Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 15 After I finish speaking, who agrees and who opposes? (Please read more and vote for recom

magnetic field.

It is everywhere in this world.

The birth of matter is precisely due to the interaction of magnetic fields.

Atoms and molecules are all aggregated because of this.

What would happen if a person was forcibly demagnetized?

The answer is - BOOM!

The magnetic field rotation system is indeed more suitable for martial arts, but that does not mean that some small scientific methods cannot be used.

Not wanting to punch this bastard, Bai Xing used a snap of his fingers to wipe him out of this world.

Amid everyone's horrified gazes, Bai Xing looked around and said, I don't care what conflicts or thoughts you have, just listen to me now.

‘Pa’, he stretched out his hand and patted Hitomi Takahashi’s shoulder next to her.

“As the saying goes, a country cannot live without a king, and a force cannot live without a leader.

Now, I propose that Hitomi Takahashi be the successor and assume the position of leader of the Takahashi Group.

After I finish speaking, who is in favor and who is against?

Kawamoto raised his finger tremblingly and pointed at Shirahoshi: Who on earth are you! Are you a devil?

Bai Xing glanced at him: Don't be like a country bumpkin who is ignorant and yells. How can you be a boss? I'll give you another chance to reorganize your language.

Kawamoto has always been ambitious. He thought that as long as he found the murderer and avenged Boss Takahashi, he would be able to become the new team leader.

Unexpectedly, the traitor was found by Chi Gu first, and now a terrifying man with strange power appears!

Just when the atmosphere in the conference hall reached a deadlock, Bai Xing planned to kill a few more people to establish his authority.

Hitomi Takahashi said: Uncles, I was able to escape from Yanagihara's pursuit only because Mr. Bai came to the rescue, and he even got rid of the traitor Yanagihara Masayuki and avenged my father. It is my Takahashi family. My benefactor, please don’t doubt his sincerity!”

As soon as she said this, even Bai Xing glanced at her in surprise.

It seemed like he was saying something innocuous and innocuous, but in fact he was giving Kawamoto and others a ladder to step down.

Bai Xing didn't expect that the little girl who was so nervous and at a loss before could actually be effective at the critical moment.

Sure enough, as Hitomi Takahashi finished speaking, Kawamoto was the first to declare his allegiance.

The same goes for the rest of the cadres.

After finishing these things in one morning, Shirahoshi took 10 million yen from Ikegaya so that he would not continue to be penniless.

He planned to return to Shijo Yume Residence in Kyoto, but was chased by Ikeda.

Bai Sang!

Is there anything else? Bai Xing looked back at him.

Bai Sang hasn't officially settled down yet, why not...

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bai Xing: Don't use these excuses, just say what you have to say.

Ikegaya hesitated sheepishly and told the dilemma faced by the Takahashi group.

Nowadays, although Hitomi Takahashi has successfully ascended to the position, it is not complete just because she has received verbal recognition from all the cadres.

It is not easy to truly master the Takahashi group, even with Ikeda's assistance.

Not to mention that he just learned the real reason why Takahashi Kenichiro was killed!

Facing the threat from the Yamaguchi-gumi, the current Takahashi-gumi has no power to resist at all.

Therefore, wanting to keep White Star living in the headquarters can also be regarded as a kind of protection and deterrence.

Bai Xing thought for a moment and then agreed to Chigu's request.

Living in a hotel does have many inconveniences, but here you can dispatch the Takahashi Group's staff at any time to handle some trivial chores for you.

After all, according to the agreement, after solving the Takahashi Group's crisis, Shirahoshi will not only be able to receive 30% of the Takahashi Group's profits as a reward, but he will also be qualified to make demands on the Takahashi Group, and the other party will need to fully cooperate.

Therefore, Shirahoshi first arranged for Ikegaya to send people to the Demihuman Research and Management Association to keep an eye on the movements there 24 hours a day.

Then, as quickly as possible, we will set up a fully equipped indoor shooting range at the headquarters.

Although Ikegaya doesn't understand what he is going to do, the fate of the entire Takahashi group now depends on this unfathomable man in front of him.

Naturally, they all happily agreed.

It only took three days for the indoor shooting range to be set up.

Bai Xing was currently in the shooting range, playing with the gun in his hand.

The familiar feeling came over me again.

Load the gun, load the gun, turn on the safety, aim, and pull the trigger.

Done in one go.

boom! boom! boom!

Ten rings of guns.

Chi Gu next to him was stunned. He didn't expect Shirahoshi to be so good at marksmanship.

I couldn't help but applaud: Si Guoyi! Bai Sang, what an amazing marksmanship!

Bai Xing did not show any pride, but said to him expressionlessly: Prepare enough bullets for me, and finally buy me a mini bomb, and then arrange a surgical operation.

Chi Gu was even more confused and opened his mouth to ask, but in the end he didn't say much.

Just do what Shirahoshi tells you to do.

As for Shirahoshi, he continues to stay in the indoor shooting range and continues shooting training.

Of course he wasn't trying to practice his marksmanship.

In fact, for him who has gradually entered the realm of [current push].

The threat that low-power thermal weapons can pose to him is getting lower and lower.

The reason why this shooting range was established was to allow Chi Gu to send enough bullets.

Just for practicing martial arts!

That's right.

Practice martial arts with hot weapons!

In his previous life, Bai Xing was an underground boxer. Although he focused on free fighting, he also had considerable attainments in Xingyiquan.

Xingyi Quan is divided into Five Elements Quan and Twelve-Shape Quan.

Bai Xing is not a martial arts wizard, he just masters the dragon and tiger forms among the twelve forms of boxing.

In addition, there are bear-shaped, snake-shaped, eagle-shaped, monkey-shaped, horse-shaped, chicken-shaped, swallow-shaped, hawk-shaped, harrier-shaped, and eagle-shaped!

It is a practical combat technique created by the ancients by imitating the movement characteristics of twelve kinds of animals.

However, Bai Xing believes that the times are progressing, and it is really too backward to continue to imitate animals in modern society.

In his previous life, he had no power to realize his idea.

But in this life, he has initially acquired the power he should have!

Based on the twelve-shaped boxing, we abandoned the ancient concept of imitating animals.

Emulate thermal weapons instead!

Create his own martial arts moves.

The first move is to use the fist as a bullet, using electromagnetic force to carve out rifling lines in the void, combined with explosive power.

The resulting move is called Rapid Bullet Punch!

And just when Bai Xing was in retreat studying new tricks.

Association for Subhuman Research Management.

In the specially-built laboratory, the recovered Experiment 003 is held.

Kei Nagai had been subjected to a total of nine days of experiments.

And he finally felt a little hatred in his heart!

Why. I just want an ordinary life. I study hard, get admitted to medical school, become an intern, and even about to become a full-time doctor. I have an ordinary and ordinary career just around the corner. I have planned everything for tomorrow. But why... Why is this happening!!”

He couldn't help shouting in his heart, and the corners of his eyes were lacerated due to the pain, and blood started to flow out again.

It looks like blood and tears!

Hey, don't blame us, we are just following orders.

It seemed like I could see the 'hate' in his eyes!

The researcher who was busy around him couldn't help but speak.

Just by listening to his voice, he was clearly one of the two researchers who escaped death under the cover of Kei Nagai on the day Sato broke in!

But now, facing his savior, he picked up the scalpel again.

The sharp blade cut through the skin, letting Kei Nagai feel the cold that penetrated into the bone marrow!

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