Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 421 The witch, the witch is exploiting people!

Lin Ge was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded seriously and said: "Uh, so you found your long-lost sisters, and staged a tragedy of sisters killing each other?"


Nita suddenly felt less sad.

"We'll talk about other things later. Let's deal with your miserable state first." Lin Ge said as he stepped forward and helped Nita up from the sofa.

"Can you jump on one foot?" Lin Ge asked.


Lin Ge couldn't wait to say: "Bounce a few times, I really want to see how you bounce on one foot, tsk tsk, think back to how arrogant you were in "Sweet Home", and look at you now, how you feel... …”


Nita hit Lin Ge in the chest with an elbow, but Lin Ge didn't care and took her hand and led her out of the private space.

"You only have one hand left, and you are still so arrogant. Do you believe that I will use a big windmill to send you to the Lord God?" Lin Ge couldn't help but tease.

The sad atmosphere was completely destroyed by Lin Ge. Nita's mood suddenly became complicated. Lin Ge helped her to the main ball in silence.

At this time, some reincarnations noticed Lin Ge helping a disabled person towards the main ball. Some reincarnations who wanted money but not their lives suddenly wanted to take advantage of the situation.

Lin Ge was too lazy to talk nonsense. He raised his hand and smashed the sword box to the ground with a "dong" sound. Then he raised his finger and the sword box opened in response. Three swords, one black, one red, and one green, flew out. , standing in the air!

The reincarnator thought for a moment, then turned into an afterimage and rushed forward. Lin Ge raised his sword finger and danced lightly.

The black sword was the first to move under the control of Yuling Zhuihun, drawing an arc in the air, and then a black crescent sword energy slashed at the afterimage of the reincarnation.

The black crescent sword energy was several meters long, and its attack range was so wide that it directly blocked the attack direction of the afterimage reincarnator.

Seeing that it was difficult to dodge, the afterimage reincarnator immediately took out a silver spear and tried to block the Crescent Sword Qi. However, he heard a "click" and the silver spear instantly broke into two pieces.

Before the afterimage reincarnator could recover from his surprise, he saw the black sword standing in the air in the distance turned into a black light and rushed towards him, directly cutting off his hands and feet.

The afterimage reincarnator turned around and wanted to run away, but at some point, the red sword had flown to the door of his private space and turned into a wall of fire to block the door.

"Boss, have mercy on me, boss, have mercy on me!" The afterimage reincarnator knelt down with a "boom" and kowtowed to his head as he said, "It's because I have blind eyes that I can't see. It's because I'm obsessed with my mind. Please forgive me. Please forgive me." Forgive me!"

"Thirty thousand!" Lin Ge shouted a number casually.

The afterimage reincarnator quickly took out pieces of equipment and supplies from the [Inventory], kowtowed and said: "Boss, I don't have that many reincarnation points. I only have more than 5,000 left. Please leave 1,000 for me to repair my body. , I’ll give you the rest, and these things, I’ll give you all my belongings.”

Lin Ge raised his hand and flew out a paper man, and controlled the paper man to lift all the things on the ground. Most of these reincarnations who are jealous of money and want to be evil at any time are poor.

Anyone who has some money in his pocket or some brains sees Lin Ge arrogantly bringing the wounded out, it is clear that he is prepared and confident.

"You can get out."

After hearing this, the afterimage reincarnator kowtowed several times and ran back to his private space as if to escape.

If this was not the main god's space, killing a reincarnation would be punishable. Lin Ge would most likely have Qian Ming's hands. After all, this was not the first time he had done such a thing.

Lin Ge glanced at the remaining reincarnations standing at the door of the private space, or simply hiding in the private space: "Who else is there? I'm in a hurry, why don't you come together?"



No one dared to answer such arrogant words.

This is not the first time that Lin Ge has taken action in the main god space numbered 999. Most people are already familiar with the "Kinmen boss" who likes to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. Only the afterimage of the reincarnation has never seen Lin Ge. Only those who take action will have the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of others.

Lin Ge helped Nita under the main god, raised his head and said to the main god: "Lord god, repair her body and soul, and take the reincarnation point from me."

"Wait..." Nita said anxiously.

Lin Ge waved his hand: "Don't be afraid, brother is rich! Repair!"

The Lord God sent down a ray of white light, covering Lin Ge and Nita. Soon, the wounds on Nita's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her hands and feet also grew out.

Then Lin Ge discovered that he had cleared out the more than 90,000 reincarnation points in the loot from "Taiwan Mysteries". Adding these reincarnations, there were a total of 127,382 reincarnation points. The points were falling steadily, and only 68,000 reincarnation points were left in the end.

In short, after deducting the thousands of points needed to repair the body, it cost more than 50,000 reincarnation points to repair Nita's soul, which immediately shocked Lin Ge.

"Nearly 60,000 reincarnation points, why is the injury so terrifying?" Lin Ge asked in surprise.

Nita tried to move her hands and feet, and rolled her eyes at Lin Ge: "Repent? Who told you not to ask clearly? You should say repair the wounds of the body and soul, not repair the body and soul. The ability of the Ghost Rider comes from Mephisto, in fact, still has the curse of Mephisto in his soul. When facing high-level demons, the effect of his abilities will be greatly reduced, and the normal use of Ghost Rider's abilities will cause certain damage to the soul."

"You directly ask the Lord God to repair the soul, and naturally this part of the damage is also taken into account. There is also the curse of the blood on the soul. Although this is an extraordinary curse, it is only a negative attribute, but it also requires nearly 50,000 reincarnation points. Completely erase it, so that my B-level Ghost Rider bloodline can be promoted to A-level."

"Usually, if I need to repair my soul when I return, I usually do it separately because I'm afraid that the curse of my bloodline will be taken into account."

"But I still have to thank you. I now have an A-level bloodline."

Lin Ge said with a slumped face: "Damn, what a big loss, sixty thousand reincarnation points, you can't even pay with your body. If I had told you earlier, I would have waited for you to fend for yourself."


Lin Ge helplessly shrugged: "Forget it, we are teammates. So next time I want to trick you, remember to jump into the fire pit to repay the debt."


After getting along with each other for this period of time, Nita has long understood what Lin Ge is like. Although he doesn't hold back his words and often talks nonsense, he is actually hard-spoken and soft-hearted.

If not, he would not have hesitated to rescue him when he was in danger again and again in "Taiwan Island".

Saying this now is undoubtedly to prevent myself from being burdened with the 60,000 reincarnation point repair fee.

Although Nita didn't say anything, she was extremely moved.

In the reincarnation of the guide, the words that the stalker who looked exactly like her said that almost caused her world to collapse seemed to become less important.

As for the desire to resurrect "Xiao Bai" in her heart, no matter whose it is, it is the driving force to support her survival. What's more, she now has another goal to work hard for——


Lin Ge obviously didn't know that Nita had thought so much. The reason why he was so generous was that Nita usually wouldn't object to his decision after seeing "Taiwan Island".

In the world of reincarnation, it would undoubtedly be more advantageous to have one more obedient and capable thug.

And the most important thing is that this goes directly to the 60,000 reincarnation point, and the "Jiwotou resurrection" that has been entangled can be shelved.

After all, Jiwotou is the teammate of the clone Nita, not his teammate.

As for the chicken coop itself...


Who is that?

Not familiar.

After repairing Nita's body, Lin Ge and Nita returned to their private space.

"So what exactly did you experience in the leader's reincarnation?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Nita pondered for a long time, and finally said: "Like the previous reincarnations of guides, I led the newcomers to complete the main plot. When I learned that the stalkers had entered, I wanted the newcomers to hide and find opportunities to kill the stalkers first. Who I know... the stalker actually looks exactly like me. Same name, same appearance, even abilities... are exactly the same."

"She told me that we are all clones. The real Nita Levasseur has long gone to the main space. Only us clones are left to fight and grow in the sub-space until we become the strongest soldiers of the Lord God. , and then be sent back to the battlefield in the main space."

"She told me that the Lord God selects potential reincarnations in the world of reincarnation and copies them. These copies of us were originally born in the main space and put into the private space through mass production. We inherit the memory and abilities of the original body, character……"

"In other words, everything about me is fake. It's just a means for the Lord God to train soldiers, just like Alice in Resident Evil."

Lin Ge: ...It turns out that what Nita encountered was not the original body, but a copy that was the same as her, but that copy obviously knew more than she knew.

"So you believed her?" Lin Ge asked.

Nita was silent for a while and shook her head: "I don't know."

"1+1=how many?" Lin Ge asked.

Nita raised her head in confusion and looked at Lin Ge as if she were an idiot.

"I don't know... It seems that neither the original body nor the clone is very smart."


Lin Ge shrugged: "Look, he has a really bad temper. I don't know if his true form will be gentler."

"Just tell me if you want to die!"

"Well, no matter what kind of personality your original body is, don't you have quite a personality now? Regardless of whether you are a copy or not, you are born, and that means you have meaning. Even if you inherit the memory, life, and abilities of the original body , you can also go to different choices with her."

After a pause, Lin Ge continued: "If you don't like the bloodline of Ghost Rider, you can go to the Lord God and we will customize a different strengthening plan for you. As for the name, as long as you are happy, you can Call Nita, Tani, or even Tata Kai!”

"The name is just a code name. I have experienced several reincarnations under the name Zhao Dezhu. In this cruel world, are pseudonyms and real names important?"

"The important thing is not whether you are a clone, but how you want to live... Look at the Misaka girl next door, there are more than 10,000 clones, they were created just to be killed, to serve as a stepping stone for others, but in the end they found it themselves. Is it the goal of 'birth'?"

"By the way, I really like 10032. How about changing your name to Nita 10032? I think..."

Before Lin Ge finished speaking, he saw a flash of white light and he had appeared outside the door of his private space.

[You have been kicked out of the room by the current private space owner! 】

"roll roll roll!"


Nita closed the door, leaned behind the door and raised her hands to cover her eyes, and cursed: "Idiot... It's so ugly to add a string of numbers after your name."

Lin Ge returned to his private space, and a roar suddenly came from the astrolabe: "Lin Ge, you bastard, you are flirting with women outside again! If you dare to apologize to my sister, I will kill you! You'd better not come back to the star Disk, otherwise I’ll…”

Apparently, before Huang Shang could finish cursing, his mouth was covered and dragged aside.

Then, with a white light, Huang Ni flew out of the astrolabe and appeared in front of Lin Ge. He asked with a smile: "I know what you are doing, don't take my sister's words to heart. By the way, what Nita said What do you think? The clone was born in the main space?"

Lin Ge walked to the sofa and sat down, pondering: "It feels like the situation is more complicated than imagined. I originally thought that the replica was something created by the Lord God through its creative power. If that is the case, then there is no need to remove it from the main space. Birth, and then distributed to other sub-spaces.”

Huang Ni sat next to Lin Ge and said, "I don't know if only Nita is like this, or if all reincarnation clones are like this. There is also the main space battlefield that Nita mentioned, which also makes me very concerned. What exactly is it? Let these clones deal with the reincarnators...or should we join forces with the reincarnators in the main space to deal with other enemies?"

Lin Ge frowned when he heard this. He understood the meaning of Huang Ni's words. If the main god cultivated these clones to "expand" the main god's space, and the clones and the reincarnations in the main space had a "common enemy" , then their enemies should only be——


But Lin Ge thought of a very critical question. Is there a "quantity" limit on the clones created by the Lord God? If not, just make countless copies of all the powerful people in the main space. Can you defeat the "enemies" in the space using human sea tactics?

If so, then why doesn't the Lord God transform the clones more thoroughly, erase some of their uncertainties, and create emotionless killing machines?

But no matter which one, is Heaven really so powerful that the Lord God Space needs to take many measures to deal with it?

If it is so powerful, why would Heaven send the "Red Gate" into the main god space to try to disintegrate the main god space from the inside?

As I experience more and more reincarnations, I come into contact with more and more plot characters, reincarnations, and information from the main world and the upper world...

Lin Ge sometimes couldn't help but think...

Are you really a person from the "Heaven Realm"?

Is it possible that I am also a "copy" and encounter the same situation as the clone Nita, with the real body still in the main world?

Is he just one of the clones thrown into separate spaces by the Lord God for training?

Lin Ge had such an idea, but quickly rejected it. If he was really a clone, then it can only be said that the Lord God deliberately created a red door, master, ancestor, and master in order to "deceive" him. "Upper Realm", you are really willing to spend a lot of money!

"Anyway, as long as we go to the main world...many questions will be answered." Lin Ge sighed and decided not to think about these troublesome things.

Huang Ni asked: "There are still five days until the next reincarnation. What are you going to do? Go to another bounty reincarnation, or practice?"

Lin Ge opened the panel of Bounty Reincarnation, took a look at it, and shook his head: "It's a pity that there is no Bounty Reincarnation now... Practice and work hard to break through to the Dacheng Realm. Only then will it be possible to use the black sword, red sword and green sword at the same time."

"I have a way~"


"Do you still remember the technique I taught you? I didn't have time to practice it before, but now I have time." As Huang Ni spoke, he raised his hand to shoot a stream of spiritual energy, sealing the astrolabe.

Then, he whispered in Lin Ge's ear: "Let's see who breaks through to the Dacheng Realm first, or I break through to the Fairyland first... Hee, you can work hard."

"Hey, hey, hey, you are a fairy, not a witch. Be more reserved, be more reserved..." Before Lin Ge could finish his words, he was thrown onto the sofa.

Lin Ge only has one feeling about this...

Although the exercises are good, my waist can't bear it.

The fourth day.

"The next reincarnation is in two days. I have to hurry up and exchange supplies..." Lin Ge ran out of the bedroom holding his clothes.

"No, let's practice again."

As a delicate voice sounded, a silk ribbon flew out of the bedroom, wrapped Lin Ge and dragged him back to the room.

Lin Ge: ...Your round lasts 24 hours! ! !

Day five.

"Hehe, let's have another round!"


The witch is exploiting you! (End of chapter)

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