At night, Lin Ge stood in the stairwell of the 24th floor corridor "fully armed" with a travel bag on his back and a shotgun in his hand.

With his "appearance", the black smoke floating out of 2442 became deeper and instantly filled the entire corridor, like a heavy fog, making it difficult to see. Such a powerful "black mist" instantly overshadowed the three rooms where black smoke was also wafting out.

Lin Ge's target is naturally not 2442. After all, with his current "strength", it is still a bit risky to take action against 2442.

But after learning after the elevator incident that killing evil spirits can gain reincarnation points, he prepared to make a guest appearance as an exorcist in Tongzilou. On the one hand, you are earning reincarnation points, and on the other hand, you are practicing Taoism.

Of course, the reason why Lin Ge was so bold was because he still held the peace charm that Chen You had given him before.

Although this talisman will affect the task of "apprenticeship", now that I have successfully apprenticed to Chen You, there are no restrictions on using the peace talisman.

"Eye of the Sky!"

Lin Ge stood in the stairwell and held up the spell and passed it over his eyes. Four different streaks of black smoke in the corridor were instantly distinguished.

"Twin evil spirits (??)"

"Evil Ghost (e-level)"

"Evil Ghost (D-level)"

"Evil Ghost (e-level)"

Excluding the plot boss twin evil spirits, the remaining three evil ghosts on the 24th floor have the highest level D and the lowest level e-.

Lin Ge felt that it was a bit risky to face the D-level demons now, so he decided to start with the two E-level ones.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that under the strong black smoke scattered by 2442, 2441 seemed to be drifting out a faint black smoke.

"Evil Ghost (e-level)"

The fourth evil spirit?

Could it be that... the evil teacher from 2441 has slipped back again?

Regardless of whether it was true or not, Lin Ge had already decided to attack this evil ghost, so he quickened his pace and rushed towards the stairwell at the end.


Suddenly, a dark wind blew through, and the few wisps of black smoke in the corridor became restless as they sensed Lin Ge's presence.

In particular, the strongest black smoke emitted by 2442 seemed to condense into a huge palm, grabbing at Lin Ge!

"Master Chicken!" Lin Ge stopped and shouted.

As he shouted, the rooster's head was squeezed out of the half-open zipper of the travel bag behind his back.


The rooster's majestic crow sounded like a sonic power, shattering the concentrated hand.

But almost in a second, the black smoke condensed again. Lin Ge immediately ran and rushed towards the black smoke. At the same time, he shouted to the rooster: "Master Chicken, it's up to you!"


The rooster crowed like a chicken with blood (?), buying Lin Ge time to pass through the corridor. The twin evil spirits didn't seem to intend to leave the house, so they didn't show their true skills in dealing with Lin Ge, allowing him to pass through the corridor smoothly.

Standing at the end of the corridor, Lin Ge looked back in the direction of 2442. Combining the plot in the movie with the situation at this time, he came to a conclusion - the twin evil spirits, as "earth-bound spirits", seemed unable to leave that room?

But now is not the time to worry about the twin evil spirits. It is more reliable to deal with the teacher's evil spirits that may attack him at any time.

Lin Ge didn't have the habit of leaving hidden dangers for himself. When Chen You mentioned that the teacher's evil spirit would be "missing" him, he made up his mind to take the initiative and find the other person.

After all, when the plot officially begins, the twin evil spirits are completely awakened, as well as the "zombie" and Uncle Nine hiding in the dark. If the teacher's evil spirit pops out and attacks during the boss battle, it will be dangerous.

Back at the door of 2441, Lin Ge opened the lock and pushed the door open a crack. Instead of rushing in, he loaded the shotgun and kicked the door open.


A gloomy wind blew, and Lin Ge once again felt the chill that enveloped his body when he first entered 2441.

The Earthbound Spirit, which is as powerful as the Twin Evil Spirits, cannot leave the room where it died, which also explains why the Teacher Evil Ghost has become weaker day by day after being driven from 2442 to 2441. Even if it cannot return to 2442, it can only "survive" in 2441, which is the closest to 2442.

"Friend, are you okay?" Lin Ge had dared to use civilian exorcism tools to deal with the teacher's evil ghost under the "protection" of the Peace Talisman. Now that he has practiced "Maoshan Secret Technique", he doesn't even take it seriously. .

As soon as he stepped into the room, he heard a loud "bang" and the door was closed tightly.

Lin Ge snorted coldly, flipped his hand, and took out a black dog blood "water balloon" packed in a "preservation bag" from the [Inventory], the size of a baby's fist.


Lin Ge pinched the magic formula and exploded the "water ball" at the same time. In an instant, black dog blood exploded in his hand, like blood flowers flying around.

The evil spirit obviously has no "IQ" at all. It seems that the person standing in front of it is still Lin Ge, who it slaughtered a few days ago. It wants to recreate the scene and attack him from behind!


Blood splashed on the evil ghost, causing it to appear instantly and let out a miserable wail. It wanted to turn into black smoke again, but how could Lin Ge give it a chance!


Lin Ge suddenly turned around, pointed the muzzle of his gun at the evil ghost's body, and shot him at close range. All the bullets sprayed from the shotgun hit the evil ghost!

At close range with a shotgun, all things are equal, not to mention the weapon that was "improved" by Chen You and engraved with the complete version of the "Tianshi Suppressing Talisman" enchantment!


The evil ghost let out a piercing scream and turned into a black smoke that could completely dissipate at any time and flew towards the window.

"Want to run away again? Master Chicken!" Lin Ge shouted, and the rooster immediately crowed loudly, scattering the black smoke that wanted to escape.

If Lin Ge wanted to completely eliminate the teacher's evil spirit, all he had to do now was add another bowl of black dog blood and squeeze it to detonate it.

However, considering the relationship between the teacher's evil spirit and the twin evil spirits next door, Lin Ge obviously had other plans. He took out the yellow talisman he drew from the [Inventory] and picked up the magic formula!


The yellow talisman flew towards the window, exploding a golden light, and the evil ghost fled back to the room with a howl.

Lin Ge's quick eyes and quick hands caught the seemingly black smoke, and quickly chased after it. He took out a yellow talisman again, held his right hand in the shape of two fingers, quickly swiped along the runes on the yellow talisman, and then attached the yellow talisman. To evil spirits.


The evil ghost wailed and appeared. After being attached to the yellow talisman, the yellow talisman shot out a golden light and enveloped it, sucking it into the yellow talisman.

Lin Ge immediately twisted the yellow talisman with two fingers and folded it into a peace talisman, successfully subduing the evil ghost.

With Lin Ge's current Taoist cultivation, he could only trap evil spirits for 48 hours at most. However, when the time is up, it can be released and then sealed. An "E-level" evil ghost would not pose a threat to Lin Ge's safety now.

Now we only need to wait until one day later, when the protagonist Ahao moves into the Tongzi Building and the plot of "Zombie" officially begins.

After leaving 2441, Lin Ge came to the door of the "e-class" evil spirit and knocked on the door "politely". There was no response from inside the house.


Lin Ge decisively kicked the door lock, and a rotten smell wafted out of the room. It was obvious that no one lived in this room.

Lin Ge was not surprised at all. After all, there were twin evil spirits from 2442 on the 24th floor, but any normal person would not choose to live on this floor.

Besides, Lin Ge made so much noise when he was dealing with the teacher's evil ghost in 2441 a few days ago, and no one except Chen You showed up, so Lin Ge was sure that apart from these dirty things, there should be no one on this floor. living person.

Lin Ge stood at the door and observed for a while through his "eyes in the sky", but saw no trace of the E-class evil ghost.

However, evil spirits seemed to be proficient in concealment, so he was not surprised by this situation.

"Open the door and send warmth!"

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