Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 45 What else is called evil magic if it’s not evil?




In the Ghost Sacrifice state, Lin Ge's attributes skyrocketed, and he dragged the spider monster and smashed it back and forth on the ground. However, after more than ten times, even the stage was smashed into a big hole, but the spider monster was unharmed.

The two sides fought for a while, and it seemed that Lin Ge had been taking the initiative and "tortured" the spider monster.

However, Lin Ge was injured at this time.

One minute.

Two minutes.

three minutes.

In just three minutes, Lin Ge had turned into a bloody man.




At this time, the chicken in Lin Ge's travel bag kept crowing, until finally the sound became smaller and smaller, and there was even blood oozing out of the three-inch red crown!

Finally, Lin Ge, whose consciousness was almost completely occupied by the ghost sisters, finally regained some consciousness. Taking advantage of the attribute bonus, he grabbed the spider monster's limbs and threw it towards the theater entrance, and then quickly threw it out. Several Molotov cocktails set the theater on fire!

Lin Ge returned to the collapsed wall hole, crawled back, and returned to the dark corridor. In front of him was the floor that he had blown down.

Lin Ge wanted to escape back to He Songsheng's home. At least Qiqi would take care of his wounds, but he could no longer support himself mentally or physically.

Even based on the current injuries on his body, it is unknown whether he will die suddenly on the spot once the ghost sacrifice is lifted.


Lin Ge climbed out of the hole in the wall and fell down beside the hole.

what to do?

First aid spray, hemostatic bandages, and other space props that can instantly stop bleeding and restore health have long been exhausted. There is only a basic medical kit left in the [Inventory] and the "Resurrection Powder" to restore spiritual power.

However, Lin Ge would not restore his spells. Even if he took "Huiling Powder" to replenish his spiritual energy, it would not be of any help to his current state.

"Resurrection of the Dead, Flesh and White Bones"

Lin Ge thought about the secret technique of the He family brothers. Since they were all "flesh and bones", they couldn't even restore their flesh and blood, right?

Without any time to think about it, Lin Ge directly took out the two secret scrolls. Every minute and second he wasted now would be hundreds of times a thousand times the elapsed life in the ghost sacrifice state.

There are two ways to practice in the infinite world. One is to practice by one's own understanding like practicing "Maoshan Secret Technique".

Then what is learned is "mastery". As the reincarnator continues to practice and improve his level, he can comprehend/acquire more spells.

The second way is to meet the requirements for practicing secret arts, such as the "spiritual power requirement 30" in "Raising the Dead, Flesh and Bones". If you meet the requirements, you can learn it directly through the Lord God.

However, this method of learning is a "skill" and cannot be used to learn more abilities or improve the effect of skills through continuous practice.

If Lin Ge had enough time, he would naturally choose the first method. Unfortunately, what he lacks most now is "time".

[Do you want to learn secret techniques? 】


When Lin Ge responded to the prompts from the Lord God in his mind, the "Teeth Drop Rebirth Recipe" and "Resurrection...Meat..." in his hand instantly turned into a white light and flew into Lin Ge's chest.

[Acquire the skill "Raise the Dead, Flesh and White Bones". 】

[Practice evil methods, sin value +1000. 】

"Raising Dead Human Flesh and White Bones (Level ×)": Consumes 300 spiritual energy and 1 month's lifespan to quickly heal the target's wounds and restore the target's health (the caster's maximum health is 30%).

If the target has died, there is a certain chance that the target will be resurrected if the six roots are sufficient and the death has not been more than forty-nine days.

Each time a skill is used, the guilt value +100.

(Note: The chance and status of resurrecting the target are determined based on the talent of the caster. The higher the favorability with the target, the greater the chance of resurrection.)


Good guy, it is indeed a "witchcraft". It only consumes spiritual energy, but it also consumes a month of life?

The main god space can replenish life span. After all, using a skill for 833 reincarnation points is really expensive!

However, if there is a "resurrection" effect, 833 reincarnation points will be exchanged for the effect of 100,000 reincarnation points!

But now is not the time to worry about whether this magic god is magical or not, but to try to save his own life!

Lin Ge immediately took out a dose of "Hui Ling Powder" and drank it, then used the technique of "raising dead human flesh and white bones" on himself.

[Sin value +100. 】

In a daze, Lin Ge seemed to hear the Lord God's prompts. When he saw that his bruised body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, all the bleeding effects disappeared, and his health instantly returned to 37/120.

The magic was indeed a magic. Lin Ge finally understood why Zhong Fa was like an invincible Xiaoqiang.

If evil magic is not evil enough, what else is it called evil magic?

After his body recovered, the next thing Lin Ge had to face was another problem - in order to deal with a boss, he released a pair of bosses.

It's easy to invite gods but hard to send them away. How to "invite" the ghost sisters back now?


Lin Ge took several deep breaths in succession to gradually calm down. He sat cross-legged, took out the Five Elements Bagua and placed it on his legs. He placed a butcher knife next to his left leg and a bronze sword next to his right leg. Then he plastered his body with Zhensha symbol.

Finally, Lin Ge clasped his hands together, clamped the pencil in his palm, recited the mantra silently, slowly placed the pencil on the ground in front of him, and lifted the ghost sacrifice!


Suddenly, a strong wind blew up in the dark corridor, and two plumes of thick black smoke flew out from Lin Ge's body, instantly filling the entire corridor.

Immediately afterwards, half of the body flew out of the black eyes, and the pale and terrifying head opened its bloody mouth and bit into Lin Ge's head!

Lin Ge immediately raised the Five Elements Bagua Disk in front of him with both hands, and the evil-suppressing talisman on his body suddenly emitted golden light, making a soft "chichichi" sound, and all turned into ashes!

"Sisters, let's have a chat!"



The ghost sisters bumped into the Five Elements Bagua Disk, and were instantly shocked back into the dark corridor by the golden light emitted from the Five Elements Bagua Disk, making two screams.

The black smoke in the corridor was about to move again, and Lin Ge hurriedly said: "In order to save you two, I tried every means to earn reincarnation points, and wanted to resurrect Master so that you can renew your sisterhood in the next life. You also saw it just now At this point, I almost risked my life just to earn that little start-up capital.”

"Just wait, wait, I will be able to resurrect Master with just a few reincarnation points. At that time, I will prepare a luxurious reincarnation package for you two and send you to salvation. What do you think? You kill me here. , and ended up trapped in this hellish place.”

"It's fine that there are no other resentful spirits here, but there is still an ugly spider monster. When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured. Why don't you continue to cooperate with me, I will save you two, and you two will help me, we will help each other, benefit each other, and create a joint future Great future, right?”

The ghost sisters rushed forward again, and the Five Elements Bagua Disk blocked them again. Lin Ge was extremely surprised.

Because before this, he had tried several methods, tried all the methods he could use in "Maoshan Secret Technique", and failed to activate the Five Elements and Bagua Tray.

I just took out the Five Elements Bagua Tray just for peace of mind, but I didn’t expect that the Five Elements Bagua Tray would give me face today.

"Is it Master's soul?"

Lin Ge continued to "persuad" the Ghost Sister, but the other party still persisted in trying to break through the Five Elements Bagua Pan's defense and kill him.

At this moment, the ghost sisters suddenly stopped attacking and got back into the pencil with a "swish". Just when Lin Ge thought that the ghost sisters finally listened to his advice and understood his "painstaking efforts", the familiar sound of Cantonese music sounded in his ears.


Lin Ge immediately packed up his things, pressed against the wall, stepped on the broken floor, and slowly walked through the large pit that he had blown up.

Now that they have come this far, Lin Ge wants to go back to He Songsheng's house to check on Qiqi's condition, see if there are any missing clues, and take the doll representing He Songsheng with him.

He always felt that these seemingly inconspicuous objects, but with certain connections, might be helpful in solving the spider monster.

Returning to He Songsheng's home, the house was in a mess, the furniture was staggered, the altar was smashed to pieces, and the black-and-white photos seemed to have been cut in half by a sharp knife.

The secret room door was also smashed into pieces, Qiqi fell in a pool of blood, and blood flowed from the blood hole in her chest.

She was pierced through the heart by the spider monster, and her body was already cold.


Lin Ge sighed. He didn't expect to lure the spider monster away. In the end, the spider monster shot back and killed Qiqi.

Lin Ge walked into the secret room and found the puppet on the workbench. As he was about to leave, his eyes glanced at Qiqi, who had already lost her life on the ground.

Her beautiful face still had a frightened expression, and she was holding a work permit in her hand.

Lin Ge knelt down and took out his work permit from her hand.

"Lin Ge, employee number 00000486, intern."

So I also have a work permit?

It seems that every time they reincarnate, the "Lord God" will arrange a reasonable identity for the reincarnated person.

"When a person dies and is reincarnated, he will become a bardo body..."

"The six sense organs of the bardo are sufficient..."

"With a lifespan of forty-nine days..."

Lin Ge walked to Qiqi's body and squatted down. According to the notes in the secret scroll, Qiqi's condition at this time was very consistent with the criteria for resurrection.

Affected by the charm value, Qiqi's favorability is full, which is indeed a rare opportunity to experiment.

833 Reincarnation Point... If he can be resurrected, there is still a glimmer of hope for Side Mission 1 and the hidden plot.

Thinking of this, Lin Ge decided to give it a try.

After taking the "Huiling Powder" to restore his spiritual energy, Lin Ge pressed his hand on the bloody hole in Qiqi's chest and used the evil technique of "raising dead human flesh and white bones".

[Sin value +100]

A red light burst out from Lin Ge's palm, instantly surrounding Qiqi.

At this time, the blood hole in Qiqi's chest glowed with a strange red light, and then two "small balls", one large and one small, wrapped in red smoke flew out and flew into Singer Lin.

At the same time, a reminder sounded in Lin Ge's mind.

【Obtain "One Soul of Ou Yongqi". 】

"'One Soul and One Soul of Yong-Chi Ou (Level: Unknown)'": When resurrecting Yong-Chi Ou, you only repaired two souls and six souls out of three souls and seven souls.

The blood hole in Ou Yongqi's chest was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was completely healed in the blink of an eye. Then, the "frightened" expression on her face slowly softened, turning into an expressionless look, with empty eyes.

Ou Yongqi slowly stood up from the ground, staring at Lin Ge with blank eyes, standing next to him, motionless.


Lin Ge called out, but there was no response.

"Yongqi Ou?"

At this time, Ou Yongqi reacted, took two steps forward, and came to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge raised his hand and waved it in front of Ou Yongqi's eyes. The other party still didn't respond, but he would respond to his orders.

For example, walk, run, jump, squat, sit, lie down... As long as it is Lin Ge's order, Ou Yongqi will immediately execute it.

Lin Ge put his hand close to Ou Yongqi's heart. There was no heartbeat, and there was no warmth on her body. The pale and bloodless skin only made her even more charming and beautiful.


"Is this...a zombie?"

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