Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 99 The thirty-ninth generation descendant of the exorcist dragon clan

According to Lin Ge's guess, the Dragon Vein Stone was most likely gone at this time, but he still decided to go to the site to take a look. Mao Xiaofang was worried and insisted on going to the Feng Shui tree with Lin Ge. Finally, everyone came to the Feng Shui tree together.

The hole in the Feng Shui tree where the Dragon Vein Stone was stored was originally completely sealed by Mao Xiaofang with the Tianshi Suppression Talisman, but at this time the talisman was gone and the formation around the tree was also destroyed.

Lin Ge stepped forward to check. As expected, the Dragon Vein Stone in the tree hole had disappeared, and the entire Feng Shui tree was full of maggots.

It's so dense, it's so disgusting.

Mao Xiaofang stepped forward to take a look, dipped his finger into the black stuff at the entrance of the hole, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. Sure enough, it was the Tianshi Suppressing Evil Talisman he used to seal the hole. His face suddenly changed, and he said: "The seal was sealed by evil spirits from the outside. Burnt...Junior brother, why did you know there was something wrong with the Dragon Vein Stone?"

Lin Ge said: "When I was fighting with Lei Gang, an evil energy flew from this direction to interfere, so I suspected that there was something wrong with the dragon vein stone."

"I checked the contamination of the Dragon Vein Stone yesterday, and it didn't turn into an evil dragon so quickly. It's possible that Lei Gang tampered with it," Mao Xiaofang said.

Lin Ge guessed that it might have something to do with Lei Gang being possessed by the blood demon. Because the dragon vein stone was contaminated, there was a problem with the blood demon's seal.

By coincidence, Lei Gang, the Gu king who came back for revenge, was possessed by the blood demon. Since Lei Gang and Mao Xiaofang were both from Gantian Town, it was not impossible to use the Dragon Vein Stone to blame Mao Xiaofang.

As a result, it was discovered that the Dragon Vein Stone had been contaminated, which further fulfilled Lei Gang's wishes, so he took action to destroy the seal and accelerate the evil transformation of the Dragon Vein Stone.

Mao Xiaofang originally wanted to cast a spell to track the evil spirit and find out the whereabouts of the dragon vein stone, but unfortunately there was not much spiritual energy left.

"Brother, don't be too reluctant. Go back to Fuxi Hall to rest for a few days and recharge your batteries. I'm afraid, there is still a tough battle to be fought."

Although Lin Ge didn't say it directly, Mao Xiaofang already understood.

Lei Gang was protected by the weird blood mist, and was finally disturbed by the evil spirit. It is possible that he was not eradicated by Lin Ge's final blow.

Now the dragon vein stone has turned into an evil dragon and is missing. If Lei Gang and the evil dragon join forces, it will be a disaster for them and Gantian Town!

Everyone had no choice but to go back to Fuxi Hall first to discuss it later, but before leaving, Lin Ge suddenly stopped Mao Xiaofang: "Senior Brother, how far is Guantian Pavilion from here?"

"It takes half a day to go north to Qinglong Mountain. Junior brother, do you want to go to Guantian Pavilion?" Mao Xiaofang asked in confusion.

Lin Ge said: "I have some things that I need to confirm. Senior brother, you go back to Fuxi Hall first. Could you please prepare Lei Xiu's ritual for me? I will come back before nightfall. As for the soldiers killed by Lei Gang, the last So that the National Police Agency can handle it secretly. I'm worried that those corpses are not handled properly. If they turn into corpses, there will be nearly 10,000 zombies."

Mao Xiaofang nodded: "I understand. I will contact Zilong after I go back and ask them to deal with the body."

Mao Xiaofang and his party returned to Fuxi Hall, while Lin Ge took Ou Yongqi to Qinglong Mountain.

Although Mao Xiaofang was very tired, he also wanted to arrange Lei Xiu's funeral as soon as possible. However, Fuxi Hall was full of injuries, and only the "outsider" Black Rose was still alive and kicking. Black Rose volunteered and took over the task of going to town to buy things.

Mao Xiaofang thought for a while, then agreed, and asked Black Rose to go to the police station and invite Song Zilong to Fuxi Hall.

Seeing Song Zilong, Mao Xiaofang told him what happened in the mausoleum, and said that the soldiers had been harmed by evil spirits and must be cremated as soon as possible, otherwise they might turn into corpses.

After hearing this, Song Zilong immediately returned to the police station and took all the police officers and the townspeople who had been "captured" to the mausoleum. According to Mao Xiaofang's instructions, the bodies were cremated together.

Mao Xiaofang rested for an afternoon and his complexion recovered a lot. While preparing for Lei Xiu's ritual with Black Rose and Xiao Xiami, Lin Ge came back.

Lin Ge's destination for this trip was Qinglong Pond, not Guantian Pavilion, so he rushed back to Fuxi Hall before the sun set.

In the courtyard, Mao Xiaofang was performing funeral rituals for Lei Xiu. Xiao Hai was helping, Xiao Xiami stood aside and watched quietly, and Black Rose stood next to Lei Xiu's body, cleaning away the weeds and dust on her body and tidying it up. Remains.

Lin Ge stood at the lobby table with a Five Elements Bagua plate on it. Looking at Lei Xiu's body in the courtyard, he felt mixed emotions in his heart.

"Uncle, uncle." Ah Chu came to Lin Ge from the backyard and called several times before Lin Ge responded.

When he turned around, he saw Ah Chu holding Master Ji with a serious look on his face.

Ah Chu didn't seem to know how to speak, and finally whispered: "Uncle, Chicken, it seems that he is dying."

Lin Ge sighed, closed his eyes and raised his hands to rub them, then waved his hands and said, "Help me carry Lord Chicken back to the traveling bag, and then carry the altar in the traveling bag to the mourning hall and put it there for three sticks of incense."

After a pause, Lin Ge added the word "thank you".


Ah Chu wanted to say a few words of comfort, so he opened his mouth, but without saying the last word, he carried the dying Ji Ye back to the house.

Lin Ge tried giving Ji Ye recovery medicine and also asked Mao Xiaofang to treat him, but unfortunately, it didn't help much for Ji Ye's injury.

Lin Ge sat at the table, looked into the courtyard, tapped his fingers lightly on the Five Elements Bagua plate, and said to himself: "Master."

"Do you want to reincarnate by the way? Senior Brother Mao's Taoist Rebirth Mantra is absolutely genuine, and you might be able to reincarnate a good child."

"Reincarnation is not interesting. It sounds like you are embarking on the path of transcendence. In fact, it means you have finished causing harm to one world and then continue to cause harm in the next world. I guess you have no interest in being a reincarnation, so you might as well reincarnate."

Lin Ge didn't know whether he was talking or complaining. He was talking to himself and didn't notice a faint golden light appearing behind him.

"Thanks to me, the disaster star, your building is gone, the fried rice restaurant is gone, and all your acquaintances are basically gone. When you go back, you will probably have to set up a street stall. And with your talent, it would be better to be buried in an era when spiritual energy is exhausted. reincarnation."

"Even if it doesn't work, it's a good idea to go down there and join the staff. Maybe next time I ask God, I can ask you to come out and save the day."

"Am I right?"


"The Chicken Lord died again and again, and Yongqi Ou turned into a mindless zombie. Each time he died worse than the Chicken Lord. The ghost sisters and little girls want to wash away their grievances and reincarnate, but there is no hope... No one around me can Good ending."

"The point is... a hundred thousand reincarnations are a bit expensive. Look at me now making 20,000 and spending 30,000. It feels like you are never close to resurrection in this life..."


The bench under Lin Ge's butt was kicked out, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone turned around in surprise and saw Lin Ge flying from the lobby into the courtyard, falling and eating shit.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Black Rose glanced at the lobby. There was no one there. She thought it was haunted and was very nervous.

Lin Ge got up in embarrassment: "It's okay. My master appeared and taught me a lesson. Senior brother, you continue."

Lin Ge returned to the lobby. The tea cup on the table was knocked over. The tea flowed along the table to the ground, slowly forming several characters for water.

"Whether I am miserable or not is up to you, bastard! My soul has been repaired to pieces, so hurry up and resurrect me!"

"What a mess!"

Lin Ge glanced at the words on the ground, took back the Five Elements Bagua Tray, complained, and walked towards the yard.

"Tsk. I also asked your senior brother to help you draw up an emperor's destiny. No matter how bad it is, you will be rich and powerful. If you don't appreciate it, you will be defeated."

Lin Ge looked up at the night sky. The full moon and stars seemed to be good weather again tomorrow.

The next morning, several people from Fuxi Hall gathered around the table to have breakfast. There were two more people than usual.

Black Rose and Xiao Xiami moved out of the inn yesterday and moved into Fuxi Hall. They wanted to repay Mao Xiaofang for saving their lives and stay in Fuxi Hall to take care of their group of sick and disabled generals.

Mao Xiaofang originally disagreed, but Ah Chu and Xiao Hai were seriously injured "at the right time" and couldn't even get out of bed.

Coupled with the fact that Black Rose took over to take care of Lei Xiu's funeral, Mao Xiaofang could only nod in agreement. As soon as he nodded, the two seriously injured apprentices were jumping to life. Especially Xiao Hai, who can help him perform the afterlife rituals at night.

After lunch, Black Rose took the initiative to clear the table, Lin Ge said "Thank you, sister-in-law", and the two apprentices said "Thank you, master wife". Mao Xiaofang was about to get angry, and the three of them immediately ran away.


"Junior brother, Ah Chu, Xiao Hai. Don't forget the hundred times of the Immortal Sutra you three read. The weather is very good today, it's a good day to copy the sutra."

Lin Ge said with a serious face: "Brother, I think there is something fishy about the Dragon Vein Stone, and I am going to go to the scene to take a look."

"Then the True Scripture..."

Lin Ge immediately said: "The Dragon Vein Stone is lost anyway, so it's not that urgent. It's not too late to go after copying the Immortal Scripture."

The master and uncle had already compromised, so the two apprentices naturally couldn't run away.

The master, uncle and apprentice were punished to copy fairy scriptures in the inner hall. Mao Xiaofang went to the police station and learned that there were too many corpses. Song Zilong and others had been busy all night and still couldn't get enough. But this is related to the safety of Gantian Town, and the police department does not dare to slack off.

What's more, one of the troops is missing in Gantian Town. If the superiors find out and hold Gantian Town accountable, it will probably end badly.

The mayor was so frightened that he personally teamed up with Director Song and led the "strong men" to deal with the corpse.


Lin Ge finally finished copying the Immortal Sutra a hundred times, and got the "Maoshan Sutra" from Mao Xiaofang as he wished.

Back inside, Lin Ge tried to start practicing according to the "Maoshan Scripture".

The "True Sutra" is not a secret book for cultivating immortals. After practicing it, you can build the foundation and form the elixir to overcome tribulations and ascend to the sky.

Strictly speaking, the "True Classic" is the "framework" of "Secret Art", the foundation of Taoism, and the core of Taoism.

From a "game" perspective, "The Scripture" is the skill tree, and "Secret Technique" is each skill point on the skill tree.

As for the "Secret Technique" that Lin Ge learned first, and the fact that his Secret Technique is a fragment, it is equivalent to clicking one skill point in the east and one skill point in the west. Before one branch is lit up, he clicks on another. Branches, this also causes the growth of spiritual energy to be very slow.

"Taomen" is like a giant tree, each branch is a branch.

There can be many branches and many spells, but there is only one trunk supporting the tree.

Therefore, although the branches of Lin Ge and Mao Xiaofang are different, the "Zhen Jing" is very similar, and there will be no problems if they practice it.

After practicing the "Sutra", when Lin Ge lights up this branch, his spiritual energy will grow by leaps and bounds.

[Practice "Maoshan Scripture" successfully. 】

[Acquire and master "Maoshan Scripture·Introduction". 】

[Acquire the passive "Breathing and Breathing, Calm and Concentrated (lv1)": When practicing in the morning and evening classes, you will gain experience in the scriptures. Every time you upgrade to a level, a small amount of spiritual power will be added. Breaking through a realm will increase a large amount of spiritual power. 】

[Title "Taoist Priest·Basic" → "Jiu Feather Guest", when wearing this title, the power of Taoist magic weapons will be +10%, the power of magic weapons and talismans will be +10%, and the spiritual attributes will be +30. 】

The "Sutra" cannot be improved through the experience of subduing demons and demons, and can only be "practiced" step by step through morning and evening classes.

For ordinary people, cultivating Taoism itself is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and that should be the case. But for reincarnators, the most lacking thing is time. For reincarnators to practice from "beginner" to "reaching", it is better to exchange one hundred thousand reincarnation points directly for the reality.

However, there is still a big gap between self-cultivation and redemption. In addition, the things in space are ridiculously expensive, and whether you can survive to redeem them is also a problem.

Although Lin Ge may not be able to spare two or three hours a day to complete the morning and evening classes, practicing the scriptures can be considered a formal "entry".

If you worship another ancestor, you will be considered a member.

Lin Ge put away the "Sutra", and the Patriarch turned around and bowed again when he had free time, had nothing to do and was bored. Anyway, he didn't come to worship or not, so it wasn't a big problem.

A week passed by, and with Song Zilong's efforts, the corpses on the outskirts of the town were finally disposed of, and the tombs were sealed.

For safety reasons, Lin Ge asked Song Zilong to throw the bones into the mausoleum, and then detonate the bomb he had planted before, destroying the entire mausoleum.

After all, as Cixi was such a famous person, it would be impossible to bury dozens of people. It was a good thing to just replace the bones of nearly 10,000 people who died tragically.

In the play, Gantian Town, which never had a day of peace from beginning to end, had been calm for a week. No cases occurred, no monsters appeared, and no one was missing. This made Lin Ge a little "panic" and felt that he might not survive this time. It’s reincarnation.

After being kicked a few times by his master, Lin Ge relaxed and lived a peaceful life of practicing, drawing talismans, and refining techniques every day.

Following Mao Xiaofang's training, Lin Ge's spells improved a lot, and he also learned many new talismans.

As for the "divine invitation talisman" that Lin Ge is most concerned about, according to Mao Xiaofang, although the talismans of each sect are different, there are rules to follow.

For example, the general framework of the Taoist talisman for inviting gods is based on the "imperial order". It borrows the Jade Emperor's order, the ancestor's order, and the orders of big bosses from various parties to achieve the effect of "inviting the gods". On top of the basics, some subtle changes are the key to deciding which god to invite.

Lin Gehua's sect's invitation to the magic talisman was based on the "Imperial Order", and the details were the Sanmao True Lord's Order. The Sanmao True Lord was recited, so the person he invited was naturally the Sanmao True Lord.

There are three "Sanmao" True Lords. If we no longer distinguish them in detail, it would be equivalent to randomly selecting one of the three every time.

However, Lin Ge invited the same person twice, so the chance was quite low.

According to Mao Xiaofang's guess, it turned out that the founder was very "concerned" and "careful" about Lin Ge, so he took the initiative to connect as soon as the talisman was burned.

Lin Ge almost blurted out the words "take care of me", but was afraid that Mao Xiaofang would reward him a hundred times, so he swallowed it in the end.

Anyway, he doesn't want to paint "Sanmao Zhenjun Ling" anymore. Whoever likes to paint can paint it. But to avoid making things difficult for his master by always asking for help from next door, Lin Ge seriously learned the legal painting techniques of "Tao Zu" and "Ge Zu".

This morning, Lin Ge was practicing drawing talisman when he heard a familiar voice coming from outside the hospital: "Master Mao!"

"Master Mao is in trouble!"

"Something happened, Master Mao!"

Lin Ge was overjoyed, put down his pen and went out to welcome him, "Junior Brother Sha, you are finally alive. I don't have to worry about living in fear anymore."

In the past few days, Lin Ge was afraid that there would be no clouds in the morning, the evil dragon would be born at noon, and the blood demon would come out of the mountain at night. That would be so exciting!

"Ah Chu, Xiao Hai, bring some tea, come on." Lin Ge welcomed Song Zilong and Zhou Yuan into the lobby with a face full of joy.

Mao Xiaofang glanced at Lin Ge, his expression a little subtle. Wouldn't it be nice to live quietly for a few days? Could this junior brother have something else in mind?

But Mao Xiaofang didn't know that Lin Ge had not had time to practice in the past few days. He had searched here and there, almost turning Gantian Town and its surroundings upside down. He couldn't find any clues, and he was very panicked. He can only vent his anger on the evil spirits in the wilderness. Almost all the evil ghosts within a radius of twenty miles have immigrated.

Xiao Hai each poured a cup of tea for Song Zilong and Zhou Yuan: "Drink some water and breathe slowly. What happened?"

Zhou Yuan drank a whole cup of hot tea and gasped, "Master Mao, it's bad, something happened at the police station."

Song Zilong explained: "An army passed by Gantian Town and asked us to help escort three felons who used sorcery to kill people to the provincial capital. As soon as we locked up the three people, they broke open the prison and made a fuss at the police station. "

Zhou Yuan nodded quickly: "Yes, the most terrifying thing is that they are invulnerable and are not even afraid of guns."

As soon as Lin Ge heard this, he knew that it was the "God-Inviting Trio" from the play. The three people's Inviting God-inviting skills were really a bit stretchy.

One asked the Great Sage to possess him, but Xiao Hai had his balls exploded; the other asked the Third Prince to possess him, only to be beaten to pieces by Song Zilong; the worst one was the one who asked Zhang Tianshi to possess him, but was directly beaten by Mao Xiaofang Wing Chun take away.

Lin Ge thought to himself, if the real Master Tian knew that someone was piracy of him here, he wonders whether he would be punished by thunder.


Lin Ge suddenly realized that this was the Lord God's special version of "Zombie Taoist Priest". Who knew what these three things had been transformed into by the devil?

After listening to Song Zilong's story, Mao Xiaofang asked A Chu and Xiao Hai to take the guys with them and prepare to go to the police station to have a look.

"I'll go too." Lin Ge took Ou Yongqi and followed him.

The streets outside the police station were in a mess. All the townspeople gathered at the intersections on both sides of the street, craning their necks to look in the direction of the police station.

Outside the police station, three slovenly men wearing gray cloths were attacking a girl holding a wooden sword.

The girl is tall and tall, with willow eyebrows and big eyes. She has two braids and is wearing a floral shirt with plum blossoms embroidered on it.

The three men stood side by side in a row, making secrets with their hands, raising their feet and stamping on the ground at a very fast frequency, and chanting at the same time:

"Tai Shang Laojun, you are as urgent as the law! I invite the Monkey King, the Monkey King, who is causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace!"

"Tai Shang Laojun, you are as urgent as the law! I have invited the third prince Nezha who is going to make trouble!"

"Tai Shang Laojun, you are as urgent as the law! I want to invite Master Zhang Mansion to slay demons!"

While talking, the three people made the signature moves of the gods. One person scratched his ears and cheeks with a stick, another person put a ring on his body, and the last one held the magic formula and muttered something.

Lin Ge: ...If it is as easy as you to "please the gods", how many beatings should I receive in a day?

I saw the girl in floral cloth holding a wooden sword and pointing at the three of them, scolding: "Those who are cheating and cheating, why don't you just catch them without mercy!"

The "Monkey King" took the lead in attacking, jumped into the air, and swung his stick towards the girl in the air.

The girl leaned back to avoid the sweep, and at the same time raised her hand, flying a yellow talisman toward the "Monkey King" and sticking it on his chest.


Huang Fu exploded with a golden light, directly blowing the "Monkey King" away.

The girl was so skilled that she could fight one against three without losing.

Zhou Yuan pointed at the three men who besieged her and shouted: "Master Mao, that's them. They are the criminals who use sorcery."

"A Chu, Xiao Hai, help." Master Mao Xiaofang and his apprentice stepped forward to block the three men. The girl was stunned for a moment and put the wooden sword behind her.

The three prisoners don't care who their opponent is, as long as they kill everyone who blocks their escape, that's it!

Ah Chu and Xiao Hai have grown a lot after experiencing the battle in the mausoleum, and they have also been practicing with concentration these days.

The two of them, one holding a peach wood sword and the other holding a bronze sword, fought against the "Monkey King" and the "Third Prince" respectively.

That "Zhang Tianshi" muttered an incomprehensible mantra, rushed towards Mao Xiaofang, and was kicked away by Mao Xiaofang.

"If Master Tian knows that people like you are cheating and cheating in his name, a thunderbolt will take care of you."

"Zhang Tianshi" turned over and stood up from the ground. He seemed uninjured, but Lin Ge had noticed that the corners of his mouth were twitching, and it was obvious that he had been kicked hard by Mao Xiaofang.

Those two gods couldn't even defeat Ah Chu and Xiao Hai, let alone Mao Xiaofang.

Seeing that the three of them were about to be subdued, they retreated again, stood together in a row, and took out a bottle containing red mist from their arms.

"Not good!" When Lin Ge saw that thing, he immediately thought of the blood mist: "Brother, stop them."

Lin Ge rushed forward, and "swish, swish" a few holding charms flew towards the three people. But the movement was still a step too slow. The three of them opened the bottle and took a deep breath. Blood mist rushed into their noses, and their veins suddenly swelled, making their faces hideous.

Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi joined the battle, and the girl saw that something was wrong and rushed forward with her sword. Six against three, seemingly an advantage.

As a result, during the fight, the "Monkey King" swept forward with his stick, creating a fierce wind of the stick. A Chu, who had been evenly matched with him just now, was directly swept away by the stick.

"Wow, so powerful!" Ah Chu rubbed his ribs and climbed out of the grocery stall: "Uncle Master, hurry up and ask some gods for me to beat him back!"

Lin Ge was too lazy to pay attention to him, and decisively retreated to the back of the team, leaving Mao Xiaofang and Ou Yongqi to fight while he concentrated on supporting.

After inhaling the blood mist, the three men's "evil magic" became more powerful. The "Monkey King" had a terrifying stick style, and "Nezha" could breathe fire...

That "Zhang Tianshi" didn't have any special characteristics for the time being, but his body had become a lot stronger. He resisted Mao Xiaofang's Foshan Shadowless Kick and stood straight on the spot without even taking a step back. He was completely different from before. If two people.

"Senior brother, Xiaohai, come back."

When Mao Xiaofang and Xiao Hai heard Lin Ge's voice, they immediately moved out of the way. Lin Ge came forward with two HK G36KV Flying Tigers assault rifles.

Physical exorcism!

Da da da!

The tongues of fire spitting out from the two rifles hit "Zhang Tianshi", and instantly his flesh and blood spattered, turning him into a bloody man.

But blood mist floated out from the honeycomb-like holes on his body, covering his body so that he could still move.

"Tsk, tsk, so awesome."

"All fear comes from insufficient firepower." Lin Ge raised his hand, and an Italian cannon engraved with "Tianshi Suppressing Evil Talisman" appeared beside him.



There was a loud noise, and although "Zhang Tianshi" was protected by the blood mist, he was still blown to pieces by the cannon.

The blood mist protecting this man was obviously not at the same level as Lei Gang's blood mist, and it did not protect his fragments from escaping, leaving them to turn into corpses.

"Monkey King" and "Nezha" were frightened when they saw this scene. How could anyone turn into a cannon out of thin air?

We are "witchcraft", so what is he, a witchcraft?

The two wanted to run away, but Lin Ge found out that killing "Blood Demon Xie Sui" would result in 300 reincarnation points, so how could he give them a chance?

Seeing that Mao Xiaofang was about to take action, Lin Ge quickly stopped him: "Senior brother, I don't need to bother you with such a trivial matter. Just protect me and don't let them escape. I just took this opportunity to practice the new spells I have learned in the past few days."

Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi stepped forward. Ou Yongqi fought one against two, restraining the two of them, while Lin Ge released his thunder method from behind.

Although Master Tian did not teach Lin Ge the Five Yang Thunders and the Five Yin Thunders, he helped him renew a full-level thunder magic experience card.

After the effect ended, Lin Ge's thunder method successfully broke through from "entry" to "basic" and was able to blast nine thunders in a row.

Although the "Monkey King" had no monkey hair, his hair was blown up and he was spitting out black smoke. Ou Yongqi's speed was faster. Eclipse's three kills hit "Nezha" directly.

After solving three "magic attacks", 900 reincarnation points were recorded.

When the people at the police station were cleaning the battlefield, the girl came to Mao Xiaofang and said with cupped hands: "Master Mao, I am Ma Danna, the thirty-ninth generation descendant of the Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan. I was entrusted by my aunt to investigate the mystery of the Dragon Vein Stone. Contamination."

Mao Xiaofang did not expect that the girl in front of him, who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, turned out to be the thirty-ninth generation descendant of the Ma family. He was immediately surprised: "There has been an accident with the Dragon Vein Stone. I will tell you the details when I return to Fuxi Hall. Thank you for coming all the way. Go for a run, is your aunt okay?"

Ma Danna nodded and said: "My aunt suffered some injuries in the battle with a flying zombie last month, but she is almost healed, but she still has some difficulty in moving, otherwise she would have come here in person. I hope Master Mao won't blame me. "

"I'm serious. You came all the way to Gantian Town, and I can't thank you enough, so why blame you? Without further ado, let's go back to Fuxi Hall and talk in detail."

After finishing speaking, Mao Xiaofang found Song Zilong and asked him to handle the next matter, and then took Ma Danna back to Fuxi Hall.

Returning to Fuxi Hall, Mao Xiaofang told the story of the Dragon Vein Stone in detail.

Ma Danna pondered for a while and then said: "I heard from my aunt that the dragon vein stone in Majia Village was also contaminated ten years ago. Finally, the whole family gathered their strength to subdue the evil dragon, brought it to the dragon vein, and held it at the dragon's mouth for three years. Then the evil spirit will be eliminated. The dragon vein in Gantian Town originates from Qinglong Mountain. If we can find the dragon vein stone, or subdue the evil dragon, go to the top of Qinglong Mountain, find the dragon's mouth, calculate the 'lucky cave', and bury the dragon vein stone, maybe we can Purify the Dragon Vein Stone."

Mao Xiaofang sighed: "It's a pity that the Dragon Vein Stone disappeared a few days ago. It will be difficult to find it now."

Ma Danna said: "Master Mao, don't worry. Since the Ma family is an exorcist dragon clan, there is a special connection with the 'dragon'. Moreover, with the help of the Ma family's dragons, I believe it will not be difficult to find the missing dragon vein stone."

"Then thank you for the hard work." Mao Xiaofang said.

Ma Danna smiled and said: "Master Mao, you are too polite. The Mao and Ma families have always been on good terms. Besides, it is the duty of the Ma family to eliminate demons and protect the Tao, and this is what it should be."

Mao Xiaofang and Ma Danna chatted for a while about how to deal with the evil dragon, and the topic gradually turned to the magic warlocks today.

Ma Danna said: "Those people didn't have any skills at all, but when they took out the bottle and took a sip, they were like possessed, and they were several times more ferocious. This master has a keen eye, and he can tell at a glance that there is something wrong with the blood mist."

Lin Ge told Ma Danna about the battle with the Blood Demon a few days ago. The other party was a little surprised when she heard this: "How can anyone survive under such a powerful magic weapon?"

Lin Ge nodded and said: "We suspect that it is the great demon 'Blood Demon' suppressed by the Dragon Vein Stone in Gantian Town. It was because the Dragon Vein Stone was contaminated and the seal was loose that he escaped and caused trouble to the world."

"Great Demon God? Can it be sealed again?" Madonna asked.

Lin Ge said: "It's difficult. But after purifying the Dragon Vein Stone, you can give it a try."

Ma Danna nodded and said, "I saw today, Master Lin, that the magic weapon you used was engraved with the Celestial Master Suppression Talisman. Is this a gun-like magic weapon made by you?"

"The gun is mine, but the Heavenly Master Suppression Talisman was carved by my senior brother. Are you still interested in guns?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Ma Danna nodded: "During the war, our Ma family was involved in the war and suffered a lot of damage. In addition, the war caused the birth of evil spirits, and the Ma family was exhausted from exorcism. If there is such a powerful magic weapon, I believe that the exorcism can be It’s also easier to walk on the road.”

"It's not a big problem." Lin Ge waved his hand proudly and said: "The Ma family has good relations with my senior brother, and you and I hit it off. It's just a magic weapon, it's not worth mentioning. I will give it to you to help you embark on the journey of conquering demons with technology. The path of the devil!”

As he spoke, Lin Ge took out the unsold Flying Tigers pistols, submachine guns, and rifles and set up a table.

Ma Danna was dumbfounded and said: "Can these amazingly powerful magic weapons really... be given to me?"

"Of course, a man's words are hard to follow." Lin Ge waved his hand proudly. Anyway, they were groceries that no one bought. The favorability of Mao Xiaofang and the other two people had already been filled up. Use these things to brush "Nan Mao" The favorability of Beima among "Beima" is not bad no matter how you think about it.

Maybe it will attract the attention of the ancestors of the Ma family. The next time you invite the gods, please invite Ma Ling'er or the Ma family's divine dragon to come out and control the scene.

Ma Ling'er, that's a big shot that even Fei Zhan has to retreat from when he sees him.

"Thank you, thank you." Ma Danna stared at the "magic weapon" on the table, slightly lost in thought.

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "Ma Danna" increases. 】

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