Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 18 Bai Xing’s little trick to read and control thoughts (please read and recommend)

Abandoned factory.

This is Sato's secret base. It is located in a remote location and cannot be discovered by the police for the time being.

Ten M4 carbines, 50 magazines, and grenades. Sato, that guy Nekozawa, finally delivered the order he owed last time.

Looking at the intact Sato in front of him, Tanaka Koji was filled with excitement.

He quickly took out the weapons that had just arrived yesterday and showed them to Sato one by one. He couldn't help but want to follow suit and cause big trouble!

But Sato smiled and said: Don't worry, I need to do one more thing before that.

Tanaka was stunned: Eh? What's the matter?

Sato took out a video camera.

Let's take a video first. Even I don't know what consequences I will face in that matter, so I have to be prepared before going.


That's right, it's time for us to find more helpers.

Tanaka took the camera and after setting it up, the camera was pointed at Sato.

It's time to start.

With a seemingly friendly smile on his lips, Sato waved to the camera and said: Hello everyone, I am Sato. Maybe you will ask why I am not lying in the laboratory. Could it be that I sternly refused Tanaka's request and used Did the Asian Research and Management Association, which used false excuses to prevaricate the public, secretly release me?

the answer is negative.

For some reasons, I managed to get out of it, and at the same time I decided to express our determination as a human to everyone and show our strength.

If the government cannot establish a demihuman autonomous region as required, I will take corresponding measures.

The content is to destroy the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the agency responsible for researching demi-humans!

If we don't get any response by 3pm five days later, we take immediate action.

Everyone is welcome to come and watch. In addition, if there are any Asians who support me, please be sure to come.

Come and fight with us, companions!

Three days.

Just when the outside world was in a boil due to Sato's declaration of war.

Bai Xing finally came out of the room.


As soon as he walked out of the door, he heard a crisp slap from the corner not far away.

I told you not to come near Bai Sang again, didn't you hear me?

Shirahoshi raised his eyebrows slightly because he recognized that the voice belonged to Hitomi Takahashi.

But it was Misako who was beaten.

Ms. Takahashi, I...I got Mr. Ikeda's permission.


Before Misako finished speaking, Hitomi Takahashi slapped her again.

Remember, I am the leader of the Takahashi group. What I say is not as effective as Ikegaya!

Misako didn't say anything anymore, and left quickly after Hitomi Takahashi said, Go away.

Immediately afterwards, Takahashi Hitomi passed the corner and came towards Shirahoshi's room.

When he looked up, he found Bai Xing standing there.

Scared ‘Ah! ’ for a moment.

White mulberry.

Bai Xing waved his hand to her: In that case, then come with me.

After that, he returned directly to the house.

After three days of study and training, Bai Xing was ready to try out his new trick.

The experimental target was originally set to be Misako.

Unexpectedly, this girl Hitomi Takahashi is actually a little jealous and uses her status to force Misako.

For Bai Xing, it doesn't matter who the experimental subject is, what matters is whether the small means are effective.

So I changed my target to Hitomi Takahashi.

Hitomi Takahashi felt nervous about being caught. She did have some special feelings for Shirahoshi.

Facing this mysterious, powerful, handsome and unique man.

Not many girls can hold it back.

What's more, Bai Xing saved her life at a critical moment, resolved the crisis and avenged her father's murder.

Even if he had threatened her before, it had faded under the special filter.

Naturally, they will have some special feelings towards Shirahoshi.

Especially after seeing Misako climb into Shirahoshi's bed, this feeling was even more intensely catalyzed by jealousy.

Entering Shirahoshi's room at this moment, Hitomi Takahashi was filled with tension and secret joy.

Of course Bai Xing could see clearly what she was thinking as a little girl.

It's a pity that Shirahoshi doesn't have any emotional impulses for Misako or Hitomi Takahashi.

So I said straightforwardly: I plan to use you to verify my newly developed little method. If you refuse, I will find someone else.

Hitomi Takahashi's cheeks turned red instantly, and she said in a voice like a mosquito: What kind of little tricks are you using?

Bai Xing raised his eyebrows slightly, realizing that she might have thought wrongly.

Interfering with the human body's neurons and brain may be dangerous. Please think carefully before making a decision.

Only then did Hitomi Takahashi realize that it was not what she thought.

But his face turned redder.

I just feel that I have been embarrassed in front of the person I like.

Love-minded girls don’t care so much.

In order not to be underestimated by Bai Xing, and to strive for more status.

Hitomi Takahashi didn't care whether something was dangerous or not, and she didn't even ask for details.

He nodded directly and agreed.

Okay! I promise you!

After Shirahoshi asked Hitomi Takahashi to sit down, he gently placed his hand on the top of her head.

The fingertips immediately released tiny currents, which seeped into her body.

This may not seem difficult, but it requires strong micro-manipulation skills.

Bai Xing's idea is both simple and complicated.

for example.

[You called a young model in the club, ran your hands over her smooth and tender long legs, and then said to her: You are so beautiful.]

From this example, we can draw the following information:

Hands caressing the young model's long legs (tactile neurons of fingers)

Touch cells transmit this feeling to the brain (nerve fibers transmit nerve impulses to the brain)

The nerve cells in the brain analyzed it and found that it felt smooth and tender.

The brain sends this judgment to the mouth to request pronunciation (nerve fibers transmit nerve impulses to the muscles on the vocal cords that control sound production)

Make a sound: You are so beautiful.

This involves the following concepts.


Neuron is a highly specialized cell and the basic structural and functional unit of the nervous system. It has the function of sensing stimulation and conducting excitement.

Nerve impulses.

After the nerve cells of the human or animal body are stimulated, the excitement is transmitted along the nerve fibers in the form of electrical signals.


The conduction process of nerve impulses is an electrochemical process, which is a sequence of electrochemical changes that occur on nerve fibers.

When nerves are stimulated, the permeability of cell membranes changes dramatically.

This change will cause changes in the inflow and outflow of Na (sodium) and K (potassium) ions.

Both K and Na are elements with only one electron in the outermost shell.

Both K and Na ions are +1.

The amount of K flowing out of the cell is reduced, and the amount of Na entering the cell is increased.

This creates a potential difference between the inside and outside of the cell.

Each neuron transmits stimulation to the brain with this potential difference.

Neurons in the brain also think and judge in the form of nerve impulses, and then respond.

Based on this, White Star has the ability to control magnetic fields and generate current through stimulation, making it possible to perform the following two operations.

First, read thoughts.

The core of the transmission of feelings, the brain's thinking and the transmission of commands is nerve impulses.

That's the potential difference.

So, if the principle of human neuron potential difference is deciphered, then Shirahoshi can take over her brain.

Second, control your thoughts.

Add a certain amount of current stimulation to the conduction process between neurons in the brain.

Changing the potential difference in the conduction process can distort and control a person's thoughts to a certain extent.

For example, now, Shirahoshi has twisted Hitomi Takahashi's thoughts into unwavering and loyal love for herself!

The reason for this is because it is simpler.

It's a smooth sailing to some extent.

Hitomi Takahashi has a slight crush on Shirahoshi, but this kind of love is very elementary.

It's just out of biological instinct, or in other words, admiration for Qiang.

It has nothing to do with ‘love’.

But after Shirahoshi's twisted control, Takahashi Hitomi even gave up everything for him, even if he let her die, there would be no hesitation.

This is certainly not true love.

However, Bai Xing's experiment was considered a success.

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