With a "swish" sound, the bronze sword flew out from the side of the travel bag, flew towards the door, and cut off the female ghost's long hair with a "swish" sound.


Just as Lin Ge was about to break free, the ghost mother took advantage of him to deal with the long-haired female ghost, scratched the door panel and threw it at Lin Ge.

Lin Ge raised his hand to block the shattered door panel and pinched the magic formula: "A wonderful method does not require much, the south needle can be sharpened. Don't ask about the Sanqi teaching, subjugate the demons in the world. Be as urgent as the law!"


The blood mark was pressed on the ghost mother's forehead, and a wave of spiritual power exploded with a bang, sending her back to the kitchen.

I don’t know whether it was because the time was close to 8 o’clock, and the ghost mother had become stronger, or for some other reason. After the ghost mother, who had been repeatedly defeated before, was knocked away by Lin Ge, she bounced off the ground like a zombie. He stood up and pinched Lin Ge's neck with both hands.

"Get back!"

Lin Ge shouted angrily, cast a spell, and then kicked the ghost mother in the stomach, then kicked her back to the kitchen.

Lin Ge took out a piece of yellow cloth from the [Inventory] that was longer and wider than the door, with a piece of Bagua in the middle, and used this yellow cloth to seal the kitchen door.


At this time, the long-haired female ghost attacked again, and Lord Chicken howled, as if to intimidate the long-haired female ghost and also to remind Lin Ge.

Lin Singer went up to seal the door with yellow cloth. At the same time, he stepped on the bronze sword that fell at his feet, stepped on the hilt, and picked it up.


The bronze sword flew towards the long-haired female ghost and penetrated directly into the female ghost's face. The female ghost howled miserably and pulled her hair back in front of her.

Lin Ge had finished sealing the door with the yellow cloth, and the ghost mother pounced on it again, thinking that the yellow cloth was no different from the previous kitchen door, and might even be more fragile.

The ghost mother waved her claws, trying to tear the yellow cloth into pieces. Unexpectedly, the yellow cloth burst out with dazzling golden light and flew away directly.

Lin Ge snorted coldly when he saw this: "The cloak is the base, the chicken blood is the talisman, but you can't cure a little evil spirit like you?"

At the same time, Lin Ge thought to himself that he was not stupid enough to expect that the three yellow talismans given by the characters in the plot could get rid of the ghost mother.

The yellow cloth used by Lin Ge is a cloak. The "Deluo" worn by Taoist priests in the Ming Dynasty was made from a cloak made of velvet and then woven. It is also called a crane cloak. This is also the most expensive raw material among a lot of sundries that Lin Ge "purchased" in the main god space, costing 50 reincarnations per piece.

Lin Ge originally planned to make a "Tao (zhan) robe (yi)" by himself, but then he thought that he would not encounter ghosts every reincarnation, and finally considered a bulletproof suit that could be bulletproof.

But having already bought the cloak, Lin Ge decided to make use of it. He used the cloak as the base, chicken blood and black dog blood as ink, and drew the Yin and Yang Bagua and spell commands to create a large "exorcist charm". Although it is not as powerful as the Heavenly Master's evil-suppressing talisman, it is still ten times stronger than the ordinary evil-suppressing talisman.

After sealing the ghost mother, Lin Ge concentrated on dealing with the long-haired female ghost. He threw an exorcism charm at the female ghost, and the yellow charm was thrown at the female ghost as if it was free of charge. The "sneak attack" just now really pissed him off.

Lin Ge used Soul Chasing Soul to "wrap" the female ghost with dozens of exorcism talismans and evil-suppressing talismans, and then threw a "burning talisman".



The flames instantly engulfed the long-haired female ghost, leaving only the sharp screams echoing in the room, gradually getting smaller and disappearing.

[Kill "Evil Ghost (Level E)" and obtain 100 reincarnation points. 】

After killing the female ghost, Lin Ge was talking about dealing with the ghost mother in the kitchen, when he heard three bells ringing "dang dang dang" from the next door.

It's 8 o'clock.

The ghost mother's wails came from the kitchen, which lasted for several minutes, and the movement inside became smaller and smaller.


Lin Ge heard a sound like a heavy object falling to the ground, but for safety reasons, he did not open the door immediately.

"You succeeded."

Suddenly, grandma's voice came from the door.

Lin Ge turned around and saw Grandma standing at the door. But it wasn't just her, there was a translucent ghost standing behind her.

A slightly stout, balding middle-aged ghost. When Lin Ge saw the ghost's face, he felt a little familiar.

Lin Ge remembered the photo of the child he saw in He's dental clinic. The outline was 60-70% similar to the ghost.

"Are you a dentist, He Luming?" Lin Ge looked at the ghost and asked.

The ghost floated in, looked at the kitchen door sealed with a yellow cloth and said, "Can you take off that cloth? I want... to see her."

"Reason." Lin Ge is not that "approachable", and he is not stupid enough to believe in the ghosts brought by his grandma just because she provided a little help.

The ghost sighed: "You must also be able to see that I am not far away from dissipating. The reason why I am still here is because of the obsession in my heart."

"We have a very good relationship as husband and wife, so how could I be willing to let her suffer. But... my daughter is still young, and life has to go on. At that time, the economy was in a recession, and it was difficult to do any business. My clinic was about to be closed. I remembered that there was a secret recipe among the relics of my ancestors. I improved the secret recipe and wrote a "Recipe for Teeth Falling and Rebirth"."

"At that time, my wife had a tooth knocked out due to an accident, so I used the "Tooth Rejuvenation Formula" on her. Unexpectedly, new teeth grew out. She said that her daughter would go to school soon and she needed to use it. If you get a lot of money, why not just use this method to keep giving her new teeth and make dentures to sell."

"But how could I bear to let her suffer like this? I wanted to use the prescription directly on the patient, but she was worried that someone would find out that I used evil magic to treat the disease. When I was visiting the doctor, she actually pulled out all the teeth. I could only Continue to treat her with the "Chi Luo Rebirth Prescription"."

"Although new teeth grew later, her health continued to deteriorate. I guessed that there was something wrong with the secret recipe, because I only had half of the secret recipe in my hand, and the other half was with my brother. I wanted to go to my brother to get the other half of the secret recipe. But I didn’t find him. When I got home, she had passed away. My daughter was sent to a welfare institution by the community.”

"I learned that she would come back here every July and a half to cook for her daughter, and she has been waiting here. But she had been tortured by the pain and lost her mind before her death, and she was left with the instinct to cook for her daughter. I have been I was looking for a way to free her, but I couldn't do it. Until I met you, I saw hope in you, so I wanted to use your hand to free her."

Grandma walked into the house and looked at Lin Ge: "Young man, help us and reunite our family."

Lin Ge retreated to the door of the study and made a "you can do it yourself" gesture. It was obvious that he didn't trust Grandma. If grandma has no problem, then it will be no problem to tear off the yellow cloth by yourself. If she didn't dare to tear up the yellow cloth, Lin Ge would personally send the family of three to reunite below.

Grandma nodded, walked to the kitchen door, raised her hand to tear open a corner of the yellow cloth, and then slowly pulled off the entire yellow cloth.

In the kitchen, "Jiahui" fell on the floor, motionless.

After grandma tore off the yellow cloth, the ghost floated into the kitchen, looked at the body on the ground, and whispered: "I'm sorry, wife. I came back late."

At this time, a looming female soul slowly floated out of "Jiahui"'s body and hugged the ghost.

Grandma walked into the kitchen with tears on her face. However, the reunion of the family of three was short-lived. Just as the ghost said, he was not far away from disappearing. After a few simple words, the souls of him and his ghost mother became lighter and fainter until they disappeared.

Grandma knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. Gradually, her voice became quieter.

Qiqi, who was in the study, had already burst into tears after hearing He Ruming's confession. Now she also walked out of the study and came to her grandma, comforting her and trying to help her up. Unexpectedly, the other party did not respond.

Qiqi lowered her head and saw that her grandma had a happy smile despite tears on her face, but... she had lost her breath.

"Lin Ge, grandma is dead." Qiqi raised her head and said sadly.

Lin Ge nodded, indicating that he understood.

Jingle Bell--

At this time, an old phone rang in the grandma's house next door.

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