A large number of hellhounds emerged from the jungle and rushed towards the boat overwhelmingly.

Jiang Lin and Jieyuanmai stood at the bow and the stern of the boat. Although it was not the first time they encountered this kind of situation, they were still shocked by the number of hellhounds.

The two people's response plan was still the same as before, excluding the interns, forgetting that the two interns on the ship at this time were not ordinary people.

Lin Ge and Nita sat next to Jin Zihong, watching Jiang and Lin constantly slashing at the charging hellhounds.

Although Lin Ge and Jiang Lin were a bit difficult to deal with, they had to admit that among the Hell Messengers who generally had low strength in Bangzi Country, Jiang Lin's strength was pretty good, and he could probably be on a par with Nita.

The Jie Yuan pulse was much weaker. At this time, he had only killed a dozen hellhounds, and he was already breathing heavily from exhaustion, feeling like the blade was curling.

"No way, a group of hell-eating dogs that are only a little more advanced than the resentful ghosts, do they need to look like they are facing a formidable enemy?" Lin Ge saw that the resentment pulse was so tired that he was panting and couldn't help but complain. road.

The red light on the two swords of Jie Yuan Mai dimmed a lot, which showed that the spiritual energy consumption was not low. He panted and said: "You, you, you can do it, you can do it, go ahead."

"Oh, I'm really good at this." Lin Ge walked forward calmly.

Stand on the bow of the boat and clap your hands!

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"




The palms of golden light exploded in all directions like raindrops, and wherever they went, billowing smoke and dust suddenly exploded. Those hard sword trees were blown into several pieces, not to mention the hell-eating dog that was defeated by Tian!

In just half a minute, most of the hell-eating dogs swarming towards the boat were wiped out.

Jie Yuanmai opened his mouth in shock, suddenly remembering that this elder brother had just attacked one of the seven kings of the underworld a few hours ago. These hell-eating dogs were obviously not enough!

While Jiang Lin was beheading the hell-eating dog, he turned around and said, "Don't let your guard down. As long as the innocent souls of the person's immediate family members in the world are not resolved, such dangers will occur more than once. The hell-eating dog is here to devour These souls live for a living!”

Jin Zihong stood up anxiously, looked at Jiang Lin and asked, "What does this mean?"

Jie Yuanmai said excitedly: "Don't you understand this? Someone in your immediate family, that is, your parents, brothers and sisters, has died! And they are ghosts who died unjustly. The resentful souls are lingering in Jiuquan, so these hell-devouring Only soul dogs gather here, waiting to enjoy the delicious food!"

"Mom..." Jin Zihong suddenly became nervous when he heard this.

Jie Yuanmai took a long breath and said to Li Dechun: "Dechun, hurry up, cover his eyes quickly. Only if he can't see, the Hell Eater Dog can't find him."

Li Dechun nodded, took out a strip of black cloth and wrapped it around Jin Zihong's eyes.

Jin Zihong asked anxiously: "Did something happen to my mother? Really?"

"Not sure yet, but it might not be the case. I'll check it out for you later." Li Dechun replied while tying a black cloth strip.

"If something happened to my mother, tell me quickly, tell me quickly!" Jin Zihong said excitedly.

After Jin Zihong's eyes were covered, the hell-eating dogs gathered in the surrounding jungle seemed to have lost their target, running around aimlessly, and finally ran into the jungle.

Seeing this, Jie Yuanmai breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Jin Zihong speechlessly and said, "You want to know? I want to know too! No matter whether there is a trial or not, innocent souls are making trouble, and time is getting faster. In 49 days, you and It will be difficult for us all to reach the final judgment.”

Lin Ge:? ? ?

The hell messenger here is not very motivated. He thinks of giving up when he encounters a slight setback?

At this time, Jiang Lin said: "Dechun, you reconcile the grievances and continue to escort Jin Zihong to the next trial together with the interns. You act as the new debater, and I go to the underworld to investigate the situation of the wronged souls. And Jin Zihong Hong is a noble person, so he shouldn't cause too many difficulties. If there is a problem, try to delay it before I respond, or let the intern handle it. "

"Yes, captain, I will work hard." Li Dechun said seriously.

"Wait, I'll go with you." Lin Ge stood up, looked at Jiang Lin and said.

Jiang Lin refused: "No, although you are arrogant and not easy to get along with, your strength and wisdom are indeed worthy of recognition. It is the safest to have you to help deal with the next trial and prevent accidents from happening. In this world, I am alone Just go and go.”

If the plot develops according to the original play, there is really no problem in letting Jiang Lin go to the underworld to investigate alone, but neither King Bian Cheng nor King Chu Jiang followed the trial in the plot.

In other words, if Lin Ge hadn't taken action and Jiang Lin's tricks alone, Jin Zihong would not have been able to pass the Chu Jiang King.

In order to avoid another problem with the plot in the underworld, Lin Ge felt that it would be safer to go there in person. As for the trial in the underworld, even if something happens, Nita can be told how to deal with it through the communicator. The worst case scenario is for Nita to activate the Ghost Rider and take Kaneko Hiro away on the Ghost motorcycle.

"I have done some calculations and feel that things in the underworld are not that simple... For safety reasons, it is safer for me to go with you. As for the trial in the underworld, this is not a problem. She and I have exclusive communication tools, so we can go to the underworld. We can keep in touch," Lin Ge said.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, as if he was considering Lin Ge's words.

In his opinion, Jin Zihong is a noble man. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for him to have an accident, and his family members to have accidents one after another, and die unjustly.

This kind of "case" is extremely rare in the underworld, and it is by no means a problem that can be easily solved.

"Jie Yuanmai." Jiang Lin looked at Jie Yuanmai and said.

Jie Yuanmai was called and quickly stood up: "Captain, what are your orders?"

"After the intern and I leave, you will be solely responsible for Jin Zihong's safety. Remember, you are only responsible for his safety. It is best to shut up the rest of the time. All issues will be discussed by Dechun and another intern. When they make a decision, remember, don’t think about anything, you are only responsible for Jin Zihong’s safety, do you understand?”

Jie Yuanmai's face suddenly fell when he heard this: "Captain, what do you mean, can't you trust me?"

"No, I can't trust your brain."


Jiang Lin gave a few more instructions, then walked to Lin Ge, took out a token, and then raised his hand to put it on Lin Ge's shoulder.

Seeing the surrounding environment changing rapidly, Lin Ge felt as if he was enveloped by a force, and the next moment he had ascended to the underworld.

"Hey, what is this?" Lin Ge asked, looking at the round token in Jiang Lin's hand.

Jiang Lin replied: "The high-level hell messenger order can remotely dispatch the elevator that travels between the Yang world and the underworld to travel between the two worlds."

"It's a very convenient thing. Can you give me one?" Lin Ge asked.

Jiang Lin glanced at him and said, "I'll wait until you become a regular employee."

Lin Ge said "Oh" and didn't pay much attention. After all, he didn't know if he would have the opportunity to go to the underworld of Bangzi Kingdom in the future. As for the Great Heavenly Dynasty, as the left judge, he also had a "through train" to go to the underworld.

Lin Ge looked up and looked around, and found that he was taken by Jiang Lin to the floor-to-ceiling window of an office building. Below, the fire truck sounded the alarm and drove towards the street.


Jiang Lin nodded: "This is where Jin Zihong works. Starting from here to search for clues will not easily miss any useful information."


Lin Ge hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: "As Jin Zihong is your 'client', wouldn't it be more convenient for Li Dechun to check Jin Zihong's family members and then go to the corresponding location to find the person?"


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment when he heard this. From his expression, Lin Ge could tell that this guy probably only wanted to come to the underworld to investigate and had forgotten about Li Dechun, a person who could check files.

The underworld of Bangzi Country is indeed unreliable from top to bottom.

"Ahem. After Jin Zihong's death, his family members will definitely come here to collect the relics. We only need to return to that node to meet his family members. Then we can directly follow his family members to investigate." Jiang Lin looked on. Said as usual.

Lin Ge shrugged: "Okay, you have the final say."

Jiang Lin took out the "Noble Person" card with Jin Zihong's birth date and placed it on the table. Then he pressed his Hell Messenger token on Jin Zihong's card, closed his eyes and recited the spell silently. Suddenly, figures flashed around him, and time seemed to be flowing backwards rapidly.

After a while, the office was filled with firefighters, looking at the door with heavy expressions. Soon, a young man in military uniform walked into the office accompanied by an old man.

At this time, a firefighter came forward with a cardboard box, bowed to him, and said in a sad tone: "These are Jin Zihong's relics. Auntie, please forgive me."

The young man took the cardboard box, but saw that the old man did not even look at the contents of the box, but picked up a withered potted plant the size of a palm from Jin Zihong's workstation.


The young man shouted.

The old man kept staring at the potted plant in his hand, and seemed not to hear the young man's voice.

The young man threw the carton on the ground in anger, pushed the old man, and asked in sign language with some excitement: "Mom, why did you take this? He is dead, throw it away."

He didn't know whether he was talking about this potted flower or Jin Zihong. The old man shook his head firmly and held the flower pot as if it were a treasure.

The young man shook his head in anger, but there was nothing he could do to the old man.

Jiang Lin stood behind the old man, staring solemnly at the withered potted plant. At this time, he felt Lin Ge coming over. He turned his head and saw that Lin Ge's pupils had changed!

Double pupils?

Jiang Lin was shocked. He didn't understand why the "intern" beside him actually had the legendary "Seven Kings'" strange eyes.

Lin Ge glanced at the potted plant in the old man's hand and saw a faint black air floating around the withered plant. He was about to raise his hand to use Ma's Soul Sealing Technique to pull out the things hiding inside, but Jiang Lin raised his hand. She grabbed his wrist with her hand and shook her head.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ge asked.

Jiang Lindao: "I know you also see that there is something wrong with this potted plant, but I am just going back in time to let us go back to the time when Jin Zihong's family took away the relics. This is equivalent to the soul being in the past. If you take it away at this time, If you remove the resentment in the potted plant, it will only destroy the effect of time retrieval, but you will not really catch it."

Lin Ge was a little surprised. Judging from Jiang Lin's statement, this time regression is an advanced version of the "Ma's Technique", and it not only allows people to have an immersive experience, but also can restore things like resentment and evil spirits. now.

Seeing Lin Ge retract his hand, Jiang Lin said again: "Time backtracking allows us to go back to the time node related to the noble person to look for clues. What we see now are all illusions. Let's go, let's go to the next place."

After saying that, Jiang Lin raised his hand and put it on Lin Ge's shoulder. With the other hand, he picked up the token and looked at Jin Zihong's noble card. The surrounding environment changed rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Ge and Jiang Lin came to a narrow house filled with various cabinets and daily necessities. Jin Zihong's memorial tablet and tributes were placed against the wall of the living room, which was only about a dozen square meters in size.

Jin Zihong's mother held the withered potted plant and placed it in front of the window sill, while the young man in military uniform sat at the door.

"Wait for me for two weeks, just wait for me for two weeks. I will stay with my mother after I am discharged from the army...Jin Zihong, you idiot!" The young man looked up at Jin Zihong's photo, couldn't help but curse a few words, and stood up a little. He stormed out of the room angrily.

Jiang Lin looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Intern, what do you think?"

Lin Ge looked at the place where the young man left and said, "Jin Zihong only has two relatives, one is his mother, and the other is this person who looks like his younger brother. This young man gives me the feeling that something is wrong. I feel like there is something wrong with him." The probability is relatively high. But first, let’s see what is hiding in that flower pot!”

Jiang Lin nodded: "Okay, you prepare, I will cancel the time backtracking."

After saying that, Jiang Lin put away the token, held Jin Zihong's noble card in his left hand, pointed at it with his right hand and recited a spell, and the flow of time in the room changed again.

"Okay, we have returned to the normal timeline, let's go now..." Before Jiang Lin could finish his words, he saw Jin Zihong's mother walking into the living room from outside the house.

The other party obviously didn't expect that two unknown people suddenly appeared in the room, and he immediately stepped back in fear. Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, looked back at Jin Zihong's tomb, and when he looked at Jin Zihong's mother, his eyes were already red.

"Who are you?" Jin Zihong's mother asked in sign language.

Jiang Lin also replied in sign language: "Aunt, please express your condolences and accept the change. Mr. Jin Zihong once saved us and gave us a new life."

As he spoke, Jiang Lin sobbed sadly and gestured: "I ran over in a hurry when I saw the news. He was about to leave... but I didn't have the chance to say goodbye to Mr. Jin Zihong in person. If it's convenient, we would like to Stay here for a while and talk to Mr. Jin Zihong about what’s on your mind.”

Lin Ge: ...Brother, are you possessed by the actor?

Jin Zihong's mother nodded, hugged Jiang Lin, and didn't know whether she was comforting him or comforting herself. She sobbed and left the room, leaving the living room to him and Lin Ge.

Jiang Lin raised his head, his sad expression turned grim, and he looked at the potted plant on the window sill with an unkind look. Then, a flaming red knife appeared in his hand, pointing at the withered potted plant.

"You haven't shown up yet!" (End of Chapter)

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