Yu Tozaki couldn't help but be stunned.

He was very confident in his negotiation skills, and he not only offered temptations that Nagai could not refuse.

It also clarified the stakes. After all, as a demi-human, Nagai would never watch Sato push the demi-human group into the abyss.

But he didn't expect that Nagai didn't care about his own interests as much as he did those who didn't know each other and might even be hostile to him.

In fact, Tozaki Yu is still a bit of a judge of himself.

Nagai actually doesn't have much sense of belonging to his demi-human identity.

And in this country, the number of demi-humans is not very large.

He doesn't even have a single acquaintance.

How could he think so far ahead and care about what would happen to the entire demi-human group in the future?

On the contrary, these days, I have seen with my own eyes the people who fell into panic and riots because of Sato.

It had a big impact on him.

If the chaos in society continues, more and more innocent people will be killed or injured due to this turmoil.

The only way to eliminate this chaos is to eliminate the source of the chaos.


Nagai, who was originally confused, gradually regained consciousness under the guidance of Yu Tozaki.

I know that if I want to truly return to a normal life, running away will not solve the problem.

Just face it!

Fortunately, if you can help Tozaki Yu solve Sato, you can also create a new identity for yourself.

At that time, as long as you move to a new city, no one will know you, and you can start a new life.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, Tozaki Yu's cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

He frowned slightly, wondering who would call him at this time.

Especially when I saw the caller ID as unknown, I became even more confused.

But he answered the phone anyway.

Just heard a familiar voice coming from inside.

Moses, Moses, is Nagai-kun here?

Yu Tozaki's eyes suddenly widened: It's you!


The fact that he came to Nagai was obviously kept confidential.

Unexpectedly, before he even finished talking to Nagai, Sato called over there!

For a moment, I couldn't help but look at Shimomura Izumi.

No need to be suspicious, Tosaki, I'm not looking for you this time. Please give the phone to Nagai-kun.

How could Yu Tozaki do what he wanted.

Under the current situation, Nagai is his only means to deal with Sato.

How could he just let the two of them talk on the phone? If something that was already a sure thing fell through again, then he would be in big trouble!

At this time, a hand stretched out in front of him.

Let me talk to him.

Nagai's physical fitness has already surpassed that of ordinary people. Even if Yu Tozaki didn't turn on the speakerphone, he could still hear the sounds clearly.

At this moment, Tozaki Yu looked very ugly.

But there was no other way. In the end, he could only hand the phone into Nagai's hands.

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