Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 209 Tokyo, see Tokyo again (Please vote and subscribe!)

This is a silvery white empty room.

The walls and floors are covered with streams of light shining with different colors.

A figure sat cross-legged in the center of the room, and countless streamlines gathered under him.

He was obviously sitting firmly in the same place, but his figure seemed to suddenly jump up and develop a boxing technique.

The punches are like flying missiles, carrying the power of being able to break through any armor.


The same shadow appeared on the other side.

The punch was different from the one just now.

The electromagnetic coil is wrapped around the forearm, condensed on the fist, and infinite electric light shines!


A third phantom appeared, and his arms seemed to turn into lasers, making it difficult to see their original appearance.

The speed is so fast that it is difficult to distinguish it no matter what instrument is used.

Followed closely by the fourth shadow.

Kaka! Kaka!

The space is like glass, cracks are constantly filling the air.

It seems like it will shatter into pieces in the next moment!


The four phantoms did not last long and quickly shrank back into Bai Xing's body.

Everything around him was still intact, as if the power just now didn't exist, and what happened just now didn't happen at all.


He exhaled a breath of hot white air.

Shirahoshi stood up slowly.

But as he stood up, the surrounding environment changed as if it was gradually fading.

When he really stood up straight, the silver-white space had faded, and was replaced by a luxuriously decorated room.

Lighting a cigarette, Bai Xing sat on the sofa. It was almost evening outside the window, and the setting sun made everything look red.

With blurred eyes, Bai Xing couldn't help but think of three months ago.

It has been three months since I left the One Punch World and came to this world.

According to past habits, first observe the characteristics of this world.

As a result, Bai Xing searched on the Internet and found that this world seemed to be a very normal modern society.

The level of technology is almost the same as before he traveled through time.

There's no news about demi-humans or anything like that.

There are no mutants either.

It's not an imaginary world like a supercontinent.

The only thing that made Shirahoshi feel helpless was that when he traveled through time, he landed in the island nation of Tokyo!

It's such a troubled Tokyo. But I like it.

After Bai Xing sighed for a moment, he had no intention of continuing to cause trouble.

He was going to lie down for a while.

On the one hand, new branches and fruits are studied.

On the other hand, continue to enjoy the fun brought by cultivation.

Since his talent improved, he has become very addicted to the refreshing feeling of practicing.

In addition, he has passed through three worlds, many strong men have emerged under his training, and he has also experienced many battles.

Although I never had enough fun, I still felt a little tired after a long time.

Since this world is so ordinary, let's treat this place as a rest stop.

With tens of thousands of lifespans and no pressing pressure, Bai Xing doesn't need to fight all the time.

He has plenty of time to waste.

Maybe by living a peaceful life, you can also find some fun in ordinary life that was easily overlooked in the past.

This time, Shirahoshi finally got rid of Kuroto's troubles.

With a little effort, he easily obtained a legal identity, enough funds to spend, and a luxurious villa as a temporary residence.

Lying flat ≠ poverty.

Only when you have enough capital to be able to enjoy life every day can you live peacefully.

Of course, if you don’t have enough capital, you can also reduce your desires and achieve enough capital in disguise.

You can still enjoy life.

In addition to the current situation of life, it is the fourth branch.

This is a branch that is very different from any other.

The whole thing has a metallic texture and glows with brilliant light.

It is full of high-tech flavor and does not look like a branch, but like some unknown high-tech product.

And this branch only produced one fruit.

It is different from the branch of faith where only one can be born in each world.

No matter how many worlds it goes through, no matter how much time passes, only one branch can be born.

Use it and it's gone.

Of course Bai Xing would not keep it, he would just use it without saying a word.

The branches are full of science fiction colors, but the fruits are no different from normal fruits.

Fat and juicy, the flesh is sweet.

After swallowing it, Shirahoshi finally understood the purpose of this fruit.

It's called the Kovu Fruit!

It's like after eating the Fruit of Faith, Bai Xing will have a divine ring behind his head.

After consuming the Kovu Fruit, Shirahoshi has a place of enlightenment!

That was the silver-white space he was in just now.

Underneath the Enlightenment Field, there is actually a huge furnace.

It's called the Kovu Furnace!

Bai Xing only needs to throw the technological data into the furnace to serve as fuel.

It can recharge the energy of the enlightenment field.

And he can comprehend some powerful martial arts skills in the Enlightenment Field!

When Bai Xing discovered this, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

This thing is probably of no use to ordinary people.

But it suits him perfectly!

After all, in the demi-human world, the path he took at the very beginning could be called Kewu!

The Military Killing Fist he created is still in use today.

However, even after experiencing two more worlds after the demi-human world, Military Killing Fist has not made any substantial progress.

The strongest move is still the nuclear blast fist.

But the fruit of Kovu brought him hope.

I hope to continue to innovate Military Killing Fist and learn more powerful moves!

Bai Xing couldn't help but think of Flare Finger, Black Hole Fist, Solar Wind Domain, Supernova Explosion Fist, and other truly powerful martial arts skills in his mind!

So he directly invaded the network, downloaded some modern military technology information, and put it into the furnace.

Although according to the information in the fruit, it doesn't matter what science and technology is invested, because those are the fuel to maintain the operation of the enlightenment field.

But during the actual experience, Bai Xing discovered something different.

The more advanced the technology, the better the effect when it comes to enlightenment!

The science and technology in this world is not particularly advanced, but fortunately White Star still has some of the technology it received from Bastion.

During this time, I can enjoy life and practice at the same time.

Try to use the Enlightenment Field to gain enlightenment.

He actually created four new moves.

Armor-piercing missile punch!

Electromagnetic thunder cannon punch!

Laser cannon punch!

Sky-piercing shock fist!

Unfortunately, the power is not quite what Shirahoshi expected.

It just adds some more offensive methods to him.

In terms of power, it is still not as simple and direct as the 'Nuclear Explosive Fist'.

This reminds Shirahoshi of the One Punch World.

The Child Emperor, Dr. Beaufoy, and the mysterious Dr. Kusnow.

The science and technology they master, especially military technology, is definitely much more advanced than this world.

If those technologies could be downloaded and put into the furnace, they would surely be able to sustain combustion for a long time.

But Shirahoshi did not return to the One Punch World immediately.

After all, I just left not long ago, and there is still fuel in the furnace anyway, so I will lie down here comfortably for a while.

Just choose to go back.

Oh, Yinpa. Oh no, it's time to relax.

After practicing, taking a good rest is Bai Xing's daily reservation.

With a snap of his fingers, four women appeared in his room.

These people come from all over the world, including famous singers, the eldest daughter of a chaebol, top models, special female soldiers, and iceberg CEOs.

All in all, it covers a wide range of areas.

However, things like identity and background don’t mean much to Shirahoshi.

He only cares about one thing, that is his appearance and figure, and whether it can bring him enough fun to make him win!

In the past three months, almost every day, he would use the power of faith to bring in several top beauties from all over the world to help him relax.

Every day is different.

Although there is a slight gap between beauties in three dimensions and beauties in two dimensions, the advantage is that they feel fresh every day!

The power of faith is extremely convenient. Not only can it easily simulate the characteristics of psychic power, it can also be transmitted at the same time, which is more efficient than space gates.

To this day, the people in One Punch World still continue to provide him with the power of faith.

Not afraid of splurging.

Take a quick look at these four beauties today.

The first one seemed to be from the White Bear side. His tall figure and charming temperament were eye-catching.

Wearing a red tight skirt, the hem of the skirt vaguely showed off her slender legs as she walked.

Wearing a necklace set with rubies around her neck, it adds a touch of luxury and charm.

Her long golden hair is like flowing golden wheat waves, and her eyes are like deep lake water, hiding endless secrets.

Her skin was fair and flawless, as if it had never been kissed by the sun. The breasts are extremely plump, the waist is slender, and the hips are elegantly curved.

The second one is from America, wearing a simple dress with a gently swaying skirt, revealing her sexy leg lines.

Have healthy wheat-colored skin and clear eyes. Her figure is plump but not overly bloated, and the right amount of voluptuousness makes her look extremely alluring.

The third one made Shirahoshi raise her eyebrows slightly because her skin was dark brown.

But then Bai Xing's eyes lit up. This black pearl did have some special charm.

Her skin is smooth and full of vitality, her eyes are like stars in the night sky, and her figure is not traditional slender, but full of strength and vitality. The sports short shirt exposes the vest line on her abdomen, and her forearms and legs have obvious muscle lines.

The fourth one felt a little familiar to Bai Xing.

When I went out for a walk before, I saw that she was the advertising spokesperson of many brands, and she often appeared on TV.

It is Lijia who is the most well-known and popular in the island country today and is known as the national goddess!

Her real name is Xiaping Linghua, and she has typical female characteristics of the island country, with delicate skin and exquisite facial features.

The eyes are like water-cut pupils, exuding a unique charm.

The figure is slightly petite, but every inch is like a finely crafted work of art.

At this time, she was wearing a kimono with soft colors and exquisite patterns, which looked like catkins dancing in the spring breeze, light and graceful.

The four women, each with their own merits, different temperaments and charms, all bowed to Bai Xing.

Master, let us serve you today.

Just when Bai Xing was enjoying the service of four top beauties.

On the street not far outside, a van was approaching.

Stopping next to Bai Xing's villa, uniformed staff opened the carriage and began to move things.

A taxi followed closely behind.

As soon as it stopped, a man and a woman couldn't wait to get out of the car.

Both of them looked relatively young, probably in their teens.

Takeshi Inuyashiki, who was in charge, looked at the luxurious villa where Shirahoshi lived not far away, and suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Wow! It looks expensive!

The woman who followed behind was named Mari Inuyashiki. They were siblings, one was in the junior high school and the other was in the high school.

She has a beautiful face and long black hair. She was also very surprised after seeing the single luxury villa.

That's great. Can you live here in the future? I will invite my classmates to visit my home tomorrow!

Unfortunately, their beautiful thoughts were soon interrupted by their mother who followed behind.

It's not that, come with me.

The two looked at each other, and then followed their mother through the alley next to the villa. What came into view was a two-story ordinary house.

Although it was pretty good compared to where they lived before, it looked so old against the backdrop of the luxurious villa next to it.

Mari suddenly looked disappointed: What! How can I invite my classmates to visit my home? They will all laugh at me!

Takeshi next to him also echoed: Yes, it feels so small.

At this time, the last person who got off the taxi had just reached the entrance of the alley.

He is Inuyashiki Ichiro. He is only fifty-six years old, but he looks as if he is seventy or eighty years old. He has white hair and a slightly stooped figure.

Years of hard work supporting the family have left him with various minor ailments. He just sat in the car for a while and felt a little pain in his waist again.

But when I think about being able to move my family into a new house and having to work harder to pay off the mortgage in the future, I feel motivated again!

Let him hold up his body and keep up with his children and wife.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I reached the alley, I heard the disgusting tone of my daughter and son.

The fire in my heart instantly became dimmed.

After the moving company moved the things into the house, Mari looked at the new house and still couldn't help but complain.

Why did you buy such a remote house? The sun can't reach it at all and it's blocked by the villa in front.

Takeshi also followed suit: It's so dark even during the day, it doesn't seem to be any different from before.

Inuyashiki Ichiro couldn't help but defended: We only lived in an apartment before. Although this place is not big, it is also a single-family house and has a small yard!

However, both Mari and Takeshi completely ignored him.

After looking around, Mari felt disgusted everywhere and muttered: I'm so hungry.

Inuyashiki Ichiro said quickly: I have something to eat here! To celebrate the move, I specially prepared cakes and drinks. Let's cheer together.

Before he finished speaking, Mari seemed to have thought of something and said to Gou Shi: Hey Gou Shi, when we just came here, we saw Raku Yaraku nearby, right?

It seems so.

Mari said to her mother again: Let's go there together and have a look. I'm almost hungry.

Mom put down the things in her hands: Is it time to eat? Okay, let's go.

The three of them discussed what they were going to eat for a while while walking past Inuyashiki Ichiro who was carrying cakes and drinks.

It was as if he was frozen there, just an invisible air.

This is not out of spite or intentional.

Everything happened naturally, just like it had been for years.

It's just that Inuyashiki felt that if he finally saved enough for the down payment and bought this house, his children would be somewhat happy.

At least today, I can give him some dignity as the head of the family.

Even if he has to pay a high monthly mortgage loan for this, he will not hesitate.

Unexpectedly, everything is still the same.

Dragging his waist that was still hurting, Inuyashiki packed all the luggage that he had not yet packed.

Sitting on the floor in front of the yard, eating a cake that should have been sweet but now tasted like wax. He picked up the prepared goblet and poured a drink.

He looked up at the setting sun on the horizon and raised his goblet.

Wish me a happy housewarming!

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