At this time, the elevator door was forcibly opened from the outside. It could be seen that the elevator was stuck in the middle floor, and one-third of it was blocked by a stone wall.

Two security guards and a property management staff stood outside. They bent down and looked at the people in the elevator. Before the property management woman could see clearly what was going on in the elevator, she asked directly: "Are you okay? The elevator is out of order." Stagnation, we will pull you out first..."

While she was speaking, the demon-possessed fat man squatting on the ground suddenly rose up and rushed towards the dinosaur. Fortunately, the dinosaur didn't pay attention to the three people driving the elevator, and kept focusing on the fat man. Seeing the opponent's sudden attack, he didn't care. Pull the trigger hesitantly.

There was a burst of gunfire, and the M416's tongue of fire directly smashed the fat man's head into pieces like a watermelon!

Dang Dang Dang.

Bullets were flying randomly for a moment, and a bullet grazed Ou Yongqi's arm, leaving a bloody gash. Lin Ge took off his suit jacket, blocked Ou Yongqi with his body, and then covered their heads with the suit jacket to prevent accidental injury.


When the property management woman saw the fat man's miserable state, she screamed in fright and collapsed on the ground.

One of the two security guards was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, while the other dragged the property management woman who was limp on the ground and backed away.

The dinosaur turned around and pointed his gun directly at the three people outside the elevator. He pulled the trigger without hesitation and instantly shot the property management woman and the security guard who could not escape.

When the accountant saw this, he angrily scolded the dinosaur: "What are you doing?"

The dinosaur glanced at the body of the fat man on the ground, his face became very ugly, and he snorted coldly: "It will be more troublesome to let them escape. For ordinary plot characters, just kill them, once and for all."

Lin Ge opened the panel and took a look at his bulletproof suit. The dinosaur's cunning operation directly knocked out two-thirds of the energy.

Lin Ge put on his coat, took out his Nuo noodles and put them on. He also took out two ordinary Taoist robes and put them on each of Ou Yongqi.

Then, Lin Ge took out a piece of red cloth and tore it into a triangle shape to make a simple mask for Ou Yongqi to put on.

The dinosaur was a little puzzled when he saw this: "What are you doing?"

The accountant thought for a moment, or figured out Lin Ge's plan, and immediately took out a black robe and put it on, and then took a bottle of black mud and wiped it on his face.

Jiwotou was even more direct. Without saying a word, he took a mask with a mahjong "Hongzhong" printed on it and put it on his head.

Dinosaur always thought that these three people were crazy, but he knew that the nightmare-level reincarnation was definitely not something he could handle by himself.

It has experienced two difficult reincarnations before, each time there were at least ten reincarnations, and less than half of them finally left alive.

Such is the difficulty, not to mention the nightmare.

As of now, these three people have not only experienced difficult reincarnations, but have even passed higher "extremely difficult" levels.

Even if it's crazy, the dinosaurs recognize it.

"I have a plan..." Dinosaur put aside the idea that the three people might be crazy and said straight to the point: "Let's tie up the two protagonists directly. Anyway, they are also marginal characters in the movie. There is no one if they are missing. I know. As long as we make sure they don't die and survive the seven days, when we return, other things will have nothing to do with us."

Snap, snap, snap.

Jiwotou clapped his hands and said with a smile: "What a great idea. You are worthy of being the king of reincarnation ideas. Brother Long, I'm optimistic about you. Come on."

When Jiwotou was talking, Lin Ge had already walked to the elevator door, held up his hand, climbed out of the elevator, and then pulled Ou Yongqi out.

Dinosaur received Jiwotou's approval and was immediately overjoyed: "Yeah, I also think this plan is the most reliable. Then after we go out, we will first go to that middle school to find Li Guoqiang's wife, and then use her as a clue to find Li Guoqiang. and Huang Yaozu, and carry out the kidnapping again."

Jiwotou gave a thumbs up: "I think it's okay, but I'm a coward, so I decided to find a place to dig a hole and bury myself. It's best if I can survive seven days, and if I can't survive, I won't even bother to find a cemetery. Nightmare difficulty , I’m lying flat anyway.”

After saying that, Jiwotou followed the accountant and got out of the elevator. At this time, Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi had disappeared from the elevator entrance.

"Where are the people?" Jiwotou looked at the accountant and asked.

"Going that way." When the accountant came up, he happened to see Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi turning into the corridor, and immediately chased after them with Jiwotou.

When the dinosaur climbed up, there was no sign of Lin Ge and the others.

"Damn, these lunatics." The dinosaur was cursing when he suddenly heard sirens ringing from the street outside the building.

On the other side, Jiwotou and the accountant caught up with Lin Ge who was looking for the back door of the building. Jiwotou caught up and joked: "The boss is not kind, he ran away by himself."

Lin Ge said: "Have you heard the siren? If you don't run quickly, you won't be able to escape. I didn't expect that in other movies, you have to make an appointment to wash the floor, but here it is so efficient. It has only been two minutes since the security guard ran out. The police almost there."

"Is this why you didn't kill the dinosaur in the end?" the accountant asked as he walked.

Lin Ge was not surprised that the accountant would say this.

When the dinosaur shot the fat man to death, Lin Ge had already taken out the ump9 when he covered himself with his suit, but in the end he put the gun back.

Lin Ge laughed and said, "I didn't just watch Brother Jiwotou hide a black dagger in his sleeve to shoot the dinosaur, thinking he would take the opportunity to wipe the opponent's neck."

Jiwotou immediately raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and said with a smile: "I thought the accountant brother would take action. After all, the bullets are loaded."

The three of them looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

The moment the dinosaur fired, the three of them all wanted to kill the dinosaur, the biggest scourge.

The accountant snorted coldly: "The world of reincarnation is not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs. This guy dares to cause trouble without even understanding the situation in this world. This is a nightmare difficulty, not a simple beginner's tutorial. Seriously. I am Schwarzenegger."

There is another more important reason why Lin Ge decisively stayed away from the dinosaur. After the fat man was possessed by a ghost, the dinosaur shot directly without any hesitation.

This is true for "teammates", let alone those who are meeting for the first time. With this kind of cooperation, it is better to be a lone ranger than to stab someone in the back at a critical moment.

The three of them quickly left the building through the back door and came to a dark alley behind the building. The accountant asked, "What's your plan, Brother Tao?"

Lin Ge walked directly to the back door of the building opposite, took out a butcher knife and cut the door lock: "The longer you stay here, the more trouble you will have. Stay away from this area first, find a place to stay, and use a simple disguise to prevent being targeted."

The accountant took out a small laptop and manipulated it: "I tried to interfere with the nearby camera. As long as it is within five meters of my computer, even if it is photographed, the picture will be blurry. Cooperate with the shielding gun of the Jiwotou brothers, It can solve most problems.”

At this moment, gunfire rang out from the direction of the hotel's main entrance.

Lin Ge kicked the door open: "Let's go quickly."

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