Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 258 House of Truth, High-Dimensional Life

As the huge human body begins to become fixed, only the facial image of the chest and abdomen is still changing.

The mental states of Berenshoutin, Celestine and Kokubo Yumei have gradually stabilized.

Immediately afterwards, they found that red tears of blood were flowing out of each other's eyes without knowing it!

But they themselves did not feel any discomfort or notice any pain.

Don't be nervous, it's normal.

A majestic voice sounded in the room.

Everyone understood that those who made this sound were the two huge human bodies in the middle of the room!

You can call us - truth!

And here is the house of truth.

In fact, we are not here. Everything you see is an image embodied to the maximum extent you can accept.

If there is anyone who is least affected among everyone present, then it is undoubtedly Shirahoshi!

But even he still couldn't see through the true face of the huge human body.

This is a kind of high-dimensional life that is difficult to understand, cannot be seen directly, and cannot be described!

Bai Xing had seen this kind of existence once before.

During the time of One Punch World.

The mastermind behind the Odd Fellows, Sykes.

When he was young, he developed the legendary third eye in order to enhance his superpowers.

Then she saw a desperate future and became a crazy woman.

Bai Xing was very interested in what she saw. After controlling her, he read her thoughts and memories and wanted to trace that scene.

So I got in touch with the ‘god’ that existed in a higher dimension.

That feeling is really not good.

But now Shirahoshi is stronger than then, and his will is stronger.

The most important thing is that giant human bodies are different from 'gods' in that they have no malicious intent.


Berensutan was filled with tears of blood and couldn't help but kneel on the ground.

I know the existence that can pass on those powerful technologies and be able to accomplish all this.

It must be a real god! And now, I finally see the real God!

Bai Xing glanced at him and ignored him.

For these ordinary people, whether it is a giant human body or the so-called god in the one-punch world.

In fact, it is not wrong to say that he is a ‘god’.

Even with Bai Xing's current strength, it is not difficult to become a 'god' who dominates a planet.

Let alone this kind of high-dimensional life?

In contrast, White Star is more interested in their technology.

If it can be used as fuel for the Kovu Furnace

At this time, Berensutan asked all the questions in his heart after a while of worship.

The giant human body doesn’t have any secrets to hide, and basically answers all questions.

As for why technical information is transmitted through Ilaria, it is because a major crisis occurred in a certain galaxy decades ago.

The disaster caused by this crisis has caused the entire galaxy to face the danger of destruction.

All civilizations began to conduct space voyages, preparing to find suitable new homes.

Before they came to the Milky Way, they encountered us first.

We gave them some warning.

After hitting a wall with us, they turned their target to the Milky Way and locked on your planet.

Only then did Berenshoutan realize that the aliens who had appeared on the earth over the years were all just alien refugees who had fled!

“We have passed on to you the minimum military technology that can repel them, and we hope you will put it to good use.

But at present, it seems that you are not using it well.

But now, the real danger has arrived.

At the end of the countdown, it is the moment when the Horse-faced Stars enter the solar system.

They still retain the basic form of civilization, which is essentially different from the previous alien refugees.

It has a crushing advantage over the current earth's technology.

If you are unable to resist, you will fall into a real doomsday!

The three finally understood the truth about the countdown and the end of the world.

It turns out that more powerful aliens are about to invade the earth!

At this moment, Kokubo Yumei suddenly asked: Why on earth do you want to help us?!

The face on the huge human body is still changing.

However, compared to the previous appearance, although it still looks very strange now, it will no longer put the three of them into a trance, like a nightmare.

Actually, you don't need to feel grateful to us, we don't have that feeling, and we don't need that feeling.

We did not choose to deliver minimal military technology to Earth to help you out of sympathy or pity.

What makes us take action to preserve is the earth itself and a certain degree of order, not to save you humans.

Your existence is too insignificant in our eyes, just like you look at the tiny insects on the earth. There is no essential difference between them and you.

Even if hundreds of millions of you die, or all of you are destroyed, it doesn't matter to us at all.

The battle between you and those alien refugees is like when you were a child and saw two groups of ants fighting in the backyard.

If you lean toward one side, give them some help just when they may be about to lose and give them a chance to come back.

And we are the same.

In fact, there is no difference between your lives and dust. It doesn't matter even if you all die.

The so-called emotions and thoughts are just phenomena caused by mere current signals.

It is no different from the electrical products you manufacture, the only difference is that you are more complicated.

The indifferent and cold words of the huge human body made the three of them feel the fear that penetrated their bones!

And Berensutain could not accept this kind of thing.

In his imagination, the person who passed on the technology was probably an omnipotent god.

And when he first entered the House of Truth, he was even more convinced of this idea.

But at this moment, he was ruthlessly torn apart by a huge human body, which was hard for him to accept for a while.

It's not impossible!

He fell to his knees and burst into tears.

Especially the description of human emotions by the giant human head made him feel unbelievable and unacceptable!

At this time, the giant human body spoke again.

Berenshoutin, you really want to have a real, healthy daughter, right?

Berensutain, who had his head lowered, suddenly raised his head!

Looking with hopeful eyes.

Not far in front of him, some cells appeared out of thin air and continued to proliferate.

Eventually it forms flesh and blood, rapidly expands, and turns into a human body.

It was a little girl over three years old, exactly what Ilaria looked like when she was a child.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked at Berenshoutan: Dad, where are you? I haven't woken up yet. Is it already dawn?

Is it sad?

Is it pain?

Is it joy?

Berenshot's emotions were brewing in his chest because he was not sure of them, and then they turned into tears like a bursting river and rushed out!

In his early years, he did use the signals received by his daughter to decipher them in exchange for various benefits.

But that doesn't mean that he doesn't love his daughter!

Otherwise, when the company was about to go bankrupt and owed a large amount of foreign debt, it would not have hired a senior famous doctor to diagnose and treat Ilaria's strange disease.

Especially later, as his business grew bigger and bigger, money was just a series of numbers to him, and power only made him feel more and more empty.

The lack of family affection becomes particularly important.

The regret for Ilaria became even stronger.

Until now!

Dad, why are you crying? Did Ilaria make you unhappy?

Little Ilaria walked over, gently hugged Berenshoutan, and wiped his tears.

Even Shirahoshi was surprised when he saw this scene.

It wasn't because of some unknown emotion like being moved, but because he could see that little Ilaria was not some illusion or some other ghostly trick.

But real, real people!

It can be said that she is completely the child version, the real Ilaria.

The kind that was cured of a strange disease!

Creating real life out of thin air is a method that the magnetic field guy can also do.

But I’m afraid that won’t happen until we get 970,000 horses!

(Gah!! Good mouth during the Chinese New Year!!) (End of this chapter)

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