Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 26 Negotiations broke down, Izumi Shimomura’s suggestion

Crisis Management Center.

The impact caused by Sato is too serious, and it is no longer something that only the Demihuman Research and Management Association can deal with.

To this end, the island government has established a crisis management center.

One of the people in charge of the center is Yu Tozaki, who still knows the most about demi-humans.

At this time, he was sitting in front of the computer, and everyone in the entire central hall looked nervous.

Because they have something to do today.


As Sato went further and further, the negative impact was getting bigger and bigger.

But it happens to have a powerful strength that is difficult to crack.

In the past few days, after numerous meetings, the island government finally made a retreat.

In fact, some senior officials are also afraid.

Sato's existence shattered the arrogance they had always had.

Really feel the sense of danger that your life may be at risk at any time.

Get ready, the signal is about to be connected!

Yu Tozaki, who was in charge of the negotiations, looked serious and stared at the computer screen.

The next moment, against the dark and cold background, Sato's face that seemed to be always smiling appeared in front of him.

Tozaki, we meet again.

Sato, we want to reconcile with you.

At this moment? Are you kidding?

Listen to me first! After our continuous discussions, we have made the following decision.

You can satisfy your previous request and set the uninhabited island in southern Kyushu or part of Hokkaido as a special autonomous region for Asians!

If he can force the island nation's officials to make concessions of this level, Sato is qualified to go down in history.

But he didn't look surprised at all, and even said without hesitation: I refuse.

Even Tozaki Yu was very surprised and incomprehensible, and said angrily: Why?!

Sato smiled and said: Whether it's Kyushu or Hokkaido, in a remote place like that, are you sending beggars away?

Now you don't have any capital to ask for conditions from me, you just need to obey my request.

Tozaki Yu suppressed the anger in his heart, clenched his fists, and his eyes were bloodshot.

It's a pity that the situation is stronger than the person, so he can only grit his teeth and say: What exactly do you want!

Sato completely ignored Tozaki Yu's anger and moved closer to the camera, as if he could look at Yu Tozaki through the video.

I want Tokyo.

Throughout the hall of the crisis management center, pin drops could be heard.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and even held their breath.

He looked at the video screen projected on the big screen above in disbelief.

Sato seemed to have no idea how excessive his request was.

Tosaki, you can have another meeting and discuss it, but in the meantime, my actions will not stop.

But don't worry, although you are also on my assassination list, I have thoughtfully placed you at the bottom.

Impossible! We will never accept this condition! Yu Tozaki couldn't control it anymore and suddenly slapped his hand on the table.

Sato, do you really think we can't deal with you? You are going too far!

There was a hint of coldness in Sato's half-closed eyes, and the corners of his raised mouth showed a sarcastic look.

Am I going too far? You who treat demi-humans as economic animals for experiments, would you ever think about today?

Don't give Yu Tozaki any more chance to speak.

Sato suddenly returned to his smiling state, as if the coldness that bloomed just now did not exist at all.

He waved his hand: I wish you good luck, Tozaki, and I look forward to meeting you next time.


The video ends and the screen turns off.

Abandoned factory.

This is Sato's secret base.

After hearing about his negotiation with Yu Tozaki, the emotions of the people around him varied.

As a loyal fan of Sato, Koji Tanaka will support him no matter what decision he makes.

Others who joined the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare during the airliner attack did not all think so.

Hey! Are you mistaken? Although Kyushu and Hokkaido are a bit remote, it's pretty good to get this result. You still want Tokyo. You fool knows that the government will never agree to it!

Sure enough, when Sato closed the video call, someone immediately jumped out and questioned him.

Others couldn't help it anymore.

Yes, you asked us to kill people together, and we all did it with you. Those guys are all murderers who persecute demi-humans.

But now that it has achieved results and forced the government to be willing to reconcile, why are you still refusing to give up?

You are joking, you must be joking, right? If you continue, even if you have that kind of power, we can't really fight against a country, right?!

Also, Sato, you promised to teach us the true power of demi-humans, but why are you the only one who has that powerful power until now? When will you teach it to us!

Sato just watched this scene calmly.

After everyone's questions have been answered.

He said calmly: Who is willing to support me now?

Tanaka always stood by his side without even needing to express his stance.

Besides him, a total of three people expressed their opinions.


And I!

Hey, add me!

The first one was a handsome man in a wheelchair.

His leg was broken before he became a demi-human, so even after he became a demi-human and was resurrected after death, his legs still had trouble healing.

His name is Okuyama Masumi.

He is also a computer genius.

The other two were two people who performed very well in previous assassination operations.

One is named Ryota Takahashi, and the other is named Haruhiko Hari.

There were four people left who had not expressed their opinions, and it was the four of them who had just raised questions.

At this time, they were all waiting for Sato's explanation, but what Sato gave them was-crack!

An arc of electricity shot out from the fingertips and split into four parts in mid-air.

It hit the body directly at a speed that was impossible for them to react.

He suddenly convulsed and fell to the ground, falling into a coma.

Oops, what should we do next?

Ryota Takahashi and Haruhiko Hari were both startled by Sato's sudden attack.

Only Okuyama still had a calm expression.

After hearing Sato muttering to himself, he said: You can cut off their heads and put them in gasoline barrels.

After hearing this, Sato glanced at him in surprise.

You have such a cute face but such a cruel heart, but this is indeed a good idea.

According to the rules of rebirth of demihumans, after body parts are separated, if they are close together, they will automatically come together and connect together when they die.

And if it exceeds the connection range, a new one will grow again.

Including the head.

So cut off the heads of the four of them and place the bodies next to them. When they are reborn, their heads will want to reconnect with their bodies.

However, because it is sealed in a gasoline barrel, the connection will continue to fail and fall into a BUG state.

As a result, rebirth can never be successful.

Crisis Management Center.

In the office.

Yu Tozaki was reading the original research report on Sato over and over again.

At this time, Shimomura Izumi walked in.


Is there a problem?

Shimomura Izumi pursed his lips and said, Don't worry, I will definitely protect you!

Obviously, she also heard what Sato said during the negotiation.

Yu Tozaki is also on his assassination list!

Tozaki Yu didn't appreciate it at all, and said coldly: Controlling electromagnetic power is probably the second stage of demi-humans. Nowadays, only Sato and Nagai Kei can prove that they have it. In the second stage, , whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary demi-humans, you will have no ability to resist in front of him.

A hint of gloom flashed in Shimomura Izumi's eyes.

She didn't know this fact.

It's just that she loves the man in front of her so much that she is willing to try even if it's impossible!

At this moment, Shimomura Izumi's eyes suddenly flashed, as if he thought of something.

Tozaki, you said that there are only two people who have reached the second stage. Maybe we can learn from the enemy's skills to defeat them!

Tozaki Yu was also stunned.

Putting down the report in his hand, he looked at her: You mean

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