Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 206 I'm going to fucking blow your teeth to death!!

Tatsumaki had already planned to continue conquering F City.

But when the undocumented knight appeared, this idea changed.

It’s not about reining in and continuing to play it safe.

But be more brave and radical!

The undocumented knight was eager for revenge, felt the powerful power in his body, and vowed to make all weirdos disappear.

Want to seek revenge from Black Star!

The two hit it off immediately and planned to launch another attack on the Weird Association!

The heroes come back stronger than last time.

The momentum was overwhelming, breaking through the defense lines of the weirdos and reaching City L!

Those tiger-level and wolf-level monsters can be said to have as many as they want because of the support of the 'Cradle of Evil'.

Sykes never restrained them either.

Therefore, unlike the heroes who are united as one, the weirdos have not only attacked the human defense line in these three months.

There is also fighting going on inside all the time.

Although this Gu-raising style of fighting did give birth to many new ghost-level weirdos, and even dragon-level weirdos.

But in today's environment, dragon-level monsters no longer have much of a deterrent effect.

Facing the heroes headed by the undocumented knight and Tatsumaki, they were just like paper.

The only one who benefited was Shirahoshi.

Those weirdos kill each other and drain each other's life energy.

But no matter how he does it, 70% of every interaction of life energy will be taken away by him.

So he never cared about these things.

In the one-punch world, the life energy collected by Bai Xing has already exceeded that in the mutant world.

Although there is no way to know the specific value, with his strong perception, Bai Xing can at least determine that his lifespan is now definitely counted in the tens of thousands.

When Sikes discovered that Mad Cow had been killed, she already knew something was wrong.

She really didn't expect that these heroes would grow so rapidly.

So much so that it exceeded her expectations.

At present, ‘Celestial Potion 3.0’ has not been developed yet.

These existing monsters could suppress the heroes before, but now they cannot be hostile at all.

At this moment, Sikes suddenly felt as if he had been 'playing with things'!

Compared with studying the ‘God’s Potion’, it seems that the right thing to do is to work hard to develop the magnetic field power in your body!

The heroes have shown her the powerful destructive power and potential of magnetic field power.

But soon Sikes abandoned this feeling.

If she changes her mind now, all her previous efforts will be in vain.

This is called a sunk cost.

Moreover, Sykes believes that his ‘God Potion’ is not bad, and its potential is infinitely higher due to the addition of magnetic field power!

As long as we can develop the 'God Potion 3.0' and mass-produce demon gods, then these heroes will definitely be defeated by themselves!

While Sykes was trying to find a way to make up for it, whether it was the big snake or the super sperm outside, they had all been defeated by the violent undocumented knights and tornadoes!

After experiencing another battle, because of the advance understanding last time, we will no longer fall into a passive situation where we are unknown to the enemy.

Coupled with his own enhanced strength, he developed strategies and countermeasures.

This time the heroes won a great victory.

Even in the midst of constant fierce battles, the undocumented knight, whose potential has been developed and has unknowingly become more extreme and crazy, has grown in strength.

It has reached 90,000 horses that can be classified as a Martial God-level hero!

Seeing that the Weird Association is about to be destroyed, the secret laboratory hidden deeper will also be found.

Sikes felt a hand on her shoulder.

Don't panic.

The warmth coming from his generous palm unexpectedly made Sikes calm down quickly.

Feeling the sense of security brought by the owner of this palm, Sykes whispered: Lord Black Star.

at this time


Shaking occurs all around.

Outside, Tatsumaki has successfully killed the biological monster clone created by Sykes, Big Eyes.

And used magnetic field detection to discover a deeper secret experimental base.

With a flick of his finger, his mind power was activated.

Just like the last time she dragged the Weird Association out of the ground, she wants to drag the entire experimental base up at the same time!

Tatsumaki's style has always been so domineering.

Let's go, hide first! Remember, I will find you!

After saying the last sentence, Bai Xing rushed out of the experimental base.

Came to the top.

When Tatsumaki and the others saw Black Star appearing, their expressions suddenly changed!

Even though their strength has made great progress, they are still a little scared when facing Black Star!

After all, the previous fiasco was too unforgettable!

This time, I won't be defeated by you again!


The tornado used its strongest power, and the magnetic field power of 120,000 horses surged crazily, matching the unparalleled telekinesis power.

The power is several times stronger than when dealing with the mad cow before!

Telekinesis electromagnetic gun! !

--boom! ! !

After the violent explosion, smoke and dust filled the air.

But everyone still didn't dare to relax.

At this moment, a voice appeared behind Tatsumaki.

I heard that guy Bai Xing spanked you hard, but you succumbed to him. Could it be that you, being so arrogant, still have a hidden M attribute?

Tatsumaki's pupils trembled: When...!

Unexpectedly, even with all his strength, he still couldn't threaten this damn Black Star!

Before she could react, she felt a strong gust of wind behind her.


The telekinetic magnetic shield appears.

The defensive ability is even stronger than the previous simple telekinesis shield!



With a crisp sound, the telekinetic magnetic shield was easily disintegrated.


All this happened so fast that Tatsumaki didn't even have time to escape or fight back.

Just as she was preparing to face the stormy attack.

--Snapped! !

I only felt that my butt was suddenly hit hard, followed by a burning pain.

Bai Xing succeeded with one move and did not linger.

Instead, he laughed and left: Wow, it really feels very elastic!


In front of everyone, he was humiliated again.

It used to be White Star, now it's Black Star.

Unbearable memories filled Tatsumaki's mind, and his emotions were pushed to the top.

The power followed closely, and Crazy Valley used all it had without any reservation.

Tatsumaki only has one thought now.

I just want to kill this bastard to death! ! !

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The power of the magnetic field rotated, and the tornado, which was full of shame and anger, unexpectedly exceeded the power of 130,000 horses!

I'm going to fucking blow your teeth to death!!

When the tornado exploded with full force, the unlicensed knight followed closely behind.

Although it was Ji Tosi and Mad Bull who took action, what really contributed to his three-month experience was the biggest enemy in front of him.

black Star!

At this moment, the enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the unlicensed knight followed closely and unleashed all his strength without any reservation.

The power of ninety thousand horses!! The fist of justice!! - Hah!

When KING saw the black star appear, a trace of fear flashed through his heart, but after growing up during this period, he had undergone a transformation.

He is no longer the deadbeat guy he used to be.

If KING was still in a relatively floating state when he first gained power, then after Black Star appeared for the first time, he was easily defeated and insulted.

KING began to settle.

After more than three months, KING can be called a qualified warrior!

Knowing the terror of Black Star, he certainly knew that even if Tatsumaki and the Undocumented Knight tried their best, they would never be his match.

So he immediately cooperated and launched the Purgatory Unparalleled Explosive Heat Wave Cannon!

Shirahoshi felt the attack of the three men and found that they had indeed made great progress.

The tornado combines the power of the magnetic field with the power of telekinesis to exert a power that far exceeds what the current number of horses can blast.

And KING didn't just attack randomly. He followed the flaws he observed and struck out, forming a perfect coordination with the tornado.

Regardless of whether Shirahoshi resisted or dodged the tornado, it would be difficult to avoid KING's attack again.

In contrast, undocumented knights undoubtedly need more precipitation.

Although the ultimate insult had great stamina, it allowed him to gain the strength of 90,000 horses at once.

But his own realm has not kept up, and his cooperation with the two of them is not tacit.

The threat is considered minimal.

This series of events all occurred in less than a tenth of a second, but it was enough for those with strong magnetic fields.

Faced with the powerful offensive of the three men, Shirahoshi did not retreat at all.

Shrouded in the shield of evolution, with the assistance of telekinesis, the power of this martial art is further enhanced.

The roar dissipated and everything ended, but the white star still stood in the sky without any damage.

At this time, the Atomic Warriors, Bang Gu and others arrived behind.

They had all seen what had just happened from a distance, and their hearts felt even heavier!

Facing Black Star again, even though the strength on his side has undergone earth-shaking changes, he still feels powerless!

Attack me with all your strength and let me see what growth you guys have made recently.

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