Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 248 The Lion God is captured, join forces to fight Hua Lao!

He ran out of the special service base just to capture the Lion God!

He had failed at the hands of the Lion God before, and was even more disgusted by his daughter and misunderstood by his wife.

This left him feeling extremely sad and devastated.

After being taken back to the base, Inuyashiki recalled the past, recalled the experiences of the past few decades, recalled the night that changed everything, recalled everything that happened in the future, recalled being regained by himself, and now lost again. of passion, confidence and dignity!

An unknown fire rose in my heart.

The voltage increased accordingly, and the base helped him deliver power at all costs.

To speed up the recovery of his injuries!

Then he made a decision.

He wants to capture the Lion God and exchange for the one billion reward!

He wants to regain the respect of his family and let them know that his father is powerful!

He is someone who can catch even the Lion God!

Someone who can bring them wealth and fame, someone who can satisfy any of their requirements!

And Inuyashiki's luck is indeed good.

As soon as I arrived, I encountered the Lion God who was beaten half to death by Fuudazaemon.

Just got a bargain.

Fuudazaemon was initially wary when he saw Inuyashiki. After his explanation, he realized that neither Inuyashiki nor the Lion God were aliens, but had been transformed by aliens.

At the same time, Inuyashiki also issued an official banner.

In the end, Fuudazaemon took one look at the Lion God who had lost the ability to resist, and decided to hand him over to Inuyashiki.

As for himself, he only felt suffocated and panicked for a while.

He has touched the edge of [Magnetic Field Rotation] and seems to be able to break through at any time.

Perhaps one more truly hearty battle would be enough to break through.

But I can't get what I want, so I feel depressed and panicked.

After looking at the mess and ruins around him, Fuudazaemon decided to go find his teammates.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that Xuanye Ji and others were restrained, and Yan Shaohong was also at a disadvantage when facing Hua Lao.

I immediately knew that this was probably the BOSS of tonight's mission.

So take action decisively!

One move almost knocked the slipper into pieces!

The appearance of Feng Daizaemon made Yan Shaohong's eyes burst with joy.

He learned from Izumi Shion that the magnetic field power possessed by Fuudazaemon came from the White Star.

But Fuudazaemon himself was not grateful to Shirahoshi, and was even slightly hostile.

Yan Shaohong instinctively felt that Bai Xing must have his own purpose in doing this.

This Bai Xing has never shown his face from beginning to end, and to Yan Shaohong, it seems like he is shrouded in fog.

It’s hard to see clearly.

Therefore, it is difficult for him to judge why Bai Xing did this and what purpose he had.

But one thing is certain.

Fuudazaemon is definitely a good assisting teammate!

He immediately made a request for cooperation: This guy is very strong! He can learn the enemy's attack methods and make targeted evolutions every time he dies!

It takes an unexpected attack to truly kill him!

You alone can't defeat him, the two of us can join forces!

In Yan Shaohong's mind, if Feng Daizaemon could join forces with him, his chances of winning would be greatly increased.

After the battle is over, maybe we can learn more information about Shirahoshi from him!

Although Fuudazaemon wanted a hearty battle to break through his limits.

But he is not a lion god who is easily arrogant. He could see how difficult Hua Lao was at a glance, so he did not reject Yan Shaohong's invitation to join forces.

Okay! You can help me!

The two strong men looked serious and launched a fierce attack on Hua Lao almost at the same time!

——Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

——Shua! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Yan Shaohong's moves are complex and changeable, full of energy and extremely lethal.

Fuudazaemon's fists and kicks are superb. After the ancient martial art Bajiquan is amplified by the magnetic field, the power it explodes is no less powerful than Yan Shaohong's unique martial arts skills stimulated by Zhenqi. Except that the moves are less sophisticated, the power is not at all. Difference!

The two people who had never met each other before, or even seen each other's fighting scenes, showed an inexplicable tacit understanding when they joined forces!

This is the basic skill of a strong player, who can quickly analyze the opponent's strength and fine-tune tactics to match it.

Only warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles and have extremely rich combat experience can achieve such silky smoothness.

However, they are not the only ones who have become stronger!

Soon Fuudaizaemon discovered that his fist struck Hua Lai as if it hit a very hard object.

The greater your strength, the harder the opponent's defense will be!

Not ordinary hard!

As a senior Nightmare player, Yan Shaohong has experienced many dungeon worlds, has richer combat experience, and has faced more enemies of all kinds.

He immediately saw through the nature of Hua Lao's defense.

Do you know about non-Newtonian fluids?!

Feng Daizaemon's expression immediately changed.

Because he could obviously feel that when he first appeared on the stage and used Tieshanqiao, Huaxiao did not have this ability!

But now, using clever attacks can't threaten the flexible Hua Lao.

Using violent attacks will be hindered by the general characteristics of this non-Newtonian fluid.

It seemed that the two of them joined forces and attacked fiercely, suppressing Hua Lao, but in fact they didn't get any advantage at all!

From this we can also see another characteristic of Hua Lao.

His adaptation and evolution are not only triggered when he dies!

As it receives damage, it will also fine-tune itself and even evolve some targeted abilities or organs.

——Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The moment the two men's attack slackened slightly, Hua Piao immediately caught the flaw.

A large number of shock wave blades came overwhelmingly!

The ground along the way was cut easily, as if the earth was turned into pieces.

The surrounding buildings and other facilities were immediately torn to pieces, all turned into pieces!

The long black hair on the back of Hua Bo's head was dancing, like the darkness that had invaded the entire world, shrouding the two of them.

Wanting to tie them down.

Purple Bodhi: The Great Sun Tathagata has immeasurable energy from the four directions of Tathagata! !

Yan Shaohong used his trick again.

The boundless golden Buddha light shines, and the long black hair melts quickly like spring snow in the scorching sun.

The terrifying palm power, accompanied by the Buddha's light, completely enveloped Hua Lao.

But even so, this move was not enough to kill him directly.

Fortunately, Yan Shaohong's own purpose was not to kill him.

It's now!

Fuudazaemon immediately understood what he meant.

When Yan Shaohong grabbed Hua Laiao's attention with his unique move, he struck with lightning speed!

Using a thunderous move that Hua Laiao had never seen before, he was unexpectedly killed instantly!

This is Yan Shaohong’s plan!

And Fuudazaemon, who had astonishing wisdom, instantly understood what he meant.

Three hundred thousand volts! The king of hell has three hands! !

It is also one of the eight great moves. It is a very fast and fatal move with point-breaking surface!

puff! puff! puff!

Three extremely fast lightnings formed a line and hit Hua Laiao's forehead at the same time.


Finally, a big hole was opened in the forehead, and he lost all power to resist.

Fall on your back!

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