Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 246 The death of Oka Hachiro and the magical power of Bodhi Dharma!



The battle between Okahachiro and Ushiki has entered a fierce stage.

At the top of the mecha, there is a semi-open cockpit.

You can see Okahachiro wearing a gorilla suit standing here.

There are a lot of wires on the back of the gorilla suit, and they look like long hair.

But in fact, their function is to connect the mecha.

After using these wires to connect the mecha, you can drive it at will.

In other words, if you want to use a mecha, you must first have a gorilla suit!

This is another powerful piece of equipment that can be exchanged for after scoring 100 points in the black ball room.

It can be regarded as an upgraded and enhanced version of the GANTZ suit.

It can greatly improve one's own strength.

If a black ball warrior wearing a gorilla suit faces elite demons such as Hannya, Momotaro, Nidianbo, and Netgiri, he can end the battle with just one move!

Even against the Great Tengu, cadre-level monsters like Inugami can still have the upper hand, and there is a high probability that they will be eliminated in a short time.

It's just that the Niugui is too big, and the gorilla suit has limited attack power against it.

So Okahachiro chose to drive a mecha to fight!

After the battle until now, Okahachiro has made a decision in his heart.

The mecha is not equipped with a large-scale weapon system, so it can only fight hand-to-hand with Niugui.

But the Niugui's flexibility and defense are both better than that of the mecha.

Failure is only a matter of time.

So before he was actually defeated, Okahachiro had been looking for Ushiuki's weaknesses!

And now he has finally found it!

--boom! !

At the same time, the mecha could not withstand Niu Gui's iron fist. Sparks appeared when it was bombarded, and the mecha lost control and fell down.

Seeing this scene, Xuanye Ji and others couldn't help but be shocked!

Could it be that the legendary man who scored 100 points seven times was about to lose?

This time the opponent is really too strong!

There is simply no hope of victory!

Kyono Kei clenched his fists and thought to himself: Damn it! The enemy is too powerful! If only Fuudazaemon hadn't been held back.

In his impression, probably only Fuudazaemon had the hope of defeating this kind of opponent.

But now Fuudazaemon is being held back by the Lion God, and the battle between the two is not over yet.

I don’t know what the outcome will be!

Xuanye Ji wanted to help, but he couldn't intervene at will in a battle of that level.


As Kato Masaru exclaimed, he saw a small black dot hovering in the air, constantly surrounding Ushiuki and launching attacks!

That is.

It's Okahachiro!

Yamasaki Anzu's voice sounded.

I knew he couldn't lose so easily!

Everyone now saw clearly what it was.

It’s a flying locomotive!

When Nobuo Murotani appeared before, he drove a unicycle.

The flying motorcycle is an upgraded version of the unicycle, equipped with an anti-gravity device.

Not only can it fly within the planet, it can even conduct short voyages in the universe!

Flying from the Earth to the Moon is no problem at all!

Okahachiro drove the flying motorcycle, while avoiding the attacks of the bull ghost, he took out his gravity gun and kept pulling the trigger on him.

But for the thick-skinned Niugui, it still can't cause any effective harm.

However, Okahachiro's move was not intended to hurt him.

And just to attract his attention!

Then jump!

Abandon the flying motorcycle and climb directly to the head of Niu Gui!

In the battle just now, he had already figured out Niu Gui's weakness.

That's the head!

Taking advantage of Ushiuki's distraction and lack of defense, Okahachiro climbed onto the head and waved the elbow knife on the gorilla suit.

Blue fire appeared at the back of both arms. It was a propulsion auxiliary device that could unleash even more amazing attack power in a short period of time.

Facing the Niu Gui's weakness is the ultimate output!

puff! puff! puff! puff!

With constant attacks, Niu Gui was finally killed!


The huge body collapsed suddenly, directly smashing into a building next to it.

Hundreds of citizens hiding in the building were directly buried in the rubble.

Most of them are probably dead!

But they are just the tip of the iceberg of all the casualties in tonight's disaster.

From the very beginning of the Night Parade of Hundred Demons, to the ripples caused by the three battlefields.

Those ordinary people are like grass under a hurricane, being harvested ruthlessly at any time.

So far, the number of casualties has reached five figures!

Just when everyone was still immersed in the shock of Niu Gui being killed by the ultimate counterattack.


There was a roar not far away.

Immediately afterwards, a figure was thrown over.

It plowed a furrow into the ground before stopping not far from them.

Standing up tremblingly, Xuan Yeji finally recognized who he was.

It is one of the newcomers who has just entered the black ball room this time.

He disappeared when he was first teleported to Osaka.

Xuanye Ji thought that he had been buried in the mouths of all kinds of demon stars.

I didn't expect to see him here again.

He quickly stepped forward and asked with concern: Are you okay?

Yan Shaohong spat out a mouthful of blood, and his heart was already filled with thoughts of 10,000 grass and mud horses roaring past like crazy!

From the very beginning of his fight with Hua Lao to now, every time he subdued Hua Lao, the man would secretly kill him.

No matter what methods he uses to block and isolate, they are all ineffective!

This is so fucked!

So much so that Hua Laiao has undergone continuous evolution and is now in its fifth form!

And Hua Lao in this form also has more powerful strength!

At this time, a figure slowly walked out of the night behind.

Yan Shaohong's expression was serious and tense, he knew Hua Lao was chasing him!

The fifth form of Hua Di looks more like a human being.

He has strong muscles and his overall height is about two and a half meters.

The whole body is naked, and the face should be male, but there are no obvious sexual characteristics.

As he walked, he murmured to himself: I understand. I understand.


Yan Shaohong suddenly stepped forward again and used his unique skill.

Huang Bodhi Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara's Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara shakes the universe!

The palm movements are complex, psychedelic, elusive, and contain a powerful force that can break mountains and ground!

But I never thought that although Hua Piao had a majestic figure, his movement speed was not slow at all.

His body shape changed back and forth, and he perfectly dodged all Yan Shaohong's attacks!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The Six Meridians Divine Sword was used, and in an instant the sword energy filled the entire space.

Let Hua Lao have no way to hide anymore!

However, these sword energies are not fatal at all!

And if the body is cut and wounded, it can recover completely in the blink of an eye.

Demonstrated strong self-healing ability!


Without giving Yan Shaohong more opportunities to attack, Hua Lao punched out.

The speed is so fast and the strength is so strong that even Yan Shaohong can't bear it.

At the critical moment, use all your strength to display the ‘Red Bodhi Manjushri’s Six Paths and Ten Thousand Elements to Control the Wind and Cloud’!

This method of using Qi to gently dismantle the offensive of thousands of jins and heavy objects of ten thousand kilograms can be used to attack each other's shields with their spears.

But there was still a heavy muffled sound, and Yan Shaohong was blown away.

Her throat could not help but feel sweet, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

After the feet hit the ground, they were inserted into the ground, and the hard floor tiles did not stop their retreat at all.

After two long marks were drawn, Yan Shaohong reluctantly stopped.

Unexpectedly, even ‘Red Bodhi’ could not completely remove the opponent’s offensive!

After exhaling heavily, Yan Shaohong clenched his fists and made some determination in his heart.

Hua Laiao's seemingly most powerful abilities are immortality and evolution.

But in fact, he has another powerful ability.

That is learning!

After being defeated by Yan Shaohong many times in succession, he has learned Yan Shaohong's attack methods.

And evolved targeted capabilities.

The flexible body technique corresponds to the Lingbo Weistep, and the self-healing ability can completely overcome the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

Even the punch he just punched was due to the skill contained in the burst of force.

They all have many similarities with Yan Shaohong's Black Bodhi: The Wrathful King of Thunder and Wrath Breaking the Void.

Even if Hua Laiao doesn't have true energy, he can still imitate a rough image with muscle strength.

Don't give him a chance to learn!

We can't give him time to evolve!

After realizing this, Yan Shaohong hid his hand without actually revealing it.

At this moment, he planned to use his real killing move.

Take out a pill from your pocket and take it.

The consumed energy was immediately restored, and even some of the internal injuries were healed.

Facing the approaching Hua Laiao, Yan Shaohong suddenly stepped forward, and his whole body burst into brilliant golden Buddha light!

Purple Bodhi: The Great Sun Tathagata has immeasurable energy from the four directions of Tathagata! !

This move is as powerful as the blazing sun, emitting thousands of meters of Buddha light, majestic and inviolable!

The two palms push out an overwhelming amount of energy, the power can shake the heaven and the earth, and frighten the demons and gods!

The speed is extremely fast!

Hua Piao tried to use his flexible body skills to dodge again, but it didn't work at all.

Under the Buddha's light, he was struck by both palms.


In an instant, it exploded.

It turned into a rain of blood all over the sky, and the dripping blood dropped from the sky along with the minced meat.

-Hoo! Hoo!

Using all his strength, even Yan Shaohong felt weak due to excessive consumption.

But this time, the battle should be considered truly over, right?

The move just now was so fast and powerful that Hua Laiao should have been killed before he could react.

It was beyond his expectation, and he didn't give the person hiding in the secret a chance to take action!

Unexpectedly, just when he relaxed his mind, another existence appeared in the rain of blood.


Just one move exceeded Yan Shaohong's reaction speed.


Knock him away directly.

After landing, a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out.

He raised his frightened eyes and looked at the figure.

The sixth form of Hua Lao!

She has become much slimmer than before, and her whole body is as if cast from gold.

Shines with a hard luster.

The head has no facial features, only some shallow bumps.

Four arms grew out of the body as smooth as a mirror.

Just when he was about to step forward to kill Yan Shaohong, another figure appeared in time.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A figure gradually emerged from the diffuse smoke and dust, and heavy footsteps stepped on the ground, making bursts of muffled sounds.

The oppressive black armor has two thick arms, with sharp and shiny elbow knives extending from the elbows.

Surprisingly, it was Okahachiro wearing a gorilla suit!

After killing Ushiki, Okahachiro noticed the fighting here.

So he showed up at a critical moment.

He stood in front of Yan Shaohong.

Compared with the renewed hope of Xuano Kei, Kato Masaru and others.

Yan Shaohong knew very well that Okahachiro would never be the opponent of Hua Lao's sixth form.

But the good news is that Okahachiro can block it for a while at least.

Buy him some time.

He quickly sat cross-legged and meditated, and once again took out various elixirs from his pocket and popped them into his mouth.

In the end, it only took a few breaths to hear two crisp sounds.

Yan Shaohong looked forward and saw that Oka Balo's two elbow knives had been broken off.

Okahachiro was not given any time to react.

puff! puff!

The gorilla suit was directly penetrated by Hua Lao's other two hands.

Red blood flowed outwards along the breach.

Even Okahachiro himself couldn't think of it.

He was defeated so quickly while wearing a gorilla suit.

There wasn't even a chance for him to use an escape device to escape!


Hua Lao casually threw the dead Okahachiro aside.

The golden face with only some slight bumps and no obvious facial features turned to Yan Shaohong's position again.

Obviously, Yan Shaohong is his must-kill target!

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

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