Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 243 If the magnetic field man wants to become stronger, the fastest way is to fight!

Hua Lao in this form is already far more powerful than the girl she was in just now.

Not only is it extremely fast, the black scales on its body also have strong defensive capabilities.

His hands turned into two long crystal knives, capable of cutting gold and jade with unparalleled sharpness!

After one move missed, Hua Laiao showed no intention of stopping and continued to attack Yan Shaohong.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The crystal knife waved continuously, forming a sharp knife network.

Yan Shaohong was enveloped in it.


With a cold snort, Yan Shaohong was also slightly irritated.

His hands turned into claws and he suddenly grabbed forward.

The divine dragon of Blue Bodhi·Niehai Dragon King appears and slays the demons with its claws!

Kaka! Kaka!

A surprising scene appeared.

Yan Shaohong actually grabbed the two blades with his bare hands among the blade nets!

With a crisp sound, the extremely hard blade was crushed directly by Yan Shaohong!

At the same time, his figure suddenly stepped forward and waved out his palm boldly.

Huang Bodhi Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara's Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara shakes the universe! !

This move is as elusive as the palm of the hand. It is as powerful as thunder and can break mountains and break the earth. It is so powerful that it can crack people's bones and flesh, shatter the five internal organs and destroy the six internal organs!


Hit Hua Laiao in the chest, knocking it away directly.

While the body was still in mid-air, the vibrating force formed by the surging true energy destroyed the black armor all over his body.

Turn it into powder and scatter in the wind.

Hua Gua was bleeding from all seven holes and lying on the ground as if dead.

But he didn't die.

Because Yan Shaohong kept his hand.

If you kill it directly, the result will only be that Hua Lao continues to evolve.

Therefore, Yan Shaohong did not use all his strength, but chose to beat him half to death.

Find a way to use an unexpected attack to completely end his life!

However, just now he was full of confidence and used puppets to cooperate with the tactics.

It also ended in failure, which made Yan Shaohong feel confused and headache.

This feeling of clearly being able to kill the opponent, but being afraid to do so, is really not a good feeling.

At this moment, Yan Shaohong was shocked to find that Hua Laiao was dead!


He quickly realized that someone must have taken action secretly!

Yan Shaohong was very confident in his own strength. Hua Lao, who had only evolved twice, was no match for him.

He had just acted carefully, but it would only make Hua Lao incapacitated and seriously injured.

Definitely not fatal!

And now that Hua Piao is dead, the most likely reason is that someone secretly took action!

At the same time, Yan Shaohong thought of another thing.

He didn't even notice the opponent taking action, would Hua Piao notice it?

If Hua Di didn't notice it, it was an unexpected attack.

The slider will die directly because of this!

And this will also cause his main mission to fail!

I quickly checked the task panel, only to find that there was still no change.


The next moment, the flesh and blood of death began to reorganize and expand.

The result is a huge creature!

The dark brown hard surface is covered with hard keratin like a rock layer.

The overall appearance is like a gorilla, with thick and long arms and bulging muscles.

The face looks very ferocious, and there is a pair of red horns on its head, which are slightly fluorescent!

The overall height reached about three meters, panting heavily, and looking down at Yan Shaohong not far away!

Gan! What on earth is going on!

Yan Shaohong really didn't expect that Hua Lao could sense the attack that he didn't even notice.

And thus evolved again, opening a more powerful form!

Just when Yan Shaohong took a deep breath and prepared to respond to the enemy.

There was a shaking underfoot, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking.

It was like an earthquake!

In the distance, the edge of the rooftop of a building.

Bai Xing stood here wearing a windbreaker.

Looking at the lively Dotonbori, there was a hint of interested smile in his eyes.

He came here this time just to see Hua Laiao's potential as a duel king.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise.

The Lion God has also arrived here for some reason and is fighting fiercely with Kazaozaemon.

Of these two guys, one relies too much on alien technology, and the other relies too much on personal combat skills.

The two of them were fighting each other, and for a moment they couldn't tell the winner.

The Lion God wanted to kill Fuudazaemon by flying a kite, but he was successfully approached repeatedly.

And during the battle, Fuudazaemon gradually adapted to the method of manipulating electromagnetic force for long-range strikes.

Compared with the previous one who was only good at close combat, he has grown up.

Also growing accordingly was the Lion God.

Originally, even if they got close, they would only rely on powerful machines to crush them.

After suffering several losses this time, while the Lion God was being beaten, his melee experience was also passively improved.

Even the voltage on both sides soared to 250,000 volts!

The effect is much faster than before when the Lion God devoured power upgrades every day.

Sure enough, if the magnetic field man wants to become stronger, the fastest way is to fight!

In addition, another thing that surprised Bai Xing was the existence of Yan Shaohong.

When he read Yan Shaohong's memory, he found that he was sent from that bullshit nightmare space again.

However, Yan Shaohong's head was not exploded this time.

Probably because Bai Xing already knew about the nightmare space, Yan Shaohong was not a leaker.

Yan Shaohong's strength made Bai Xing a little interested.

At the same time, it can also help him evolve Hua Lao a few times first.

So Bai Xing showed up in no hurry.

He just helped Hua Laiao when he was seriously injured.

Make it die on the spot, and then evolve.

While Bai Xing was observing, he suddenly felt that the water in the canal began to become turbulent.

Immediately afterwards, even the ground shook!

Shimaki and Nobuo Murotani, one has scored 100 points three times, and the other has scored 100 points four times.

Among all the black ball fighters, he is considered to be very powerful.

He has rich combat experience and is armed with a powerful weapon like a gravity gun.

After getting serious, Shimaki finally paid the price of being killed on the spot.

Successfully killed the Great Tengu.

However, Nobuo Murotani also suffered some injuries, and the GANTZ suit almost reached its limit.

I'm afraid if it withstands another attack, it will be completely scrapped!

Nobuo Murotani did not expect that such a terrifying enemy would appear in this mission.

I couldn't help but think of that man.


Don't know where he is now.

Can you defeat these terrifying aliens?

Just when Nobuo Murotani was planning to leave here and find a place to hide.

Suddenly I felt the ground shaking!

Izumi Shion's own strength is not bad, but at most it is about the same as Shimaki or Muroya Nobuo.

Fighting against Inugami alone, the GANTZ suit was destroyed in just a few rounds.

This situation can almost be considered a desperate situation for ordinary black ball warriors!

After all, the reason why Black Ball Warriors can fight these powerful aliens is that apart from weapons, their biggest reliance is the GANTZ suit.

Otherwise, even if they are carrying powerful weapons, they will be like a child holding a pistol to those aliens.

Although the firearm is powerful, it is weak. Once it encounters a more powerful alien, it will be easily targeted!

However, Izumi Shione is different from ordinary black ball fighters.

He still has magnetic field power!

Even though it has only been a short time since I gained the power of the magnetic field, under the urge to survive, the current in my body is still surging and increasing!

The power of magnetic fields is just that.

Strong will and strong emotions and desires promote the harvest.

Or have high enough talent.

As long as one of these is met, your strength will increase quickly.

As an idealistic power system, sometimes it is very unreasonable to increase the power!

In a short period of time, Izumi Shion's voltage increased to 50,000 volts!

Bloom a violent current and attach it to the nano sword in your hand.

Izumi Shione's combat power has been greatly improved. After a hard battle, she actually succeeded in killing the Inugami alone!


The black GANTZ suit had many holes in it during the battle.

Even Izumi Ziyin had a lot of blood marks on his body, making him look very embarrassed.

But he felt that his condition was better than ever!

Feeling the powerful power in his body, surges of electricity surged through his fingertips.

Izumi Shion even wanted to laugh out loud!

A series of things he encountered before, whether it was the threat of Fuudazaemon or the pursuit of the Lion God.

There is also the mysterious Yan Shaohong, and even the strength shown by the Osaka team is a kind of oppression and torture for him who yearns and pursues power, loves killing and bloodthirsty!

At this moment, gain strength and master power in the battle.

This feeling was like an addiction, making him addicted and unable to extricate himself.

It’s so exciting that it’s so exciting, it’s so exciting that you can pull the flag!

Just when he was immersed in this refreshing feeling, the ground suddenly shook!

Ling Izumi Ziyin's expression was stern, and a bad premonition arose in her heart.

The vibration caught everyone's attention.

I saw something huge rising slowly in the canal.

It was like an ancient troll that had been sleeping for thousands of years had awakened. Before it revealed its true form, the terrifying coercion it carried was already spreading.

——Moo! !

A low moo echoed throughout the Dotonbori area.

A huge monster appeared in front of everyone.

It has a head like a cow, an upper body like a human, and strong arms.

The lower body is like a spider, with twelve sharp spider spears piercing the ground, supporting his body that is forty to fifty meters high.

Surprisingly, besides the Great Tengu and Inugami, there is another cadre-level Youxingren!

At the same time, he is also the most powerful cadre-level demon star.


Just when Ushiuki was planning to take action against Izumi Shione, Murotani Nobuo and others.

A ball of fire suddenly burst out from his body!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Da da da! Da da da!

It turned out that the Self-Defense Forces arrived at the scene.

Not only a large number of self-defense forces, but also many tanks, armored vehicles and armed helicopters were dispatched.

Perhaps based on the lessons learned from Tokyo, the government paid great attention to this Hyakuki Night Parade.

A large number of self-defense troops were dispatched into the city carrying heavy weapons.

From the time the Hyakuki Night Parade occurred to now, although it did not last too long, it was enough to spread to the whole island country in this age of developed Internet.

This confirms the public's suspicion that there are many aliens and they are lurking around us.

Not to mention the riots that engulfed other cities as a result.

Osaka alone has really deployed all its forces to suppress these aliens!

When the Self-Defense Forces arrived at the scene, they were first shocked by the apocalyptic scene on the street.

There were corpses of passers-by and monsters everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, his attention was attracted by the battle between Fuudazaemon and the Lion God.

Their battle was fierce and it has not ended yet.

And as the strength of both sides increases, the damage caused becomes even greater!

After investigation, they discovered that one of the two parties in the battle was actually an old acquaintance, the Lion God.

While the commander of the Self-Defense Forces was still weighing the matter, Niugui appeared.

In the end, the Self-Defense Forces decided to concentrate their forces on the Niugui first!

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