Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 262 The death of Lin Ande, the secret of the telepathy crystal

At this moment, Lin Ande saw a burst of black smoke suddenly rising around him.

This is this!

As a warrior, his intuition made him feel the danger!

The internal energy flowing like a river in the body flows through the meridians.

Purple glow emanated from the whole body, and the whole person shot straight out like a sharp arrow.

No matter what happened, this is no longer a place to stay for a long time!


Suddenly, the hazy black mist condensed into a human shape.

stood in front of him.


At the critical moment, Lin Ande had a stainless steel sword in his hand.

The sword comes out.

The wind is howling and murderous intent is rampant!

Nearly seventy years of internal strength make his sword extremely powerful!

However, the next second, Lin Ande was stunned.

The long sword stabbed the black human figure, but was completely blocked by the black particles that were always floating slightly on the surface.

Things that seem illusory are as hard as gold and iron!

Even with his current skill, there is no chance of winning.

He had already reacted at this time and knew that this must be that person's pursuit!

And this idea made him even more horrified!

He has already returned to his main world from the world where he took on missions.

The opponent can actually pursue him across time and space!

It's okay if the target you kill on behalf of someone dies. Although you will be punished by the system for failing the mission, it's better than losing your life.

But now, it is his true body that is facing danger.

If it dies, your body and mind will really be gone!

After realizing that he was no match at all and that it was difficult to escape, Lin Ande immediately chose to beg for mercy!

For the sake of my fellow countrymen! Let me go!

He responded with a punch!


Xiao Hei's surface sparkled with electricity.

One hundred thousand horses of power! White Star Exploding Punch! !

--boom! ! !

The entire house, including hundreds of meters in radius.

There was a violent explosion!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the original apartment building had disappeared, leaving only a huge pit!

As for Lin Ande, of course he was so bombed that not even the dregs were left.

Bai Xing stood in Andrew's room.

Black particles continue to appear in the surrounding air, and then flow and absorb back to themselves.

It’s been a long time since I’ve used Xiaohei, so I’m not unfamiliar with it.

Bai Xing sensed that Lin Ande was dead, and a satisfied smile appeared on his lips.

The last time Yue Ming escaped from him, because the opposite side was the territory of the Lord of Nightmares, Bai Xing had no choice but to let it go.

This time it's just a small fish, but it wants to run away?

How could Bai Xing let him go so easily? !

The power of faith penetrated time and space along the opponent's traces and locked on Lin Ande.

If Bai Xing's real body passes by, it will consume too much power of faith, and it is not necessary.

So I used Xiao Hei, who hadn't used it for a long time.

As a demihuman, he is able to release a black particle.

The particles can condense into a black ghost, officially known as IBM, or simply known as Xiaohei.

It's like a stand-in, but with average strength, so Shirahoshi hasn't been used for a long time.

After taking care of the system host, Bai Xing was about to leave.

Suddenly an interface appeared in front of me.

A voice rang in my ears.

【Welcome to the Zhutian Dadai System! 】

Bai Xing raised his eyebrows.

After Lin Ande was killed by him, the system turned to him.

I don't know what the so-called stuff is, so get out of here!

The power of the magnetic field cannot expel it, but White Star also has the omnipotent power of faith.

Just expel it from yourself.

Forming a glowing sphere, suspended in front of you.


The power of the magnetic field is booming, and Bai Xing wants to catch it.

But the sphere flickered and disappeared in place.

It seems that after being expelled by Shirahoshi, he gave up on this goal and left.

Bai Xing half-squinted his eyes, his inner light flickering, but in the end he did not forcefully take action to stop him.

Whether it is 'space' or 'system', the power behind it is an existence that can reach the level of the multiverse.

It's not like he can play head-on right now.

Originally, Bai Xing came here just to get rid of the system host that invaded this world.

Once that's done, you can call it a day.

But now he made some unexpected discoveries.

Just before killing Lin Ande, Bai Xing had read his memory.

Lin Ande himself had nothing to say, and he became the system host in a daze.

Then he started running around in various worlds, completing missions.

This is only his third mission, so he should be a new level character in the system host.

But this time his target is very interesting.

Andrew Dymott, is the super power out of control?

Before that, Shirahoshi spent most of his time in the island country.

From the 'kennel' at the beginning to the 'parasitic beast', and then to the 'killing city'.

Bai Xing already understood that this seemed to be a more comprehensive world.

Unexpectedly, there is now another ‘Super Out of Control’ added!

The dead Andrew was not the point. What really caught Bai Xing's attention was the mysterious crystal hidden in the cave.

Even in the original plot, no detailed explanation was given.

Where did this crystal come from, and why did it appear?

But Bai Xing thought of another person because of the existence of the crystal.

Among the Tokyo Blackball Team, the master among super-powered masters and apprentices is Sakata Kenzo!

When he first met this person, Bai Xing read his memory.

In the original plot, the entire Killing City series is generally more sci-fi.

However, Kenzo Sakata is different and can use telekinesis!

So Shirahoshi's curiosity was aroused.

According to memory, the source of Sakata Kenzo's telekinesis power was coming into contact with a crystal fragment.

But after that, the crystal shards disappeared.

According to the plot of Super Power Out of Control, Andrew and the three were accidentally exposed to crystal radiation in the cave and gained telekinesis.

He also returned to the original place again, only to find that the cave collapsed and the crystal also disappeared.

Is it a coincidence? Or is there another secret?

Shirahoshi rubbed his chin.

Kenzo Sakata's experience of gaining telekinesis is really similar to Andrew and others!

The only difference is that the crystal that Sakata Kenzo came into contact with was just a fragment, so the intensity of his telekinesis was not very high.

But what the three Andrews encountered was a large piece of complete crystal.

After being exposed to radiation, after a short period of development, it can support itself to fly freely in the sky.

Later in the plot, Andrew was able to face the police's fire and directly control the bullets to hover in the air with his mind.

And according to the plot, if Andrew had not died at that time, he would probably have developed his telekinesis to a stronger level in the future!

Whether it's an accident or not, you'll find out if you go and see it.

Bai Xing made up his mind, and the purple space door appeared in front of him.

Magnetic field detection has found the general location of the cave, which is not difficult.

Although the crystal seems to emit some kind of energy that interferes with nearby magnetic fields.

But Shirahoshi can also perform reverse reasoning, since he knows that the crystal is in a cave near Haven Hill.

As long as you detect that area, whichever place will be disturbed will be the location of the cave containing the crystal.

Taking a step forward, he appeared in a clearing in the forest.

Bai Xing looked around and immediately found the entrance to the cave, which was not that big.

Hey! Who are you, you can't be here!

Just when Shirahoshi was about to enter the cave, a sound came from the rock slope not far away.

I saw two American soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms walking over with guns.

Even though the Lion God has left here, the entire area around Haven Hill is still under martial law.

Seeing that Bai Xing ignored him, the two American soldiers immediately became alert and raised their firearms.

Hold your head with both hands and prove your identity! Don't make any unnecessary moves! Now, immediately!



After casually killing two unknown American soldiers, Shirahoshi entered the cave.

Not long after walking, I saw a blue crystal about two meters high standing there at the end of the corner.

It seemed that someone was appearing, and an electromagnetic wave was released from within.

Some black lines on the surface are constantly twisting.

The white star activates the magnetic field force and invades the inside of the crystal in reverse direction.

In an instant, it seemed as if I had entered a special space.

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