Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 253 Shengyang Prison Body, Canglong Ascension Seal! (Happy New Year!!)

The strength displayed by Bai Xing and Yue Ming was beyond everyone's understanding.

Even if it is like the Lion God, it can still be explained by the technological transformation of its appearance.

Although the technology content is very high, the destructive power displayed is not too outrageous.

But Bai Xing and Yue Ming's punches and kicks were as powerful as a nuclear explosion!

The most powerful support of human civilization, nuclear bombs!

It's like a joke in front of them.

Lost my voice!

All the high-level human beings who saw this scene lost their voices!


Can't find any solution!


If they want to attack someone, it's impossible to prevent them!

Especially Shinzo Yamayama, the Prime Minister of the island nation, felt paralyzed all over and weak in his limbs.

I almost couldn't help but pee!

What kind of monster is this?!!

For other countries, at least Bai Xing is still far away from Yue Ming.

But for Shinzo Yamayama, it was like fighting in his own yard!

The roof may be lifted off at any time!

In fact, Shinzo Shanshan didn't even have the qualifications to struggle.

Because he is not qualified to make nuclear weapons!

Let’s not talk about whether nuclear weapons are useful. They can’t even produce nuclear weapons. How can they suppress these two inhumanly powerful beings? !


A deep sense of powerlessness invades the whole body!

Now there is only one thing they can do.

Kneel down under the statue of Lord Amaterasu and pray devoutly.

Let them fight and both sides will suffer. No! It's best to die together!

Apart from that, there is really nothing else that can be done!

A series of nuclear explosions broke out in the city of Osaka.

--Roar! !

A fire dragon was bathed in strong radiation and particle flow, roaring with all its might.

Keep wandering among the exploding fireballs.

It is 1,500 meters long and is completely composed of fire elements. Every inch of its scales is extremely solid.

On the head of the fire dragon, Yue Ming stood in it, forming seals with his hands to control the fire dragon.

——Red Dragon Seal! !

With a solemn expression and unusually serious eyes, he understood that he was encountering a difficult enemy this time!

Fight with a magnetic field maniac with at least 400,000 horses of power.

Winning victory may be several times more difficult than he imagined!

Brother-in-law! Hiding is not your style! Come and confront me head on!

Or are you planning to use this tactic of avoiding fighting to consume my strength?

Ha ha! Don't worry, I can still stay in full swing and fight with you for another seven days and seven nights!

Along with Shirahoshi's voice, there were also a large number of extremely sharp knife waves!

Hell's Funeral Knife·Ten Thousand Ren Storm! !

Yue Ming controlled the fire dragon and kept swimming and dodging. When he heard these words, his face became as gloomy as water!

He also heard about the magnetic field man's endurance.

For him, even with the supplement of elixirs, it may not be easy to fight at high intensity for seven days and seven nights.

But for the magnetic field guy, it doesn't matter at all, and it may even explode at any time during the battle.

When he thought of this, Yue Ming almost couldn't help but curse!

As the battlefield between the two moved, Takatsuki City, Ikeda City, Nara City, Takarazuka City, and Taakaishi City around Osaka were destroyed one after another!

Cabinet Office.

Shinzo Shanshan looked at the rising mushroom cloud in the satellite map. The key was that it was still changing and moving.

I just felt my chest was tight, my eyes were black, and my throat was sweet.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out directly.

The Minister of Defense next to him, Yasuhiro Yumoto, was showered all over his face.

Yumoto Yasuhiro didn't bother to wipe, and shouted hurriedly: Call emergency help! Something happened to the Prime Minister!!

Facing Bai Xing's intensive offensive, Yue Ming's red dragon was finally defeated.

Brother-in-law, please show your true skills quickly! If this is just the case, I will be very disappointed!

Shirahoshi kept attacking with fists and kicks.

Nuclear blast punch!

Powerful rapid fire punch!

Anti-tank palm!

Sniper Cloud Finger!

Rocket missile kick!

Electromagnetic thunder cannon punch!

Laser cannon punch!

Sky-piercing shock fist!

Used interchangeably, the offensive is continuous, leaving no one with the slightest chance to breathe.

The power of the magnetic field surges crazily, and there is no need to even recuperate.

Yue Ming Kuanggu's body was full of energy, and the energy and blood constantly floating on his body surface were rising.

Like wild elephants roaring, and like giant dragons roaring.

The powerful physical growth brought about by the Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Kung Fu allows him to withstand most damage.

But he also knew that it was useless to escape blindly, and at the same time, he continued to use martial arts to launch counterattacks against Shirahoshi.

Break the demon seal!

Fire Seal!

Xuan Lei Seal!

Glass finger!

Yellow wind finger!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

The two people fighting were like erasers.

Wherever it went, all traces of modern civilization were erased.

Most people lost their lives in the horrific aftermath before they even knew what was happening.

Originally, tonight's Hyakki Night Parade was only a disaster in the Dotonbori area of ​​Osaka.

The death toll may reach five figures, causing shock throughout the island nation and even attracting international attention.

But it won’t make the whole world collectively silent like it is now!

With the appearance of Bai Xing and Yue Ming, the level of the disaster tonight has suddenly been raised to a higher level!

It's no less than starting a nuclear war and then being delivered a courier with a bang.

The number of casualties has reached a terrifying seven figures! !

Wherever it goes, modern civilization is wiped out, lives are devastated, and scorched earth is everywhere!

Feeling the Gang Yuan in his body being violently consumed, Yue Ming's heart became heavier and heavier.

The main reason is that he consumes a lot, but Bai Xing can hardly see the consumption.

There is even a tendency to become stronger during battles!

Simply outrageous!

I couldn't help but curse again in my heart: Damn it! This damn magnetic field lunatic!

Before entering the nightmare space, Yue Ming was just a useless person in the acquired realm.

If someone breaks off the engagement, she can only swallow her anger.

Until he entered the nightmare space, relying on his extraordinary strength, he had the advantage of a higher starting point than the novices at the same time.

Step by step to get to where we are today.

He was not dazzled by the dazzling array of enhanced products in the space.

Instead, he will continue to follow the original route.

It's a pity that in his world, ordinary blood has its limits after all.

If you want to break through to the Grandmaster realm, you will definitely need some special physique.

So Yue Ming put all the Nightmare Coins he had accumulated over the years on the line.

Exchanged it for a powerful physique - the Holy Sun Prison Body!

Of course, it's just the preliminary version.

The complete Shengyang Prison Body cannot be redeemed even if it is sold!

Fortunately, the nightmare space is still relatively humane, and some powerful bloodlines, physiques, and even techniques can be purchased separately.

For example, Rhett's bloodline can be exchanged for baron bloodline first, then viscount bloodline, earl bloodline, and marquis bloodline.

Until now, Rhett has exchanged for the Duke's bloodline.

Become a powerful vampire prince!

At present, the preliminary version of the Shengyang Prison Suppression Body is enough for Yue Ming to use.

It is also very suitable for his major Ten Thousand Fire Burning Heart Jue and Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Kung Fu.

In addition to allowing him to practice more freely, it also blessed his own cultivation and increased his martial arts significantly.

Especially the four forbidden moves among these two techniques.

It can even be used successfully!

If it were before, even if the cultivation level was reached, the physique would not be able to support it.

If you forcefully activate the forbidden move, you will definitely suffer backlash.

But now he is not afraid.

The Holy Sun Prison Suppression Body, even in its primary stage, has shown extremely strong effects!

Not only can it activate forbidden moves smoothly, but it can even increase its power!

The violent blood roared and rose.

Yue Ming knew that he could no longer fight fiercely. The longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for him!

Damn it, don't you want to fight? You bitch, then let's fight!

Take my move!

——Canglong Ascension Seal! !

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