Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 220 Inuyashiki goes on a killing spree (please vote and subscribe!)

In a dark room.

A snow-white body lay on a large bed.

Naomi Hanai gradually wakes up from her coma.

But my body still felt a little heavy, and my head felt like a hangover.

With a 'squeak' sound, Hanai Naomi slowly sat up.

Not far away from the floor-to-ceiling window, there was the bustling night view of Tokyo, but at this time, her eyes were fixed on the reflected picture.

That's what she looks like.

Not even a single hair on his body.

Everything that happened before suddenly came to mind.

On my way to get off work, I was walking through a remote road.

A van suddenly stopped beside her. Before she could react, the door opened and several strong men dragged her into the car.

He covered her mouth with a smelly rag, and then she lost consciousness and didn't know anything.

Realize that what is happening to you is like something you saw in a movie

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

However, the reality is far crueler than the movie.

At this moment, Naomi Hanai noticed something strange coming from her arm.

Looking down, there was a red pinprick there.

Hanai Naomi was still a little confused at first, but when she saw some white pills and syringes randomly placed on the bedside table.

The cold fear instantly invaded the whole body!

you're awake.

A deep voice came.

Hanai Naomi suddenly turned her head and saw a tall man walking out of the darkness.

He was naked and exposed to the cold air, but this unobstructed exposure did not diminish his majesty at all.

The muscles like granite and the tattoos all over his body give him a strong sense of oppression, making it difficult to breathe!

What do you want to do?!

You should understand and you don't have a choice.

Tears continued to fall from Hanai Naomi's eyes.

Please, please let me go.

Samejima raised his steps and walked towards Naomi Hanai: Very good, that's it. I'm already excited and about to pull the flag!

Naomi Hanai was so frightened that her whole body trembled, but she had no power to resist at all, let alone being injected with D-product.

You can even foresee your future destiny


She had no choice but to beg for mercy.


At this moment, the floor-to-ceiling window suddenly exploded!

A large amount of broken glass was scattered, and strong wind poured in.

It immediately attracted the attention of the two people.

Under the moonlight, a naked old man stood up.

He looked at the tall Samejima.

Are you the leader of the Touye group?

The person coming is none other than Inuyashiki!

After realizing the truth of eradicating evil, he planned to take the initiative!

Otherwise, there will definitely be more violent society members coming to trouble him next time.

And he would never be so lucky and arrive home just in time.

For the safety of his family, he must eliminate hidden dangers!

After discovering that the other person turned out to be just an ordinary-looking old man, Samejima smiled cruelly.

He walked forward and looked down at Inuyashiki, who was at least ten centimeters shorter than him.

Old man, who are you? How dare you break into my place? It seems you are very unlucky!

He stepped forward and held down Inuyashiki before lifting him up.

But he found that the other party was still stable, his expression suddenly changed, and he used more strength again.

But Inuyashiki still stood where he was.


Just when Samejima was about to unleash all his power, the world suddenly started to spin.


He smashed the table not far away and fell to the ground.

Feeling the pain in your body.

Samejima was even more horrified!

On the other side, Inuyashiki looked at Hanai Naomi curled up in the corner of the bed and the syringe on the bedside. He already understood what happened.

When he was at home, before he let Hase's people go, he got his boss Samejima's number from Hase.

Before leaving, I dialed a number and then followed the magnetic line to find the location of Samejima Island. I used the camera and microphone to see and hear what happened here.

A ball of anger rose in my heart!

Bagya Road!!

On the other side, the angry Samejima stood up again and picked up a katana originally placed on the table.

Slash towards Inuyashiki fiercely!

It can be seen that Samejima must have had some training and his strength should be pretty good.

Unfortunately, what he was facing now was no ordinary old man.

But an invulnerable robot!

He raised his arm and blocked Samejima's slashing katana.

It just made a crisp sound.

The blade can no longer move forward.


Samejima was shocked, this was a sword he had made with a lot of money!

Even if it can't cut iron like clay, its sharpness can easily cut off human bones.

It doesn't take much effort at all.

But he didn't expect that he would be blocked by the old man who suddenly appeared in front of him with his bare hands!


The next second, Samejima was punched hard in the abdomen again.

The whole person shot out instantly, smashing the door.

The boy outside had already heard the sound and came over, just in time to help Samejima up.

Give me a gun! Kill him!

Resisting the pain in his body and not having time to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, Samejima roared angrily.

Inuyashiki was also a little surprised. He felt that the punch just now could probably make an ordinary adult man lose his ability to resist.

Unexpectedly, Samejima just shed some blood.

The next moment, the boys drew their guns and shot!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Inuyashiki had already been shot before.

So when faced with it again, I wasn't as panicked as last time.

The use of the magnetic field flashed in his mind, and he immediately pulled the electromagnetic force to hover all the bullets in front of him.


This scene immediately frightened the Yakuza members.

The next second.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

On the way here, Inuyashiki was still thinking about how to avoid future troubles.

And when he saw Naomi Hanada, he knew what to do.

The purpose of eradicating all evil is to kill all these dogs with all their fucking teeth! !

A large number of Yakuza members were shot and killed.

Just when Inuyashiki stepped forward and planned to kill Samejima too.

Even though Samejima had experienced many battles, he was still frightened by this monster who was not afraid of firearms.

Immediately fell to his knees: Don't kill me! You're looking for Team Leader Qingchuan, right?! I... I'm just a cadre of Touye Team!

Inuyashiki didn't expect that Samejima, the boss of Hase, was not the top leader of the Touya group.

He had never been exposed to violent societies and had no understanding of the internal structures of these organizations.

But he knows that now that he has taken action, he must truly eliminate all evil!

Otherwise, not only his family, but more people may suffer from the abuse of these guys!

For example, Naomi Hanai was also frightened beyond measure at this time.

Inuyashiki spent the entire night.

Using Samejima as the entry point, the violent associations that have been rooted in Tokyo for decades were eradicated.

Touya group!

Although a group of high-level cadres, including Team Leader Qingchuan, were all killed by Inuyashiki.

But in fact, a large organization will not be disintegrated so easily.

However, after this battle, the Touya group's vitality was severely damaged, and it was almost impossible to recover.

Presumably there will be no chance to trouble him again.

Before dawn, Inuyashiki left with Hanai Naomi.

And help her eliminate the hidden dangers caused by D products.

Then he sent her back to his home.

My boyfriend searched all night, but no matter whether he called the police or anything else, there was no clue at all.

At this time, he was sitting in front of the door crying.

Hanai Naomi stepped forward quickly: Oguri!

The boyfriend thought he was hallucinating, but when he looked up, he saw Hanai Naomi really coming back.

Immediately burst into tears of joy.

The two ran towards each other and hugged each other fiercely, as if they never wanted to separate.

Inuyashiki gave the two excited lovers one last look.

With infinite emotion, the back thrusters opened and then soared into the sky.

left here.

Tokyo Police Department.

A smoky conference room.

Several police chiefs were in a meeting.

Chief Sichuan West, is there any progress regarding the serial killings of families in Jiangdong District?

This case is very strange. The victim's body was penetrated, but no bullets were left at the scene, and no ballistic trajectory was detected.

The victim's wounds are not the same as bullet penetrating wounds. It is still unclear what weapon the murderer used.

But there are already some clues.

Oh? Tell me.

Just before the incident, a murder case also occurred at Suzuki Middle School. Several students were shot and killed in an open area. After forensic examination, the wounds were exactly the same as in the murder case.

And this case is independent. Although it is also in Jiangdong District, the others are all cases of massacre. Only this case involved students from different families.

I think this is a good entry point. Currently, I am carefully understanding the family backgrounds and specific situations of these students in school.

Yes, it is indeed a clue. The murder case seems to be random killings, but these students are different. It is very possible to find out the murderer's motive. If you are lucky, you may be able to directly identify the suspect!

I think there must be some connection between the explosion at the same time as the massacre case. Judging from the traces on the scene, the other party is likely to have heavy firepower weapons. In short, Sheriff of Western Sichuan, you must be careful!

Don't worry, no matter who this murderous devil is, I will do my best to bring him to justice as soon as possible!

Yes, but compared to this, Chief Hirama, the matter you are investigating should be more important. Do you have any clues now?

The clues we can grasp so far all point to supernatural events! The bodies of the victims were as mutilated as if they had been eaten by wild beasts!

Supernatural event? Is there enough evidence?

Yes, we were attacked during the pursuit. What is shocking is that the other party is really a monster!

As he spoke, Sheriff Hirama turned on the screen projection, and a video was played on it.

The camera follows a police officer and sees everything that happens from his perspective.

Apparently, the footage was taken from a police video camera worn on his body.

Although the camera was shaking and accompanied by screams, you could still roughly see the appearance of the enemy.

It was obviously a human being, but the next second, the head split open in a spiral shape, and tough tentacles were connected to a sharp blade.

It was easy to cut one of the police officers into pieces!

This is this!!

We call it a parasitic beast! It is a kind of monster that can lodge in the human body. After being lodged, the original person has died and is replaced by this kind of monster. They are extremely dangerous and feed on humans!

Damn it! Why are so many bad things happening recently!

Speaking of which, I have something related to the supernatural, but not too bad.

What's up?

“Recently, there have been frequent rumors of miracles coming from major hospitals, and some patients with incurable serious illnesses, cancers and even vegetative states have been cured inexplicably.

Some people claimed that they saw a god coming and he was cured by the god, while others said it was an old angel with gray hair.

Is there such a thing?!

Well, the instruments in the hospital conducted a comprehensive examination on them, and no trace of cancer cells could be found. It was as if they suddenly became normal people overnight. It is not an exaggeration to say it is a miracle. If It doesn’t matter if you have previous cases as a reference, it’s okay to say they have never been sick.”

Do you think there is any connection between this and the parasitic beast?

I don't think so. Parasitic beasts are monsters that need to be parasitic in the host's body. However, according to our investigation and visits, we found that they cannot completely disguise themselves at the beginning of their parasitism, let alone escape the detection of professional equipment in the hospital.

Anyway, let's keep an eye on those who have recovered. If they appear abnormal, especially if they show signs of cannibalism, report them immediately!

no problem.

By the way, there's one more thing.

whats the matter?

Just yesterday, the entire top management of the Toyo Group, a specific violent society, including leader Qingchuan, were killed by a mysterious person.

The death toll is conservatively estimated at more than thirty! Now the Touya group is in chaos, and some other clubs are also looking to make a move.

In order to fight for the top position within the Touye Group, everyone is looking for the perpetrators. I believe that in the next period of time, these restless guys may cause some trouble again.

Damn guys! We don't have the time or energy to manage them in this kind of thing! Forget it, let's interview people from several other organizations later. It's best to let them restrain themselves in the near future and not surpass us. The bottom line!”

Compared with this, I'm more curious about who can kill all the top leaders of the Touya group overnight. Although they are not as good as the Yamaguchi group, they are also a very powerful violent group in Tokyo.

Could it be involved in other cases? I think it would be good to investigate.

Well, leave this matter to Chief Sano.

It's been such an eventful year. I hope no more major incidents will happen. I promised to accompany my son to the amusement park after the vacation!

At this moment, Sheriff Yamada received a call, and his expression suddenly became serious after hearing it.

I'm afraid your vacation will continue to be postponed. I have received the latest news that terrorists have appeared in Shinjuku and are killing people indiscriminately with guns!!


Could he be the murderer of the massacre?!

I don't know, but according to the tip, the perpetrator is a black foreigner and he used firearms and other thermal weapons!

No matter what, we have to leave immediately! That's Shinjuku!

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