A black car stopped suddenly at the entrance of St. Edena Girls' Middle School. Li Guoqiang and Huang Yaozu got out of the car and rushed to the school gate.

After experiencing the incident of a real estate agent being possessed by a ghost the day before yesterday, Li Guoqiang has also determined that there are ghosts in this world, regardless of whether Huang Yaozu admits it or not.

Subsequently, the two received multiple reports and several girls were brutally killed. Only then did Li Guoqiang know that the perverted murderer Chen Fulai he had killed had turned into an evil ghost and came back to avenge him. Just now, the Miscellaneous Department received a report that a "body" appeared in May's school.

When they arrived at the school gate, two police officers, a man and a woman, were standing in front of a "body", reporting to their superiors.

Huang Yaozu immediately stepped forward and showed his police ID: "I am Officer Huang from the Miscellaneous Section, and we have taken over the case here."

"But..." The male police officer who reported to the superior was still hesitant.

At this time, Li Guoqiang was worried about May's situation and had already rushed into the school. Huang Yaozu quickly followed and shouted from behind: "Don't get hit!"

Li Guoqiang rushed all the way to the classroom where May was, only to see a group of female students running out in a panic. When he went to the classroom, he saw a female student sitting on the desk, holding a pen, and stabbing her thighs continuously. , blood dripped down his feet and fell to the ground.

There were also a few female students who were so frightened that they shivered, as if they didn't understand why their classmates, who were just normal, were engaging in self-abuse.

"It's fun, it's fun."

The female student raised her head, stared at Li Guoqiang with white eyes, and showed a charming smile. Then, she suddenly thrust the pen into her throat and rushed towards the frightened female student beside her.

Li Guoqiang saw the female student who committed suicide grabbing someone's foot, but due to the confusion, he quickly couldn't tell who it was.

"No one is allowed to move, get down!" Li Guoqiang shouted while raising his gun.

He couldn't tell who was a human and who was a ghost, but there were already two bodies in the crowd. It was obvious that Chen Fulai had transferred again.

"What are you doing?" Huang Yaozu rushed into the classroom and asked quickly when he saw Li Guoqiang pointing a gun at the female student.

"The ghost is possessed by one of the girls."

As soon as he finished speaking, a girl in the crowd stood up and ran out of the classroom. Li Guoqiang raised his hand and fired twice, but both shots missed.

"Stop!" Li Guoqiang chased after him.

However, the female student who escaped was just scared and not possessed by a ghost.

In the movie, it was precisely because Li Guoqiang pursued the wrong target that another incident occurred in the classroom.

Huang Yaozu originally wanted to catch up, but the female student on the ground who stabbed her throat with a pen made a small cry.

"How are you?" Huang Yaozu hurried forward to check the female student's injuries and pressed his hand on the bloody hole in her neck.

The female student's body was shaking slightly and her face was in great pain.

"It's okay, relax."

However, the female student finally slowly closed her eyes, and Huang Yaozu gritted his teeth and cursed: "This bastard."

At this moment, a figure rushed in from outside the classroom, kicked Huang Yaozu away, and fired several shots at the female student's head with the ump9 in his hand.

Lin Ge put away the gun and glanced at the body on the ground: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry and don't have time to act with you."

In this way, Chen Fulai, the big boss in "The First Commandment", went offline before he even had time to reveal his identity.

Huang Yaozu was about to draw his gun when he saw it was Lin Ge and asked with surprise: "Master Lin, Brother Lin, what are you doing? This is..."

Lin Ge said: "Li Guoqiang was deceived. The ghost has not moved at all. It just wanted to possess you. Ask Li Guoqiang to follow me. I will explain the situation to you on the way."

"This..." Huang Yaozu obviously hasn't understood the situation yet.

At this time, Li Guoqiang ran back in a hurry: "Officer Huang, the person who ran out just now was not a ghost."

Huang Yaozu pointed to the body of a female student on the ground and asked, "Is this the student who was possessed by the ghost in the first place?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's okay." Huang Yaozu looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Brother Lin, where are we going now? What happened? I saw the wanted order..."

"Let's go, talk as we go." Lin Ge called the two of them and rushed towards the rooftop of the teaching building.

On the way, Lin Ge briefly explained the situation in this world. He was shocked when he heard that the high-level officials were possessed by ghosts and that the whole city was wanted to kill them, the ghost exterminators.

"What! This, how is this possible!" Huang Yaozu thought that there were evil ghosts among the senior officials, but he didn't expect that they were all evil ghosts!

At this moment, with a roar, a helicopter parked on the rooftop of the teaching building. The accountant waved to the three people in the cab: "Quickly, they have been targeted by the above. It is estimated that their captors will come soon." .”

Lin Ge and the others boarded the helicopter, and sure enough they heard on the intercom that orders were being issued to arrest Huang Yaozu and the others.

Lin Ge ignored the two people who were immersed in shock and had not recovered for a long time, but patted the driver's seat: "I didn't expect you to fly a helicopter."

The accountant said: "As a technologically enhanced reincarnation, wouldn't it be embarrassing if I couldn't even fly a helicopter?"

"Come on, try to drive the Gundam as soon as possible."

The accountant smiled and said: "Don't mention it, the configuration of the Hong Kong Island police helicopter is quite high. If I hadn't gotten a high-tech computer in "Venom", I still wouldn't be able to decipher their information system."

In a trance, Huang Yaozu glanced down subconsciously and found that the area facing the street of St. Edena Girls' High School was shrouded in a black mist. He suddenly asked in surprise: "Brother Lin, what is that...?"

Lin Ge said: "It's just a small episode. As long as we find a way to deal with the evil spirits within two days, Hong Kong Island can still be saved."

Huang Yaozu:......

The black mist spread throughout the night, covering even the area of ​​the restaurant where Lin Ge first lived.

Li Guoqiang asked: "Where are we going now?"

"A mountain at the junction of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. One of my companions found the truth about the evil spirits in this world."

"But May is still in school..."

Lin Ge said: "If we take her with us, it will only be more dangerous."

On the way to Dizang Temple where Jiwotou is located, Lin Ge told Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang in detail the intelligence and truth they had collected. After hearing this, the two were shocked and extremely desperate.

I thought I was just fighting some evil spirits, but I didn't expect... I was fighting the entire world!

Huang Yaozu finally understood why in the past nineteen years, every time the Miscellaneous Affairs Department seemed to be improving, there would always be one or two "big cases" that could wipe out the whole group.

It turns out that they are just "thugs" trained by the ghost leaders to deal with the new disobedient ghosts for them.

After sending Lin Ge and others to Dizang Temple, for safety reasons, the accountant planned to dispose of the helicopter far away to avoid being tracked.

Entering the Jizo Temple with Lin Ge, Huang Yaozu leaned against the door, looking at the dusty Jizo statue, and drank "wine".

He thought that when he met Lin Ge, even if the road ahead was bumpy, he would eventually be on the road to hope.

Unexpectedly, the "truth" made him even more desperate.

"How could I, Huang Yaozu, be so virtuous and capable that I can actually fight against the entire world?" Huang Yaozu said with a bitter smile.

At this time, Jiwotou walked out of the main hall: "Officer Huang, there is no need to be too pessimistic. The fundamental problem in this world is that there are only ghosts, but there is no way to restrain ghosts. If we can correct our beliefs and invite 'gods' Come back, maybe there is a chance of survival."

Lin Ge asked: "Do you have any idea?"

"No." Jiwotou spread his hands.

Lin Ge: ...Then you say hell.

Jiwotou smiled and said: "I don't have it, but you do."

Lin Ge was confused when he saw the accountant running into the Dizang Temple in a hurry, picking up an instrument and scanning it at Li Guoqiang.

Then, he opened Li Guoqiang's coat and dug out a chip the size of a fingernail from the inside. His expression suddenly changed: "Fuck!"

"What happened?" Huang Yaozu asked.

The accountant's face was very ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "We are being followed, and the army from Hong Kong Island has been sent over. Moreover, we have also requested support from Shenpeng City. This time it is not just helicopters, but also fighter jets! "

Hearing this, Jiwotou was also dumbfounded: "Fighter plane? Damn it, is this a ghost movie or a science fiction war movie?"

Then, he looked at Lin Ge seriously: "I have no choice but to give it a try and prepare to 'please the gods'!"

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