

The drunken Yuan Dongyuan was holding a liquor bottle and wandering staggeringly at the door of Jin Xiuhong's house. At this time, Jin Xiuhong's mother walked over from a distance. Two days ago, people from the army came to her house to investigate and said It was Kim Soo-hong who became a deserter.

Jin Xiuhong's mother never believed that her son would become a deserter. Not long after her eldest son passed away, her younger son disappeared again, and she spent a few days in confusion.

Passing by Yuan Dongyuan, he saw this young man standing at the door of his house without a care in his heart. He looked at him doubtfully and made a gesture.

"Are you alright?"

Yuan Dongyuan said nothing and bowed ninety degrees to Jin Xiuhong's mother. Jin Xiuhong didn't know who he was, so he quickly bowed in return.

She expected Yuan Dongyuan to say something, but she saw Yuan Dongyuan standing there blankly, and then took a few sips of wine into his mouth.

Jin Xiuhong's mother thought that Yuan Dongyuan was just drunk and went wrong, so she ignored him and opened the door directly and entered the house.

Yuan Dongyuan stood at the door, looking at the closed door. He was silent for a long time. Finally, he took out a roll of something from his trouser pocket, threw it into the yard, and banged the door.

The roll of things happened to fall at the feet of Jin Xiuhong's mother. When Jin Xiuhong's mother picked up the things and chased them out to look, she saw that Yuan Dongyuan had stumbled away.

Jin Xiuhong's mother opened the folded paper in her hand in confusion and found that it turned out to be a map with a red mark on it.

And that location happened to be the hill behind the youngest son Jin Xiuhong's military camp.

Jin Xiuhong's mother seemed to realize something. She walked into the room tremblingly and began to pack her luggage. To this day, she still does not believe that her upright young son would be a "deserter."

Instead of returning to the military camp, Yuan Dongyuan ran to an abandoned factory. Since he killed Jin Xiuhong by mistake, he has been tortured by his conscience day and night.

He always felt that the wronged ghost of senior Jin Xiuhong, whom he admired, was following him day and night, and he wanted to apologize to him.

He sang the song that Jin Xiuhong had taught him in the military camp, and slowly hung the rope on the shelf of the factory, preparing to kill himself here and go down to apologize to Jin Xiuhong.

Yuan Dongyuan was originally a "care soldier". In the Bangzi Kingdom, he was a soldier with psychological and physical problems who needed special attention from the army. The national military service in the Bangzi Kingdom made people like him more vulnerable to bullying in the military camp. It was Jin Xiuhong who protected him in the past, but he personally killed his most respected senior!

"I'm so damned good."

After Yuan Dongyuan put a rope around his neck, he jumped off the shelf without hesitation, and his whole body was hung in the middle of the factory.

At this moment, two smoke bodies condensed in the factory. It was Jiang Lin who was chasing Yuan Dongyuan and the innocent soul Jin Xiuhong who was "tied up by five flowers."

Jin Xiuhong looked at Yuan Dongyuan who was tied up and swinging in the air. He gritted his teeth and shouted to Jiang Lin: "Please save that idiot!"



Speaking of the latter, Jin Xiuhong almost asked Jiang Lin for help in a pleading voice.

Jiang Lin looked up at Yuan Dongyuan in the sky and said with a normal expression: "I'm sorry, the messenger of hell cannot interfere in human affairs."

Jin Xiuhong shouted: "I will not run away again, never again! Please save him!"

Jiang Lin looked at Jin Xiuhong and asked, "Why? Weren't you full of resentment against them before and wanted to drag them to be buried with them? Isn't it just right now that he is dead?"

Jin Xiuhong really had such a plan when he first turned into an innocent soul, but after turning into an innocent soul and following the lieutenant and Yuan Dongyuan for a long time, he discovered that this idiot was living in regret every day, washing his face with tears every day, and drinking to drink. On that day, especially when I saw Yuan Dongyuan committing suicide in order to apologize to himself, the kindness in my heart was awakened again.

"Please save him, I can do whatever you want!" Jin Xiuhong prayed.

Jiang Lin summoned the red-hot Hellbringer sword and pointed it at Jin Xiuhong, and said coldly: "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I promise you, as long as you are willing to save this idiot, no matter what you ask, I will do it." As Jin Xiuhong spoke, the dirt that originally covered his face like resentment slowly fell off. , Horrible Mud Face also recovered most of his body.

Jiang Lin said nothing more, turned around and swung his sword. The Hell Messenger sword in his hand immediately turned into a long whip and cut off Yuan Dongyuan's rope.

With a loud "dong" sound, Yuan Dongyuan fell from the air and hit the oil drum below.

at the same time.


After the cable car collapsed, Lin Ge immediately summoned the black sword. He stepped on the black sword and pulled Nita, who was closest to him, into his arms. He grabbed Jin Zihong's back collar with one hand and lifted him up.

Nita reacted quickly and immediately reached out to catch the falling Li Dechun. Therefore, after the cable car collapsed, only Jie Yuanmai fell down.

However, as an official hell messenger, Jie Yuanmai's strength is not low. In addition, he has encountered many "accidents" like this in the past thousand years. He immediately grabbed the fallen cable car door and hung it in the air.

"No, Captain Jiang Lin is meddling in the affairs of mortals in the underworld again. Has he forgotten that the messengers of hell cannot interfere in the affairs of the underworld?" Jie Yuanmai complained.

Nita asked, "What would happen if I interfered?"

"What will happen? You can also ask this question? Of course it is like this! As long as the messenger of hell interferes in the affairs of mortals in the world of the underworld, the companions in the underworld will be affected and have accidents!" Jie Yuanmai roared.

"Oh." Nita nodded.

"Oh? Just an 'oh'? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you scared? If you fall down here, it will be an abyss, and you will fall into an eternal hell!" Jie Yuan said with a quick pulse.

Nita pointed at Lin Ge and said, "Don't be afraid. He can fly. What should I be afraid of? You are the only one in danger of falling."

Lin Ge echoed: "Yes, but you don't have to worry. After all, you are a dead person in hell. You are already dead. If you fall, you will be trapped for at most eighteen hundred years!"

"Hey, intern, I know you're very capable, but I'm your boss after all, so you can only make sarcastic remarks?" Jie Yuanmai said angrily.



Jie Yuanmai dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. In the end, he could only lower his head and said through gritted teeth: "I'm sorry, I was wrong. Mr. Lin, please don't take it to heart. Please help me, thank you!"

Jin Zihong and Nita were immediately amused by the "flexible and flexible" resentment pulse. Even Li Dechun couldn't hold back and almost laughed out loud.

Nita grabbed Li Dechun with one hand and sent her forward, successfully grabbing the hand that understood the resentment. Then Lin Ge was like Iron Man rescuing the passengers of the crashed plane, flying with a few people through the Grand Canyon with swords. , go to the opposite side of "Justice Hell".

Since Jin Zihong is a "noble person", enjoying the privileges of a noble person does not require the trial of "just hell", so everyone went directly to the plain border on the opposite side of the Grand Canyon.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, feeling the feeling of stepping on the ground, Jie Yuanmai took a long breath and sat down on the ground regardless of his image: "Oh, I'm really convinced. As the captain, Jiang Lin doesn't know what to do. Is there anything you shouldn’t do to cause trouble for us!”

Nita asked: "Do you dare to say this in front of Jiang Lin?"


Beauty, don't slap people in the face, don't make trouble in front of others.

At this time, Lin Ge noticed that there was a huge bottomless cave under the cliff directly in front of him. What was strange was that there were huge rocks floating in the entire cave.

Several people stood on the edge of the cliff and looked inside, but they couldn't see the bottom at all.

Li Dechun explained: "This is the 'vacuum cave' leading to the 'violent hell'. The depth of the vacuum cave is determined according to the degree of violence of the deceased. But Mr. Jin Zihong, you are a noble person and you should be able to arrive soon."

Jie Yuanmai said: "Don't say that... There was no trial in the Justice Hell before, but I can't stand the captain messing around there, so I think everyone should be more careful."

When Li Dechun heard this, he nodded seriously.

Lin Ge stood on the edge of the cliff, took out a peach wood sword and used Soul Chasing Soul, and controlled the peach wood sword to fly to the bottom of the vacuum cave. Unexpectedly, as soon as the mold flew into the vacuum cave, it cut off contact with him and fell downwards. .

"It seems this place is prohibited from flying," Lin Ge said.

Jie Yuanmai said: "Isn't this nonsense? It is originally a place to test the violence in front of the deceased. The higher the degree of violence, the deeper the vacuum hole will be, and the more fearful it will be for the deceased. If it can fly, the hell messenger will directly Just take people to fly down, so what else is there to test?"

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows: "Oh, have you forgotten the embarrassment just now and are you hardened?"

When Jie Yuanmai heard this, he quickly shut up.

Then the conversation changed and he pointed the finger directly at Jin Zihong: "Hey, you guys can even save pigs and dogs washed away by the flood. Don't be afraid, it's much easier than that! Also, she will close her eyes when she jumps. Contact the database to check your charges, don't talk to her, don't bother her even if you're curious, okay, get down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jie Yuanmai pushed Jin Zihong into the abyss.



Jin Zihong's screams echoed in the endless abyss.

Li Dechun's expression changed when he saw this: "Wait a minute! Something is wrong. Logically speaking, the dead who fall into the deep vacuum cave will slowly float down like those stones..."

"Oops! I forgot that Captain Jiang Lin was still messing around up there!" Jie Yuanmai suddenly said, and immediately looked nervously at the falling Jin Zihong, trying to find him.

Lin Ge sighed: "Oh, so your stupid teammate has been fooled again, right?"

Jie Yuanmai was a little embarrassed, and Li Dechun quickly explained for him: "Actually, we can't blame Jie Yuanmai entirely, because no matter how fast he fell, Mr. Jin Zihong had to jump. But at such a fast speed, I'm afraid that his soul We fell apart, Mr. Lin, you are so capable, can you think of a way to help Mr. Jin Zihong?"

"Oh. You guys wait up there for now." Lin Ge sighed helplessly, glanced at Jie Yuanmai with disgust, and then jumped into the deep vacuum cave.

Jin Zihong went down first than Lin Ge, and his speed was obviously much faster. Lin Ge obviously couldn't catch up with Jin Zihong by falling normally.

He took out the red sword and the green sword, injected spiritual energy into them, crossed the swords and rubbed them violently, creating a hurricane and fire wave. A strong air flow exploded with a "bang" and rushed him downwards.

With the help of the fire wave hurricane, Lin Ge caught up with the falling Jin Zihong in an instant, then showed a rope to Jin Zihong, pulled him to his side, and slammed the red sword in his hand towards the cave wall. Insert.

The friction between the red sword and the cave wall produced bursts of sparks, and then turned into waves of fire, creating a gap in the cave wall, which slowed down Lin Ge's fall.

Lin Ge asked Li Dechun through the communicator: "How can we safely get to the bottom of this deep vacuum cave?"

Li Dechun quickly replied: "Now because of Captain Jiang Lin's interference in human affairs, the entire Vacuum Deep Cave is out of control. To return to the previous speed, we can only wait for Captain Jiang Lin to come back."

"..." That's nonsense.

Lin Ge said helplessly: "Then contact Jiang Lin quickly. If he doesn't solve the above problem quickly, Jin Zihong will be dead!"


In the factory, after Jiang Lin rescued Yuan Dongyuan, Yuan Dongyuan sat among a pile of iron barrels, holding his body motionless, as if he had lost his soul.

Jiang Lin just glanced at him lightly and said to Jin Xiuhong: "Let's go. I have rescued him. According to the agreement, you must cooperate with my next actions."

"Hey! Stop!" Jin Xiuhong called to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin turned around impatiently: "What's wrong? In order to resolve your grievances, I didn't hesitate to save this person. You're not going to break the contract, are you?"

"I still have a few final words to say to him, please help me convey them." Jin Xiuhong said.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly and snorted: "You use such a tone when asking for help. You are really an annoying guy. Why should I help you?"

Jin Xiuhong bowed to Jiang Lin and said: "Mr. Messenger, please help me again! I will obey your orders in the future. I will also remember to use honorifics, please!"

Jiang Lin was puzzled: "Why do you have to do this?"

Jin Xiuhong said: "Won Dongyuan... He was originally a caring soldier. He had serious mental and physical problems. He always relied on me in the military camp, just like my... younger brother. It is because of him that I Only then did I realize how hard my brother had been working these years. Although he had not been home for 15 years, he sent back all the money he earned. He also helped my mother save medical expenses and lied to her that he was married."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said so much to you. But because of Yuan Dongyuan, I don't hate my brother for being away from home for so many years. Please help me and convey a few final words to me."

Jiang Lin sighed, walked up to Yuan Dongyuan, showed his figure, and shouted: "Yuan Dongyuan, Yuan Dongyuan!"

Yuan Dongyuan slowly raised his head, his eyes were as dull as a corpse.

"I am Jin Xiuhong." Jin Xiuhong said.

Jiang Lin began to repeat Jin Xiuhong's words: "I am Jin Xiuhong."

But Yuan Dongyuan just shook his head gently, obviously not believing Jiang Lin's words, and he didn't want to care about where the person in front of him came from.

Jiang Lin looked at Jin Xiuhong helplessly, as if to say, "Look, if he doesn't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it."

Jin Xiuhong started to sing the song that Yuan Dongyuan sang before committing suicide, which was also the song he sang in the military camp. Then he looked at Jiang Lin and motioned for him to sing along.


Jiang Lin looked strange and obviously couldn't sing.

Jin Xiuhong sang in front of Jiang Lin and motioned for him to sing along, but Jiang Lin couldn't help it and could only sing along like a deadbeat.

But when he sang, nothing happened in Yangjian. The "violent hell" kind was because when he intervened in Yangjian, the huge rocks floating in the deep vacuum cave hit Lin Ge below like meteorites.

Lin Ge:......

"Good guys, let's just call this three-person team of hell messengers the 'Deceit Team'!" (End of Chapter)

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