The first person stood up and walked quickly to the window, only to see a drone hovering in the corner. He immediately ordered: "It's a drone! Someone is eavesdropping. Information Management Department, no matter what method you use, the drone must be cleared." Man-machine interception or shooting down.”

"Yes." A short, fat executive wearing glasses stood up and responded.

Then, he picked up the phone and dialed a number. After passing on the order, several helicopters took off around the central building.

Not only that, patrols, plainclothes, military uniforms...all received orders to help prevent and pursue drones.

The black drone was surrounded by hundreds of drones, and with the assistance of helicopters, it was quickly shot down.

At this time, the accountant who was far away at St. Edena Girls' High School was stunned when he looked at the remote control that had lost its signal in his hand.

"The 2018 military reconnaissance drone I brought out from "Venom" can't outperform the 2008 Hong Kong version?"

Are you kidding me?

Is "The First Commandment" a ghost movie or a science fiction movie?

However, the accountant couldn't care less about these trivial matters now. He didn't expect that after spending several days squatting at the headquarters to investigate the movements of the ghost executives, he actually got a big piece of information.

Because of Dinosaur's recklessness, he, Lin Ge, and Jiwotou are about to be wanted!

"It seems that the strength of the police in this movie was underestimated." The accountant immediately took out the pager and sent the message to Lin Ge and Jiwotou.

At the headquarters, the meeting is still going on.

The Minister of Information Management hung up the phone and reported to the person in charge: "The drone has been successfully intercepted, and people from the Ministry of Information are working urgently to crack it."

"Ask them as soon as possible. I want to see the results in the shortest possible time."


The first person emphasized again: "Remember, those few people are the key. No matter life or death, even if Hong Kong Island is turned over, we must find them in the shortest possible time."


More than two dozen senior executives immediately stood up and responded in unison.

When everyone dispersed, the first person stopped one of the officials: "Deputy Liu."


"What's going on in the miscellaneous department?"

Deputy Liu replied: "We have transferred a new person with yin and yang eyes, Li Guoqiang, and together with Huang Yaozu and internal affairs, there are only three people left."

The first person said in a deep voice: "Keep an eye on them. Strange things happen when I first join the company, and I always feel that something is wrong. If it doesn't work, just solve it all, and then train again."

"Yes, sir."

Lin Ge sat on the edge of the bed in the room, watching the news from the accountant on the pager in his hand. He looked up at the news broadcast on the TV with a gloomy expression.

The host was broadcasting the night news, and the "ghost executive" issued the latest wanted order, publishing photos of Lin Ge and others taken in elevators, corridors, alleyways, and other places.

"A reward of 500,000 is offered for information."

Although the accountant interfered with the camera, Lin Ge was still very alert and avoided visible cameras by turning his back and lowering his head.

But this is only visible, who knew there were so many "hidden" surveillances!

The thing I was most worried about actually happened.

From the moment he entered "The First Commandment", Lin Ge was thinking about what kind of difficulty was worthy of the word "nightmare".

Forbidden spirit?

Those affected are only abilities such as spells, and actually do not pose much of a threat to non-spell-type reincarnators.

After all, Lin Ge's [Inventory] is equivalent to a small arms grocery store, with all kinds of firearms, unlimited bullets, explosives, and even cannons.

Coupled with the bulletproof suit, if the combat power here is really like that in "The First Commandment", then he will have no problem fighting a group by himself.


The death of the dinosaur was a wake-up call for Lin Ge.

The Predator's armor, the Vulcan machine gun with unlimited bullets, and various technological props were finally blown away by a missile.

At this time, Lin Ge vaguely felt that something was wrong.

He thought about not provoking Tiaozi, but he did not expect that the death of Dinosaur did not end it all. The press conference of "Dinosaur taking the blame" was just a cover-up, making them think that Tiaozi in this world was as incompetent as other worlds.

For example, in "Zombie", the evidence of Zhong Fa's crimes of raising ghosts and killing people was conclusive, but after being reported to the police, nothing happened in the end.

In this world, the police are different. The "ghost high-level people" have full control, and everyone is a ghost from top to bottom.

They have their own set of rules. If they don't abide by the rules, whether they are humans or ghosts, they will be eliminated by the "ghost high-ups".

When it comes to people, they do it themselves, but when it comes to ghosts, they let the Miscellaneous Department do it.

Even though the dinosaurs were killed by them, they used a series of false news to make the reincarnations take it lightly. At the same time, they secretly repaired the surveillance and investigated their identities.

Now, as soon as the wanted order is issued, the whole city is sealed off, trying to catch a turtle in a jar!


Lin Ge fell on the bed, feeling depressed. After all, he was influenced by inertial thinking and was taught a lesson by the policemen of this world.


At this time, a soft sound from the door control alerted Lin Ge. He grabbed his backpack, put it on himself, and rushed to the bathroom.

Although he locked the door, the hotel naturally had a key card. At this time, I just walked in without saying hello. Needless to say, it must be a note.

Entering the bathroom, Lin Ge blocked the door, used a butcher knife to pry open the safety lock of the bathroom window, and pulled the window to the maximum.

Lin Ge looked outside. It was almost twelve o'clock, and there were still many pedestrians on the road.

It's just that these people will look in the direction of the hotel unconsciously. Obviously, most of them are "plainclothes".

Lin Ge deliberately chose the location on the top floor to facilitate his escape in case of trouble. He picked up a G4 grenade and threw it towards the rooftop of the shopping mall opposite.


A loud noise and explosion attracted the attention of the surrounding plainclothes. Lin Ge took this opportunity to put his suit jacket over his head and climbed to the rooftop.

But soon someone downstairs noticed Lin Ge and immediately signaled to his companions. At this time, with a "bang" sound, a sniper bullet flew from a distance and hit Lin Ge's left arm. He was blocked by the bulletproof suit. Knock out 10 points of energy.

Fortunately, these people were still trying to catch someone alive at this time, which gave Lin Ge a chance to escape.

Perhaps hearing the gunshots, the police outside the door broke in. After discovering that the toilet door was closed, they immediately started banging on the door.

Lin Ge climbed onto the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, jumped onto the drainage pipe, turned over, climbed up, and successfully reached the rooftop.

He looked at the buildings on the left and right. The building on the right was relatively closer, and then rushed towards that building.

As a searchlight beam came and a roar sounded, three helicopters flew over in the distance.

Although Lin Ge has strengthened his basic attributes and is much faster than ordinary people, he can't outrun a helicopter no matter how fast he is.

As soon as he jumped to the opposite building, the helicopter caught up with him.

Lin Ge dodged and hid in the blind corner of the rooftop, using the wall of the rooftop door to block the helicopter's sight and avoid machine gun fire.

But the helicopters obviously didn't intend to let Lin Ge go. Two helicopters hovered on alert, and one helicopter circled to the side.

Unexpectedly, when the pilot turned the nose of the plane and looked at the blind spot on the rooftop, he saw the black muzzle facing this way.


There was a loud noise and a helicopter was shot down.

"Fuck, this doesn't even give you any reincarnation points." Lin Ge cursed and put away the cannon. At this moment, Uncle Long was possessed and jumped directly to the balcony of the opposite building.

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