When Lin Ge returned to Fuxi Hall, he had already changed his clothes, and he had thrown away the blood-stained clothes.

As soon as he stepped into the main courtyard, he heard Xiaohai telling Mao Xiaofang about their digging during the day: "Master, you don't know. After digging for a long time, not a single bomb was found, but a lot of bones were dug up, as if they were buried. A lot of corpses. The yin energy is also very strong."

Ah Chuze said: "Yes, they still have to dig deep, and they have to search themselves before leaving. I don't know what they are doing."

Mao Xiaofang warned: "Anyway, this matter is not that simple. You must be careful. Try to keep a low profile and don't stand out. You guys will do whatever they ask you to do. Once there is danger, find a way to run back first."

"Yes, Master." The two responded.

Lin Ge asked Ou Yongqi to go back to the room first, otherwise she would definitely attract attention if she was covered in blood.

"Uncle Master."

"Uncle Master. You're back." Ah Chu came up to him and said, "I thought you were also arrested, but I didn't see you in the crowd for a long time. Fortunately, you didn't go, as if you were working as a coolie. I was exhausted and dug out a lot of bones.”

Xiaohai echoed: "Yes, we have to go tomorrow. Then why did Commander Chen give us an order to dig at least ten meters deep within three days? I don't know what kind of bomb needs to be buried that deep."

Lin Ge said: "Bomb? I don't think so."

"Junior brother, do you know their purpose?" Mao Xiaofang asked.

Lin Ge said: "I went to the scene to see the situation. The Yin energy there was concentrated, but it was a blessed hole. I suspected that they were digging a grave."

"Dig a grave?" Ah Chu and Xiao Hai looked shocked.

Xiaohai said worriedly: "Well, then, shall we still dig?"

"Let's dig it out first. Don't worry, they won't be able to stay here for long." Lin Ge said lightly, with a chill in his voice that reminded Ah Chu of the time in the restaurant.

Mao Xiaofang looked at Lin Ge and frowned: "Junior brother, on your body... are the two twins in red clothes unable to suppress you?"

Ah Chu asked in confusion: "Twins in red clothes? What are those?"

"It can still be suppressed," Lin Ge said.

Mao Xiaofang comforted him: "Don't worry, my old friend will arrive in Gantian Town in the next two days. By then, the three of us will work together to find a way to suppress Hong Yi."

"Thank you, senior brother."

Mao Xiaofang sighed: "Let's rest early. I don't know how long the army will stay in Gantian Town. It will be a lot of trouble."

Ah Chu followed Lin Ge and asked curiously: "Uncle, what are the twins in red that master said?"

"Do you know the red-clothed fierce ghost?" Lin Ge asked.

Ah Chu nodded: "Of course I know, I've heard of the most resentful and ferocious ghost. What does that have to do with my uncle? Do you still need to suppress the red-clothed ghost?"

"Oh, I have a few of these on me."

"A few, a few, a few...a few!" Ah Chu swallowed and asked nervously: "Then what will happen if you can't suppress them?"

"Please drink Meng Po soup?"

Ah Chu:......

"Uncle, come on, you can do it, I believe in you!"

Lin Ge slapped Ah Chuhou on the forehead angrily: "If you don't go to bed yet, you have to dig a grave tomorrow."


Lin Ge returned to the room, opened the [Panel], and saw that the crime value exceeded four digits again, and suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

"So there is no standard for good and evil. It all depends on your preference, right?"

Saving a world does not make you happy, so the value does not increase.

Saving a good person makes you happy, so subtract 1,000.

Kill hundreds of evil people, you will feel uncomfortable again, and add hundreds more sins.

"What is good and what is evil?"

"Since there are no definite rules, then I'm going to stick to the rules!"


Black Rose put on her night clothes, secretly climbed onto the roof, and walked all the way to Commander Chen and Adjutant Xu's rooms.

At this time, Commander Chen and Adjutant Xu were standing in front of the long table, studying a map.

"The beginning ends and the end also begins. The end of the world is so close but so far away... Coiling dragon..."

Commander Chen found that the signatures on the map were confusing to read, and there were some rare characters that he didn't recognize, let alone the interpretation of the signatures.

Adjutant Xu couldn't help but ask: "Commander, how do you explain these signatures?"

Commander Chen said angrily: "If I knew how to explain it, I wouldn't have to bother myself so much. Alas. Although we dug up the tomb of the general protecting the mausoleum today, I think the main tomb must be nearby."

Adjutant Xu sighed: "Sigh. Now we can only dig bit by bit and slowly."

"Slow down, we don't have much time now. Xu Shichang's army from Beiyang is coming soon. How can we fight them with just a few people? Not only will we not be able to get the treasure, but we will also be shot if we are caught. !”

"What should we do?" Adjutant Xu asked nervously.

Commander Chen said in a deep voice: "Now we can only untie this signature as soon as possible."

"Commander, to be honest, our army of tens of thousands of people can only read more than one pair of hands combined. It is difficult to recognize all these words. How can we interpret the signature?"

Commander Chen suddenly thought of someone: "By the way, do you still remember the 'master' we met on the way here?"

"Commander, are you talking about that person with weird eyes?"

Commander Chen nodded: "He left me a letter at that time. If you ask someone to go to him with the letter, say that I agree with his conditions."


"That's right. Take someone to inquire around the town to see if there are any Feng Shui masters or fortune tellers. Let them read the signature first."

"Yes, Commander."


The two were still chatting about the signature and next plans, and Black Rose on the Roof couldn't help laughing.

"Dig a grave?"


"Get rich!"

At this moment, the door to Commander Chen's room was knocked open with a bang, and a soldier ran in rolling and crawling.

"Junjunjunjun, sir, it's not good!"

Adjutant Xu stepped forward and kicked the man over: "Why are you so flustered? Don't you know how to knock before entering?"

The soldier swallowed and said nervously: "Adjutant Xu, hundreds of our brothers were assassinated in the town!"

"What!" Commander Chen, who was putting away the map, said angrily: "Who is so bold and dares to touch our people?"

"Could it be those guys from the Police Department?" Deputy Xu asked.

Commander Chen said angrily: "Go, take someone to take a look! No matter who it is, anyone who dares to touch us will be killed by me."

"Yes, Commander!"

Song Zilong had just led his team to seal off the restaurant after receiving the report, when he saw Adjutant Xu rushing over with the army.

When Adjutant Xu saw Song Zilong, he scolded him without giving any dignity at all: "Captain Song, it's because of your bunch of losers that the security in Gantian Town is so bad. Now hundreds of our brothers are dead here. I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, don’t blame us for not having bullets.”

Song Zilong was not afraid of Adjutant Xu's threat at all, and said coldly: "Adjutant Xu, I would like you to give me an explanation. Your soldiers entered the town, plundered and robbed civilian women. These things are what soldiers can do. Of?"

"Nonsense, how could our people do such a thing?" Adjutant Xu said angrily.

The two sides were at war with each other and were about to draw their guns. The mayor quickly ran out to persuade: "Misunderstanding, Adjutant Xu, it's all a misunderstanding."

The mayor came forward and persuaded Adjutant Xu to come down, and promised that more people would be sent to dig the ground tomorrow. Adjutant Xu knew that digging graves was the top priority right now, so he made harsh words and asked the police station to catch the murderer as soon as possible. Then he took the people away.

Song Zilong looked on and was furious, but he was just a small captain and had no right to interfere with the mayor's decision.

In anger, Song Zilong led his team back to the police station and asked someone to send a letter to the city overnight to report the evil deeds of the 23rd Shaanxi Army.

Unexpectedly, the messenger was driving halfway when he heard a loud "bang" and a stone broke through the window and hit the messenger on the temple, killing him instantly.

Then, a middle-aged man walked out of the forest with a girl, found the letters, and moved the body away.

Early the next morning, the door of Fuxi Hall was opened by Adjutant Xu and his men, and a group of people surrounded several people who were eating in the lobby.

Lin Ge looked at the muzzle of the gun pointed at him, not panicking at all, and eating calmly. I guess there won’t be much chance to eat next, so I’ll fill my stomach first.

"Adjutant Xu, what do you mean?" Mao Xiaofang looked at Adjutant Xu, suppressing the anger in his heart and asked.

Adjutant Xu stepped forward and spread a piece of letter paper in front of Mao Xiaofang: "Nothing else, I hope Master Mao can help me decipher a signature."

Mao Xiaofang picked up the signature, took a look at it, and said in a deep voice: "This signature is complicated, and I couldn't understand it for a while. However, I can help you check the ancient books, and maybe you can find clues to the interpretation. Wait until I understand. After the signature is issued, we will let..."

"No need." Adjutant Xu interrupted Mao Xiaofang and said coldly: "Start solving it now. If you can't solve it in an hour, I will kill one person. If you can't solve it in two hours, I will kill two people. It depends on Mao Master, when can you decipher the signature?"

Lin Ge said: "We only have five people including Master Mao, so just giving them four hours would be too rushed. How about killing one every two hours?"

Adjutant Xu was angry: "Did I ask you to bargain?"




Several guns were immediately pointed at Lin Ge.

Lin Ge quickly raised his hand: "Wow, there are so many 38 big blocks, it's so scary. Can we break them to prevent them?"

"Calm down. If you want to interpret the signature, you must go to the scene to see. I will let you go and see, don't hurt innocent people." Mao Xiaofang did not want to implicate Lin Ge and others, and wanted to send Adjutant Xu and others away.

Adjutant Xu said: "It's just right. You have to dig the ground anyway, so just go with us."

Mao Xiaofang thought for a while and nodded: "Go and take everything with you. I will go with you today."

"Yes, Master."

Adjutant Xu glanced at Lin Ge, then glanced at Ou Yongqi behind him, raised his finger and pointed at the two of them and said, "You two, follow suit."

Lin Ge smiled and asked, "Can women be considered strong?"

Adjutant Xu snorted: "What nonsense are you talking about? Just follow me if I ask you to follow me. If I say another word, you will be shot."

Lin Ge shrugged and smiled happily: "Just go. It doesn't matter. You decide your own fate."

"Junior brother..." Mao Xiaofang was a little worried.

Lin Ge shook his head lightly, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

Adjutant Xu frowned, as if he didn't quite understand what Lin Ge meant. But when they saw Lin Ge and others following the soldiers out in a well-behaved manner, they didn't say anything more.

Walking among the crowd, Ah Chu asked Lin Ge in a low voice: "Uncle, are you really going to dig a grave? But, should we find a way to let Auntie escape first? These guys are not good people at first glance, Master." It will definitely be dangerous if Aunt follows."

Lin Ge said: "It's not a big problem, your aunt is not a good person either."

After listening to Lin Ge's words, Ah Chu always felt why they sounded so strange.

Although Ou Yongqi never said a word from beginning to end, they all thought that the other party was just "sick".

Even if he is cold, he is not "not a good person"?

Lin Ge walked beside Mao Xiaofang and suddenly asked: "Brother, do you think... are there gods in this world?"

Mao Xiaofang:?

This question made Mao Xiaofang a little confused. If ordinary people asked this kind of question, he would have many ways to answer it.

But the person who asked the question was Lin Ge, and he immediately didn't know how to answer.

You say you are a Taoist and ask if there are gods in this world. If you say there are no gods, wouldn’t it mean that we have become lonely in cultivation?

"Junior brother, why would you ask this question?" Mao Xiaofang asked back.

Lin Ge asked again: "If these soldiers do evil, then I will kill them all. Am I good or evil?"

Mao Xiaofang said: "Junior brother, good and evil are never absolute. Everyone has a scale in their heart. This world is not black and white, and there is also a gray side."

“Does the fate of a wicked person count as fate?”

"This..." Mao Xiaofang didn't understand why Lin Ge would discuss such an issue with him at this time.

Lin Ge said with a slightly disdainful tone: "Buddhist sayings often say, lay down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. Good people need to go through eighty-one hardships to become a Buddha, but bad people only need to put down the butcher's knife?"

Mao Xiaofang always felt something was wrong: "Junior brother, have you encountered something? Why don't you relax first and let's talk slowly after the matter is resolved."

Lin Ge smiled and said: "I just feel that even a benevolent person like you, senior brother, can't persuade me, which proves that the tilted pole in my heart is going to be unlevelled!"

"I once risked the lives of thousands of people in order to survive. In my opinion, their lives might just be a bunch of data."

"Later, I saw my master dragging his bloody body in front of the Corpse King in order to let those who abandoned him escape."

"Yin Cha did not dare to attack the Corpse King, but he did not hesitate to attack the master who was seriously injured and died for resisting the evil."

"After that, I saw a warlock who used magic to play with people's hearts and kill people wantonly in order to seek eternal life. But I was labeled as a 'sin' because of a sorcery."

"Senior brother, tell me, are there good or evil in 'shu'? If so, what are the meanings of the forbidden arts written in "Secret Techniques"? Why not just erase them?"

"Finally, I went to a world where evil spirits were rampant. The evil spirits there kept people as pigs and dogs. After their death, they could possess new targets unscrupulously, play and enjoy as much as they wanted, while people... just... Livestock for slaughter.”

"In order to save the world, I prayed to gods and ancestors. As a result, I received two hundred and seven soul arrows. I don't understand, isn't it bad that these two hundred and seven arrows can kill two hundred and seven ghosts?"

"There, I also met a trickster. He acted according to his own preferences. He used his body to raise evil spirits and practice evil arts, but he was judged as 'just' by the sky. Do you think it's ridiculous?"

"Senior brother, do you think that when evil spirits run rampant here and demons dance wildly, our ancestor will show up, support justice, eliminate demons and defend the way?"


"However, the Demon Infant made me understand one thing. Even if you practice good deeds for one or ten lives, you may not necessarily get good results for one life."

"If I devote myself to cultivating the Tao, but still have to worry about the feelings of evil people, and live in such a miserable state, what is the use of cultivating this Tao?"

The more Mao Xiaofang listened, the more frightened he became. He felt that Lin Ge was only one step away from falling into the devil's path!

But after all, Mao Xiaofang only heard Lin Ge briefly describe his experience, and did not know the despair that Lin Ge had witnessed in the previous world.

Originally, this matter had been suppressed in his heart after it was resolved, until yesterday when he saw the murdered people in the restaurant.

How is this different from the evil spirit in "The First Commandment"?

Ah Chu and Ah Hai, who were walking behind Lin Ge and Mao Xiaofang, swallowed unconsciously, feeling that the "Uncle Master" in front of them became a little scary.

"Fortunately, I changed my ways and didn't provoke my uncle again." Ah Chu thought with lingering fear.

Lin Ge and his party were taken to the military camp. Mao Xiaofang was "invited" by Adjutant Xu to go to the site to inspect and undo the signing. Lin Ge and others were arranged in a camp. Not long after, Adjutant Xu asked the soldiers to take them down to "dig for bombs."

"Let's go!" The soldier pushed Ah Chu with his gun, signaling him to follow him quickly.

Ah Chu and Xiao Hai protected Ou Yongqi and wanted to wait for her to leave first.

Upon seeing this, Adjutant Xu raised his hand and nodded to Ou Yongqi: "She doesn't need to go. You go dig bombs quickly and stop being so annoying."

Ah Chu bravely stepped forward and stood in front of Ou Yongqi: "What do you want to do? This is our auntie, I'm warning you not to mess around!"




In an instant, several guns were cocked and loaded, aiming at Ah Chu.

"Calm down, calm down." Lin Ge raised his hand and stepped forward with a smile, pulling Ah Chu and Xiao Hai behind him: "Your master and aunt haven't spoken yet, why are you so excited."

Ah Chu was stunned for a moment: "Master aunt can still talk?"

Adjutant Xu walked towards Ou Yongqi with a sneer, and glanced at Lin Ge and others: "Why don't you leave? It's just in time for you to watch a good show."

Then, the surrounding soldiers laughed happily.

At this moment, as soon as Adjutant Xu raised his hand, he saw a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and his raised hand had already fallen to the ground.


Just as Adjutant Xu screamed in fear, a yellow five-pointed star flew into his mouth, and he found that he could not make a sound.

Just as the surrounding soldiers were about to pull the trigger, they saw yellow talismans flying up in a "swish, swish, swish" manner, and every soldier present was hit with a holding talisman on the forehead.

Lin Ge walked up to Adjutant Xu and squatted down, picked up his arm, looked back at Ou Yongqi, and said seriously: "Next time you meet this kind of person, don't cut off one hand at once. You won't be able to play like this for long." Tang Heng The knife is very sharp and matches your knife skills. You can peel off the skin first, then shave the flesh, and chop it off finger by finger. In this return, I will let you learn the knife skills of "Dragon Inn". "

When Ah Chu and Xiao Hai heard this, they swallowed subconsciously.

Uncle Master, it’s so scary.

Lin Ge stood up with a cold face and looked at Adjutant Xu: "Seeing that you are so familiar with the road, it seems that you have done this kind of thing a lot. As monks, we should be chivalrous and righteous, hoeing the strong and helping the weak. Sorry, I don't have the understanding of my senior brother. , can only persuade people physically."

This time, Lin Ge didn't let Ou Yongqi take action. He first asked Ah Chu and Xiao Hai to wait outside the tent, and then took out the butcher's knife.

After a while, Lin Ge came out of the tent covered in blood, muttering: "Tsk, killing hundreds of people yesterday only increased the crime value by more than 600, and today just a few people increased the crime value by almost 1,000. The standards you set are a bit 'flexible'!"

As he spoke, Lin Ge casually took out a burning talisman and threw it towards the tent, lighting it on fire.

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